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Chris Evans | 15:39 UK time, Wednesday, 9 April 2008

All that i had on my new desk yesterday was a simple keyboard, a screen and a much needed...

...dictionary, (as regular readers of this blog will testify), today however it is covered and I mean covered with all manner of things stationary. You see that's the thing about having a radio show and mentioning you have a new desk... you arrive to anavalanche of freebies the next day.

Tis lovely but they will all have to go. - from the New York post its to the flag pen (two convenient products in one !), even the very snazzy post it notes dispenser. Freebies can become addictive, it's good not to get into the habit. I once knew a guy who demanded to have a waitress sacked because she'd spilt some free champagne on his freebie top. Tosser.

So what tonight ?

Tonight I, along with the great JOhnnie Saunders and Foxy Pike, am hosting the nomination announcements for this years Sony Radio Awards. We're told there'll be around four hundred people there along with many others watching via the web. In radio they are a big deal.

The first thing people ask when invited to the nominations is, "Does this mean I've been nominated then ?" The answer to that is no. The next question they then ask is, "So does this mean I haven't been nominated then and this is some kind of consolation ?" To which the answer is also no.

I daren't ask what it means if you've been asked to host the damn thing.

Fingers crossed.





  1. At 04:28 PM on 09 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    CLP Long time since I had a nice new desk to clutter. Looking at your pic I will clear mine - including last years dead wasps behind the printer - polish and start again but I need to put back the post it notes 2 mouse mats birthday reminder book hand cream lip cream bikkies, yorkshire tea tokens M&S tokens etc etc!

    Mfr Tried the anagram thing for the veehickle but missing an H for Diahatsu. Wouldn't be a Bugatti would it?

    CtD Just new it!! black great! big brim! - got one in red - one in purple - one in navy with red chiffony stuff/bow thing - one in cream got married in and several more stuck at back of cupboard.

    Biggles Mum xxx

  2. At 05:11 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Elm wrote:

    re the free stationery: Please don't bin it - send it to a school either in this country or abroad, they are so greatful for simple supplies and something good would become of all your freebies.

    On my desk, three photos, me and the beloved, my cats and me and ewan mcgregor - three photos gaurenteed to make me smile when work is tough :-)

    anyway back to it

    Elm x

  3. At 05:41 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Afternoon all

    My desk is permanently inundated with stuff - I've been in the new job for 6 weeks now and can honestly say I've never been so busy ... but I LOVE IT!! My desk is also green (a first!) so therefore very calming. Oh - and I've got a Buddha on my desk - another calming influence, although I'm not sitting here in an orange bed sheet chanting (yet!!)

    B's mum - hehehehe .... I got married in an ivory Georgian Riding Hat which is still in my loft and still has confetti on it from the day. 12 years next month - not sure where those years went!

    One thing that's been bugging me CLP - when Auntie Beeb slapped a ban on compartishuns coz of alleged shennanigans, what's been happening to all the Woman's Minute freebies? I'm surprised you can still get in the door of your office as "the original and still the best" WM has been off air for what seems like light years now.

    Please, do tell .... oh where art thou WM freebies of yesteryear?!?

    So, we're almost at the end of Hump Day and it's Sir Nookie Bear and his pointy firey finger tonight - yipeeeeeee!! That'll make up for my beloved Gooners demise last night. Robbed. Nuff said.

    missy - had a look at the pics - he's lovely! Glad to hear all's going well on the return to work too - maybe the shop will let you sell some of your knitted bags and hats?

    Righteo gang, time to toodle off down the highway of life.

    Be good - and if you can't be good, enjoy it!

    CtD x x x x x

    PS: Hazel, dear luverley Hazel .... speak to us!

  4. At 05:44 PM on 09 Apr 2008, wrote:

    oh oh oh I love Stationery.

    Please send it to me. I want to open a stationery shop with the BEST name in the World.


    Pretty Damn Neat Eh?


  5. At 05:49 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Jacqui Chapman wrote:

    Chris, I too got a new desk at the weekend, in fact, a whole office! (the last of my chicks has fled the nest, I haven't lost a son but gained an office - yay!) OK, so it's at home as I am a domestic engineer, but I have a huge swivel chair and a pin board and stuff, and I have been sitting here printing off recipes and feeling quite important - bit like a kid playing post office! Great fun, though I don't know when I'll get around to doing any house work again!

  6. At 06:13 PM on 09 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Have you had chance to check out The Bear Club yet? I'm sure it's right up your street - it's a blogging site for teddy bears, but not your usual cutesy cuddly style teddy website - the characters on there have attitude! haha

    Check out Mystic Fred's Horoscopes for 2008! Hilarious!

  7. At 06:15 PM on 09 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Talking of freebies, have you ever worn the Kodi Clan T-shirt we sent you? hahaha

    Have you had chance to check out The Bear Club yet? I'm sure it's right up your street - it's a blogging site for teddy bears, but not your usual cutesy cuddly style teddy website - the characters on there have attitude! haha

    Check out Mystic Fred's Horoscopes for 2008! Hilarious!

  8. At 07:05 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good luck for tonight CLP!!

    I can't remember the last time I got a freebie, might have been a calendar from the local take- away!

    I don't have a desk anymore hurray! Apart from this one at home in the study which is really Mr Debbie's. Hence it is a mess but he seems to know where everything is.

    Spent the day at Greenwich Park with little man and my friend and her little boy. I am so tired now and little man has 'crashed out' on the sofa.

    We timed it totally wrong and got caught up in rush hour, standing all the way home, three different trains, with tired and naughty four year olds. We got horrible looks from other passengers as we tried to keep the boys quiet it was horrible. But I suppose that's the last thing they need after a day's work, two excitable boys singing and laughing.

    Off to chill out for a bit before little man wakes up and the eldest is back from work.

    Debbie x x

  9. At 08:16 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Tried to blog today but got 502d. Thank you for all your tips on my mouse (actually mum + 2 babies). Sorry to the animal lovers but they have to die!!
    Got pest control man in and haven't seen them since although I'm walking around peering round doors and looking at the floor (stupid I know).

    Stuffed cat sounds good, but I'm definitely getting a real one once the poison is removed next week.

    Desks: mine is very unprofessionaly surrounded by 3 little grandsons pictures (btw, littlest (2) loved the little mice). Chris: charities just love getting donations/presents. Wherever I go I have to pick up all the free pens etc. We can't afford to buy too much stationery.

    Anne x

  10. At 08:25 PM on 09 Apr 2008, MfR wrote:

    Dan the Man

    A pint of whatever your having old son.

    On me.

    I can't mail it, so you'll have to haul yourself down to The M.

    Heading off over the south downs at the weekend, via the occasional hostelry, of course.

    Perhaps yomping across the hills in the pouring rain will prove to be useful training for my goatherding days to come. Having written off Albania for Norman's sake, I'm now thinking about Finland. A bit chillier, granted, but I'm not aware of a national penchant for aged slapstick comedy actors.

    Still playing the 'ABC of Rock' game at night in a futile attempt to get forty winks.

    Currently, I'm on 'artists with animals in the name', although I've been stuck on Q for about a week now.

    Mind you, you'll love my 'O'. It took four, long nights, but I think you'll agree it was worth it;

    Roy Orbison.

    Much peace & love


  11. At 08:28 PM on 09 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Blinky Blimey! Is Drivetime going all upmarket on us ..... I refer of course to ... Woman's Minute and the lady who's highlight of the day was tennis lessons and was driving a Ferrari! I felt quite upstaged ..... my highlight was some free chocolate from my boss and then the drive home in my Nissan Micra.

    Tennis lessons. Ferraris. Whatever next?

    Debbie - glad it's all going well! Did you go right to the top of Greenwich Park where the Royal Observatory is? That's gotta be one of the best views in London. Thankfully there's benches up there - you need them after the hike up the hill.

    And did you go on DLR? I love DLR - trains with no drivers kinda freaks me out.

    Less than an hour til Mr Firey Finger - yeeeehaaaa!

    Sweet dreams one and all

    CtD x x x

    PS: Did you see Ronan K on The One Show. Hot!

    PPS: Where's Adrian Chiles? I missed the beginning.

  12. At 08:28 PM on 09 Apr 2008, lazykev wrote:

    clear the clutter.....good luck at the awards.

  13. At 08:29 PM on 09 Apr 2008, MfR wrote:

    Dan the Man

    A pint of whatever your having old son.

    On me.

    I can't mail it, so you'll have to haul yourself down to The M.

    Heading off over the south downs at the weekend, via the occasional hostelry, of course.

    Perhaps yomping across the hills in the pouring rain will prove to be useful training for my goatherding days to come. Having written off Albania for Norman's sake, I'm now thinking about Finland. A bit chillier, granted, but I'm not aware of a national penchant for aged slapstick comedy actors.

    Still playing the 'ABC of Rock' game at night in a futile attempt to get forty winks.

    Currently, I'm on 'artists with animals in the name', although I've been stuck on Q for about a week now.

    Mind you, you'll love my 'O'. It took four, long nights, but I think you'll agree it was worth it;

    Roy Orbison.

    Much peace & love


  14. At 08:56 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Anonymous wrote:

    Missy - so pleased for you re job! Where is it? I'll pay you a visit! Really happy things are going well for you xx

    em xx

  15. At 09:34 PM on 09 Apr 2008, lazykev wrote:

    i to was impressed with the lady on womans minute......i mean driving a farrari...with the gear stick an all....whatever next...a woman on the drivetime sport NEVER.

  16. At 09:48 PM on 09 Apr 2008, Doctor Beaker wrote:

    Desk stuff does mount up and I hate those little sticky gonks people like to have stuck around.

    But sleep disorders one and all

    It's no joke when you can't sleep. You lie awake counting the stars or reading a book. Perhaps listening to mice scratching or watching the clock.
    I tend to listen to music or watch You tube.
    I don't think links are allowed anymore but there is a great video on there. It's called a tribute to The Prisoner and music by the Rolling Stones. Have a go at that you insomicats. At worst it can only give you nightmares.

    Tally Ho Doc

  17. At 06:14 AM on 10 Apr 2008, wrote:

    I don't have a desk :( At I've got is a chest of drawers with pens and paper on top, but no chair. For assignments I've been sitting on my rocking recliner chair and using my lap as a table. 'tis comfy, although my legs do fall asleep.

    VaughnJess from down Under

  18. At 07:38 AM on 10 Apr 2008, LadyP wrote:

    I don't have a permanent desk 'cos I'm perip-perap- .......I move about a lot. Hot desking with a laptop is no fun - you have to carry round your own post it notes - if you leave them at a desk they are nevr there when you get back.

    If you're chucking some out Chtis - can you chuck 'em my way. The pink post it dispenser also sounds fab ..pink is my second fave clolour!!

    Looking forward to the nosh section tonight...always makes me feel hungry even if I don't like whats on offer.



  19. At 09:46 AM on 10 Apr 2008, John wrote:

    Re: playing ynwa several times last night.
    Whilst it is a great song in it's own right, it's association with LFC means that most other supporters of local teams cannot abide it !
    Turned you off when I heard it, to Radio 3, on your suggestion (culture) but there was just some early mobile ring tone playing.
    Just remember, some of your listener are actually driving when your show is on and actions like that can be hazardous to health ! Talk about road rage, "Well officer, Chris Evans...."

  20. At 09:59 AM on 10 Apr 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Ooh, exciting. Details please CLP, especially on the subject of Johnnie's frock.

    MfR - that's genius.

    I loathe freebies as well because I associate them with smarmy medical reps who try and bribe you with free pens for fifteen minutes of talking the poor GPs' ears off - yuck.

    Only one day to go until Mr P gets back - yay!

    Rosie x

  21. At 11:03 AM on 10 Apr 2008, Bobby wrote:

    Stationary? Guess you haven't got the dictionary working yet. Did you remember to plug it in?

  22. At 11:35 AM on 10 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Best one I've seen so far is the Desk hamster. It is great fun. I've put the link below

  23. At 12:00 PM on 10 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    My desk is green too (under the dust) - slut - but as it's in summer house at the bottom of the garden, tend to treat it like a shed. Anyone else spend over Β£10,000 on a summer house? Told you I was crackers!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  24. At 12:04 PM on 10 Apr 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    My desk is green too (under the dust) - slut - but as it's in summer house at the bottom of the garden, tend to treat it like a shed. Anyone else spend over Β£10,000 on a summer house? Told you I was crackers!

    Crumbs - WM Ferarri and tennis lessons - CLP you didn't believe her did you? Off to the bank in my black Mitsubishi Spacestar with all the crome extras and sports spoiler and personal registration. Not quite the same!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  25. At 12:04 PM on 10 Apr 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    I LOVE free things. I love going to conferences where you can wander around the stalls and they give you branded mugs, tiny tins with mints in, mouse mats, pens ... oh the joy!!!!!!!!

    Chris - tongue rhymes with lung not long!!! I'm from Liverpool, we all talk proper up there!!!

    T xxxxxxxx

  26. At 12:23 PM on 10 Apr 2008, Wickerman wrote:

    CLP are you not in the running for any prizes this year so someone else has the chance to win something it must be hard for the other stations and so called DJ`s to keep up with R2 and yourself

    Good to hear you are getting your desk into some sort of order and now that you have your feet firmly under the desk does this mean you will be staying with R2 for sometime to come

    I would love to see you give Chris Moyles a run for his money and put him back in his place he is not a patch on you

  27. At 12:42 PM on 10 Apr 2008, Sara wrote:

    Shame you didn't use the dictionary Chris- or is it really that none of the things on your desk were moving and so it was covered with stationary stationery!

  28. At 01:16 PM on 10 Apr 2008, Katherine Lewis wrote:

    What does CLP mean, please

  29. At 01:26 PM on 10 Apr 2008, wrote:

    Em- hi lovely, its in the Royal Arcade!
    CTD- I am going to ask if they want to sell my cashmere baby hats as I think something like that would be nice to give at a Christning.

    Yesterday I invested in some ear plugs as I was at the fella's and can't cope with the noisy neighbours. And I had a lovely nights sleep! I'm in the libary again and the fella is working on the back room at his place, then its back to Norwich later!

    CLP- hope last night went well, you looked dashing xxx

  30. At 03:03 PM on 10 Apr 2008, Caroline Mortimer wrote:

    So Chris's desk is now covered in all things stationary. How I laughed imagining that! Despite all his new exciting gadgets it goes to show he still needs his trusty dictionary. It's stationery Chris NOT stationary.

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