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Chris Evans | 15:05 UK time, Tuesday, 18 March 2008

I have an associate. Now first of all how about the word associate...

...always conjures up a certain dodginess in my mind. Arthur Daley had a lot of associates didn't he ? If anyone ever uses that word to me I become immedaitely suspicious. However no need for you to be suspicious here. I have called him an associate purely for his own protection.

This is a man, a white man, who will only go out with black women. No matter what type of non black woman I point out, he will not even begin to entertain the possibility of romancing her. Now, is this racist or is it just a matter of preference ? Can you be racist when it comes to picking a partner. Some men prefer blondes, will only go out with blondes, does this make them prejudice ? Our producer has said from now on she is probably only going to go for younger men, actually what she said was, "Younger men are definitely the way forward." Is any of this morally wrong ? It's just that I wonder why anyone would narrow down their potential for fun so dramtaically.

So here's another thing - I asked my associate this morning, if he were gay, would he only consider black men? To which he replied an emphatic, "no don't be stupid !" Now what's all that about ?





  1. At 04:11 PM on 18 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    OO-er strange person - although in my youth I only went for a "certain" type - rich and good looking! Often managed to find the good looking but apart from a couple, the rich eluded me! One of the best looking was my ex - soon discovered not much use if nothing inside a good looking head and I mean nothing! Live and learn!

    Prof Plum - re the Dads Army show - now you will know I am ancient!! Went to see the original cast in London many moons ago and it was the best laugh I had in years - the add libs with Ian Lavender, capt M Sarg and Jonesie were better than the script! Don't know anyone in the audience who didn't either lose all their make up or p** themselves laughing. Being a lady I did neither (I lie, I looked like a Panda)!!

    My birthday this Friday, first day of Spring!!! so as there will probably be no post (any posties out there know?) can I get in early and have my request for ARF(Thursday) Sylvia by Focus.

    Biggles Mumxx

  2. At 05:08 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Buenos Dias one and all

    When I first read the blog I thought it was going to be about chocolate. Some guy was definetely not a milky bar kid and hated white chocolate.

    Got it wrong. But like chocolate it's whatever floats your boat in romance I suppose.
    But if that romance makes you melt, then go for it I say. Lot's of other chocolate bars in the sea if it don't work out. I like a nutty one myself.

    B's Mum. Bet the original Dads Army was fab.
    Hope you have a nice birthday. Now speaking of Focus I saw them way back when.....

    toodle oo pp

  3. At 05:31 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Big a wrote:

    I once made a comment in middle school that i didnt like black girls (i've since changed my mind- a marvelous encounter with a ugandan girl a few years ago - oh and that half-irish, half egyptian girl...) anyway, yes. It was treated as a quite racist comment. I argued it was no different to not liking short girls, or blondes, or gingas (no offence Chris), but i was told that THIS comment, in particular, was worse. Why?????
    Its worth noting that i grew up surrounded by mixed race kids, and all my best friends were ethnic minorities/majorities. Most people who think this kind of thing is racist seem to have grown up in richer/whiter areas. I think its a middle class weirdness.

  4. At 05:36 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Hello everyone

    Sorry for not blogging for ages - life's been hectic getting my head around the new job (all going fab!), a weekend away in London (Phantom - awesome!) and just being little ole me really.

    I have a "type" - usually tallish, skinny, long hair, scraggly, wear make-up ... the type who look like they need a good scrub down. Men, not women, btw!

    This Thursday I will live out a teenage fantasy - we're off to Wembley to see The Cure!! Yippeee!! When I was about 16 I was going to marry Robert Smith but Mary (nor Robert for that matter) knew anything about it. Bring it on - I am soooooooo excited. Apparently they're on stage for 3 hours .....

    Debbie - how are you chuck? I've been lurking and reading posts and have been meaning to email you to say good luck and be strong. It's been said on here before - it's Mr Nasty's problem, not yours! You know where I am if you need me ...

    Hazel - where the devil are you woman??!!

    Off to a certain supermarcado on the way home to get Easter Eggs for various nices, nephews, God children etc. Hey ho!

    And if I was on Woman's Minute my fave choccy would be Galazy, at room temperature with ready salted crisps (a kind of crisp/choc sarnie combo). Delux. Delish. Salivating as I type.

    Right - let's see if this gets through.

    Love to you all - you lovely people.

    CtD x x x x x

  5. At 05:49 PM on 18 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Prof Plum

    Crikey! nearly as old as me!!! Focus Live!

    Biggles Mum

  6. At 05:56 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Steve Williams wrote:

    I've been out with black ladies - Notably, the love of my life Mona from Liberia.
    Had my share of white girls, but black is definately best!!

  7. At 06:08 PM on 18 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Did anyone notice....

    I was up, commented very nicely,

    but now I'm gone!

    Take it, the blog police caught me begging?


  8. At 06:22 PM on 18 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Aw. Cheryl the Diva,

    I wrote a lovely comment, relating above statement to Mr Calvin Harris' song "the girls".... wherein he states rather beautifully, he likes them..... Big, Small, Black, WHite, Chinese, Spanish, English, Fat, Thin, and so on and so forth ... is purely a preference, and I think that mr Evan's has been stirring it ....

    Everything is so politically correct these days... what's wrong with a preference.......

    And Then I got politically policed.......my blog went up.... and then now... is down. All because I mentioned......................


  9. At 06:24 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Cheryl Halloooooooooooo. Good to see you back. Sorry but Hotel Chocolat is the best. Had their choccy egg sandwich for my dinner last night. Yummy!!

    Anne x

  10. At 07:03 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Evening each

    Cheryl Halloooooooooooo. Good to see you back. Sorry but Hotel Chocolat is the best. Had their choccy egg sandwich for my dinner last night. Yummy!!

    Anne x

  11. At 07:14 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    Big Chief Christoff

    I have to agree that yes, sady, as well, I have such a filter in place. I will only go out with very good-looking women.

    Like the filter on the Autotrader search, mine works usually around the following order: eyes first, figure second, smile third, lower torso fourth (or second in some extreme cases) followed by upper torso, personality, height, smell and then obviously personality, sense of self, perspective and accountability, etc etc

    Yes I have in my time been called deeply deeply shallow... but theres no hiding away from being true to oneself - whats the point in pretending...

    Call me old-fashioned . . !

    DtM xx

  12. At 07:37 PM on 18 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Yes I saw it - but there were two originals, I was on one and you were on the other - looks like one of us had to go!! Need to save comments as long as those knowing this blog.

    Biggles Mumxx

  13. At 08:13 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Happy Birthday BM

    yes can't imagine why I bothered to see this band.

  14. At 08:33 PM on 18 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Annie G - I feel it is your duty to describe the "choccy egg sandwich". I'm seeing two slices of white bread with a fried egg and chocolate spread, or is it a cream egg in between two slabs of Dairy Milk? The mind (and the belly) boggles!

    On the way home I was shocked to hear (just before the 6 o'clock news) CLP and Johnny The Sport Monkey doing crisps and chocolate. I'd only posted that at half five just before leaving work .... I almost upended my Micra in shock. The secret is to get 2 x large ready salted crisps (the ones from Leicester are bestest, methinks) and put a square of milk choc in between (a la sandwich) and then devour it all at once. Trust me - it's heavenly.

    Chilli and chocolate go well together too - I make amazing chilli chocolate muffins when the mood takes me. You can also buy an organic plain choc bar with chilli in it. Great stuff.

    Ooh - there's a rumour doing the rounds that a "Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ sports commentator" is one of the new Apprentice candiates. Mr Johnny Saunders - is it you???

    AND I've been meaning to ask for yonks now .. at the start of the Russell Brand podcast every week now there's a rather "surly" bint warning us all that "this podcast contains Adult material". Can someone please tell me - is it Rebecca "Foxy" Fox? If so, why is Mr Brand hijacking the Drivetime staff (Naughty Nic the Vicar's son, Foxy .... ) - does he have no budget of his own other than for stylists and make up artists??? (Russell - don't panic, I still luv ya!)

    God, I'm rambling now. Best go calm down before Nip/Tuck comes on or else, who knows what may occur!?!

    Good to be back - even if I am a tad crazy of late!

    CtD x x x

    PS: Born to be wild!

  15. At 09:11 PM on 18 Mar 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Hmm CLP.

    I have a type meself. Breathin' and daft. And preferably unable to run fast.


  16. At 09:29 PM on 18 Mar 2008, Anne G. wrote:

    Cheryl: You'll have to look at Hotel Chocolat website. The egg sandwiches are just yummy. Re chocolate and chillie: when my youngest makes Chillie he always adds a little dark chocolate to the mix - he says it has to be done. He was a chef in a previous life so he knows what he's talking about. As a vegetarian, I can't imagine how that tastes. I much prefer my Hotel Chocolat. Check out their website.

    Love, Anne x

  17. At 09:31 PM on 18 Mar 2008, LadyP wrote:

    Hi Peeps

    Had to comment even though brand new to this blog, hope you regulars don't mind.
    The skin colour means absolutely nothing but grey hair on a man......I know why Lady Penelope employed Parker!!
    As for the chocolate question does anyone remember Galaxy counters...they don't do them anymore as a packet but they are in Revels. Can we have a campaign to reinstate the Galaxy Counter, nothing has ever been as good.
    Or has it??

    Drive on Parker


  18. At 12:35 AM on 19 Mar 2008, roy wrote:

    all a matter of personal choice, i think, A friend of mine was married ov er 20 years to a black woman , they have six lovely kids but, unfortunately , the marriage ended although they remain friends. My mate has dated girls from different ethnic backgrounds and says he only sees people, not colour.

  19. At 07:41 AM on 19 Mar 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh what a beautiful morning one and all

    It's Arf time, so I thought being Easter and all, Hot Chocolate and Everyone's a winner might be a good choice.

    Now then, this video is not for the squeamish..
    Look at them trews.

    those trews.

    Toodle oo pp

  20. At 08:05 AM on 19 Mar 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    morning ladyP...

    ...welcome aboard x x x


  21. At 09:09 AM on 19 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Lady P
    I have grey hair (on my head) and I'm only 35 years young! to con a Chris phrase "What's going on there?"

    Don't like Chocolate - Rather have a nice Sausage egg and bacon butty (Egg has to be runny)

    Adam from Sudbury

  22. At 09:46 AM on 19 Mar 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Not racism, no, just a preference. I have a penchant for dark haired, dark eyed men and don't tend to fancy blond blokes at all. That's just me. Although, I would never limit myself as to ONLY going out with dark men - obviously, if ol' Bradley Pitt asked me out, I wouldn't turn him down...

    B's Mum - happy birthday for Friday!

    Looking forwrad to the 4 dayer...

  23. At 09:46 AM on 19 Mar 2008, Elm wrote:


    CtD - now I know you are happily married and have seen photos of your man (yep that is me stalking you) but you just described my man - he is thin, pale, with great long black hair and has been known to wear make-up at times - and his fav snack is choc biscuits and salt and vinegar crisps -

    I also love men with lonf hair, no facial hair and great eyes, think johnny Depp and damon albarn.

    love to all

    Elm x

  24. At 11:14 AM on 19 Mar 2008, BINGOW STARRE wrote:

    Greetings Christoof, Greettings BP, Greetings Bloggers Of The North, Greetings Bloggers Of The South, Greetings Bloggers In The Middle Bit,

    Bingow Starre ere (For this week only)

    Christoof man - I can understand your 'associates' standing in love n' lust. I find black women very attractive, there's something about the dark misteriousness & those big dark eyes. Ave always 'ad a thing for dark women meself, but 'aving said that blondes do ave a kind of illuminated charm - nowadays though beggers ain't be choosers so 'ill take any babe I can get - although at present I can't get any!!!!!!!!!!

    Prof Plum - Yes the F1 photos of the airbourne car waz in fact Fisi - lucky 'e didn't roll over but if 'e 'ad all would still be ok - no injuries!

    B's Mum - I did write a F1 write up for the Aussie GP, it's on the weekend blog.
    PS 'appy birthdee for Fridee - That makes you another pisces on the blog, nice star sign!!!!!

    ALL - Ere's some exciting news for this weekends Malaysian GP.
    Yes only a week between GP's - that's 'ow a like it!!!!!!
    The Malaysian GP 'olds fond memories for Fisi as in 2006 it's were 'e got pole & winned the race - it's a track 'e likes so I get a feeling time for PMA again & I think 'e'll definately get a top10 finish possibly up in the top 8.
    Although 2007 wasn't good, 'e was going well until overtaking Mark Webber were they both clashed inter a last corner clan like titans of.... of...... of crashing. Aagin Fisi did a pop up in the air jobbie just like last weekend - 'e's very small & light yer see - 5' something!
    Webber's fault though!
    Malaysia is a faster circuit so might not suit the Force India cars.
    But expect ter see the McLarens, Ferraris, BMWs & Williams all very strong in this race.
    Prediction - Lewis 'amilton another win as 'e too 'as fond memories of this track.
    It was in 2006 that racing in GP2 'e went from 18th ter 2nd overtaking the whole field - it's then that I first noticed 'is special talent!!!

    I'd say Lewis probally 1st, as for the rest - I ain't got a clue!!!!!


  25. At 11:30 AM on 19 Mar 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good morning all

    Boris Becker. Now there's a man that has a type. His partners are almost like clones of each other!

    Rosie tried to post yesterday but didn't get through. Mr Nasty will be awkward for sure, not even sure if I will get a good reference as he seems to bear grudges too!

    Hey CtD nice to see you back. Glad that the job is going well for you. I'm struggling a bit as you may have gathered! I have decided I'm going to tell the boss on the 28th March, hold me to that please! What is keeping me going is the thought of being off with Little Man over the Summer. Then get a new job in September.

    Must get on with some work now. Can't wait for lunchtime, I have a sudden craving for tomato soup and a cheese sandwich.

    Debbie x

  26. At 11:43 AM on 19 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Does this mean that if a white lady went abroad and came back with a good tan he would like them more?

    I can understand your associate as I fantasies more about darker - blck women than I do white, however I am married to a white woman.

    Lets face it ALL women are beautifull and I don't think it really matters I love them all.

  27. At 01:18 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Elm - thank you for stalking me, you have made my day!! BTW - are you married to Noel Fielding??!?!? Phwoarrrrrr!!!

    Just had a sarnie. Now off to check out that hotel choccy-woc web site. Credit card at the ready ....


    CtD x x x

  28. At 01:25 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Elm - thank you for stalking me, you have made my day!! BTW - are you married to Noel Fielding??!?!? Phwoarrrrrr!!!

    Just had a sarnie. Now off to check out that hotel choccy-woc web site. Credit card at the ready ....


    CtD x x x

  29. At 01:36 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    OMG - I need a lie-down in a dark room.

    Noel Fielding.
    Russell Brand.
    The Cure at Wembley.
    Creme Eggs.
    Hot Cross Buns.

    It's all just too much!

    CtD xxxxxxx

  30. At 01:38 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Annie G - I totally agree with you on Hotel Chocolat - I get their tasting box every quarter and the chocolates are absolutely divine - try it and see for yourself.


  31. At 01:40 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Rob H wrote:

    Hi Chris, people who are associates are not people you would consider a friend- just someone you know sort of. The bloke who only fancies black women is not in MHO pedjudice, he is just showing a preference same as blokes with blondes or women with blokes and money. It all comes down to freedom of choice.

    Cheers mate great show

    Rob H

  32. At 01:42 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Wickerman wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva: I must be very lucky as i live around the corner from the hotel choc factory and get to go in and get to sample the goods before we buy them how lucky is that !!!!

    Honest not trying to make you jealous

  33. At 01:44 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Annie G - I totally agree with you on Hotel Chocolat - I get their tasting box every quarter and the chocolates are absolutely divine - try it and see for yourself.

    Bah humbug first one was 502'd.....

    Happy Easter everyone - anyone got an easter biscuit spare?


  34. At 01:53 PM on 19 Mar 2008, BINGOW STARRE wrote:


    Bingow Starre ere again,

    That new tune by Alphabeat & Fascination....... WOT A DAMN BRILLIANT TUNE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    I wish i'd writted that one. It's a beautiful duet, fun, lively, fast, energetic & very, very wrockin'!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Could be one of me favs of 2008 if not me fav - only problem with this tune..... it's ends too soon!!!!!


  35. At 02:37 PM on 19 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Thanks all for the birthday messages - apparently I will shortly be hearing from various gov departments of my options for pensions according to my brother who I may add is 9 years older than me! Trying to scare me I think as his letters started arriving when he was 49!! Although--- I have worked since I was teeny and soon discovered earning money meant shopping!!

    Bingo - sorry missed weekend blog re F1. Not Pisces though, unfortunately I am on the cusp and most folk say I am an Aries! I prefer Pairies which puts me in both camps!

    Nearly time to go to bolt hole in Wales yippee! and F1 again - just don't snow until I get there and light the fire!!

    Have a good Easter All

    Biggles Mumxxxx

  36. At 02:41 PM on 19 Mar 2008, B's Mum wrote:

    Thanks all for the birthday messages - apparently I will shortly be hearing from various gov departments of my options for pensions according to my brother who I may add is 9 years older than me! Trying to scare me I think as his letters started arriving when he was 49!! Although--- I have worked since I was teeny and soon discovered earning money meant shopping!!

    Bingo - sorry missed weekend blog re F1. Not Pisces though, unfortunately I am on the cusp and most folk say I am an Aries! I prefer Pairies which puts me in both camps!

    Nearly time to go to bolt hole in Wales yippee! and F1 again - just don't snow until I get there and light the fire!!

    Have a good Easter All

    Biggles Mumxxxx

  37. At 03:03 PM on 19 Mar 2008, B's mum wrote:

    Thanks all for the birthday messages - apparently I will shortly be hearing from various gov departments of my options for pensions according to my brother who I may add is 9 years older than me! Trying to scare me I think as his letters started arriving when he was 49!! Although--- I have worked since I was teeny and soon discovered earning money meant shopping!!

    Bingo - sorry missed weekend blog re F1. Not Pisces though, unfortunately I am on the cusp and most folk say I am an Aries! I prefer Pairies which puts me in both camps!

    Nearly time to go to bolt hole in Wales yippee! and F1 again - just don't snow until I get there and light the fire!!

    Have a good Easter All

    Biggles Mumxxxx

  38. At 03:31 PM on 19 Mar 2008, hazel love wrote:

    I 'met' a member of Aswad once. And a certain gold medal winning decathlete.

    But that is most definately not for here.

    And I may not be here for long either.

    I check every day, but computer usually says no. Lets hope this time it's for keeps.

    Anyhoo, the badger is still going strong and is mainly brownish black and white stripes, so not sure at all where that leaves me.

    Hope all well, and gingembre, I got the message about the search party. I'd just like to say, I looked everywhere.

    that's why the lady loves

  39. At 03:32 PM on 19 Mar 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Ladies and Gents try this site out. This is Choco heaven in mass-heeve proportions. It's obviously called "Pimp that Snack" and ranges from 25Kg Rolo and 32ft Twix

    Happy B-Day B's Mum

  40. At 03:36 PM on 19 Mar 2008, BINGOW STARRE wrote:


    Bingow Starre ere again (but only for this week.... again),

    B's Mum - BIG 'pologies in all areas possibly possible.
    B yer right aries does begin on 21st of April aka yer birthdee - soz a just did it off me 'ead without checkin the xact dates - alotta zodiacs change on the 22nd or 23rd yer see - soz B!!!!!!!

    Aries are a very, very nice sign too though....... in fact CLP iz one!!!!!!!!!


  41. At 03:36 PM on 19 Mar 2008, BINGOW STARRE wrote:


    Bingow Starre ere again (but only for this week.... again),

    B's Mum - BIG 'pologies in all areas possibly possible.
    B yer right aries does begin on 21st of April aka yer birthdee - soz a just did it off me 'ead without checkin the xact dates - alotta zodiacs change on the 22nd or 23rd yer see - soz B!!!!!!!

    Aries are a very, very nice sign too though....... in fact CLP iz one!!!!!!!!!


  42. At 03:45 PM on 19 Mar 2008, Elm wrote:

    CTD - no, not Noel fielding but a good look a like - he had the cheek bones of Johnny Depp but covers them with a beard - doh!

    when Noel replaced bill bailey on buzzcoxks i was really torn about cill coming back, how good looking is Noel - rah :-)

    Elm x

  43. At 06:57 AM on 20 Mar 2008, Kate Jones wrote:

    First song for All Request Thursday.
    Yes, lets celebrate living in a multi-cultural, multi-racial society. And, yes it's great that anyone can bow down and worship any God (or non God in the case of the Pagans) that they wish. But this is Easter, and let's not forget that without Jesus dying on the cross and rising in glory again, leaving that tomb miraculously empty, then there would be no long weekend or Easter eggs. So the first choice for this evening is obvious - Mott the Hoople and "Roll Away The Stone". Happy Easter Everyone!

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