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Chris Evans | 15:09 UK time, Monday, 28 April 2008

Went out with the Mrs. and a pal for a few beers on Saturday night and all I saw behind the bar was...

hair. Loads of it, the kids serving had so much hair, more hair than I think I saw in the whole of my youth.

And here's the thing - they had no idea. They were not aware of the blessing that was atop their noggins. Hair to kids is like oil used to be to us, we just thought it would go on for ever.

The more I stared at them the bigger their hair seemed to become. I swear at one point it spilled over the bar in an attempt to join the Saturday night shenanigans

I think the kids of G.B. are becoming much hairier. Sure there was hair in the sixties and seventies and mullets in the eighties, the nineties on the other hand was quite a cropped decade. Tne naughties though has seen a whole new magnitude of hair, kids hair now just grows out, very big and very out. Don't you think ?

In other news, looked forward tothe grand prix all weekend, in fact for the most of last week if the truth be told, then when it came to it, completely lost interest no more than five minutes in. What's that about ?

Enzo still with us but we all need to say a big doggy prayer for his right back leg which is still as dead as dodo. Come on El Enzio !

Right, must go but really could write all day today.






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  • Comment number 1.

    Ahhhhhh mullets. And flick-heads.

    I love long hair!!!! Mr Diva's nickname is The Hair!

    CtD x x x x

  • Comment number 2.

    CLP - forget F1 and try motorbike racing instead. The World Superbikes from Assen this weekend were stunning - they overtake and everything. Even fall off some times. And break things.

    This weekend it's the Moto GP from China - c'mon James Toseland - you can do it!! There might also be British Superbikes on the calendar but I'm not at home to check that out right now.

    Honest, CLP .... give Moto GP a try. I promise you will be hooked.

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 3.

    Afternoon all.

    I love a hairy man - but give me body hair (not on back tho) over head hair any day.

    Grand prix - you lost interest after 5 mins because ITS BORING!!!

    Enzo - come on boy, you can make it. If worst comes to worst, 3 legs is do=able you know!

    T xxxx

  • Comment number 4.

    Here Here T ..... I gave up watching the Grand Prix yesterday when the safety car came out on the first lap.

    Even Murray Walker prefers bikes!


    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 5.

    Be Patient Christof.

    Dyldog took about 3 months for us to get to the position where we believed that he was good to go.

    Once he was, apart from a bit of a limp, (which I seriously think he played on) he was fine as and dandy.

    That being said, I'll send some Doggy Reiki to him tonight, cause I'm pure dead good at that!


  • Comment number 6.

    Problem with yesterdays F1 was the start was pretty boring although I did sit through it (in between dashing in and out to rescue washing from rain). Not many finished and I think now some of the gizmos have gone, the cars are getting closer in performance.

    Wake up everybody I can hear you all yawning!!!

    Any road up - I don't care 'cos Kimi the Ice Man won!!

    Beesmum xxx

    You on CLP's rogues gallery yet CtD?

  • Comment number 7.

    There is very little that is actually more DULL than Formula One...in my opinion...before I get shot down in flames thank you MwK, Beesmum et al...


    It might get a bit more interesting on the Beebeeceeb if they bring back Fleetwood Mac. And that nearly rhymed! Or scanned. Or similar.

    I used to LOVE hair...still do I suppose...but the Badger only has very short hair, and very little body hair...but that's not for here...

    Christophe, I think the more you drink, the more alarming things seem...I also think that once you see one person with a broken leg, you see people with broken legs just about EVERYWHERE...so it may be that you've only just noticed the hair thing???

    Brazilian Grand Prix?

    all off mate

  • Comment number 8.


    No. But I have done it.

    CtD xxxx

  • Comment number 9.

    Blimey, I didn't mean Enzo with the broken leg!

    Enzo - loads of love!!!

    Three legs is better than none...

  • Comment number 10.

    Three legs never gave Jake The Peg any problems!

    Jig-a-lig-alig-a-lum ....

    Now I'm showing my age!

    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 11.

    |MMMMMMMM long hair, those were the days, long flowing locks, a beautiful woman by your side , running her fingers through it, headbanging to the beat of the Grand Prix at the weekend but YES i know what you mean bout the youth of todays hair growing up and out, WOW you can't miss it can you.

    As for the GP I know what you mean, it is just dull dull dull now , to easy for the drivers (although I know they do need a lot of skill and stamina) so many restrictions and rules, like everything these days.

    Anyhoooooooo Christoff, hear ya laterz on the radio.


  • Comment number 12.

    Hi Chris, I read that your hair is at i'ts best when you are 12 years old, what a shame that is as you wouldn't notice it, and then it starts to decline in your 20s so by the time we reach our 50s we shouldn't have any left, god life can be cruel!!!

  • Comment number 13.

    Blog is goind a Bingo on me!!


  • Comment number 14.

    or even doing a Bingo

  • Comment number 15.

    Motorbikes! - you seriously have to watch...sooo much better than F1 (which i used to love when the likes of ayrton senna, gerhard berger were whizzing round!)

    Gooo Toesland...gooo Rossi!

  • Comment number 16.

    Greetings and Salutations from Vancouver, Canada,

    Just a brief offering to wish you all the finest of days. I hope and trust that everyone had a splendidly splendid weekend, enjoyed some uproariously good times and generally got the most our of whatever you indulged in.

    Just two weeks until my annual visit back home to Blighty and the excitement is positively palpable.

    Hazel'- Thank you for your kind overtures. It is delight to have the time to contribute and even more wonderful to have time to read the words of others.

    Take care and remember....

    Nostalgia isn't what it used to be....


  • Comment number 17.

    Hey Chris
    I watched the F1 and I must admit that Ferrari have killed the sport.
    Anyway, hope that Mondays Drivetime is as good as ever.

  • Comment number 18.

    So you will have missed Jenson coming in 6th And DC with a puncture - And Rubens walloping someone coming out of the pits and having to complete circuit with a broken front thingy?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 19.

    And Kovy's huge crash in to the tyres And Alonso nearly burning his bottom when he bent down to take his steering wheel off when his engine was still on fire?

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 20.

    Hair - Who told the Ice Man he could do that to his barnet - gone off him a bit now. My dear old Mum used to iron my long mane between pieces of brown paper to make it poker straight. Strange that's back in again.

    Hang on a tick CLP - give Enzo a chance - these things take time but I will twitch my nose to help things along. (it's a witch thing)!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 21.

    done a Bingo (with my blog)!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 22.

    Still on the F1 viewing stuff - Who was the Dish being interviewed - Andy?? GP - touring cars? didn't catch it - need to find a web site to oggle!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 23.

    (in a scottish accent please:)

    A three legged dug rode westward one day
    til he came to the jail at moose-jaw

    Sheriff, he said
    on unsteady leg

    Sheriff, I've come for my paw!!!!

    Yo ho ho...

    Good luck Enzo, all the very best


  • Comment number 24.

    OK .... I can't ring in for WM as I don't have hands free gizmos in my broom broom, but ...

    My first poster was BOB GELDOF (a centre page poster from Look In - remember that!?!?)

    and d'ya know what .... he still makes me melt!


    CtD x x x

  • Comment number 25.

    Must zoom off to the post in a mo - but for goodness sake how old am I? - my first poster was Ty Hardin, closely followed by Elvis!! Magazine so old can't even remember the name of it!! Boo hoo!!

    Beesmum xx

  • Comment number 26.


    Listen up my friend. Grass doesn't grow on a busy street so don't fret.

    And. Yous has the glorious gingerness goin' on so a little goes a long way, hurrah. My GORgeous fabulous little 3 month old great-nephew Zak is a full-blown excellent Ginga, I'm delighted, he's simply edible and I want to devour him whenever I see him. You should see him with the glasses on....

    Now then, it's greetings from me from beautiful County Kildare, where I lost me shirt and a certain amount of dignity at Punchestown Races last Friday. I now have the dubious distinction of bein' on the receivin' end of the Larry Hagman leer, hurrah hurrah bless him. Well, ok so it was me hat that got the leer but I'm not proud, I'll take it. Yes, J.R. and Swellen were there in all their glory, marvellous.

    Therefore I'm off to light a candle in the local church for Renee, the prognosis isn't good so she needs all the positivity and prayers I can muster for her until I return next week.

    I shall also say one for Missus E. senior's continued recovery and Enzo's extremities and send them out through the ether.

    It's the Novena for Our Lady of Perpetual Help. All welcome. So I'd best wipe me feet.


  • Comment number 27.

    Still suffering from Bingo-one-line-syndrome.

    Still, two weeks today, we hit.....

  • Comment number 28.

    .....Las Vegas.


  • Comment number 29.

    Meanwhile, we are all on the express train to the bank holiday weekend.

    Hold on tight!


  • Comment number 30.

    i use to have hair like mario kempes (the footballer) in the eighties,it was very fashionable back then,now im more a stubble headed man,.....

  • Comment number 31.

    not one for sport were an animal or vehicle does the hard work......it would be more interesting if they ran around for an hour carrying bits of there cars....hhmmmm

  • Comment number 32.

    CLP, Ill say a special prayer tonight to St Francis of Asisi, must be hard for you to see the ole fella like this, chin up my lovely, theres still a way to go!!!
    Big hair on bar staff, NO NO NO, get it tied back off yer mush young whippersnapper, I dont want bits of dandruff and last nights kebab and stray strands fallin in me beer!!! Dont like nose studs on bar staff either, one sneeze and gawd knows where that stud could end up..............

  • Comment number 33.

    Morning all,

    Have a good day......................

    x x x

  • Comment number 34.

    Good morning cathmel! Up oily were we?

    Good morning all and everybubble else!!! It's p'ing darn, darn 'ere...blimmim awful drive to work, but hey! Don't need to worry about that soon hoorah!!!

    Clodagh, we'll have to organise a 'Big Blog Prayerathon' or similar, for Renee...and Enzo...and Mrs E...

    ...and on that note, the Beach Boys, Good Vibrations for the first ARF song please Christophe...

    Other news. My mum met John Robert Ewing a goodly long time ago, when she was sporting a 'Who Shot J.R?' badge on her stetson. She was a classy bird in her time. She was probably wearing her pink polyester flares at the time too...this would be the same mum I am orf on hols with next week...and I wouldn't swap her for anyone else's...gawd bless 'er!

    ...and fairlyoddmother...I am right up there with you! Who wants scabs in their beer? Apart from the ones you get in a pint of Weirdstones Mucklebrown Skagge...usually as a matter of course...

    Now my colleague is organising a game of 'keepy-uppy' in the carpark for later.

    I'll hold their coats

    Dr T, I do remember x

  • Comment number 35.

    Alwight errrr sorry ter 'ear with me ear that some of you are 'aving problems blogging too.......

  • Comment number 36.

    actually it is nice ter know some are aving problems.....

  • Comment number 37.

    as it shows it's noot just me........

  • Comment number 38.

    sorry for being paranoid yesterdee.....

  • Comment number 39.

    ave goooot aloot on me plate at the mo.....

  • Comment number 40.

    a gotta a text off the 'alf italian babe who dumped me just......

  • Comment number 41.

    before Christmas.... sayin' she realises shes.....

  • Comment number 42.

    made a BIG mistake dumping me......

  • Comment number 43.

    maybe it's me 'igh charisma that frightens women??????,,,,,.....

  • Comment number 44.

    All this just as am back from Ukraine with a possible ballerina beauty in the bag.....

  • Comment number 45.

    I CAN'T TAKE THIS STRESS!!!!!!! Any advice whatta a should do blog friends???

  • Comment number 46.

    Am that damn close from ending up in re-'ab!!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 47.


  • Comment number 48.

    Sorry, cannot stand the Grand Prix so have nothing to say about it. Humph.

    My first poster was, I am ashamed to admit, Rick Astley (I think it was from Look In too, CtD) but you cannot judge me, I think I was only about 4.

    Clodagh - my thoughts are with you and Renee x

    Anyway, that's about it for me. I've only got today left at work this week and then Mr P and I are off to Cambridge for the weekend.

    Be good everyone and if you can't be good, be careful.

    Rosie x

  • Comment number 49.

    My first poster was Herman, I think, but without his Hermits...

    Crickey, how long ago was that...

    I only have a few days left too and then am off for 10 days woofing in France. Bring it on...


  • Comment number 50.

    Sorry I 'ad ter go... 'ad ter check Rio Tinto...

  • Comment number 51.

    Rio being a FTSE100 miner.........

  • Comment number 52.

    Clodagh - I'm sorry about Renee... my thoughts are with you both. Hope Renee pulls through ok.

  • Comment number 53.

    And CLP man - Poor Enzo.... 'ope 'e's gonna be ok with the leg. Life is ere ter test us.. always problems......

  • Comment number 54.

    PS On a light hearted note is that a clue ter yer new car.... a Enzo Ferrari????

  • Comment number 55.

    I take it that's 'ow Enzo got 'is name?

  • Comment number 56.

    PS What car did you buy.... any clues CLP?

  • Comment number 57.

    I like the new Audi A5.......

  • Comment number 58.

    Maybe you'v got an new Jaguar or Aston Martin coupe???

  • Comment number 59.

    I don't ave CLP as a Range Rover/ Bentley GT type.....

  • Comment number 60.

    of operatative - know what am sayin'!!!!!

  • Comment number 61.

    Aye PS I see Fisi came 10th in the GP!!!!!

  • Comment number 62.

    Yer see it's all in the stars... things going up for me of late.....

  • Comment number 63.

    and Fisi's best finish... ave noticed this over the years!!!!

  • Comment number 64.

    sorry all tryin ter write more than a line....

  • Comment number 65.

    and it never gets through......

  • Comment number 66.

    'ope am noooot annoying anyone on the blog....

  • Comment number 67.

    At least the comments total is going up BIG!!!!!!

  • Comment number 68.

    PS Debbie - Very sorry ter 'ear about the car bump...

  • Comment number 69.

    At least it wasn't a proper RTA or any injuries......

  • Comment number 70.

    Still a damn nuisance when yer scrape yer car......

  • Comment number 71.

    I remember once reversing me damn truck inter a BIG skip.....

  • Comment number 72.

    The 20ton skip didn't budge but me back end did!!!!!

  • Comment number 73.

    Incidently the same weekend Fisi crashed outta the GP.....

  • Comment number 74.

    Definitely agree Hazel Good Vibrations Beach Boys for ARF
    We need a few more good ones with all going on for everyone especially as my dreaded 3 month check is due in 2 weeks.
    Keep smiling - think positive - my stars were so good for this week! (and yours CLP)

    Beesmum xxx

    PS Looks like everyone going away this week-end? Me too!!!

  • Comment number 75.

    Yer see all in the stars, blog friends... all in the stars!!!!!

  • Comment number 76.

    Off ter check on Rio Tinto again!!!! Chow!!!

  • Comment number 77.

    aaaaah, the days of big hair...

    I've worked in two bars, the first time I had the 'Kevin Keegan' perm when I worked in a Norwich nightclub (which is now being turned into flats!!!) and the second time in France when I was sporting the 'Mick Hucknell' look - so it must've always been standard practice for barstaff?

    Erm, I've not really painted a good image of myself there have I?

    First poster I reckon was Ossie and Ricky taken from Roy of the Rovers when they signed for Spurs, but it coul've been the England team pic from Shoot mag, can't remember really.

    Have a good day everyone, twas #1 daughter's 11th bday yesterday, I went and sat at her mummy's grave at the exact time she was born and left her some flowers (didn't want her to miss out) was so sunny and peaceful. Daughter is still doing great, can't believe I have such a wonderful girl.

    Life is good today, Bonnet de douche


    Bingo - I haven't welcomed you back yet, sorry mate, I found that I had to save my messages before posting and then have a few goes before it worked....worth a try. Good to see you back and on such fine form

  • Comment number 78.

    Morning all :)

    It is right soggy round this neck of the woods. Been out to get my hair cut this morning and although I managed to run home in between downpours, the wind has blown my new do all over the place...

    I think I grew up in the wrong era... I know my first poster was Take That, in their dubious lycra and leather phase... Have had my own bad hair moments, although Big Hair was never my style. Thankfully the worst hairstyle never appears to have been documented thank goodness!

    Have only worked in one bar, got proposed to by an old gent after a few weeks working there ;) that was funny. Loved working there. Hair is funny these days, I saw a kid riding a bike the other day with a fringe so long I don't know how he could possibly see where he was going. All straightened out and hairsprayed so it didn't move at all when the wind whipped past. Got to be some kind of hazard, that...

    Right, gonna take all the advice and cut and paste this post until it goes through!

    take care all


  • Comment number 79.

    Hi everyone. Hows about this to get Choosday up and running .....

    I popped into a well known supermarket on the way to work this morning to buy a certain celeb mag (there's a feature on Ole Russ in La La Land and I simply couldn't wait until tonight to buy it for fear the local news agent may have sold out by then!!!) anyhooooooo, whilst browsing the mushrooms, as you do, a chap started staring at me in a rather bizarre way. I was just about to call security when he said my name and reminded me of his .... it was only my very best friends' first husband who I went to school with. We kind of lost touch after their marriage broke down and we've not seen each other for approx 18 years. He's really changed and it was lovely to briefly catch up. We've swapped emails and promised to meet for lunch - we both work in the same town - talk about small world!

    When I got to work, I rang best friend to inform her and she squealed my ear off, although not in a bad way. Which was good.

    Still in shock and looking forward to that catch-up!

    Sorry to waffle - I just had to share that with y'all.

    Raining here. I've got washing out 17 miles away. Hope it's sunny there!

    Love, hugs and long lost friends.

    CtD x x

    PS: I won't mention the hat today. Doh!
    PPS: Up the Gunners!!!!!!!

  • Comment number 80.

    Gingembre, that was a lovely lovely thing to do. Of course your #1 daughter is wonderful, she has a great dad!!

    My first poster was David Cassidy. He was everywhere, even on my ceiling - sigh ... How can I be sure ... in a world, that's constantly changing ...


    Sorry, got a bit carried away there.

    morning all!

    T xxx

  • Comment number 81.

    Hi Gingembre, thanks. Glad your ok.

  • Comment number 82.

    Hope your daughter is doing just fine too!!

  • Comment number 83.

    Can I just wish her a "appy birthdee" Bingo style!!!!!

  • Comment number 84.

    Sorry abit late but better late than never!!!

  • Comment number 85.

    Sorry tryed twice ter write this in one blog but wouldn't show!

  • Comment number 86.

    Wishing you all the best Gin!!!!! Chow!

  • Comment number 87.

    Grrr, what's that about? The weather forecast for Thursday Friday and Saturday ALL has that really REALLY useful symbol with a black cloud, a raindrop, and sunbeams coming from behind.

    HOW USEFUL. Why can't they just say, we don't know?!!!

  • Comment number 88.

    Oooh ma gourd. Not too spooky at all. Was just this very last eve talking with the Badger about Herman's Hermits...his name was Peter Noone by the way Jen!

    ...and then talking just this very morning about being born in the wrong era. Not a problem usually for me as I have been reincarnated several times, but currently have yen to be lying in the sun being fed grapes or similar by delishus young man.

    There is a pic on the Daily Wail web site of Mr Hucknall with Hucknall junior...whilst not even remotely resembling Kevin Keegan (poster out of my brother's Shoot! mag and possibly the only time I have ever had any interest at all in football...) definitely carmine in hue...

    My first poster was of Cliff Richard. But that's not for here.

    gingembre x

  • Comment number 89.

    I said to my mate, what about Chris Evans playing the piana on telly then?

    He said, yeah, and Russell Brand on the lute?

    I said lyre

    He said, nah, I'm tellin' the troof!

  • Comment number 90.


  • Comment number 91.

    Hazel hahaha very good!!!
    Gingembre, thats was such a lovely thing to do, glad to hear your little girl is doing well bless her.
    My first poster was Jon Bon Jovi , in all his long shaggy haired glory, I remember I had one of Wet Wet Wet and you could see Marti had a couple of pimples!!! Dont see that anymore in these days! I still love(d ) him tho!!
    Bingo maybe you should request Torn between two lovers for ARF! XXXXXXX

  • Comment number 92.

    Cliff????? R U Sure????

    I had a poster of John Taylor from Duran Duran right about my pillow, stuck to the ceiling and then my mum pointed out that it would be a haven for spiders to gather ....

    .... down came that there poster toute suite!!

    Mange tout

    CtD x x x

    PS: my auntie used to call Mr Cassidy David Casserole.

  • Comment number 93.

    Jon Bon Jovi..... now a poster of him would have been right nice.... I think one of my crushes got me into Bon Jovi, I remember the first album of theirs I bought, unbelievably depressing album as I remember. But that hair.... oooooooh......

    Spiders didn't need any extra help to make my room their haven, I've never really gotten over that!


  • Comment number 94.

    OMG jeni - I'd have to move house!


  • Comment number 95.

    My first poster waz of Nigel Mansell aka our nige!!!!

  • Comment number 96.

    In a Ferrari F1 car!!!!

  • Comment number 97.

    Tnx Fairlyoddmother 4 the advice..... I don't know what ter do...

  • Comment number 98.

    The weird thing this is 100% true.... in Ukraine, the day I met the ballerina beauty....

  • Comment number 99.

    Bingo, meant to say, non andare indietro! Non andare mai indietro!!! No good will come of it...trasmettere sempre il mio amico!

    ...and CtD, yes I'm sure it was Cliff.

    He was pretty cool then...well, my mum got me the poster for my new bedroom, when we moved, and she thought I still liked him because I had sent him a painting when I was about 3 years old...and she had no concept of Alice Cooper...

    My brother got one of Livvy NJ! The crosses we had to bear eh.

    i miei tesori

    Dear moderators, the italian is also not rude. Eyethangyew.

  • Comment number 100.

    I goot back ter me 'otel, thought she could be the one.....


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