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Chris Evans | 14:58 UK time, Tuesday, 22 April 2008

Every day, honest, before the show, well actually before I get to Rad 2, I go to the...

..gymnasium. I won't bore you with the repetitive sweaty details but here's the thing - I work out there for about an hour no problem and then I come into work, walk up three flights of stairs and can barely catch my breath ! What's all that about ?

So, football tonight, I can't wait. I have, admittedly, become very tired of football in the last few years, mainly because of the way it's run. Most of the things wrong with it could be fixed overnight but everyone involved appears to scared to do anything to help. If a player argues with the ref., he's off, whether or not the ref is right or wrong. If the player then suffers a mulit match ban, he loses all his wages. Not cos' the club tell him to so but because the F.A. tell him. The wages then still have to be paid by the club but to a footballing foundation. Video refs should be brought in immediately for off side and should for penalties. Tens of millions of pounds can depend on such decisions, (ask any Arsenal fan) that could easily be decided mush more accuratley with thirty seconds or so of exciting apprehension and a second video ref, just as in rugby or cricket. The technology's there, it's madness not to use it.

I'm sorry this is turning into a rant.

What I meant to say was...Liverpool Chelsea is, regardless of the politics, a massive game of football. My wife has promised football food tonight, all on atray, with a tinny or two to help things slip down a little more easily.

Life is truly sweet.

Took some pictures of Enzo in the pool today, will try and post them up soon.




P.S. Come on you reds...and er blues..


  • Comment number 1.

    Good Heavens Chris, Didn't know what this was going to be about. And, then - Football!!

    Anne x

  • Comment number 2.

    Football - I've just lost the will to live!!

    Will however look forward to Enzo's pics - any of Beth too?

    I was Enzo'd by my niece when she was a baby - told my sister she should have more control over her child!!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 3.

    TBH I've gone off Chelsea - I'm just waiting for Gorgeous Jose to pick a new team and then I'll be supporting them - Mr Grant looks like one of the Adamms Family!!

    Altho while Drogba's still there I'll be watching - phwoar.

    Fickle - moi????

    T xxx

  • Comment number 4.

    good shout chris, I totally agree with your post
    can't wait for tonight either, and then there's tomorrow from the Nou Camp - ace.

    Will my Spurs end up the only London team with a trophy this season?
    Who'd have thought it eh?

    see you at 5


  • Comment number 5.

    I always knew you were a red scouse.


  • Comment number 6.

    sorry , can't blog a decent post today - I'm 34, male, lean, mean but..... I DONT CARE ABOUT BL***Y FOOTBALL

    Sorry everyone


    The Best a Man can Get (or maybe not, see above)

  • Comment number 7.

    Is there football on this evening? Seem to have missed something...it hasn't been the same since...oooooh, I don't know when, but there used to be a bit less swearing, a bit less fighting, and a bit more akshull foot ball being played...or am I wrong?

    There is also a move afoot (see what I did there) to change the rules of rugby.

    I don't watch sport (as some of you may remember) but I really don't like it spoiled for everyone else!

    Anyhoo, I reckon the reason you can't do the stairs is because you haven't had enuff rest between there and here.

    Or eat more pasta

    Christophe, I can't tell you how happy I am that I'm back...I've missed you and your rants, burblings, tomes, missives et al...life just hasn't had that little bit of ginger shlogging magic lately!

  • Comment number 8.

    Flipping hairies.

    yAWN. Football just doesn't do it for me sorry.

    I forgot about the pool. We took Dyldog to an Animal Rehabilitation Centre, and he had a wee swim every other couple of days, but they also had a tank there for HORSES!! Can you imagine? A horsey taking a swimming lesson. Brilliant!

    Why is it,when people tell you secrets you feel compelled to tell someone? Ill have to wait til I get home and speak to my husband - I tell him everything... YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED.

    Hoi, Christof... you never did reveal the secret you were holding..... what was it???


  • Comment number 9.

    All we got to do Dan is Change the Subject.............

  • Comment number 10.

    Can anyone remember the Ansells bitter men? Got chatted up by one of them - must have stood him on a box for the advert cos we were eye to eye and I'm five eight (near enough).

    Anything but football aaargh!!!!

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 11.

    On my wavelength obviously! Get going all!!

    B'sMum xxx

  • Comment number 12.

    Afternoon each. B-sMum: Gardening??? Have been a boring old fart and signed up for the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ gardening website. Although, I do like to look at my garden while having a coffee/glass of wine. Not so keen on the weeding thingy.

    Anne x

  • Comment number 13.

    Or Rats? Friend of mine offered to bring her pet rats round to get rid of the mice. Don't think so!!

    Anne x

  • Comment number 14.

    This comment was removed because the moderators found it broke the house rules. Explain.

  • Comment number 15.

    I have nothing to contribute!!!

  • Comment number 16.

    All we gotta do DWNB, is have some fun ( I gotta feeling, I'm not the only one). I was at the car wash at lunchbreak, noon on a Tuesday . . .


    ..peeling the label off my bottle of Bud

  • Comment number 17.

    Ah, I never really got into football. The hubby is banned from playing it, he used to get injured every time he played. No injuries from the rugby though. Did you know there was some statistic in oh I don't know either on the beeb or in the times or somewhere about british sporting deaths in the past 10 years, there's been 3 british footballers died, one brit killed in motorsport, and none in rugby. Just as I tell the hubby's mother when she frets, rugby is nowhere near as dangerous as football.

    Sorry that was a bit morbid! But I can't stand football, all that shouting and arguing, just annoys me. Give me a game of union any day.

    Right, nuff about sport.

    I managed (well, the hubby managed) to mow our lawn for the first time EVER a couple of weekends ago! It only got laid at new year, and the gardeners didn't bother getting rid of all the weeds and bulbs first so we've had snowdrops, crocuses, daffodils and montbrecia - and various millions of weeds - growing up between the strips of turf. But as we're renting we are just going to follow the landlord's advice which is just to keep mowing, the weeds'll give up eventually. He must think we're young and daft. I spent 7 years at our old house mowing the lawn, digging up dandelions, weed'n'feeding the thing, and that only just about kept the weeds at bay. Ah well, it's his garden and his weeds.

    Right am off on a mission to the shops, can't actually remember what I need but am going a little mad inside.

    Looking forward to the pics of Enzo! Poor thing :)


  • Comment number 18.

    Football in the 70's.... now that was real football, when you didn't need the player's name on the back of the shirt to know who they were cos there were only 11 and 1 sub in the squad!

    Rats... yuk yuk yuk. Never understood the joy of keeping them as pets....or snakes, or spiders....everything has its place I know, but keep that place away from my place and I'll remain a contented soul.

    GS x

  • Comment number 19.

    Rats to kill off the mice? That's a bit extreme. The neighbour of a friend of mine used to keep snakes, they tried to get me to hold one but no way. Then they said they'd lost two of the snakes over the past year, one had been recovered (they were bright orange cornsnakes, about a foot long) but the other was still loose on the avenue. My friend had nightmares about an orange stripey snake the size of a tree climbing into his house that night.


  • Comment number 20.

    I now have a picture in my head of horses and dogs with arm-bands trying to get air into their pyjamas.

    It is still all right to share...is it???

  • Comment number 21.

    Can I kick it?

    Yes I can!


  • Comment number 22.

    Can I kick it twice?

  • Comment number 23.

    Get some great telephone conversations going on in this office!! This has just happened.

    "What do you mean you have a hole in your floor? Just appeared? Who noticed it? the fork lift truck just went down it!!!"

    Oh help!!!!
    Good time to buy shares in Max Factor they do really good Aqualash mascara.

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 24.

    Whilst I agree there are many wrongs in football I am afraid you are wrong about video technology being a solution. It works in other sports as there is a break in play at that point - that does not happen in football.

    You can't just stop to see if a decision should be a penalty or not as in the meantime the other team could have gone up the other end and scored.

    Money and Mr Murdoch are the main problems as the whole game is geared around the rich getting richer and is becoming less and less competitive. What is needed is a focus on the real customer - the fan in the ground.

    Get referees to use the authority they already have to make the game flow more.

    Get clubs to not live in financial fear of losing a game hence making play too negative.

    Better stop my rant!


    PS and no substitutions in added on time........!

  • Comment number 25.


    nothing to share on football, rugby etc as it has no interest to me.

    I like pet rats, their little claws are so cute and they are really intelligent - then again get a cat, my two are great and we do get the occasional mouse/bird as a thanks-you.

    When one of us is at home with the kids when they come along then we will get a dog, something big and shaggy.

    so thats about it for animals, I love them - also allergic to cats but have buily up my intolerance and am fine, we just have rules like no cats in the bedroom (other then the man, hes a tiger don't you know - wink wink)

    anyway back to work for a bit

    bagpuss x

  • Comment number 26.


    Great post - couldn't agree more.

    I have a confession to make....I love football.

    I detect an anti-football stance in quite a few replies. ; )

    I'm sure there are quite a few 'discussions' on here that don't suit us all but, generally, we all join in, especially when Chris' blog sets the thematic scene, as it were. So for those of us who love it, please tolerate us, just for one day : )

    Talking of which, Moose, as much as I felt privileged to be mentioned in the same breath as MfR, I am truly grateful for the few extra points we have!! We are far from safe, 'tis true. It will be a nerve-jangling end to the season.

    Littlest Hobo - your weekend plans sounded so lovely. Hope you enjoyed.


  • Comment number 27.

    Oh good football on tonight - that will mean the gym will be relatively empty!! I might just get to use all the machines for once.......!!

    Unless they are showing it on the big screen there???? Can they do that?.....

    Will let you know tomorrow..:-)

  • Comment number 28.

    Hi Folks,

    I'm another football fan - love it! Although I probably won't have any nails left by the time the SPL season finishes!

    Might have a wee glass of vino to cheer on the reds tonight - my footy food will be jacket potato with chilli......yummy!

    Have a good evening all xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 29.

    Oh No not foooooooooot ballllllllllll now my dog - Duke - will be trying to find the ball behind the tele all night !!!........................
    Enjoy the game......... Cheers. xxx

    Go on put the trainers in the machine they will be OK. but take out the liners first... NOOOOOOO not the dryer............

  • Comment number 30.

    Evening all

    I don't really have much of an opinion when it comes to football. I do get excited about the England games though because the atmosphere is quite infectious and it's good to feel the country behind our team.

    Haven't had a chance to sit and read the posts properly as Mr Debbie has been working from home this afternoon and I couldn't get to the computer.

    I'll get little man settled in front of Cbeebies for 10 minutes and have a good read!

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 31.

    Super_bagpuss: Are you Diane in West Lothian? With the rats? Are you mad?

    Anne x

  • Comment number 32.

    oooh, excitement in chez gingembre...

    ...MrsW just had her first enquiry!!!!

  • Comment number 33.

    I have a pet rat called Max and she is really quite intelligent and very clean. I totally understand that pet rats are not for everyone though. But they are great for kids, they play for ages and don't bite.

    If I have a wild rat about the house or garden I would freak as they are nothing like the pet ones at all. I have known of wild rats killing bunnies before, not here I'm pleased to say.

    Gingembre, good luck to MrsW. I wish I could sort out a website to sell my cards. I hope that she does really well.

    Debbie x

    PS. Hi Jillygoat x

  • Comment number 34.

    I know CLP said blog was working but having lost 4+ reasonable sized posts today I can't agree!

  • Comment number 35.

    Hi -

    Chris has got to get a grip more work less talk, i have 490 mile bike ride to do in less than 5 weeks. But i also have a stitched up left arm and wrist to heal and only get the training by cycling 15 miles to work every day. Life is about grinning even when all you feel is pain there will be some gain.

    One life so love it, embrace it, have fun every day and love everyone who comes into it - oh and drink beer and wine it helps put a different purspective on things!

    Have a look at this tourdebutlins.blogspot.com

    plus who says it is right to get little kids to jump into a ring and fit - who the hell is enjoying that? not the kids eh!?

  • Comment number 36.

    Bloomin' thing.

  • Comment number 37.

    All this talk of logging in
    It's getting me down, Christophe
    Like a stuck record
    This time I'm giving up

    'Cos' the blog don't work
    It just gets worse
    But I know I'll hit 'go' again

    'Cos' bloggers, ooh, if Aunty calls, you're 502'd
    Unlike Chris said, when you leave a blog
    It's better off dead.


  • Comment number 38.

    Well the football was surpassed massively by the food cooked for me by an Aussie rugby player and the bottle of beer that washed it all down. What a dull game. Even the last minute own goal was a bit of an anti climax...
    I'd given myself the evening off specially too.

    Another rule change? Make the semi-finals of the Champs League ONE GAME ONLY. I'm sure it was dull tonight because of the second leg. Not Fat Frank's second leg you understand.

    All the best gyms would have been showing the game of course! Not that I was there tonight...nor will I be tomorrow for the 6.30am training session. I am afflicted. I am desperately ill. I think I am dying.

    I have man flu...

  • Comment number 39.

    lots of anti football posts on here...never mind it is the beatiful game after all....decidly warm upt north last few days it seems as though spring is finaly here......now ladies go and watch eastenders ,corry,emerdale....blah blah blah

  • Comment number 40.

    Totally gone off Aussie Rules footy since my team's on the bottom of the ladder. And we were in the grand final last year. Yes, just forget the fact we lost by the highest grand final margin ever (118 if I remember correctly).

    I do love a good game of darts, though.

    VaughnJess from Down Under

  • Comment number 41.


    I wouldn't want to be in Riise's shoes!

    As a regular member of the insomniac club, I was just saying yesterday for the past few days I had slept right through until morning which is very rare for me......and then what happens? I wake up at stupid o'clock.....ding 3am wide awake! Just can't get back to sleep, my alarm will be going off in less than an hour!!!!!

    Missy - really pleased to hear work is going well for you, I know you don't need me to tell you this but just be careful, don't over do it. When you start to feel good and are able to do some of the normal activities you haven't done for a while it's so easy to get carried away - I've got the t-shirt :o) It's important you still have rest time xx

    Hi Jillygoat, nice to see you xx

    Msg for interactive Ian - please help Cathmel and MfR.

    The birds have been in full voice for the last two hours! Normally I would enjoy listening to them but I'm not amused :o(
    Everything seems so much louder in the middle of the night when you are trying to get to sleep.

    Going back to bed for 45mins!!

    Happy hump day xx

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 42.

    Mary you poor love. Luckily I have always slept well and only occassionaly have a poor nights sleep and I hate it!!

    Have a great everyone else. I'm just going to wake the kids up after enjoying my first cuppa of the day in peace!


  • Comment number 43.

    morning all

    thought the football didn't live upto the hype last night, but I agree that it's probably due to it being a two-legged affair?
    Can't stand ITV's coverage, it really grinds on me, the 2 commentators last night were so in love with Chelski it was embarrassing (IMO), and since when has Drogba been spelt Drogbarr??? Can't even pronounce names correctly.
    Sorry folks but auntie beeb and sky just do it soooo much better.

    I appreciate not all posters on here love the beautiful game but that's the beauty of blogging, we can chip in - or not - as the case maybe with topics.

    Have a great day, good luck to ManU tonight, now this will be a good 'un.

    MfR - fingers crossed for your boys (and yours too Gaby) but if it happens make sure you goto the Norwich away game next season and a limping ginger will greet you with a smile as you enter the fine city!!!!

    Bonnet de douche


  • Comment number 44.

    Nope. Give up.


  • Comment number 45.

    Morning all - Happy Hump Day!

    I adore football but it's a bit of a s ore point right now as some of you may recall I have an undying love for all thing's Arsenal.


    I was dying to get on t'blog yesterday but was so busy so I've come in early this morn to get ahead .....

    Last night's show .... was that pet woman taking the mickey? Β£279 to hire a pet pooch for the weekend? I'd rather have a night at a posh hotel and/or a show or something. I was laughing at CLP and Foxy trying to stifle their giggles whilst carrying on the interview. Classic!

    And what's this all about .... the wedding on Friday. I'm having tomorrow afternoon off to "start getting ready" for the Fridayi event (girl stuff, won't bore you with the minutiae). And it's not even a family wedding!! My own wedding in 1996 - I got ready in about an hour! Ageing, I guess!

    As it's Hump Day, shall we have a Hump Day game ....

    Fantasy Dinner Party? Name 6 people (alive or dead) who you would invite to your fantasy dinner party.

    Back laters to check out any replies!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 46.

    How does this thing work?

    You spend ages waxing lyrical about life, the universe and everything, press 'Post Comment' and it vanishes. Repeat ad infinitum.

    Get really frustrated, write one line, and bingo!

    Interactive Ian, over to you.

    Have a great day one and all.


  • Comment number 47.

    Now, I may be wrong, but I thought most footballers had second legs? Else they'd fall over...wouldn't they?

    Interesting point of fact. I recently read (in one of the Sundees) that a shady man in a light mac and trilby carrying a vile lin case was spotted outside a pet shop in the darker reaches of the East End. The article also stated that the pet shop in question is one which sells the more, shall we say, 'exotic', animal such as the Lesser Spotted Errorforofor together with the Slightly More Frequently Spotted Fiveotoo.

    I'm guessing the man was from the Blog Police, and he was purchasing some new beasties with which to affect our beloved shlog.

    Anyhoo, as one who is only just back in amongst, I will not be moved. I will be putting a tent up at Greenham Shopping Mall (as I believe it is now) by way of protestation. All those who wish to join me, give your name to Jose, and please bring toilet roll and tea bags thank you.

    Other news.

    MfR, fab pome. Here's hoping the new infestation will be too busy reading it to keep stopping you and cathmel! After all, she's just back from hols, and I wanna hear all about the caravan and ponies and things. Or did you go abroad?

    so it was a draw then?

    Wotcher Gabster! XXXXXXX

  • Comment number 48.

    Morning all

    Four wasps through my bedroom window in 24 hours! I hate them, in fact I'm terrified of them! Does this mean I have a nest? All windows closed for the time being.

    Hope everyone has a good day, it's pretty grey and drizzly here in Essex.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 49.

    MfR - I cut n paste it ready for the disappearing act!!!!!

    CtD - I have 2 lists for my dinner partty, the first is...

    ...Bingo Starr, CtD, hazel, gaby, MfR, missy, debbie, EmM, rosie, cathmel - ooops can't choose just 6 of you so here goes with my second attempt...

    ...CLP, Jimmy Greaves, Princess Di, Marvin Gaye, Luther Vandross, Sharon Stone

    Oh and huge congrats to SusanS who I understand is expecting


  • Comment number 50.

    Hello...heard the blog was back on form so thought I'd pop back.....

    Football, used to love it, now a bit more blase about it as we have no Sky Sports anymore, the power of the media.

    More importantly, Netball, when's it going to be shown on earth telly.

    It's nice to see old skool bloggers here still...missing you but motherhood really *ought* to take priority, although sometimes it's a tough call!

    HL - would you like some cake too??

    Moose - the boy had his first man flu along with his dad.....it was touch and go for the both of them for a while but they made it through to the other side!

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 51.

    Come on Barce!!!!

    I understand that this will upset a fair few people but I am really cross with Fergie for his comments that the match tonight is the one that should have been the final and has the greatest attraction to most peeps. Where's his loyalty and support for British teams?

    Also, my beloved Thierry's gone there!

    SO gutted for Liverpool last night - may they go to Chelskiland and beat them next week.


  • Comment number 52.

    CtD, you already know mine...but in case you've forgotten...and I haven't changed them, but of course (all creeping aside, CLP would be most welcome on the big table as Enid and the White Witch will be sitting at the ricketty put-you-up with paste sandwiches.

    Alan Rickman
    Marilyn Monroe
    Winston Churchill
    Johnny Depp
    Enid Blyton
    The White Witch

    ...gingembre, thank you for your kind invitation. I don't eat prunes or squid.

  • Comment number 53.

    J - I'm with you .... c'mon Barca!!!!

    I've just typed the date for the first time today and realise that it's 3 years today since my dads funeral. I really don't know where that time has gone but I think of him every day.

    And Debbie - can you please rid your area of wasps as that's where the wedding is on Friday and I can't be done with hunting for dock leaves in all my finery!

    Thanks for being there gang!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 54.

    HL - teeee heeee!!! I know!!!

    Mine would be**:-
    Russell Brand
    Noel Fielding
    Jane Goldman
    Marian Keyes
    Stephen Fry

    ** it's my dinner party and everyone is "normal" ie no rehab issues, no teetotal issues, no veggie issues (Russell!!). We all dine on something rustled up by Gordon Ramsey, btw, and our Somelier for the evening is that posh Ollie bloke who's a bit like Boris Johnson!!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 55.

    Yup, I'm with the footy lovers - it's the only game I can watch happily. Just don't get rugby.

    Gingembre - what a lovely thought. Hope we are the only Londoners to win any silverware - brilliant!

    DWNB - I'm with you on the secrets thing. Mr P hears everything, even if he's not that interested.

    Happy St. Georges Day everyone (and happy birthday Shakespeare!)

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 56.

    Wish I knew how to get rid of the pesky things CtD! You could pop round for a cuppa but then you would have to put a net over your lovely new hat.

    My six guests would be:-

    George Michael
    Michael Hutchence
    Victoria Beckham (minus plate)
    Jonathan Ross
    David Tenant

    Debbie xx

  • Comment number 57.

    Morning all - Nice and sunny here.

    G -I am sure having peeped at the site she will get loads more enquiries. Went past our bride shop the other week on way to take away and they had a black dress - if I had my time over!!! although I do like the dark red one.

    Phoenix - did you hear CLP mention your fireman calendar last night?

    Not that I am really interested but what happened to that Lewis Hamilton look alike who joined the England team - is he still about?

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 58.

    Alan Rickman
    Sally "Traffic"
    Stephen Fry
    Juliet Stevenson
    Dalai Lama
    Johnny Depp

    Biggles Mum - do you mean Theo Walcott? Last seen running his little socks off at The Emirates on Sat?

    GS x

  • Comment number 59.

    Hmmm 6 people for a dinner party.....

    Stephen Fry
    Dr Seuss
    Roald Dahl
    Paul O Grady
    Julie Walters
    Justin Lee Collins (for I am in love with a furry man from Bristol)

    :o) Jo

  • Comment number 60.

    Theo .... wo wo wo wo woooooooooo....

    .... as they say at The Emirates!

    And long may he reign!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 61.


    my dp guest list would be:

    Round the table:

    - Pablo Picasso
    - Janis Joplin
    - Stephen Fry
    - Mary Wolstone Craft
    - Buddha
    - Charlotte whatshername the primatologist from the telly Rampling I think

    then me and my beau ... beau role vacant at the moment so might as The Doctor to host with me for the night.


  • Comment number 62.

    Oh yes, Julie Waters... without question. I need a bigger table!!

    GS x

  • Comment number 63.

    No, Julie Walters

    I need coffee!!

  • Comment number 64.

    Thanks GS and CtD that's the boy. shows what I know about footie.

    Dinner party? I would need a very big guild hall or the like to take the very long tables. ALL you lot - plus quite a few already mentioned in between. CLP, Fry and Boris a must. We'd have to break Bingo out first though.

    Biggles Mum xxx

  • Comment number 65.

    Mmm all this talk about dinner parties has got me planning tonight's offerings here.

    Just popped to the fridge and the use by date on the chicken is today's date. Does that mean it's still ok to eat today? Don't want Mr Debbie off work tomorrow with food poisoning.

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 66.

    Good grief Deb yes - just give it a Delia blast for the first 20 mins

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 67.

    Food doesn't normally last long enough in my house to get anywhere new use by dates. I can't believe how much food a 16 year old boy can eat! His dad isn't much better, must be in the genes.

  • Comment number 68.

    Debbie, cook it well and be sure to use it by midnight or else the bogey man will have to get you. And from experience it may well be a nest. If you call the council today, you may not have to wait for a terminator for too long, given the state of the weather darn 'ere. I, in the meantime, am being plagued by the fly with the blue behind and I imagine it must have a sore head by now wot with banging it on the (open so it can get out) window on a fairly regular basis.

    On another note entirely, I have just realised I have been wandering around the office for at least an hour with sugar all over my chin from a doughnut consumed earlier. Obviously did not consume entire doughnut or would not have had over-spillage on face. My steamed collage has just pointed out the at least it wasn't Jam. Indeed. Jam would have been slightly worrying as this mornings doughnuts in question were vanilla…I’ve not had jam since Sundae. (Heheh…see what I did there?)

    second sitting please

    Jo, big love to you and the spots!

  • Comment number 69.

    Thanks, feel like a bit of a plonker now. Mr Debbie says that I worry about the most stupid things. And my mum tells me that I'm a terrible worrier, but actually I'm very good at it.

    A few off the old anxieties from old creep up on me sometimes, sorry!

    Hazel, I am now craving a big, fat lemon Krispy Kreme doughnut. Diet? What diet?

    Debbie x

  • Comment number 70.

    Hiya one and all

    okay - my dinner people
    Johnny depp and damon Albarn (not just for eye candy, I guess they must be quite interestign people)
    Ted simon and terry pratchett (okay met both of these people but would like to spend more time with them)
    George Harrison (well, who wouldn't)
    David tennant (I'm with you on this one Jen)

    also my true intended of course, he can cook something yummy and veggie.

    Hazel love - are you referring to the old Greenham comman, more fun now that there are loose cattle.

    Super bp x

  • Comment number 71.

    Is there something up with the " ' " now? I appear to have lost several apostrophes.

    If found, please leave in a bag under the hedge outside No.12 thank you.

  • Comment number 72.

    Too much sugar I think Hazel love!!

    Talking of which - don't touch Tesco finest hand baked scottish shortbread fingers - just read the packet 440 calories per bikkie!! Good grief - thought it was 440 for the whole box - wrong!!

    BM xxx

  • Comment number 73.

    BigglesMum, I meant to say too, dinner in a Guild Hall...would be FAB!

    ...and Super bp...Terry Pratchett!!! Gosh darn it. This is going to lead to trouble. It took me AGES to think of six. It is possible that we are going to have to requisition a much larger table. The badger usually cooks for at least ten...we are still eating Sunday's roast...it'll be sarnies this eve...but I think the last of the stuffing balls can be dinged to be honest. And it took ages. Stuffing them.

    Anyhoo, MuffintheMoose...'Man flu'? Bit of a sniffle. Put yer vest back on and you'll be right as ninepence. You're just exited about coming home. There now.

    I've got work to do. Yes it does happen, so til laters pertaters.

    free the bingo one!!!

    Loose cattle eh? Well, I always thought they were no better than they ought to be so, there we are, I was right.

  • Comment number 74.

    I've gone from watching the whole 90mins and all the frills, to just the occasional flick over to see if there's any score.
    This is because i'm fed up with premiership players rolling around on the floor complaining that there new shorts are chaffing them!
    Can't they and the F.A. learn from both the codes in Rugby, Repect for the Ref, no back chat! Sin Bin. And why not the video ref, that Expectancy for the few seconds only increases the entertainment of the game.

    You've done it now Chris!
    I've started my rant, and can't stop!

  • Comment number 75.

    Dinner party 6?

    Oscar Wilde
    John Lennon
    John McEnroe
    Robert Plant
    Steve Jobs

    Could get lively.

    Gingembre. Tried cut 'n' paste, tried everything. This blog seems to have mood swings.

    I may hand deliver my next blog to The M this evening as I have a summit meeting with a friend.

    And we ain't talking mountains.


  • Comment number 76.

    Where's your balance MfR - all men???


  • Comment number 77.

    Jen - I picked all men too - is that a problem? I guess woman wise would be Adrey Hepburn , Emmerline pankhurst and ummmmmmmm ummmmmmmmm any ideas anyone?

    BP x

  • Comment number 78.

    I guess one can have single sexed dinner parties but that seems most unfair to the fairer sex! DP's should be boy, girl, boy, girl around the table - and who sits next to who is very important!


  • Comment number 79.

    Hey MfR - you got thru the barricades. Welcome .... and don't forget to wipe your feet on the mat (not from R)

    I've not gone out today at lunchtime on account that it's absolutely hussing down out there. and it was so lovely this morning too.

    Allotment update: spudlys are now in, as are parsnips, broad beans, chard, onions, garlic, beetroots, carrots, radishes. Also soft fruit coming to life ... I think we'll have more strawbs than Tiptree this year. Also now have a sticky desk thanks to slab of rhubarb cake being devoured. Greenhouse full of seedlings as well: sweetcorn, sprouts, brocolli, cauliflower, lamb's lettuce, chilli plants.

    Also very excited as we can eat our asparagus this year. It's been in for four years and this is it's inaugural year to be cut and eaten. Can't wait!

    Good job I like veg!

    Right, back to the grindstone.

    CtD x x x

    PS: Loving the DP guest lists!

  • Comment number 80.

    Is it home time yet?

    I did venture out even though it's pouring with rain - needed to get fresh air to keep me awake! I'm getting too old for this insomniac malarky!

    My Mum passed away 9years ago today - can't believe I've got through without her - but somehow you just manage to cope!

    MfR got through Hoorah!

    Gingembre devasted I didn't even make it into your top ten! haha just teasing xx

    DP Guests

    Paul O'Grady
    Billy Connelly
    Shirley Temple
    Doris Day

    Waiter would have to be Dominic Purcell!

    CtD - you could start your own fruit and veg market. I can't wait to move to a house with a garden so I can have my own wee veg patch and have it just like my Dad had his.

    Back to work :o(

    Mary xx

  • Comment number 81.


    Did someone say rhubarb cake?

    Am going to think about rhubarb cake rather than listen to the massive football row going on in the next ossif. And they are all Chelsea supporters.

    That aside, I've never had a KrispyKreme doughnut. Lemon certainly sounds interesting. Hmmmmmm. Yes. Now then, according to the popular directory enquiry service, there does not appear to be a branch of the aforementioned patisserie local to me, so I shall have to make do with yesterday's selections from St@rbucks, and go for either the tall toffee malarkey or the dolce latte cinammon purse emptier and a portion of gooey sponge.

    is there cream?

    There is more football tonight. Gawd 'elp us. DWNB, any room at your house?

  • Comment number 82.

    Hooray, blue skies and sunshine again after a very wet day so far.

    Mr Debbie's dad had an allotment right up until he died and then his mum started growing things in her garden. She grows cucumbers, tomatoes, radishes, peas, rhubarb (yuk!), strawberries etc. She also grows busy lizzies, marigolds and pansies from seed every year. She is 75 this year and I think she is great to do so much.

    I might start off by growing some cress on cotton wool with little man, that's a start isn't it?

    Debbbie x

    PS. Mary and CtD sending hugs x

  • Comment number 83.

    Hazel, go for the lemon doughnut honestly they are sooo nice. They aren't the sugared variety but glazed and if you do go, the smell as you walk through the door is just heavenly.

    Off to grab another celery stick now, doh!


  • Comment number 84.

    Square it!, Down the line! Referee! Is the sum total of my football knowledge.
    I had a far more productive evening and went a racing on my push bike, what a lovely evening. Hoping it'll warm up soon as I need to get the tomatoes out of the house and potted up outside....they're taking over!...arrrgggghhh

  • Comment number 85.

    Hi Chris thought you might like this - saw it in the Evening Echo today. An idea to keep your guests entertained at the dinner party perhaps.

    Chance to show your Knob-throwing skills
    Dorset Knob Throwing and Frome Valley Food Festival.

    The Knob is a spherical biscuit produced by a Dorset baker.

    On a day in May it will not be eaten but used for games including - knob painting - a Knob and spoon race - Knob darts - a Knob pyramid and guess the weight of the big Knob competition.

    Followed by Morris dancing and a cricket match.......

  • Comment number 86.

    Hi Hazel - yes guilty as charged.... I have a hunky fireman calendar at home.

    CtD my dinner party guests would be:

    Terry Pratchett
    Arthur C Clarke
    Victoria Wood
    Stephen Fry
    Anne McCaffrey

    A mixed bunch indeed - Jamie Oliver to do the cooking

    Back to work


  • Comment number 87.

    Hazel, I would say go for one of the custard krispy kremes with chocolate icing on the top ... mmmmmmmmm ...

    Loving Jamie O doing the cooking for dinner party. For another female guest, how about Jane Tomlinson? She seemed like such a lovely woman - brave, strong, great mum, incredibly positive and happy despite everything, I'd like to pick her brains on how she did it!!

    I'd be sitting next to Jose of course. He'd be feeding me nibbles from his plate and our knees would be touching under the table ... sigh!

    CtD I've got my (chitted!) pots in too! Have also planted some leek, carrot and parsnip seeds, and am just hardening off (get me with all the terminology) my beans, peas and sweet pea seedlings - planning on planting them out at the weekend. Have also bought some organic weedkiller, will have a sneaky spray on all the paths inbetween my beds when no-one's looking, the weeds got gently 'pointed out' to me the other day by the allotment king ... I felt like I'd been naughty!!

    T xxxx



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