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Chris Evans | 15:14 UK time, Wednesday, 27 February 2008

So the desk thing yesterday, it served me well....

... I am now always to be set up on the tidy desk, result.

And this from the lady who it turns out has the power desk.

Helen, our boss, small but perfectly formed (I'm not joking) had first pick of the office stations after we first moved here, immediately commandeering the desk in the far corner near the window.

From there it transpires she can see the whole office at a glance, able to check her soldiers have their nose to the grindstone. She also gets the best of the day's sun. And here's the best thing, she also has trusty Juicy Janine on her left hand side between her and the rest of the world. So if any undesirables, record pluggers she specified, come into to try and see her, they have to get past Janine first. No easy task.

I never realised there was such a science to desks and stations.

And now it's also become more than transparent why Janine always gets cluster employee of the month and first pick of the free d.v.d.'s.





  1. At 04:31 PM on 27 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tryed ter blog this morn but it weren't workin'!!!!!

    Clodagh - Thanks for your Christophe Lambie Pie info - I thought CLP 'ad French connections!!!
    Good ter see yer bloggin again too, I thought the stress might ave goot too much for yersen & yud chained yer caravan ter the toppa The Great Orme!!!!

    Tinsel & Rosie Roo - Glad me jokes are making yer laugh abit!
    PS Rosie is it your birthdee soon aswell as Prof?

    Debbie - A leopard never changes it's.... errrrr.... errrrr...... black circles!!!!
    I 'ope it all works out well for yer but my advice would be look for a job on the quite first!!!

    Jeni - Thanks am not down terdee as ave made a new positive start.....I blew up me entire supply of valiumn at 12.56am this morning!!!!!


  2. At 04:36 PM on 27 Feb 2008, Dan the Man wrote:

    With women there is ALWAYS a method to their madness, a reason for their rationale, a purpose to their perspective, a cause & effect to their character . . us guys just don't stand a chance . .


  3. At 04:39 PM on 27 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tryed ter blog this morn but it weren't workin'!!!!!

    Clodagh - Thanks for your Christophe Lambie Pie info - I thought CLP 'ad French connections!!!
    Good ter see yer bloggin again too, I thought the stress might ave goot too much for yersen & yud chained yer caravan ter the toppa The Great Orme!!!!

    Tinsel & Rosie Roo - Glad me jokes are making yer laugh abit!
    PS Rosie is it your birthdee soon aswell as prof?

    Debbie - A leopard never changes it's.... errrrr.... errrrr...... black circles!!!!
    I 'ope it all works out well fir yer but my advice would be look for a job on the quite first!!!

    Jeni - Thanks am not down terdee as ave made a new positive start.....I blew up me entire supply of valiumn at 12.56am this morning!!!!!


  4. At 04:50 PM on 27 Feb 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Ola one and all

    So I see the Irish have entered a battery chicken into the Eurovision.

    I thought that earth quake was special effects on the Jon Bon Jovi Album I was listening too at the time.

    Seems funny really you having a boss Chris as without you there would be no show at all.

    Thanks for everyones good wishes in my traumatic times. I say it's better to have loved and lost etc etc .

    Toodle oo

  5. At 07:13 PM on 27 Feb 2008, M wrote:

    Teal? Its what men of a certain age wera. Hehe. It's purple for us ladies! Or have you had your coulours done? Me? Im an autumn.
    M xx

  6. At 07:20 PM on 27 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hi all

    I'm loving the HoJo week on Drivetime, and just want to share this little tale with you:-

    When I was 16 I was going out with a Gary Numan fanatic, trainee hairdresser who had THAT Howard Jones hairdo - all bleached and shaved at the sides, spiky on top. Anyhoo, we had a day out in big scary London and whilst posing in Carnaby Street, we got stopped by 2 Japanese tourists who thought he was HoJo!! It was really funy - they wanted photos and everything. It made us laugh and hopefully made their day too - I'd like to think they're still dining out in Tokyo on tales of the day they met Howard Jones in Carnaby Street!!

    As for the boyfriend ... we were all 16 once upon a time! At the time I was a die-hard Goth!!

    Hazel - where are yooooooooooooooooo?

    Dinner's ready - laters amigos

    CtD x x x

  7. At 08:04 PM on 27 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hey Hey hey

    I have a lovely desk.

    Is a corner desk, which I could sit facing the customer window... but I choose not to, that way i can watch people coming in thru the front door, and decide whether or not I'm engrossed in my work or not....mmmmm


    I'm not the first person everyone see's so I don't get harassed by everyone.

    I had a bad day earlier, but now, I've had a wee reiki session, and I'm feeling fine. Much calmer.

    Send your good thoughts my way.... keep me feeling this way.

    DWN B

  8. At 08:08 PM on 27 Feb 2008, lazykev wrote:

    all this talk of desks and ladies sounds like a proper office.

  9. At 08:19 PM on 27 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Eeee the power of desks. Phenomenal isn't it!

    Well, the new printer has arrived and also the second monitor for mixing on, although said second monitor doesn't quite fit in the space allocated it as it's under the eaves and the ceiling is kind of pushing it out a bit. But we'll see. And as for the printer, well hopefully by the end of tonight it will be churning out CVs and name and address cards and then.... well, we'll see what tomorrow brings eh.

    Hmm. Have many thoughts about Debbie's situation, and every time I write one of them down I think "now how's that going to help?" so I delete it and think again. Maybe there are some truly nice companies to work for and truly nice offices to work in (Chris yours sounds like one!) (and I think my husband works for one too, lucky man) and my personal thoughts are that you deserve to have a job that you enjoy, in a place you enjoy working. Maybe you should get out while it's not too nasty, or at the very least have a look around to see what's out there if things get bad again. Maybe being an at-home mum would be just the sabbatical you need until September! *hugs*

    Husband came home and caught me playing silly computer games instead of anything useful so I've made a chocolate cake to make up for it :)


  10. At 09:40 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    CtD you've just reminded me.

    Some years ago when I used to wear my hair shorter I was stopped and asked for my autograph by a considerably bug-eyed chap who told me he'd been a huge fan for years and what was it like winning the Eurovision.

    Just what the hell he thought Lulu was doing shopping in the high street in Wigan is anybody's guess.


  11. At 09:45 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    CtD you've just reminded me.

    Some years ago when I used to wear my hair shorter I was stopped and asked for my autograph by a considerably bug-eyed chap who told me he'd been a huge fan for years and what was it like winning the Eurovision.

    Just what the hell he thought Lulu was doing shopping in the high street in Wigan is anybody's guess.


  12. At 10:00 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    CtD you've just reminded me.

    Some years ago when I used to wear my hair shorter I was stopped and asked for my autograph by a considerably bug-eyed chap who told me he'd been a huge fan for years and what was it like winning the Eurovision.

    Just what the hell he thought Lulu was doing shopping in the high street in Wigan is anybody's guess.


  13. At 10:03 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    CtD you've just reminded me.

    Some years ago when I used to wear my hair shorter I was stopped and asked for my autograph by a considerably bug-eyed chap who told me he'd been a huge fan for years and what was it like winning the Eurovision.

    Just what the hell he thought Lulu was doing shopping in the high street in Wigan is anybody's guess.


  14. At 10:07 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    CtD you've just reminded me.

    Some years ago when I used to wear my hair shorter I was stopped and asked for my autograph by a considerably bug-eyed chap who told me he'd been a huge fan for years and what was it like winning the Eurovision.

    Just what the hell he thought Lulu was doing shopping in the high street in Wigan is anybody's guess.


  15. At 10:36 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    And Bingo. Tanks mate but no I haven't shackled me winnebago atop the Great Orme. Not in this wind.

    I'm lucky I slept through this 'ere earthquake as it happens. It's not good news at my age wakin' up in a vibratin' bed, let alone havin' Renee's teeth land on 'er 'ead in the middle of the night.

    Mind you that would be Divine Justice. This is, after all, the woman who decided to cure the Dear Departed Father's blocked ear during the wee small hours with a dish of red hot olive oil and a spoon. Bless him, it took him years to recover from what he thought was his exploding head after she dropped it down his ear from a great height. The woman is a dangerous psychopath.


  16. At 10:37 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    And Bingo. Tanks mate but no I haven't shackled me winnebago atop the Great Orme. Not in this wind.

    I'm lucky I slept through this 'ere earthquake as it happens. It's not good news at my age wakin' up in a vibratin' bed, let alone havin' Renee's teeth land on 'er 'ead in the middle of the night.

    Mind you that would be Divine Justice. This is, after all, the woman who decided to cure the Dear Departed Father's blocked ear as he slept peacefully during the wee small hours with a dish of red hot olive oil and a spoon. Bless him, it took him years to recover from what he thought was his exploding head after she dropped it down his ear from a great height. The woman is a dangerous psychopath.


  17. At 10:49 PM on 27 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    And Bingo. Tanks mate but no I haven't shackled me winnebago atop the Great Orme. Not in this wind.

    I'm lucky I slept through this 'ere earthquake as it happens. It's not good news at my age wakin' up in a vibratin' bed, let alone havin' Renee's teeth land on 'er 'ead in the middle of the night.

    Mind you that would be Divine Justice. This is, after all, the woman who decided to cure the Dear Departed Father's blocked ear as he slept peacefully during the wee small hours with a dish of red hot olive oil and a spoon. Bless him, it took him years to recover from what he thought was his exploding head after she dropped it down his ear from a great height. The woman is a dangerous psychopath.


  18. At 11:56 PM on 27 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Of the earthquake - is it true it caused millions of pounds worth of improvements in the Midlands?


  19. At 09:39 AM on 28 Feb 2008, gingembre wrote:

    morning team, hope that you're all fine n dandy today?

    Have to admit to a celeb mix-up of my own...

    ...in 1992 I was living in France and went to see Simply Red in concert in Grenoble. As we were English me and my mate decided to hang around afterwards incase Mick and the boys appeared - they didn't!
    Anyway, I had extremely long - and much thicker - hair then (obviously le gingembre). Long story short - 3 French ladies thought we were Mick and one of his band members, so we just had to oblige with photos and a sneaky kiss (or 2) on the cheek!!!

    Well.... what's a boy to do when faced with such a dilemma????

    DEbbie - time at home is wonderful, you can then look at your leisure. I think there's been lots of sound advice already on here so won't add to it much more. Hope that you're well.

    Off to London tomorrow with MrsW (not the one who blogged on here yesterday!) as we're going to see Alicia Keys in concert - can't wait. Hotel and trains are booked. Gonna spend Saturday in the shops. Hope the knees stand up to it!!!!

    Did the earth move for yer Nancy?


  20. At 09:57 AM on 28 Feb 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hello all, happy thirsty Thursday! I had a completely sad Bridget Jones-esque night last night. Mr P is away in Belfast so I was showered and on the sofa by 7:30pm, with a ten park of Marlboro Lights, four bottles of Bud and a Sex And The City box-set. So sad. But he's home tonight - hurrah!!

    Bingo - yes, my birthday's on the 9th.

    DWNB - sending good vibes to you.

    Dean - cheeky chappy. The old one's are the best, aren't they?

    Rosie x

  21. At 11:02 AM on 28 Feb 2008, jx - Jen Ewan wrote:

    Is this ruddy thing working today?

    jx - now jen ewan

  22. At 11:20 AM on 28 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Ah NO. The daughter says repeatin' yerself is one of the tick-boxes of psychosis. Bugger. Sorry.

    CLP can you not smite the repeats, you know, like Bill Bryson, Vaporize 'em? I feel a right t*t.

    Any road up. On that very subject, just wanted to report that there are some very pissed-off tits this morning in my mother Renee's garden. Seems her novelty fire station tit box fell off the garage wall during the earthquake, and just as they've measured it up for the sofa, the mirror with the bell on and the bouncy-backy thing they use as a punch-bag.

    I've hung some of Renee's fruit cake up on the tree as an appeasement but they just stared lividly at it and stuck two feathers up at me.

    Well at least they'll have summat to sharpen the beaks on. My feet are like a baby's after a good scrub with her oat crunchies.


  23. At 12:15 PM on 28 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:







  24. At 02:24 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Clodagh, do you know someone up high in the blogging world? I can hardly ever get my blogs through and yours are appearing over and over and over AND OVER!!! :-) So do you still look like Lulu???

    I have a desk in the corner by a window - perfick spot. I can see everyone coming towards me, no-one can see over my shoulder to see me blogging, and I can look out at the sky - lovely! Very good feng shui too - you shouldn't have your back to a door apparently, can't see your enemies coming in!

    T xxxxxxx

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