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Chris Evans | 15:13 UK time, Wednesday, 9 January 2008

What does it all mean ?

Dark hair,in a bob, red luscious lipstick and then the kiss and then the alarm !

Was I getting my wife back for last night's dream. Is it ok to have a dream life that is separate from your real life. In consciousness my wife an I get on like a house on fire but when we're asleep - no chance.

And how about that Prince William cramming in a pilot's licence to four months, the lucky bugger. Apparently he'll even be able to loop the loop.

In other developments, the paparrazi have been following me for the last hour. Usually means somethings going on as they don't follow me nowadays unless there's a specicific reason. I wonder...




P.S. The on line dog show is rocking, over a thousand so far. A hundred available to see live and direct and right now.



  1. At 04:00 PM on 09 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    Hello, is the blog broken today or is it just very quiet?!?

    Didn't dream last night, I think it's because I didn't sleep long enough to dream.

    Loving the pictures of the dogs, the main picture looks just like my Betty. Her favourite place to sleep at the moment is on a bean bag in the lounge. Given how little her legs are, it's so funny watching trying to get on it. Then she doesn't move for hours.

    Son update, he is still 'with' her. I can't and won't ask him to dump her obviously but wish he would. How bad do things have to be before he realises what she is really like. Trying not to feel betrayed (probably too strong a word) but dreading the next escapade.

    Clodagh, CtD, how are you today?

    Hope everyone is well,
    Debbie x

  2. At 04:02 PM on 09 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Well, the brain drain is in full working order once more. Some things never change.

    Wot I forgot...

    Clodagh, hope you got off ok today!

    Debbie, I agree with all of them, and the spoilt nasty girl and her equally vile mother will get their come-uppance one day...my mother would have cut her arms off with spoons before allowing a 'boy' to stay in my bedroom!

    Gingembre...thought of you whilst watching Pie in the Sky last eve. Detective Dean Pinkney...or DCI G Pinknee...who knows?

    not me guv

  3. At 04:04 PM on 09 Jan 2008, Prof Plum wrote:

    Dreams it seems one and all

    Well, I'm told I live in a fantasy world anyway.

    Hazel Many thanks again for your offer of a Christmas meal. I very much appreciated your act of charity.
    As it was, I had a good result my cooker was installed a few days before Christmas. It stood alone in an empty kitchen but did a great job of cooking the Turkey. I slapped on a pack of lurpack part way through cooking .... Nigella eat yer heart out.
    It beat forcing the door on the Microwave.
    Unfortunately the daughter says she might stay in Londres next year.... Well you can't please everyone can you?

  4. At 04:14 PM on 09 Jan 2008, Elm wrote:

    you naughty boy Chris!

    I also feel gulity when I cheat on my man in the night but also pleased that I still have it - if only in the dream world - well when johnny depp asks you to run away with him you don't say no do you! :-)

    Can we have a purrfect cat comp too as my furry babies are a bit jealous that they have been left out - 100% moggie they are funny looking things but i love them

    Elm x

  5. At 04:16 PM on 09 Jan 2008, wrote:

    being Dog, I would like to enter. However, photo of me may disqualify me.

    Can we send in pictures of dead dogs? I don't mean, actually dead dogs, i.,e a picture of a dog lying dead, but a picture of a dog when it was alive, but is now dead?

    Failing that I will steal a picture from the Labradoodle website and submit that instead. Is that cheating? I feel cheated that due to my working hours / asthma I don't have a dog - in my imagination I do.

    Wow. I'm having an off day.


  6. At 04:41 PM on 09 Jan 2008, martin james wrote:

    Yes what a lucky bugger. Prince William not only gets to learn to fly with the best in the World, he gets to fly fixed wing, helicopters, transporters, fast jets, and, not only that, he gets to do it all even though he has to wear glasses/contact lenses. So I read in the Telegraph. Lucky bugger indeed. When I was in my 20`s flying was all I wanted to do, I was told that I wouldn`t be accepted for training in the RAF or a civilian airline as I had to wear glasses, that was then, now it seems it doesn`t matter. Now that`s what I call a bugger for being born a few years too early! C'est La Vie.

    I`ve had some bizzare dreams lately, some nice, some like the ones where you are running but can`t get away!

    m xxx

  7. At 04:53 PM on 09 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Tommorrow is the BIG DAY!!!!!!!!

    Yep termoz we find out if Giancarlo Fisichella's F1 career is over!

    The driver I was born on exactly the same day as & as a result i'm a big fan of.

    There's only one place left in F1 for 2008, at the new team Force India, & so far about 7 drivers ave tested for it including Fisi.

    I've got a gut feeling though they will choose Fisi - hope so anyway!

    It's weird the similarities between me & Fisi over the years - I think there's more to all this astro stuff than meets the eye.

    I know some people will think i'm weird writing this but the 10th of December was the day I got dumped by text by my girlfriend - resulting in perhaps one of the darkest months of my life on top of one of the hardest years of my life - 2007.
    Strange thing with Fisi - 10th Dec was the day Renualt F1 announced they didn't need him anymore - perhaps ending his 10yr+ F1 career for ever!

    Also I remember the weekend of the 18/19th of March 2006.
    On the Fri the 17th I made the most money i've ever made in a day on the stockmarket & was totally on cloud 9 - same weekend Fisi had his best ever - He got pole at the Milasian GP - then won the race too!!!!

    Also we are both left handed, have very similar crocked bottom teeth, but straight top teeth.
    Both our first loves are cars & motorsport.
    Both ended up proffessional drivers - although 'is damn wages are 200 damn times mine!!!!!!!
    And from what i've seen of him on tv - very similar shy/ quiet personalities but with a confident/ determined nature too.

    Am tellin' yer blog friends - this astro stuff - there's something in it!!!

    Sad thing I've always been a very natural driver but never had the monet to get into motorsport -passed my car, hgv 1 & 2 & advanced motorist test all first time.

    Anyway hope no one things i'm being egotisitcal here - jus thought i'd share this bit of most interesting astro similarities.

    Aye PS - me predictions of Alonso ter Renault & Heiki Kovalaven ter partner Lewis Hamilton at McClaren came true.

    I'm 99% sure Hamilton will be world camp next year & 80% sure Fisi will be signed to drive for Force India termoz!!!!!

    Chow - sorry if me blog comments terday were MAD & BORING.... ter some!!!!!!!!!

  8. At 05:32 PM on 09 Jan 2008, jennifer gardner wrote:

    I got a new alarm for Christmas and have only just worked out how to set it, and its so much better than the old one as I now wake up to the radio, which is so much nicer than that horrible beeping coming into my dreams, and if you are enjoying them its a better interruption.
    I wonder what sort of alarm wakes you up Chris??
    much love Jenn x

  9. At 07:10 PM on 09 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    oh dear you are having dreams about other ladies, I think its not really another lady but its a combination of whats best with your loved one, as you bring together many features in dreams which always go out of proportion, and if you are having such a lovely dream then you must be doing something right within your wonderful relationship.

    you should look at the dream as a good thing as when you see your lovely wife you give her the best kiss ever and she may as why, and you say:-

    "I dreamed last night of kissing the most beautiful girl in the world ever and today I am making my dream come true"

    kind regards

  10. At 08:08 PM on 09 Jan 2008, MfR wrote:

    I was browsing for a nice risotto recipe for this weekend and I stumbled across one that looked quite nice, butternut squash and sage, very seasonal too.

    And then I began to read through the stages.

    This made me chuckle. I swear I didn't doctor this;

    2. To make the risotto, eat the chicken stock and keep warm.

    Now I thought I knew a thing or two about this cooking lark, but I never realised all I needed to make the perfect risotto was an Oxo cube and a blanket.

    Jamie. You've been found out my friend.

    Chris. Pass your test on Friday and I'll buy you that pint back.

    Now there's a deal.

    Peace and love


  11. At 10:37 PM on 09 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    what no bloggs?????is it working???

  12. At 06:21 AM on 10 Jan 2008, Dissing Dave wrote:

    It's oh so quiet!

    Must be the blog plod again! No offence Gingembre!

    DD out

  13. At 09:10 AM on 10 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Now then, I'm pretty sure that yesterday afternoon I carefully scribed a piece all about dreaming about beautiful women wearing red lippy, but it appears that the BP are on a January bonus and are nipping most things in the bud.

    So, as it is still not on here this morning...and the only offering is 'wot I forgot', I feel I must apologise for my lack of 'interest' in wot Christophe wrote. This is not lack of interest, but it IS a wondering as to what the great and good BP found un-publishable (is that a word? MfR?) and owing to the lack of little grey cells Hastings, I can't merember wot I did write.

    Anyhoo, Christophe, I hope last night passed uneventfully...or if it was eventful, at least you were awake during it...

    I also have cats. Maybe I shall send them. You could call it the F Factor, or Purr Idol...and DWNB, the dead dog...you remind me of me trying to dig myself out of so many holes! Superb!

    Last of all...darling Bingo, try as I might, I cannot muster up even ONE iota of excitement regarding anyone's career(!) driving a motor vehicle. Sorry 'n all that but no. He'll just have to go and find himself a job in Wa1trose (other positions available in other supermarkets I'm sure) and be done with it.

    114 NE by NE

    Plum, 's a pleasure x hope it was unsalted...there is NOWT as delishus as a dollop of unsalted...best scramblers in the world in unsalted...oooooooh yersssssssss.....

  14. At 09:36 AM on 10 Jan 2008, lazykev wrote:

    dear deb, the path to true love is never a smooth one just let it run its course but remember its your house so your rules my sympahy you have got good luck

  15. At 09:37 AM on 10 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Now then, I'm pretty sure that yesterday afternoon I carefully scribed a piece all about dreaming about beautiful women wearing red lippy, but it appears that the BP are on a January bonus and are nipping most things in the bud.

    So, as it is still not on here this morning...and the only offering is 'wot I forgot', I feel I must apologise for my lack of 'interest' in wot Christophe wrote. This is not lack of interest, but it IS a wondering as to what the great and good BP found un-publishable (is that a word? MfR?) and owing to the lack of little grey cells Hastings, I can't merember wot I did write.

    Anyhoo, Christophe, I hope last night passed uneventfully...or if it was eventful, at least you were awake during it...

    I also have cats. Maybe I shall send them. You could call it the F Factor, or Purr Idol...and DWNB, the dead dog...you remind me of me trying to dig myself out of so many holes! Superb!

    Last of all...darling Bingo, try as I might, I cannot muster up even ONE iota of excitement regarding anyone's career(!) driving a motor vehicle. Sorry 'n all that but no. He'll just have to go and find himself a job in Wa1trose (other positions available in other supermarkets I'm sure) and be done with it.

    114 NE by NE

    Plum, 's a pleasure x hope it was unsalted...there is NOWT as delishus as a dollop of unsalted...best scramblers in the world in unsalted...oooooooh yersssssssss.....

  16. At 09:56 AM on 10 Jan 2008, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning lovelies. Please will this work???????

    I dreamed last night that I had front row seats to a Robbie Williams concert. (Don't like him particularly in real life but there you go). Half way through the first song he stopped singing, got off the stage and gave me some clips to keep my hair out of my face as it as getting on his nerves????? I left in a huff. QUE???

    Well I don't know who's selecting these doggie pics - yes they are gorgeous but my Lucy ... I've e-mailed her pic 3 times now!! What more does a girl (or a dog) have to do????

    Debbie - patience hon. I'm in kind of the same situation. I really don't like my daughter's b/f - but of course if you try to split them up it will push them together even more. A very wise neighbour of my mum said recently, when I was complaining about the b/f - "Don't you remember all the awful boys you brought home?? Your mum just kept quiet and prayed and trusted that you would see sense eventually!" That is now my tactic too!!! Maybe my mum DID know best after all!!

    Hugs to everyone who needs one today

    T xxxxxxxxxxx

  17. At 10:32 AM on 10 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hello everyone

    To add insult to injury (so to speak) I was BP'd yesterday! Ouch.

    Thanks to everyone on here sending mu hugs, encouragement and goodwill. I love this blog so much - it's been my salvation more times than I care to admit over the last 14 months or so.

    Well, I've registered with all the local employment agencies, Mr Diva is being Fab-U-Lous and really supportive. He's told me not to rush into the first thing that comes along and to take my time and get the right job. I love him sooooo much!

    HL - I too put forward the suggestion of a cat comp in my ill-fated blog post yesterday. I've run the idea by my little darling and she's well up for having her photo emailed to CLP. She's actually posing on her beanbag as I type this!

    Right, I'm off to read a red-top tabloid - back later!

    CtD xxx

  18. At 10:47 AM on 10 Jan 2008, RosieRoo wrote:

    Hey hey, got BPed yesterday so will try and blog about dreams today.

    Elm - I HATE cheating dreams. I feel awful in the morning after having one of those humdingers. I feel equally bad if I dream I meet one of my heroes (e.g. Noel Gallagher) and realise in the cold light of day, that I didn't. Gutting.

    Also Chrissie, thanks for the Glasgow tips. Liking the sound of Oran Mor and the bus tour - hey, we'll be tourists so why the hell not act like them?

    Clodagh - good luck on your course. Cannot think of a better suited person to the task.

    Sweet dreams one and all,

    Rosie x

  19. At 11:00 AM on 10 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Lawks now it's every blimmin where.

    Have worked out the error...well, stranger things have happened I think you'll find...

    It's all to do with the dates on the calendar on the blog. If it doesn't show the days that Sir CLP has posted, it shows the days that other people have blogged elsewhere, that are nowt to do with this blog at all...just some bbc types who do their own bloggin' thang...SO, this either means that some of our missing post is being delivered somewhere else, and totally confusing all concerned, or it isn't.

    Ergo, if it don't show CLPs dates, it ain't gonna happen. Leastways not on here. Or of course I could be completely wrong.


    ps note for the paranoid: This does not mean that there AREN'T Blog Police...

    pps wilsmar, happy new year to you too x

  20. At 11:16 AM on 10 Jan 2008, Gingembre wrote:

    morning (or afternoon by the time this gets thro??!!)

    My v long scribe yesterday never appeared, so here's a shortened version for today.

    Dreams...I have the most vivd ones, normally along the lines of CLP's, but they always take a bizarre twist at the end. This moring after my night shift I dreamt about the job I went to ....one of those gross ones where the smell sticks to you and seems to not leave even after the hottest of showers. Wont disgust you with the finer details but even the paramedic and undertaker flinched!!!

    Saw a new surgeon yesterday, he would like to perform more keyhole surgery to 'sort it out once and for all' as he thinks he knows the problem (he's apparently the best for the job), so fingers crossed I can stop talking about it in the near future?

    Hazel - didn't see the tv, but thanks for what i assume is a compliment? I hope you are well, longtime no speak x

    Debbie - you know where I am (via email) should you need me. I remember when I was a boy (durin the war etc etc) and I had a nightmare girlfriend, well, my parents and me had many fall-outs over her - looking back I think it would've ended far quicker had they encouraged the bunny-boiler and me to spend more time together...
    ... "just not under my roof young man" as my dad once said! Like I say, email me for a longer chat if you feel the need x

    Bonnet de douche my friends


  21. At 11:41 AM on 10 Jan 2008, hazel love wrote:

    Lawks now it's every blimmin where.

    Have worked out the error...well, stranger things have happened I think you'll find...

    It's all to do with the dates on the calendar on the blog. If it doesn't show the days that Sir CLP has posted, it shows the days that other people have blogged elsewhere, that are nowt to do with this blog at all...just some bbc types who do their own bloggin' thang...SO, this either means that some of our missing post is being delivered somewhere else, and totally confusing all concerned, or it isn't.

    Ergo, if it don't show CLPs dates, it ain't gonna happen. Leastways not on here. Or of course I could be completely wrong.


    ps note for the paranoid: This does not mean that there AREN'T Blog Police...

    pps wilsmar, happy new year to you too x

    ppps morning Tinsel! xx

  22. At 12:03 PM on 10 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Mr C. Evans & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    The blog 'as gone absolutely, ravin, damn........ MAD!!!!!!

    That's why I feel so at 'ome writing on this blog of beautifulness!!!!!!

    PS Gotta quck joke -

    Why is perfume so obedient?

    'cos it's scent were ever it goes!!!!!!!

    Okay ere goes press 'POST' & see if I get a 502 error, soz web page can't be displayed message or both & me commentation will still appear but next Tuesdee!!!!!!!!

    ere goes....... 'POST'!

  23. At 12:08 PM on 10 Jan 2008, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Mr C. Evans & ALL Blog Dudes,

    Bingo Star ere.

    The blog 'as gone absolutely, ravin, damn........ MAD!!!!!!

    That's why I feel so at 'ome writing on this blog of beautifulness!!!!!!

    PS Gotta quck joke -

    Why is perfume so obedient?

    'cos it's scent were ever it goes!!!!!!!

    Okay ere goes press 'POST' & see if I get a 502 error, soz web page can't be displayed message or both & me commentation will still appear but next Tuesdee!!!!!!!!

    ere goes....... 'POST'!

  24. At 08:39 PM on 10 Jan 2008, wrote:

    Hi Bloggers and Blogettes!

    Oh CLP I've had a dream like that recently. I dreamn't my ex boss kissed me and I felt guilty about breaking the 'fella's' heart. It was a dream but even now I feel guilty! silly isn't it.

    Today I've been in bed all day. I was mean't to go to the theatre with the 'fella' and his family but have had to cancel. I feel guilty about that but I'm having a awful relapse and a chest infection and keep coughing everywhere!

    Cheryl you Diva- I need advice. Do I sell my cowboy boots I bought? I have only worn them once and not sure I will wear them again, or do I keep them incase I get invited to a Barn Dance?!!!! oh my god!!

    Em- Spooky both in Waitrose on Christmas Eve!

    Gingembre- How are you dude? Sorry haven't talked on Facebook, I've found I get horrilbly addicted to it! Send me a message via the blog.

    Speaking of the ex manager. The 'fella' met the ex boss just before Christmas and I was never so embarrased. It was like he was meeting my Dad. He shook the 'fellas' hand with a firm shake, looked him up and down and said about two words to him! I was mortified!!! The rest of the group who we all worked with loved him and it was horrible and weird!

    Debbie- what is going on with your son? I have been lazy and not read the blog for a few days so now gonna catch up! Send me a facebook message and give me the gos!!!

    Ok love to you all, missy xx

  25. At 10:41 AM on 11 Jan 2008, wrote:

    missy - you can never have too many pairs of boots, cowboy or otherwise. Keep hold of 'em as you may live to regret it in the future!

    Hope everyone's OK today. Very wet and windy here.

    Off to scour the local papers for jobs.

    C U all l8er!

    CtD xxx

  26. At 03:38 PM on 11 Jan 2008, Debbie wrote:

    I'm going to try posting although I don't hold out much hope.

    WW3 still continues at my house. I'm piggy in the middle between Mr Debbie and the 16 year old at the moment. Which normally means that they both end up turning on me. Watch this space! Anyone want a lodger?

    Have a good one all.

    Debbie xx

  27. At 05:07 PM on 11 Jan 2008, wrote:

    CTD- Ok hunny! You have persuaded me! Didn't take much did it!!!

  28. At 07:40 PM on 13 Jan 2008, Ma Broon wrote:

    To dream that you are running but cannot get away is a signal from your subconscious that there is an element at work in your life which you are deeply unhappy with. It may not be something obvious, but just let it rise to the top and you will soon fathom out what it is.

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