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Chris Evans | 15:01 UK time, Tuesday, 8 January 2008

It's my wife you see, so good to me in the day but...

...during my sleeping hours, we often seem to have a run in.

Last night, she sold the house without telling me and removed the fridge from the ktichen for no apparent reason at all. The new house she'd bought us was in fact a local leisure centre still open to the public. the female patrons of which seemed to be entirely without anything on their bottom halves.

Whenever this happens it takes me a good five minutes to forgive her once we've woken up. What does it all mean ?

I have a funny feeling about this year. My life thus far has been pretty bizarre, I feel it getting moreso.





  1. At 03:11 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Helen wrote:

    OOh hello chris evans! I've been reading for a long time and just wanted to say i enjoy your blogs very much! x

  2. At 03:12 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Ian Webb wrote:

    Prhaps you need to buy another hotel???

  3. At 03:13 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:

    Often I have dremt that TLOML has cheated on me - sometime when I am in the house and I wake up feeling very resentful towards him - it takes a cup of tea and cuddle in bed to make up for the upset he has caused me in sleep!

    Also - still dreaming I have missed an A level exam dispite finishing them nearly 10 years ago - b/f (who is a couple of years older then me) also confessed to thisdream - what does it all mean??

    Hoping this year will be better then last - feb 29th this year so heres to hope!

    Elm x

  4. At 03:20 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Wickerman wrote:


    Sounds like you must be having some pretty strange dreams you must be having to much stress in your life try chilling out and hopefully the weird dream will go count yourself lucky you have a beautiful wife and a job some people would die for keep up the good work your are the best

  5. At 03:34 PM on 08 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello CLP & ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Sounds like yer might be tuning in ter the other side at night during yer dreams.....

    Maybe Tash was some kind of Estate Agent in a past life.... mind you doing deals like that could me more of a 'state agent.... leave me in a state if I woke up ter find me fridge full of snowballs 'ad dissapeared - NIGHTMARE - am tellin' yer!!!!!!!

    But the main thing CLP, atleast yer dreaming about yer wife & not anyone else - know what am sayin'!!!!!

    While were still on the subject of the Evans/ Shishmanian abode.... I've got a question CLP?

    I don't know what yer called anymore.
    I bought aload of newspapers the other day ter get me astro readings for the year & 'appened ter see lots of pics of yersen & Tash in the papers at the Fox wedding, not the Rebbeca, but the Laurence & Billy wedding.

    Only probs the papers said your new wife Natasha Shishmanian - i'm confused?

    I thought yer'd just gooot married yersens so I thought Tash would be Tash Evans!
    Does this mean CLP that, as yer a modern man, yuv done it the other way around and yer know Chirs Shishmanian 'ence now the show will be The Chirs Shishmanian Drivetime Gig or was Shishmanian your original name & Evans is just the shoebiz name, sorry showbiz name?????????
    Or is it just Tash is keeping 'er original name?

    I don't know CLP whether am coming or going anymore!

    PS CLP - Forgot ter say good luck Fri for the pilot test thingy ma.... jig!
    Aye & remember don't fly low during yer test unless it's a female insructor & yer wanter up yer chances of a pass!!!!!
    A pass the test not a pass from the instructor that is - know what am sayin'!!!!!!


  6. At 03:55 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Louise wrote:

    me thinks a dream doctor is required to explain..... maybe a topic for the show too!

    hope you have a dreamless sleep tonight!

    Leb x

  7. At 03:58 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    A guid New Year to ane an` a` and mony may ye see!

    Blessings Christoff for 2008! Whether it's a bizarre one or not!

    Don't you just hate dreams like that one!?

    Got to dash - heading south again on the A82/85 to Oban - hoping th nasty weather stays put til I get there - snow is closing in again!!

    Huggles all round!!

    Susan, Highland lass

  8. At 04:09 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Lindsay wrote:

    Trusted by Ben Folds from Songs from Silverman

    The sun's coming up
    She's pulled all the blankets over
    Curled in a ball
    Like she's hiding from me and
    That's when I know
    She's gonna be pissed when she wakes up
    For terrible things I did to her in her dreams

    You wanna see the other side
    What's going on behind the eyes
    Still it seems if you can't trust
    You can't be trusted

  9. At 04:11 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Dreams can be queer one and all can't they?

    Infact, I am sure some of my dreams would
    have made a good Steven Spielberg movie. Maybe that's where he gets his inspiration from his dreams.
    Never mind Chris it could be quite fun living in a Leisure centre..............
    As for bizarre well I'm not a Prof for nothing in that department.

    Meanwhile CTD Sorry about the job.

    Debbie word of caution takes two to Tango. Teenagers often blame friends for their own misgivings, then act the angel.

  10. At 04:22 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I often dream about people from the past, school or previous jobs. Dreamt last night that one of little man's toys came to life. Must have been the red wine!!

    Elm, yes I am her!

    Clodagh, bless you I hope that the retail therapy helped. I popped out shopping earlier, to the place where 'every little helps' and while there treated myself to a bunch of flowers. I really hope that you feel better soon.

    Bingo, know exactly what you mean about the girlfriend, hoping that the son sees sense sooner rather than later.

    CtD are you ok love?

    Just made cakes with little man, for my benefit as much as his!

    Catch you later xx

  11. At 04:42 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Perhaps the line here Chris is that you are content that Tash takes a firm grip on you, selling a house, removing the fridge but buying a leisure centre full of semi-naked nymphettes for you to enjoy, whilst getting well fit, with her permission.

    Could it be that you really are happy with your lot and you are mis-reading the dream state!

    DD out

  12. At 05:05 PM on 08 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Hohoho Christoffe.

    You want to be careful divulgin' your dreams, they're our brains exploring what our conscious minds dare not examine, so says the Genius daughter when I tell her I've spent the night sat atop Daniel O'Connell's statue in Dublin wearin' nowt but me woolly hat and Burberry knickers.

    I mean. As if. I'd NEVER wear Burberry knickers.

    Anyway CLP it obviously goes to show that you're finally rolling over whilst Tash tickles your tummy, bless you. It's just you have the residues of boldness still remaining within your psyche but you know perfectly well that all is well with your world.

    Bon reverie mon petit champignon.


  13. At 05:05 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Phoenix wrote:

    Interesting dreams indeed Chris.

    Forgot yesterday to say ahhhhh for Beth.

    To Debbie from yesterday - I had problems blogging but the positive comments yesterday were just what I would have said.

    To Cheryl - good luck

    To Clodagh - I hope the retail therapy went well.

    Bingo - you're a star

    To new bloggers/bloggettes and fellow lurkers I wish you all a very fine week - don't forget there's only three days until the weekend.

    Best to all Phoenix

  14. At 05:36 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Am sick to death of this bloggin blog!!! Still not accepting my contributions but without much hope here goes.................

    Debbie - Clodagh covered it all in yesterdays blog so I just say I hope you are ok, hang in there hunny x x x

    CtD - are you ok? Nasty shock coming back after Christmas.

    CLP - cut down on the cheese before bed - seriously!!

    I have entered our Japser (10yr old lab) into the drive time dog show - fingers crossed.

    C x

  15. At 05:48 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Dreams... I was brutally awoken at 5.00am...ish being beaten up by what I thought was a a "ghost". Still screaming in my hubbie's arms - he confessed he had been having a dream and ended up kicking my shins whilst he "thought he was chasing someone in his dream"!!
    Still bruised!!
    Should I believe him!!

  16. At 06:37 PM on 08 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Hohoho Christoff. I'd be careful of divulgin' your dreams to us lot. According to the Genius daughter, dreams are the brain re-booting and exploring areas that our conscious mind will not allow us to explore.

    Therefore imagine her disdain when I tell her I've just spent the night atop the Spire on Dublin's O'Connell Street, singin' My Old Man's A Dustman an' wearin' nowt but me new woolly beret and a pair of Burberry wellies.

    I mean, as if. I wouldn't be seen dead in Burberry wellies. Roobarb and Custard ones, maybe.

    The bestest dreams are the flying dreams. Those are fab. And you always wake feeling elated and strangely inspired. Or is that just me? Anyone else have the flying dreams? I often wonder, though, if I'm flailing in me bed whilst mid-dream, like one of them little lads you see running down the road with his anorak hood on his head, going Mmmyaaaaah!!

    I also have spooky premonition dreams, good and bad, and whereas I was delighted to have been told once that I was a witch in a previous life and ended up on the ducking stool, hurrah marvellous; I think really it's just hightened intuition.

    Mind you that would explain why I don't like snorkellin'. Well, not on me back anyway. What? I'm doin' it wrong? Bugger.

    Meanwhile cathmel. Thanks, hun. I'll be fine. I've been here before, I think it may be genetic. But I'm old enough now to recognise the signs and to allow myself some solitude, though it isn't easy as I have to look after my mum who's a sweetheart but a bit of a handful at the best of times, and just now she's understandably very sad.

    Thank God for a sense of humour, huh.


  17. At 06:45 PM on 08 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Hohoho Christoff. I'd be careful of divulgin' your dreams to us lot. According to the Genius daughter, dreams are the brain re-booting and exploring areas that our conscious mind will not allow us to explore.

    Therefore imagine her disdain when I tell her I've just spent the night atop the Spire on Dublin's O'Connell Street, singin' My Old Man's A Dustman an' wearin' nowt but me new woolly beret and a pair of Burberry wellies.

    I mean, as if. I wouldn't be seen dead in Burberry wellies. Roobarb and Custard ones, maybe.

    The bestest dreams are the flying dreams. Those are fab. And you always wake feeling elated and strangely inspired. Or is that just me? Anyone else have the flying dreams? I often wonder, though, if I'm flailing in me bed whilst mid-dream, like one of them little lads you see running down the road with his anorak hood on his head, going Mmmyaaaaah!!

    I also have spooky premonition dreams, good and bad, and whereas I was delighted to have been told once that I was a witch in a previous life and ended up on the ducking stool, hurrah marvellous; I think really it's just hightened intuition.

    Mind you that would explain why I don't like snorkellin'. Well, not on me back anyway. What? I'm doin' it wrong? Bugger.

    Meanwhile cathmel. Thanks, hun. I'll be fine. I've been here before, I think it may be genetic. But I'm old enough now to recognise the signs and to allow myself some solitude, though it isn't easy as I have to look after my mum who's a sweetheart but a bit of a handful at the best of times, and just now she's understandably very sad.

    Thank God for a sense of humour, huh.


  18. At 07:03 PM on 08 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Hi Chris sounds like you had fun last night, its great to have vivid dreams ,its like another little world we live in enjoy it!! love Jenn x x

  19. At 07:04 PM on 08 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Hi Chris sounds like you had fun last night, its great to have vivid dreams ,its like another little world we live in enjoy it!! love Jenn x x

  20. At 07:12 PM on 08 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Oh Wow. Dreaming of women with Naked Bottom Halves.

    Mmm That doesn't bode well.

    We've been here before, I remember telling you all months ago about slapping my husband and not talking to him for days because in my dream he found some other woman!!!

    All is good tho..... despite my failings, he hasn't left yet!


  21. At 07:17 PM on 08 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    Hi Chris sounds like you had fun last night, its great to have vivid dreams ,its like another little world we live in enjoy it!! love Jenn x x

  22. At 07:23 PM on 08 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Hmmmmmmmm, sounds to me like deep down you don't believe you deserve to be so happy or that it will last, and that all your anxieties and insecurities are coming to the surface while you're asleep - can you really finally be this happy, settled, secure etc, surely it will all go wrong somehow ... typical anxiety dream.

    That will be Β£100 please.

    T xxxxx

  23. At 08:03 PM on 08 Jan 2008, MfR wrote:


    Just checking in to wish you good luck for Friday.

    I've got one of those delightful 'management' things later this week.


    Still, I could be up for two gongs. Bingo, perhaps you could cast your eyes into your crystal ball and see if a Virgo is due any luck this week?

    Sorry to hear about your news CtD. Just remember, these things happen because they are meant to. Something way bigger and better is waiting around the corner.

    You heard it here first.

    Just ask Bingo. He knows.

    Keep smiling.

    Peace & love


    PS Baby, life's what you make it

  24. At 09:55 PM on 08 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    a woman moving a fridge...oh yes it was a dream

  25. At 12:51 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Ma Broon wrote:

    I had the loveliest dream of a naughty nature the other night there about Tony Blair. Not complaining!

  26. At 08:19 AM on 09 Jan 2008, tim baker wrote:

    Perhaps your worried about your wifes huge skill set and giving up some of your power base coz you know what a control freak you are!

    Anyway you'll probably dream of something more random tonight, lay of the cheese baldy.

    Anyway less bull...t and more recipes.

    choc banana bread (gluten free)

    250 g (2 cups) plain (all purpose gluten free) flour
    2 teaspoons baking powder
    125 g (4Β½ oz) unsalted butter, softened
    250 g (1 cup) caster (superfine) sugar
    4 ripe bananas, mashed
    2 eggs, lightly beaten
    1 teaspoon vanilla extract
    175 g (1 cup) good quality dark or milk chocolate chips or broken pieces of chocolate

    Preheat the oven to 180C (350F/Gas 4). Sift the flour and baking powder into a large bowl.

    Mix the butter, sugar, banana, eggs, vanilla extract and chocolate chips in a separate bowl. Add to the dry ingredients and stir to combine, being careful not to overmix.

    Pour the batter into a non stick, or lightly greased and floured, 19 x 11 cm (7112 x 41/2 inch) loaf tin and bake for 1 hour 15 minutes, or until the bread is cooked when tested with a skewer. Leave to cool in the tin for 5 minutes before turning out onto a wire rack to cool. Serve in thick slices with butter. Makes 8 to 10 slices

  27. At 09:12 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all. Mr/Ms Blogmeister - PLEASE fix the blog!!! Attempting once again anyway ...

    CLP, your dream - you obviously feel incredibly lucky and content with your life in your waking hours, and perhaps subconsciously you're scared that it's all transient and too good to be true??

    Standard anxiety dream I would say.

    Β£100 please. :-)

    T xxxxxxxx

  28. At 09:27 AM on 09 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Oh dearie me Christophe...you've got some odd goings on inside that head of yours...or it could be the Ye Olde Buggeres Blue Stilton that you're tucking away with the bath olivers just before you go to bed...

    The Badger was being chased by a tiger the other night...he even woke me up to show me where it had bitten him on his finger. Ahem.

    Anyhoo, CtD, so sorry to hear about your job hon...you have my email address...

    Welcome new year all the new scribes

    ps Plum, there is akshully very little meat on a goose. Even one as huge as the one we had...but we'd have done more spuds...and an extra brussel...

  29. At 10:04 AM on 09 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Ah jaysus if there's one thing worse than bein' BP'd it's repeatin' yerself. How embarrassin'.

    Any road up. Just wanted to say to CtD and anybody else sufferin' work woes, this may just be the best thing that could have happened.

    CtD you're a smart cookie. You won't be down for long. Getting off that treadmill will give you the opportunity to re-evaluate your situation and your aspirations, and whoever pushed you may well have done you a massive favour.

    Me, I've finally enrolled, after years of procrastination and telling myself I didn't have the time, on to a course from whence I should emerge a fully-fledged eating disorders counsellor. The course is in Ireland's beautiful County Wexford and the kick up the arse came purely by chance after a conversation with what turned out to be the Big Cheese, a fantastic and wonderfully inspiring woman, and like myself a former sufferer. So that's me from this March, after which it's yet another turn off the main road for yours truly. I can't wait.

    So Bonne Chance one and all. The world's our lobster and all that.


  30. At 10:17 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hazel Many thanks again for your offer of a Christmas meal. I very much appreciated your act of charity.
    As it was, I had a good result my cooker was installed a few days before Christmas. It stood alone in an empty kitchen but did a great job of cooking the Turkey. I slapped on a pack of lurpack part way through cooking .... Nigella eat yer heart out.
    It beat forcing the door on the Microwave.
    Unfortunately the daughter says she might stay in Londres next year.... Well you can't please everyone can you?

  31. At 10:30 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hazel Many thanks again for your offer of a Christmas meal. I very much appreciated your act of charity.
    As it was, I had a good result my cooker was installed a few days before Christmas. It stood alone in an empty kitchen but did a great job of cooking the Turkey. I slapped on a pack of lurpack part way through cooking .... Nigella eat yer heart out.
    It beat forcing the door on the Microwave.
    Unfortunately the daughter says she might stay in Londres next year.... Well you can't please everyone can you?

  32. At 10:52 AM on 09 Jan 2008, clodagh wrote:

    Tinsel. It's you I should have said thanks to for that big hug. You're a sweetheart.

    Anyway the retail therapy yielded a new pair of Ugg boots and some fab Prada-esque shoes for 25 quid from Barratt's, of all places. Go check 'em out.

    And to all Ugg boot detractors I say this. Yes indeed I may look like the oldest Chav on the block but when your spirits are low, pull on the Uggs yer parka and a woolly beret and go for a brisk walk. Said footwear is like a pound of chocolate for the feet.

    The daughter used to declare that I was a, quote, Minger in me Uggs. Till we got stuck in a snowdrift and she had no choice but to put 'em on. Afterwards I had to get her in a Half Nelson and Choke-Hold whilst gouging her in the eye in order to re-possess them; and now she is the proud owner of her own.

    Mind you a word of caution if you're going to get the fake ones. They're bloody slippy in the rain. I bought some 20-euro leopardy print fake ones in Dublin (just to wind up said daughter) and did a marvellous Jonathan Edwards Meets Jayne Torville the length of Henry Street, to rapturous applause.



  33. At 10:55 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning

    The sun is shining, what a lovely day out today.

    Just popped in and found what looks to be a picture of my basset Betty on the site. It looks exactly like her. She has recently decided that her favourite place to sleep is on a bean bag in our lounge. Given the fact that her legs are so short it is so funny watching her trying to get up on to it.

    Trying not to feel betrayed that my son is still dating the girlfriend today. Wondering exactly how bad things have to get before he sees the light. And at who's expense! Bless him.

    Didn't dream last night, that might be because I didn't sleep long enough though.

    Debbie x

  34. At 11:27 AM on 09 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - I 'eard you mention that Steve Wright's name iz 'is REAL name.

    'ow do you now, sorry know this man?

    A mean perhaps 'is original name was Wrong & when 'e came inter showbiz 'e thought Wrong sounded wrong so 'e thought 'e needs a right sounding name & came up with Wright as it sounded more right than Wrong.
    Perhaps Wrightie 'as kept it top secret that 'e was Wrong before discovering the more right name of Wright - wrockin' Wright on!!!!!!

    Gotta a quick joke all -

    Why is perfume so obedient?

    'cos it's scent were ever it goes!!!!!!!

    PS - I see me stockmarket predicted Bear Market is gathering pace - only damn shares up terdee are one of me favs - Funeral Directors aka Dignity plc!!!!!!!!!!


  35. At 11:29 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Karen Emmett wrote:

    Your funny feeling about this year? Maybe a baby!
    Kazza xxxxx

  36. At 11:38 AM on 09 Jan 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    morning all

    Hope today finds you all 'top of the pops'?

    Ctd (((x)))

    Just back from 2nd opinion with new surgeon, he wants to 'go inside' for a look (a la Lloyd Grossman - through the keyhole) and hopefully administer a quick tidy up??? Not a huge op, only 4 weeks off work so not as bad as the last diagnosis (12 months off with a reset leg).

    To all you bloggers, old, new and lurking, have a great day, the sky is clear here in Norfolk and the sun has come out to play - wahay

    Bonnet de douche


  37. At 11:43 AM on 09 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Morning everyone.

    Just to let you know I'm all fine and dandy. I've got over the shock of Monday and am looking to the future. I've contacted a few agencies, got my CV out there and now I await that magic phone call.

    I had a lovely email from one of my ex-colleagues. He said everyone was in a state of disbelief and now things are really unsettled amongst the staff. Oh well! Nowt like solidarity, is there!

    Hazel (and Debbie) - sadly, I haven't got your email as it was on my works PC and I left rather suddenly on Monday without thinking to print out my contacts. Doh! If you leave me a message on my blog I'll get your email addresses from there.

    MfR and Bingo - yep, everyone keeps telling me it's happened for a reason. I was reading good ole Mysteg Meg (other astrologers are available) at the weekend and it was saying about new careers for Leo's and I thought ... nah, don't apply to me ..... LOL!!

    Anyhoooo .... CLP, how's about a cat comp on Drivetime to even things out. My Sooty would win hands (paws?) down!!

    Mr Diva got his new games console last night so today I'm tasked with looking at going over to wireless broadband. Yikes! He seems to think that because I can use a compoota I know all abaht the techy stuff. Isn't that what ICT Helpdesks are for?!?

    Oh - and I went back to chubby club this morning for my first post-Christmas weigh-in and I've only gained a pound. Hurrah!!!!

    Back laters mon amies.

    CtD xxxxxxx

    PS: Big Hair!
    PPS: Bought myself a new handbag this morning for job interviews - it just had to be done!

  38. At 01:11 PM on 09 Jan 2008, priestited wrote:

    Hi Christoph,
    Sounds like you are living the dream in more ways than one!
    If in your nocturnal mental wanderings you ever think of taking in a lodger, I'm your man. I could save you some of the eyestrain by keeping an eye on those patrons. I am sure I could also dream up some beer and a replacement fridge!

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