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Chris Evans | 11:30 UK time, Monday, 10 March 2008

I know it may all sound a little racey for a Monday morning but what can you do ?

Read on do…

In an extremely weak and desperate article over the weekend attempting to claim the first cowardly stab in the back of the great Michael Grade, a stupid bloke called Richard Northedge wrote these words...


"As chief executive of Channel 4. [There] he was condemned as "pornographer-in-chief" for introducing such series as Chris Evans' Don't Forget Your Toothbrush."

Excuse me... what did he write ? Did I read that correctly ?

This man is a tool.

How bad a piece of journalism is that ?

What the heck did Don't Forget Your Toothbrush have to do with pornography ?

He then goes on to say in the next sentence,

"However his [Michael] instincts are not always to dumb down..."

Dumb down ! Is Loony Tune aware that Don't Forget Your Toothbrush achieved record ratings and won every major television award in the world including:- a Bafta, The Golden Rose of Montreux and the International Emmy in New York !

D.F.Y.T. was a show intended to lift the spirits of all those involved and all those watching. Is this dumbing down ?

Don't Forget Your Toothbrush was there for all the right reasons - unlike this agenda filled piece of bile ruining the rest of what is, for the most part, a cracking Sunday read.

If Mr "Dick" Norhthedge thinks Don't Forget Your Toothbrush had "anything" to do with sexual titillation, let alone pornography, then I can only begin to imagine he's probably begging his wife to "Light his Lemon" as we speak.

What a solid gold numpty.

Maybe one day I'll bump into him, hopefully in a pub, I think he needs to be put straight face to face - of course there would be a pint involved right over his lazy fat head.





  1. At 11:45 AM on 10 Mar 2008, Mrs M wrote:

    Fighting talk.

    Sadly I don't remember catching the programme more than a handful of times/in passing but that aside its nice to wind down and have a laugh if you have been in the real world all day/week/whatever. Too much reality can be heavy on the soul. Yes keep in touch with whats happening out there but you got to counter balance the real world with some fun too or drive yourself over a cliff.....

    Line the pints up ;-)

  2. At 11:46 AM on 10 Mar 2008, Elm wrote:

    calm down. calm down - lots of people have heard of you Mr CLP and noone has heard of - whats his name - so don't worry about it.

    Personally I never watched don't forget your toothbrush because it probably clashed with something else but thats no reason to slate it - after all compared with some of the tosh they produce now - location x 3, you are killing your kids etc, it was inspired!

    Don't be blue - as a monday today can only get better - soon be lunch time :-)

    Elm x

  3. At 11:54 AM on 10 Mar 2008, Red wrote:

    The man's an a*se Chris .....

    Don't waste the beer over his head tho'.....make it

    ice cold water to cool his 'mucky' mind...!

    X R

  4. At 12:25 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Tiggy wrote:

    Just caught up with the blog, so sorry to hear of your loss gingembre, can't add anything to all the lovely words, just that I'll be thinking of you. I lost my best friend 15 years ago and have learnt to tell everyone around me how much I love them as often as I can as life is way too short to forget.
    That Northedge bloke, why such a vicious attack?
    I watched DFYT only once or twice but as Mrs M said, it was ideal end of week wind down telly and all those awards have gotta mean something surely?
    Well done Moose on ARF choice, great start, car stereo cranked, singing at the top of my lungs! Got some odd looks but who cares?!

    Tiggy xx

  5. At 12:30 PM on 10 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Gingembre- so sorry to hear your news sorry I haven't replied sooner, I think its amazing that you were still friends. Please give my love to all your family and your daughter. Will send you a message on facebook as well xx00xx

  6. At 12:34 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Pete wrote:

    Loved DFYT and I think you, Mr Evans, are a great broadcaster. So, as Elm says, calm yourself and think of all the great things you have done. Then try to think of anything this guy has done....oh, that last bit didn't take very long, did it?!

    Keep doing what you do best: bring a smile to people's faces :-)

  7. At 12:43 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Dickie Drain wrote:

    D F Y T and T F I F = Best way to start the weekend.

    Richard Northedge = Tool

    ....nuff said.

  8. At 12:54 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Gaby wrote:


    DFYT had as much to do with pornography as that Dick has to do with getting his facts right in the name of decent journalism. Nothing.


  9. At 01:04 PM on 10 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Me think Perhaps Mr "DICK nortHEADge is perhaps lacking in a Thesaurus, or maybe even a dictionary?

    Maybe the word he was looking for was "Professional", or Profoundly Funny, or Particularly Entertaining. Of all the words I could choose to describe DFYT, I really do not believe that Porn would have been one of them. I don't remember any rude bits.

    However, if you want to talk about Naked Football..... and flashes of Willys .... Lets talk TFI.... ha ha ha ha. But again, Entertainment and hilarious comes to mind before Porn!


  10. At 01:13 PM on 10 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tryed ter blog earlier but me comments ave failed ter appear - lost in blog ciber space again!

    Gingembre - Very sorry to hear about your sad news. My thoughts are with you & your daughter.
    Remember time is a big healer & the pain & upset will ease with time.

    Rosie Roo - Sorry abit late, but just wanted ter offer you a "HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDEE GREETINGS" for the the 9th!!

    CLP - Was this artical in a newspaper? Enough said!
    But I will say more.... maybe 'e was refering ter the time you went nude on the footy pitch for a laugh or the very attractive 'Cat' - shows what a sheltered lifestyle this... can't remember 'is name already, 'as led if 'e thinks that's pornography.
    I loved the Toothbrush shoe, sorry show.... should bring it back if you get the chance - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    As for the papers... The Mail on Saturday was ripping Spike Milligan ter pieces. A full double page spread about how nasty he could be... soon as I saw the headlines I didn't read the artical as it's disgusting filth.
    The man is dead, 'e should be left ter R.I.P.
    It's like dancing on someones grave just to sell papers.

    CLP - Just try ter ignore any rubbish written about you, I know it's very annoying but as you say the awards speak for themselves!!!!!


    PS - I'll try ter bang on later me lighthearted commentations about me last weeks trip ter London, if the BP let me!

  11. At 01:19 PM on 10 Mar 2008, jillygoat wrote:

    I think 'Dick' is the perfect name for him!! DFYT was a great show - you got the awards Christoph, that Dick didn't!

    Gingembre - couldn't get through before now but just wanted to say that my thoughts are with you xxxx

    jillygoat xx

  12. At 01:24 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Steep Hill wrote:

    Early Evening on a Friday after a long week at work, beer in hand, the weekend has just begun. What was he expecting to see on TV, Open University? Get a life! P.S. were you on before or after The Avengers?

  13. At 01:37 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    What a cheek one and all

    I thought it was a fab show. I also liked TFI. The formula worked as Ant and Dec have proved with a reworked theme.

    Everyone seems obsessed with food programmes these days. Would be great to have a "Who's kitchen is this". A programme where celebrities tell all when they open the fridge. Could be a mouldy old piece of cheese which they have to fashion into a gourmet meal.
    Not so much whats in your locker cocker but whats in your fridge fanny.

    Toodle oo pp

  14. At 02:43 PM on 10 Mar 2008, j wrote:

    Mr CLP

    Have been ranting on this blog for quite some time about the state of (most) of the press in this country - although I'm guessing this article was from one of the broadsheets which makes it all the more depressing. Lazy journalism should result in them being taken outside and shot!

    DFYT was excellent telly and highly innovative - it deserved to win all those gongs.

    Hard sometimes to do - but put his words out of your mind and where they belong; in the compost along with all the other rejected rubbish.

    Jen Ewan

  15. At 03:05 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Toby Dodwell wrote:

    What a PLUM!!!

    D.F.Y.T Changed everything, it actually made Channel 4 what it is today!

    They are renowned for putting TV shows on that no-one else would touch because maybe they are a little close to the knuckle but I think that's what makes Channel 4 so damn good!

    Slap Him lamy pie, HARD!

    happy monday all!

  16. At 03:13 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    ((((Gingembre)))) - just wanted to add my thoughts and prayers to all those already coming your way.

    T xxxxxxxx

  17. At 03:25 PM on 10 Mar 2008, J wrote:

    What does a financial jouralist know about entertainment anyway?

    I note Dick is persuing a freelance career and is obviously trying to be a little edgey

    Well Mr Dick Not on my edge, you sure got it wrong this time.

  18. At 03:52 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Apparently CLP, he is a financial journalist and to be honest, doesn't look the type to watch DFYT if you know what I mean.

    Which makes it all the more reason to keep quiet about things you know little about in my opinion. Better to keep quiet and be thought a fool than open you gob and remove all doubt.

    Em, sorry to hear that you have been down lately. Me too, fretting over how/when to tell boss I'm leaving and getting broody (where did that come from?!) I too have been counting my blessings since yesterday though, chin up sweetie x

    Hope that everyone is ok. And dry!

    Debbie x x

  19. At 04:19 PM on 10 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight again,

    Oh dear....... oh dear blog friends, I notice Wrightie's not in terdee.

    Ireally do hope it's not 'cos I turned up at BC & Western 'ouse with me autograph book last week?

    Am not a stalker.... just keepin' ter me New Year resoltution ter get CLP, Wrightie, Sally, 'ells Bells.... errrr The Pryor... The Bruce & anyone else who wants ter give me their 'graph!!!!!
    (And I promise not ter bang em on E-Bay!!)


    PS I'll bang full details of 'ow me visit went wrong & I ended up in trouble with the met ploice.... am on bail presently but ave got me court case comin' soon of which i'll report the full details of on the blog!

  20. At 05:25 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Grant wrote:

    D.F.Y.T was indeed a good show.....

    It has been mentioned several times on this blog recently, and also "not" mentioned on this blog but been disguised as a "secrect Mr Evans cant discuss" even though he was "bursting" to, as mentioned in a Blog a while ago.

    The Award in the studio last week.... again another mention for this Innovative show....

    My Dectective powers say a new version with either original or new presenter is on the cards! Is this a case of product placement by the ever shrewd Ginger one??

  21. At 05:35 PM on 10 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Calm down! Calm down!

    Just let it go CLP. I appreciate it got your hackles up but it probably isn't worth getting too upset over.

    You know better than most, Chris, that journalism can, at times, be lazy and sloppy. Rise above it and show who the grown up is here.

    I noticed that you posted this at 11.30am. That could well be one of the earliest posts you've made. I hope your day improved after sharing this with us.


  22. At 05:40 PM on 10 Mar 2008, youmissedabit wrote:

    That'd be a waste of a good pint, if you ask me!

  23. At 06:21 PM on 10 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Ooooh CLP I love it when you get angry!

    The man is obviously a complete numpty


  24. At 06:26 PM on 10 Mar 2008, youmissedabit wrote:

    That'd be a waste of a good pint, if you ask me!

  25. At 06:35 PM on 10 Mar 2008, youmissedabit wrote:

    That'd be a waste of a good pint, if you ask me!

  26. At 07:45 PM on 10 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Moose good to see you blogging I have missed you x

    CLP you have nothing to worry about we and however many million of other listeners love you xxx

    Hi Bingo x x

    I seem to giving lots of x x x x today!

    C x x x x x x x x

  27. At 07:50 PM on 10 Mar 2008, MfR wrote:


    Our thoughts are with you and yours mate.

    Had a lovely lunch at The M yesterday. Good to see a nice array of new veggie stuff on the menu Christoph, keep up the good work. Mind you, glad we were there yesterday and not today!

    As many people did, we woke this morning (actually, that's a lie as we hardly slept all night) to our garden having been rearranged for us and the power switching itself on and off. Luckily there was no damage done.

    Mrs MfR's birthday this weekend coming, so I hope this nasty weather disppears. We've got friends coming over who are currently in Tobago.

    Jealous? Moi?

    Be safe all

    Peace & love


    PS 57 Mount Pleasant Street

  28. At 07:57 PM on 10 Mar 2008, Jez Denton wrote:

    Chris - don't get het up about the I know there is an off button but I really want to be offended (although probably secretly tittilated) brigade such as this muppet who has got your goat!!!
    Ever since the days of Mary Whitehouse there has been a group of sad, humourless, obsessed (and often self righteously religious fundamentalist's) who believe its their right to tell you and me what to enjoy. In some countries they are known as Taliban's for instance and have themselves bombed to hell by our Governments, in this country they are allowed to be fully paid up members of the nanny state.
    I am an intelligent and sensible human being. I can choose what I wish to watch and or listen to and I will continue to do so. I am also happy that I enjoy the sort of entertainment that you, Chris, produce which is only heightened by the fact that these pompous self righteous numpties will hate it. I enjoy Chris Morris, Julia Davies, any comedy that pokes fun at organised religion for the same reasons! Keep up the good work buddy!

  29. At 08:21 PM on 10 Mar 2008, martyn bagley wrote:

    On todays show wind was a topic you were talking about, And why women don't seem to have the same problem or admit to.
    its because there mouths are never closed long enough to build up the required pressure.

  30. At 08:30 PM on 10 Mar 2008, lazykev wrote:

    sorry chris i didnt watch either,but if you want to waste a beer just make sure my mouth is open.

  31. At 09:35 PM on 10 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    So me big trip ter last week that ended in a ploice cell.
    It all started with me vist ter me father who lives in the Big Apple that's smaller then the Bigger Big Apple but more 'istoric, aka London.

    Day 1 - I borrowed me dad's car ter take a trip ter The Tate Modern.
    In the spirit of the damn place I decided ter park the car on the yellow lines near the entrance car park. When I was asked ter move it ter one of the vacant parkin' bays I said I couldn't in the spirit of modern art!
    I said the fact that it was causing a blockage was art as it was causing everybody ter look n' talk about why it was parked there.
    When I came out it was being removed by the ploice... ter cut a long story short I ended up in a BIG rumpus at the ploice car compound when tryin' ter retrieve it before me dad found out.... I ended up with a ploice caution & a Β£130 bill from the bill!!!
    PS Didn't see any Catherine Tate exibits anywhere at The Modern!!!!
    I'll damn go ter Maddam Tussauds next time!

    Day 2 - Thought I saw Duffy going down the opposite escalator at Euston underground.
    I shouted "Duff... can I 'ave yer 'graph..... yeah, yeah, yeahhhhh"!!!! But she just pretended ter ignore me.
    I swear it was Duffy. If not it was defo Berlinda Carlisle, i'd say probally returning from Carlisle being Euston!

    Later on I was up near Oxford Circus with me father very, very close ter BC 'ouse.
    So I asked 'im ter show me where it is.
    We ended up outside. I said look i'll just pop in ter see if they do guided tours.... I was advised R2's gods of the airwaves comes from Western 'ouse so off I went on a mission ter find it.
    Don't know what 'appened ter me dad... 'e dissapeared. made a fast exit sensing trouble, so I carried on without 'im.
    Then there it was..... Western 'ouse!
    Were the gods of broadcasting....... errrrr broadcast!!!!
    I went inter reception ter try & blag a guided tour but no luck!
    So few minutes later I tryed ter crawl in past the desk.... only for the very nice lady on reception ter.... intercept me when the metal detector.... detected me!
    Ave 'eard the reception is very good at R2.... the reception at reception from the receptionist that is, not from the R2 transmitter, although that reception is good too, but it wasn't for me this time!!!!
    I was dejected at being ejected from the building, like one of Noel Edmonds dissused 1982 jingles outta a cassette recorder!
    So ten minutes later a tryed ter go in with two other blokes carring an oval plate of food with tin foil.... probally Nigel Bardon..... but me plan was foiled.
    The receptionist was now on the phone ter the ploice so I made a quick exit inter the cover of Portland Food & Wine, opposite, ter buy some Bored Dough #8 red & blend in pretending that I was just another alchoholic stocking up.
    A tell yer the receptionist must be an ex MI5 agent.... well on the ball, close one... know what am sayin'!!!!!!
    Me luck was not in at all... knew I should ave worn me financial times socks - thee bring me good luck!

    Day 3 - I was up in the city. Decided ter check out the energy of the financial 'eart of..... credit crisis.
    The Bank Of England museum first, then The Gerkin.
    A tell yer must ave walked miles around the Square Mile aka The City & me feet were killin' me - am tellin' yer!!!!!
    Luckily though me luck waz in on day 3, inlike day 2.
    A limo & driver waz parked outside a posh building with a sign displayed in the window sayin' Mr Sugar.
    I thought wooooooo ave goot a plan ere. I was limpin with me sore feet & waz in limbo.... do I take the limo..... 'ome?
    So next thing I jumped in it & said "okay yarrrr, take us, sorry one, ter Chisiwick please".... (were me dad lives yer see)!
    The driver said "are you Mr Sugar?"
    I said "yes", so off we went blog friends... off we went!
    All was going very well.... I was tellin' the driver all about the upcoming economic situation, the full Bingo rundown, until 'is in car phone rang with the drivers boss askin why Mr Sugars limo is..... gone!!!!

    That's were it all went very wrong blog friends, VERY wrong!
    I ended up being driven ter the nearest ploice station!
    I spent the whole damn weekend in there before being released on bail & put on the first available train back 'ome ter The European Capital Of Culture!!!!!

    Ave now gotta return ter London next damn week for a court 'earing!!!!!!
    (That's not an ear ring but an 'earing without an aych!).

    FULL details i'll bang on the blog next week blog friends, next week!


  32. At 01:53 AM on 11 Mar 2008, wrote:

    DFYT was such a huge hit, the guy clearly was in a coma and never really saw the show. You are a legend in your own right Christoph! Keep up the good work :)

  33. At 05:50 AM on 11 Mar 2008, gingembre wrote:


    ...thank you so much for your kind words and thoughts. I am humbled by your time and effort in responding. I didn't expect it at all.

    I don't really wish to single out anyone in particular but to G - thank you for sharing your story with me, I have printed yours off and will keep it in my wallet as a mini check list.

    I will take on board all of the comments left for me, who knows what the future holds? All I do know is that I will 'be there' for my amazing daughter (who went to school yesterday!) and make her mummy proud as she looks down on her


    Oh and Chris, ignore the bloke 'Dick', he's a tool of the highest order. DFYT was genius tv, when you're in your manloo and looking at your print of the France trip (and counting the awards it received in your head), think of him and his no-mark life and smile sweetly to yourself. In fact don't ever think about him again. It's all about jealousy my fellow gingembre

  34. At 09:57 AM on 11 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Gingembre- sorry my facebook doesn't seem to be working, but will try to see you on there in the next few days.

    Thought I would just send you all a little message before my mum and i head to london for the night, yes didn't we do well with the weather! We were going to see the terrecotta army but they were completly sold out! so now we are going to Harrods! because they are so similar.
    Anyway will see you back on here tomorrow night when I'm back. Love as always missy xxx

  35. At 10:15 AM on 11 Mar 2008, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - could you please ask the powers that be why I can't 'listen again' to Friday's show?

    jillygoat x

  36. At 10:32 AM on 11 Mar 2008, Em M wrote:

    Gingembre - you must be so proud of her going to school, you and your ex obviously have done a great job bringing her up xxx

    Debbie - thanks for your message, yes I am a bit low at the moment, i somehow seem to have got embroiled in someone else's problems and ended up upsetting someone (never my intention!). Also a "work" problem has really knocked my confidence, I seem to be able to put a brave face on things for so long, but really not coping well. How are things with you? (Sorry about that, reading it back I sound a bit of a self-pitying idiot!) xx

    Chris - I'm surprised you care what this idiot wrote about you, I'm sure you've had a lot said about you over the years and it hasn't done you any harm has it? xx

    Em xx

  37. At 10:45 AM on 11 Mar 2008, JDB wrote:

    I never managed to watch D F Y T because of my (then) working hours, but this "Dick" shouldn't write what he did.

    Anyway, control yourself Chris, he's not worth wasting a pint on!!

    Think only nice things and remember you entertain us wonderfully on our way home every night.


  38. At 11:26 AM on 11 Mar 2008, em27 wrote:

    I loved dont forget your toothbrush, I used to watch it every week! It was great!! I also loved TRI Friday! We need another program like that!

    Dont let he bastards grind you down Chris! Most of these people have a huge stick up there arse and are totally and utterly pretentious!

    Well today is an odd day at work, my pal is sat across from me in silence, she is having huge trouble with the CSA. Her boyfriend has two children with his ex wife and she seems to want to drain the life out of them. Looks loke houses will be sold, and extra jobs taken on. It is a shocking system that makes little sense!

    I, however, have my fingers crossed as my car is in for its MOT!

    And how good is the music out at the moment I am lobing Duffy and Beth Rowley and so many more! Keep it up Radio 2 great play list (other than westlife and getting sick of Kylie Im afraid to say!


  39. At 01:02 PM on 11 Mar 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL Of The Blog,

    Bingo Star ere.... doing 124.3mph but it's ok.... yer can tell the ploice!

    Yeah, am on a Virgin train 'eading fast ter London, but don't worry CLP, am not gonna be able ter visit BC 'ouse as am ter busy on business - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    Not that I don't wanter visit BC 'ouse!!!!!

    Try & catch up on some of the weeks blogs ere :

    Cathmel - Ello ter you too!!!!! xx

    Clodagh - Love your blogs & agree with some of last weeks blog commentations from other bloggers - You should write a book - know what am sayin'!!!!
    PS Baked Beans, me me meetin' & yer daughter, sounds dangerous!!!!!

    Gingembre - 'ope yer ok.... thinking of you & your daughter at pres.....
    Ere's a quick joke ter try & cheer yer up abit :

    Did you 'ear about inland revenue officers who 'ated their job.....

    They found it very taxing!!!!!!!

    Prof Plum - Yer were askin' if ave got any spare fuel. Ave got some spare rape oil seed that ave been growing at the 31 alotments ave rented off me local council. The bio fuel doesn't seem ter be working for me.... ave been puttin the seeds inter me fuel tank & it keeps causing me car ter break down - so much for being an eco driver!!!!!


  40. At 01:40 PM on 11 Mar 2008, Nev wrote:

    Surely the thing is is to ignore him rather than make comments as that just gives him credibility ot at least creates an awareness. Mind you that seems to be how journalists work these days pick up half a truth and antagonise people....!

    Plum - love the celebrity kitchen idea - Who eats from a fridge like this...!


  41. At 06:20 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Spoiler wrote:

    Have you actually become Alan Partridge?

    A hilarious blog, if only for how ridiculously ego-centric it is.

  42. At 06:25 PM on 13 Mar 2008, Spoiler wrote:

    You are Alan Partridge. Discuss.

This post is closed to new comments.


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