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Chris Evans | 15:15 UK time, Thursday, 28 February 2008

Well when I say a first for me, I suppose I mean more like a thirst for me. I've never done it before but...

....I am embarking upon a dry March. A dry March culminating in my first beer on my birthday April 1st. That is going to be my present to myself I want to feel swell at 42.

In the past I have never gone any length of time at all without the odd tipple and often with a great deal more. So I have decided I'd like to know what it's like to be free from the mental and physical effects of the grapes and grains of my various beloved favorite jars for four weeks. Will it radically change my life ? Will it open my eyes to a whole new world ? Will I discover the real me within ? Will I drive people crazy ? Well we shall see. Well we shall see...sort of.

You see, here's the thing.

I called a pal and told him what I was up to and he immediately bet me 500 qiud it was not going to happen. I, in turn, challenged him to join me whilst offering him the same bet. At first he agreed but then a strange period of negotiation began. By the end of which the bet was still on but we had decided the month wouldn't be entirely dry and that we could each nominate three days of that month in which to have a sneaky slurp should we so wish.

Er...and then.

More negotiation followed resulting in the challhenge of six dry days out of every seven up until my birthday.

So, I'm going for a semi dry March. Does this still have any meaning whatsoever ? Do I still get any good boy points ? Have I bottled it ?





  1. At 04:13 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    ha ha yes you've bottled it!!! but your liver will still say thanks for the holiday!!

    T xxxxx

  2. At 04:19 PM on 28 Feb 2008, phil l wrote:

    totally bottled it! i can go months without, mind you it's more down to the fact i can't afford to!! be strong , you've done harder things before

  3. At 04:20 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    CLP !!!

    The important thing to remember is that YOU can "easily" join the part-time temperance society, that's a VERY big achievement.

    I don't think it matters that you've not decided to stay dry for the complete month - you're going to manage to be booze-free for 86% of the time!!


    It shows a huge amount of self-control and it must prove to yourself that you can completely abstain... if you wish.

    The key to all these so-called bad habits is to demonstrate a control over them. If you "choose" to be tee total then it's an empowering decision. If you feel forced or obliged to give up something then you'll always feel like you're missing out.

    Whether it has any effect on your personality is entirely up to you. If you become insufferable and secretly wish for your next pint then maybe you need to re-evaluate your strategy.

    Good luck!!


  4. At 04:29 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Dickie D wrote:

    Good luck Chris.....
    As an extra incentive I will donate Β£20 to a charity of your choice if your dry 6/7days during March.
    There....now you cant possibly fail!
    Dickie D

  5. At 04:32 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Caroline wrote:

    You are bottling it big time! You have turned a noble and healthy plan into a nonsense just because your friend hasn't got the guts to stick it out!! Get back and renegotiate....I am sure you will do it, but can guarantee he will lose his 500 quid!

    Good luck Chris!

  6. At 04:40 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Liz wrote:

    Yes, you've bottled it. I did it recently and you feel full of life, have good nights sleep but it's really boring, especially when you go out for a meal with a crowd.

    Also, you make up for the lost time when the month's up and drink more than ever!!

    Good luck and have lots of fun!!!!

    Liz x

  7. At 04:40 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Jo Coish wrote:

    I have done the same thing in Jan for the past few years, my birthday is 2 Feb and I go 2 Jan -2 Feb no booze!
    It is very satisfying reaching a whole month no booze and does annoy some people which is always interesting to see. You do feel good for it much more awake but be careful on your birthday you will get p**sed much quicker!
    Dangerous turning it to a semi dry March as that will be more difficult and not as rewarding! Yep, I think you bottled it!
    Good luck
    p.s - this year was easy as I am pregnant and going 9 months without!!!!

  8. At 04:40 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Bottled It BIG Time.

    You can do it......

    If I can do it... You can do it.

    If you are going to have one... You might as well just drink the whole month thru.

    Stick with the original plan.


  9. At 04:45 PM on 28 Feb 2008, gingembre wrote:

    did you discuss quantities for these 'wet' days??

    I say ALL OR NOTHING CLP. either do it or don't!!

    Good luck, might even join you


  10. At 04:45 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Louise wrote:

    doesn't a little bit of what you fancy do you good????

    Leb x

  11. At 04:53 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Peter C wrote:

    Chris Hi there, I must say I had a couple of dry months last year from the end of Aug until 14 Dec. I am 45 years old and this was the first time in over 25 probably 30 years that I had gone for a period of time without a drink or two. I did drink for a couple of weeks at Christmas, but have been generally dry again since the 2nd Jan.

    I do always have a couple of glasses of red wine with sunday lunch which I now really appreciate so much more. I have also had a couple of pints of lager with a curry. But that is all and Boi do I feel so much better. More than that I have lost weight, 1.5 stone infact, so am now at the correct weight weight for my height. Have also saved a load of money and have so much extra time, as not down the pub.

    However I do make the point of popping in the pub to catch up with my mates, when I can often be found to be supping a lime n soda.

    Anyway Chris, I found it easy, I trust you do too and hope you also feel better as I do.


  12. At 04:55 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:


    I wish you the very best of luck. I'm afraid my March will not be the same as it starts with a week on the ski slopes with my friends and that's never a recipe for a dry week! Mind you I might need to dry out when I get home!

    & Booboo

  13. At 05:08 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Martin wrote:

    Meaningless. Do something worthwhile and then don't tell anyone you did it. Try that.

  14. At 05:11 PM on 28 Feb 2008, RB wrote:

    Yes - you've bottled it!

    It will need to be a full 31 days - completely alcohol free - if you want answers to the questions you seek.

  15. At 05:26 PM on 28 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Nah Christoff mate you'll do it, piece of p**s.

    The problem you'll have is when you get back on the dreaded sauce, it'll go in your gob, miss out the middle man and head straight for the back of the eyes.

    Given the number of embarrassing incidents I was involved in whilst under the influence, culminating in one particularly stupid action I'd never have got into in my sober incarnation, I suddenly developed an aversion to the drink, and didn't touch the stuff for almost a year.

    Then I went to New York, where we used to frequent one particular Irish bar where the barmen and girls were hugely friendly and funny and quantatively dyslexic, therefore I have fond memories of entering the bar to a chorus of "Howya Bombshell, the usual is it?", but absolutely none of leaving said establishment.

    God only knows how I ever got back without the assistance of the NYPD or a shopping trolley, but the next day I was always up first, fresh as a daisy and running over to Starbuck's for strong coffee for those others less fortunate and nursing heads like angry beehives.

    I'm still mystified as to how I woke up one morning with a green nose, me vest over me jacket and the Queen of Clubs stuck to me right buttock but that's another story that maybe somebody else can tell.

    And I still can't take me drink. Two glasses of Pinot Grigio and I'm anybody's. Three and I'm nobody's.

    So Achtung Christoffe. Because the main problem with bein' drunk is you think you're invisible.


  16. At 05:36 PM on 28 Feb 2008, easto wrote:

    Been there,done that,hated it - good luck.

  17. At 05:40 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Jo Coish wrote:

    I have done the same thing in Jan for the past few years, my birthday is 2 Feb and I go 2 Jan -2 Feb no booze!
    It is very satisfying reaching a whole month no booze and does annoy some people which is always interesting to see. You do feel good for it much more awake but be careful on your birthday you will get p**sed much quicker!
    Dangerous turning it to a semi dry March as that will be more difficult and not as rewarding! Yep, I think you bottled it!
    Good luck
    p.s - this year was easy as I am pregnant and going 9 months without!!!!

  18. At 05:45 PM on 28 Feb 2008, martin james wrote:

    The greater the challenge the greater the pleasure. Doing a half hearted attempt at not drinking for a month will result in half the pleasure at the end of the month.

    A month of not drinking is just that - I know, I`ve done it!

    m xxx

  19. At 05:59 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Ruth wrote:

    Oh dear

    Either do it or don't do it Chris.. No half measures..

  20. At 06:00 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Hey Chris - you def bottled it! Bottle of what though?

    You know I may do the same thing, 6 out of 7 days drinking and a day off a week sounds do-able...

    Ahh 6 out of 7 dry? hmmm - well - oh go on then!

    Now ive signed up too - minus the 500 squid bet of course - I am going to have to get right royaly pished tonight and tomorrow!

    see you on the other side when I will be hold aloft my large/very large drink and toasting your birthday!

    Your Soberly


  21. At 06:03 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Helen brine wrote:

    You bottled it! However it is better then nothing and one could say it is harder then going a 100% without as you are being reminded every 7th day what you are missing.
    Training for the marathon and going through a similar debate with my flatmate. Two weeks ago I stopped drinking til after the big run...now i'm allowed the odd one on special occasions that seem to be cropping up every week...what can one do??
    Good luck with it...asking everyone in my path to sponsor me...will you??!


  22. At 06:06 PM on 28 Feb 2008, rupert cox wrote:

    Sorry, Chris, you have bottled it. You will never know if it will radically change your life or if it will open my eyes to a whole new world or if you will discover the real YOU within. You Will drive people crazy - you always have!!!

    one twelth of the year "dry" - should be a breeze.
    Rupert Cox
    (46 (and that is just my chest size) and in need of a "dry" month myself!)
    Long Sutton

  23. At 06:42 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Chris that sounds suspiciously like Lent - 6 dry days out of 7! Well I decided a while back to give up the booze, and have told nobody until now. That's the way to do it. Then when you've gone a while, and know it's possible, you can tell people and say you've already gone for x many months and you've lived to tell the tale! I gave up because although I love the taste of many beers and wines and whiskies, they don't like me and conspire to make me hurt no matter how little I drink the previous day. So I have turned my back on them, they can beg all they like.
    Anyway good luck! Discover the joy of pretending to drink - tonic with ice and a slice but no gin - looks the same, tastes the same, and you can remember it the following morning :)

  24. At 07:03 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Jen wrote:

    Hi Chris
    I went for 7 weeks without a drink in the run up to Christmas. Be prepared for it to do strange things to you.
    As I got close to the end I began thinking that I would never want a pint again. And that freaked me out. I had to have a wee sip of wine to prove to myself that I'd go back.
    And everyone looks at you like you're a weirdo. And it's the most boring thing ever.
    Still, I felt great and now I'm planning on going back to it, but I think it's harder to do it second time around.

    Good on you though - and keep your end of the bet up!!

  25. At 07:08 PM on 28 Feb 2008, jenny Stone wrote:

    Semi dry - uhm. Sound a bit of a cop out. You definitely have bottled it, if for a mere 31 days, you are unable to abstain from the alcoholic variety of drink.

    Think liver, waistline and will power and respect.

    Good luck for the whole month of non drinking

  26. At 07:20 PM on 28 Feb 2008, kieffer wrote:

    Just been looking at prince Harry in Helmud etc,
    how will the spineless crtics of this fine young
    fella get over this? he's a top bloke and will
    always comand respect.

  27. At 07:27 PM on 28 Feb 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Hi Chris, seems like there might be a problem today, not one comment to read so must be broken!!
    Good idea to cut down on the booze, what with that and the yoga plus walking the dogs you will be fit in no time, very impressive!! love Jenn x

  28. At 07:29 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Leo wrote:

    You can do it Chris! I bet you'll notice more positive changes than negative ones if you manage to stick to it.

  29. At 07:33 PM on 28 Feb 2008, CLIFF FLETCHER wrote:

    Hi Chris, I did the same thing last year and rarely drink now, albeit the odd glass of wine at home or a bottle of beer. I feel much better for it and the thought of going to a pub and getting ratted makes my stomoch churn.!

    Cheers !


  30. At 07:47 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Macka wrote:

    do you know what chris

    with a life so stressfull as yours (lol) you need a drink mate.

    enjoy your tipple every 7 days or so (make it a strong one)



  31. At 07:55 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Graham Mellor wrote:

    What a wimp Evans. What ever happened to your willpower? I have been on a strict diet for nearly 7 weeks drinking only black coffee and water, definately no alcohol. Think of the taste of my first pint!

  32. At 08:04 PM on 28 Feb 2008, John wrote:

    You've not bottled it - your friend has but you dont have to follow it as he will. You can do it Chris!!

  33. At 08:09 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Job wrote:

    Yeah, I hate to be a stick in the mud, and I truly admire it especially as I've never managed it, but I do think you need to do the full hog. It's like Lent - you've either given up something you enjoy for 40 days, or you haven't. There's no in between. Plus, I reckon you'll feel much better for it. And, second plus, once you've got a taste for it, it'll be harder to stick to. And what's the limit on those days off? You could possibly imbibe your full monthly quota in those days off, so better perhaps to go completely cold turkey?
    Either way, good luck.
    ps. it should perhaps be mentioned that this comment was made after a glass or two of the ol' pino grigio grape variety...

  34. At 08:15 PM on 28 Feb 2008, dave wrote:

    well chris it should be totaly dry or nothing.if you tipple inbetween than its not the real thing im afraid.it will be all the more sweeter.good luck .dave

  35. At 08:19 PM on 28 Feb 2008, MfR wrote:


    Yep, it is all or nothing.

    We did it last January for a month and it does feel great. I slept much better (ie at all) and we both felt that we had more energy and zest about us.

    And the first beer after a month is the best you'll ever taste.


    I only went and blimmin' did it.

    My speech, I mean.

    After a couple of months of real anxiety, during which I contemplated resigning from my job in order to get out of doing it, I plucked up the courage, wrote and produced something that I thought was vaguely entertaining, and yesterday afternoon, in the boardroom at a Premiership football ground, I delivered it.

    And I did OK. I was, ahem, 'very nervous' (other phrases are available) before hand and really didn't think I could go through with it, but I believed in what I had written and that carried me through.

    And. I was woken up the night before in my crummy brummy hotel room by the quake!

    Must dash. John and Greg will be shouting about 'awesome cooking' and 'restaurant-style food' any minute.

    Peace & love


  36. At 08:23 PM on 28 Feb 2008, dave wrote:

    well chris it should be totaly dry or nothing.if you tipple inbetween than its not the real thing im afraid.it will be all the more sweeter.good luck .dave

  37. At 08:44 PM on 28 Feb 2008, martin james wrote:

    The greater the challenge the greater the pleasure. Doing a half hearted attempt at not drinking for a month will result in half the pleasure at the end of the month.

    A month of not drinking is just that - I know, I`ve done it!

    m xxx

  38. At 08:45 PM on 28 Feb 2008, mark thompson wrote:

    come on chris-you can do it. just think of the sense of achievement,never mind the fantastic buzz that you would get from the juice on your birthday....just one dry month in an adult life. i might even join you!!!!

  39. At 08:48 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Tom O'Brien wrote:

    Why not go 'guilt-free' and stick to the recommended unit limits. Just collect your daily limit 'allowance' and save them all til the sunday. Then one has plenty of units to avail of PLUS one has earned it so the bladdering is a job well done. And thus not tapping on your teetotal conscience's shoulder.

    There is one main problem with abstinence - its just plain boring.

  40. At 09:10 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Marc Booth wrote:

    It's not that hard to do. I abstained for a year. Was hard at first but just became a way of life. Although now I have a few socials I very rarely get tanked.
    However with St.Patricks day in March I think you may be tempted.

    Good luck

  41. At 09:31 PM on 28 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe Lambie Pie, dry (well, slightly damp) for a month. Hurrah I'll drink to that bless yous.

    But a word of caution. Once you're back on the sauce it will go into the gob, onwards via the clack, where it will miss out the middle man, travel vertically upwards and hit you right behind the eyes. Then you will adopt the gait of a new-born giraffe, (crossed with a chameleon), start singin' Crocodile Rock or New York New York, tell everybody you still recognise you love them and end up over somebody's shoulder with your trolleys on back to front and the Ace of Clubs in your bottom cleavage.

    That's meself after two Pinot Grigios these days. Two and I'm anybody's; three and I'm nobody's.

    Always remember. The worst thing about bein' drunk is you think you're invisible.

    Think on.


  42. At 09:32 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Sounds like a fair compromise to me , lol. Easy does it, then less in April etc . Good luck anyway. :)

  43. At 09:47 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Banjo wrote:

    Chris, I did January, then February. Now I'm gonna do March. It is life changing.
    I'm now determined to cut my weight and golf handicap by a quarter this year (16st and h'cap 16). I've done a stone already.
    Give it up it's great

  44. At 10:08 PM on 28 Feb 2008, simon loftus wrote:

    You have bottled it!
    I do dry for 4 weeks every year, just prior to Xmas.
    And think how wonderful your first pint of Adnams will taste if you stick it out.

  45. At 10:11 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Tony wrote:

    You really should'nt bottle it at your first attempt. If you can't do it this time, how are you going to do it next year? - or in time for your 52nd birthday?

  46. At 10:15 PM on 28 Feb 2008, kate evans wrote:

    Hi Chris. I listen to you every evening - I get really p*ssed off when I can't and feel as if I'm "missing something" - which is odd coming from someone who hates gossip etc. I, too, am a great lover of wine, or, quite frankly anything I can get my hands on - "wine/beer o'clock" is six o'clock in our house, but sometimes I do say to myself that it's six o'clock in France if I'm really desperate!

    I will donate Β£100 to charity (your choice, I have so many direct debits, I can't possibly choose one) if you do this - not only that, I will do it with you. My liver keeps asking to be adopted - but I love it, so would love to hold onto it for as long as I can!!

    Good luck in your endeavours and the very best of luck with the withdrawal. I have been told that the weightloss can be hit and miss - we are of a certain age, where sometimes it doesn't work - you don't have a problem, but me, I could do with losing my wine belly!!

    Let me know if you would like me to "do" it with you (how grubby!) and I will take great pleasure in beating you to the post!!

    Lots of love - Kate xxx

  47. At 10:25 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Chris, no you haven't bottled it. After all in Lent Sunday is a feast day so, if you had given up the chocolate biscuits for Lent, as did my wife, then on Sundays you are allowed to have them again!

    So consider yourself on a Lenten observance, albeit offset by a few weeks.

    (BTW, Listen to the podcast from the States! I used to listen to your morning program in the mid-90s while writing my doctorate.)

  48. At 10:27 PM on 28 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Chris, no you haven't bottled it. After all in Lent Sunday is a feast day so, if you had given up the chocolate biscuits for Lent, as did my wife, then on Sundays you are allowed to have them again!

    So consider yourself on a Lenten observance, albeit offset by a few weeks.

    (BTW, Listen to the podcast from the States! I used to listen to your morning program in the mid-90s while writing my doctorate.)

  49. At 10:31 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Rob Atkin wrote:

    total bottle out!!!!!

  50. At 11:22 PM on 28 Feb 2008, Tom wrote:

    Ha that is poor

    I decided two days ago to stop drinking for a while, i was thinking maybe a month for all the same reasons as you mentioned. To read this from you i thought was quite funny but maybe encouraging actually.
    so for me to then read on and find you have totally copped out before you even started i found pretty laughable!
    I think i will give it a go without these drinking days but maybe i will be a total bailer too. iam also quiting the cigs during this period, but dont intend to ever start smoking them again.
    good luck to us both!


  51. At 12:57 AM on 29 Feb 2008, Janie wrote:

    Oh I hope it goes well Chris, whatever you decide hunnypie!

    Can I suggest a song please for ALL REQUEST FRIDAY? Dunno where it should go but I thought here is as good a place as any lol!

    PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can we have The Wombles, either Remember your a Womble or Banana Rock... they are just class!

  52. At 08:43 AM on 29 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    ARF, hurrah! And this auspicious day happens to be Buy 365 Get One Free so hurrah hurrah.

    Can I suggest in honour of today Leapy Lee's 'Little Arrows'. Marvellous. The Stinking Bishop of cheese.

    I was going to ask Bingo to marry me today but on further contemplation I've reconsidered. The man might be mad as a parrot bless 'im, but 'e might just take me up on it and no man deserves that.

    Bottoms up. Off to Liverpool to hijack Colleen in Cricket.


    PS. By the way. Prof. Plum. You ok?

    PPS. Tinsel. When I wear my hair a certain way, yes. It drives me mad. I think I have one of those bland faces that blends in with the hair and gives me a different identity. I also get Ellen de Generes when it's short, and if I curl it up eighties-style and don the black leggings and platforms I get Olivia Newton John's granny. In a beret look like Benny Hill.


  53. At 08:46 AM on 29 Feb 2008, clodagh wrote:

    ARF, hurrah! And this auspicious day happens to be Buy 365 Get One Free so hurrah hurrah.

    Can I suggest in honour of today Leapy Lee's 'Little Arrows'. Marvellous. The Stinking Bishop of cheese.

    I was going to ask Bingo to marry me today but on further contemplation I've reconsidered. The man might be mad as a parrot bless 'im, but 'e might just take me up on it and no man deserves that.

    Bottoms up. Off to Liverpool to hijack Colleen in Cricket.


    PS. By the way. Prof. Plum. You ok?

    PPS. Tinsel. When I wear my hair a certain way, yes. It drives me mad. I think I have one of those bland faces that blends in with the hair and gives me a different identity. I also get Ellen de Generes when it's short, and if I curl it up eighties-style and don the black leggings and platforms I get Olivia Newton John's granny. In a beret look like Benny Hill.


  54. At 08:57 AM on 29 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Heh....yup, you bottled it , further negotiation with the more weak willed friend is called for here. Do the whole hit man then claim your good boy points!

    Good luck! ;o)

  55. At 09:08 AM on 29 Feb 2008, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Morning all,

    Chris, I appreciate we have entirely different lifestyles, but quite frankly if you can't go one month without an alcoholic beverage, especially being as you are the one who decided to undertake "the challenge", then you really have wimped out! Stop negotiating the terms with yourself, bite the bullet and just say NO!

    Let's have a rocking start to the ARF tonight, and have either Motorhead - Ace of Spades, or as it's the 29th February (the leap year day) Jump - Van Halen.

    It's the last of my 40th Birthday celebrations tomorrow (nearly a month after the actual date) Looking forward to a meal out with friends Nigel, Lisa, Donna and Neil and my missus tomorrow night in Bexley, Kent.

    DD out

    PS two lips from amsterdam!

  56. At 10:03 AM on 29 Feb 2008, Matt wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Good luck with staying dry for March.

    With drinking, like smoking, the brain sets of triggars through the day telling you you need a drink. Especially after meals, maybe when you get up in the morning, maybe when you go to bed. The trick is to stop these triggers happening in the first place....so it's replacing these triggers with something else. If you normally have a drink in the morning, brush your teeth before hand....this kills the trigger. After food instead of a drink chew some gum, or have a fruit juice (grapefruit is the best as most people aren't fond of it and it kills the triggar dead).

    Hope this helps, good luck we know you can do it.


  57. At 10:23 AM on 29 Feb 2008, jen ewan wrote:

    Morning all,

    Yep, more bottles than 10 green bottles on the wall... Still, might just join you...

    Re leap year - we get an extra one day in four years because the earth goes around the sun in 365 and a quarter days. So they save the quarters up and have a full day every four years, when the year is divisible by four.

    BUT did you know that it's not quite a full quarter so every 100 years they don't have a leap year - hence the year 2000 SHOULD have been a leap year but wasn't. How exciting!

    ARF starter suggestion - Peaches by the Stranglers...

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Jen Ewan

  58. At 10:41 AM on 29 Feb 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Christoffe, I think a semi-dry month is better than a completely arid one otherwise your birthday could well be spent bleary-eyed and early to bed after only two beers.

    And an ARF song request? A choice: either Today I Met The Boy I'm Gonna Marry (by Darlene Love, I think) in honour of Leap Day, or anything by the Stone Roses. Just because.

    Enjoy your weekends folks,

    Rosie x

  59. At 10:46 AM on 29 Feb 2008, Fanny Snaith wrote:

    Dear Chris,
    I, Like you like a good slurp on probably each day of the week, month, year etc. My Hubby and I have now had a few dry months - not concurrent months of course and they work quite well, but it takes a mere moment to revert to the old habits. Last November, we had 5 dry weeks. We got on better, I was much nicer to my children and funnier at parties! I put on 5 pounds and spend what I would have saved on alcohol, on take aways - hence the 5 pounds i guess. Still, my liver seemed cleaner, I DID feel better but the best thing is I KNOW THAT I CAN DO IT! Forget the 6 out of 7, go for the month. My NEXT challenge however, is to limit HOW MUCH I drink when I do drink. To learn to say "no thanks" is the real test for me....... I keep trying... xx

  60. At 10:57 AM on 29 Feb 2008, natasha selly wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    Go on do the whole month without ANY. Belive me it can be done. My husband takes the chellange in September. He loses a few pounds and I get lots of DIY projects finished. Keeping busy is the key. Good Luck, will keep checking in, to see how you do.

    Tasha and Andy

  61. At 10:58 AM on 29 Feb 2008, Em M wrote:

    I have given up wine and crisps for Lent and I'm finding it surprisingly easy. Last Friday I went out and had a few halves but as i find lager a lot less addictive than wine I knew when to stop. I left at a reasonable time and had a clear head when i woke up. Now I'm not sure if i ever want to drink wine again. I think a lot of the time I drink to please other people rather than because its what i want to do - what shall I do?

    Tried to blog yesterday to advise Debbie, here goes again! I think you need to try to be more assertive with people as a lot of your problems seem to occur because you let people pick on you. i used to be like that but I am really trying to be strong as I am nearly 40 and I think if I don't do it now then I never will! Good luck.

    I'm still here Gingembre, thanks for remembering me. Been mega busy, and about to get on with my paperwork (how exciting!) Hope Alicia Keys was fab, did i imagine it or did she cancel some gigs through illness? Hopefully not yours xx

    Em xx

    PS Are we still choosing the first song? Can we have a bit of Stevie Wonder Isn't She Lovely please? Thanks hon xxx

  62. At 11:27 AM on 29 Feb 2008, j wrote:

    Morning all,

    Yep, more bottles than 10 green bottles on the wall... Still, might just join you...

    Re leap year - we get an extra one day in four years because the earth goes around the sun in 365 and a quarter days. So they save the quarters up and have a full day every four years, when the year is divisible by four.

    BUT did you know that it's not quite a full quarter so every 100 years they don't have a leap year - hence the year 2000 SHOULD have been a leap year but wasn't. How exciting!

    ARF starter suggestion - Peaches by the Stranglers...

    Have a lovely weekend,
    Jen Ewan

  63. At 11:29 AM on 29 Feb 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    ello CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's all stress again blog friends.... I see the stockmarket is entering a new downtrend again according ter me stock charts....

    CLP - I've got two ARF suggestions ere....

    1st - The Demented Are Go & Who Put Grandma Under The Stairs or 2nd choice John Parr & St.Emos Fire, sorry Elmos, Elmos Fire!!!!

    Both very. very good choices but only in my 'umble opinion!


  64. At 12:11 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Glyn wrote:

    Yup, you bottled it.

    Come on Chris - you'll feel great, not just for being dry for a month but for actually achieving something!

    With the support of the nation behind you how can you possibly fail?!

  65. At 12:12 PM on 29 Feb 2008, MfR wrote:


    Band on the run - Wings

    Have a great weekend all.

    Peace & love


  66. At 12:23 PM on 29 Feb 2008, MfR wrote:


    Band on the run - Wings

    Have a great weekend all.

    Peace & love


  67. At 12:58 PM on 29 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Very distressed that my posts are getting posted today.

    Wanted you all to have a look see at my Daughter's Art Project On my Blog. Is very technical, and I wanted you all to guess what it is?

    My Song : Dead End Kids... Have I the Right please.


  68. At 01:06 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Biggles Mum wrote:

    Christophe - just stop - no compromise! Show your friend how weak he is having to slurp once a week.

    Why aren't my blogs getting through? Anyone there? NO? Oh well!

    ARF how about Sylvia - can't remember by whom though - silly old fool!

  69. At 02:37 PM on 29 Feb 2008, wrote:

    Welcome to Friday !!!!

    Despite being obviously outnumbered I don't think you bottled it and I still stand by what I said, Chris. It's great to just calm down on the old sauce. Show it that you're boss and you can take it or leave it.

    Anyways... onto more serious matters...

    The ARF

    This week I have mainly been choosing...

    Come on Eileen - Dexy's Midnight Runners

    Haven't heard it for donkeys


    Question??? Anybody get proposed to today by their girlfriend? It happened to me back in 1988. Didn't say yes though!!

  70. At 03:13 PM on 29 Feb 2008, CasyLis wrote:

    Well done for even CONTEMPLATING it - the first step.
    You will feel better and find there are so many more hours in the day. And not feel so hungry the next day.
    I stopped drinking on Jan 1st except for special occasions and holidays. When I do have a drink it feels like a treat.
    Don't let someone else influence your plans, though, because then you will feel that if you cheat, you are cheating HIM instead of YOURSELF and it will be easier to cheat!
    Good luck my lovely.

  71. At 03:27 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Wickerman wrote:


    Sorry to say but think you have bottled it but here is an idea for you and your friend why dont you donate all the money you would have spent during the month and send it to sports relief instead of your bet ????

    good luck

    arf 1st song european song (Japan)

  72. At 04:03 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Biggles Mum wrote:

    Quick quick!!!! bring out the last drinks for a month for CLP.


    Just remembered who Sylvia is by - FOCUS and play it REALLY LOUD!!!

  73. At 04:05 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Biggles Mum wrote:

    Quick quick!!!! bring out the last drinks for a month for CLP.


    Just remembered who Sylvia is by - FOCUS and play it REALLY LOUD!!!

  74. At 04:10 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Julia B wrote:

    Why don't you use this month as your quest to find your alternative pint (non alchoholic of course!). Who knows what you might discover?

    Are we still doing ARF? I nominate Mouldy Old Dough by Lieutenant Pigeon. Don't ask why!

    J x

  75. At 04:11 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Andy Hayhurst wrote:

    Chris In honour of your detox..


    Queen - Keep Yourself Alive, preferably from the Live Killers album, includes a great drum solo!

  76. At 04:23 PM on 29 Feb 2008, alison wrote:

    Chris, you,re lightweigt!

  77. At 04:28 PM on 29 Feb 2008, alison wrote:

    Chris, you,re lightweigt!

  78. At 07:43 PM on 29 Feb 2008, wrote:

    It no longer has any meaning, you get no good boy points and yes, you have bottled it.

  79. At 09:04 PM on 29 Feb 2008, Franco Campi wrote:

    I was in England when Chris was either loosing his job or lost it all together, Must have been early 2000`s. I thought then he had a problem with alcohol. May be, lucky him. he did not in the end. But i sure do lot of people that do, and i don`t find his stunt funny at all. Sure, i might be taking all this too seriously, but for many it remains a serious problem, one that brings to violence, crime and death.

  80. At 04:15 PM on 01 Mar 2008, simon orr wrote:

    Sorry Chris and pal, but a challenge is meant to be a challenge.

    Of course challenges are relative and if you feel 6 out of 7 is enough of a test, that's okay.

    Maybe the longer test will happen later ?

    I will tune in to find out !


  81. At 07:34 PM on 01 Mar 2008, Lil wrote:

    Hey - sounds good to me Chris! I might even join you...well, we'll see! ;)

  82. At 01:16 PM on 02 Mar 2008, Chobley wrote:

    I think you and your mate should get to discuss this more seriously over a large number of drinks....you've got to have a final farewell to alcohol first before taking upon such a challenge...

  83. At 05:04 PM on 02 Mar 2008, mar wrote:

    are you married

  84. At 05:10 PM on 02 Mar 2008, Dawn from Aberdeen wrote:

    Hi there Chris
    This is a first for me, writing to a radio blog - Love it by the way!!
    MY friend Kimand I had a bet a few years back on the same subject... from 3rd January we were to go a month without a drop of alcohol passing our lips. She lasted tot he 13th, me the 18th LOL :Β¬) Have fun trying, it does make you obsessive, though.. being pregnant is the only way to succeed at it!!!
    Great show too..

  85. At 08:40 AM on 03 Mar 2008, Andy wrote:

    Really good stuff I am really pleased as my hubbie keeps promising to stop for a month and loose some weight but cannot commit so will show him how good you are and lets hope!! Are you giving bet money to charity?? Make a Smile Train kid smile again as well us all out here I really hope it goes well I will give Β£20.00 to the same charity if you suceed

    You are a real star (enough grovelling) Andy

  86. At 09:34 AM on 03 Mar 2008, Amy wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Yes you have bottled it but hey, I was meant to loose a stone before our family holiday) with my husbands family) and I haven't done that (we leave in 18 days). Things happen!

  87. At 08:48 PM on 03 Mar 2008, H peel wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Are you still abstaining from the demon drink?
    I have also embarked on this and not doing to badly
    either, even though it is only 3rd March!!

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