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Chris Evans | 16:36 UK time, Friday, 2 November 2007

Juicy Janine - dead, Adam from the wine company - dead. Proper casualties...

... why, I have no idea, they didn't seem to have that much to drink but both of them sick as dogs, white, pasty, room spin, the lot.

Quarter to five I got in and you know what ? I feel great. Sometimes it just gets you like that doesn't it? I've had an amazingly productive day and i'm all ready for a mates birthday party the second we come off the air.

Did Lexi the the listener turn up ? Yes she did. Was she lovely ? Yes she was, really lovely.

Just been to the hair doctor, he says it'll be down to my kness by next summer - result.

Be careful out there and make sure no one puts a rip wrap down your pants.

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:53 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I had my hair all cut.

    I have the opposite problem - too much hair. I have been straightening it for ages, but it is all dried out, so last week. chop chop chop.

    I'm gorgeous.

    Truely Truely Gorgeous.


  2. At 04:59 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:


    A rip wrap? Whassat?

  3. At 05:21 PM on 02 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Operatatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP - Glad you all 'ad a great time at the do, too much of a great time by the sound of it.

    Great news about the 'air, might need the specialists number mesen soon!

    What's a rip wrap? Self adheisive Christmas wrapping paper?
    Sounds painful..... ouchhhh!!!!!!!!!

    Tinsel - I've took yer advice & got mesen arreasted again..... yeah... it's along story!

    I went ter buy a hi-viz ter try and pull like yer said and they were all sold out..... except for hi-viz jackets with ploice on the back!

    Apparently they sold out the other week as all of The Drivetime Mega Team & R2's listeners 'ad bought them out!

    So I took the risk & bought the ploice one & off I went on the pull with me new jacket & a clip board.
    I ended up being arreasted for impersonating a ploice officer after a punch up broke out right in front of me between a traffic warden & an undertaker and ploice assistance was required.
    I 'ad ter explain I wasn't a ploice officer & couldn't 'elp & was just on the pull!!!!

    PS Ere's jokes from Fridee 19th... bit late but at least there ere now >>>>>>>>>>>>


    Did yer 'ear about the attractive female auctioner who every single bloke wanted ter date but she wouldn't go on a date with any as.........

    She was already spoken for!!!!!!!!!!!

    BINGO STAR 2007.

    I went to the butchers the other day and bet him 50 quid he couldn't reach the meat from the top shelf.....

    He said "no, the steaks are too high".

    TOMMY COOPER (Sometime between 1921 & 1984).


  4. At 05:26 PM on 02 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I'm glad you had a great night out. Â鶹ԼÅÄ at quarter to five - I am impressed! I start to get jumpy at 10.30pm, thinking "wow, it's getting late!".

    Have a great weekend everyone. See you all next week.

    C xx

  5. At 05:30 PM on 02 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I feel like death. Roll on the weekend!

    Have a good one, everyone!


  6. At 05:48 PM on 02 Nov 2007, lazykev wrote:

    another top evening you had by the sound of it have a nice weekend one a n all

  7. At 07:28 PM on 02 Nov 2007, Lisa Langley and the little Boys' wrote:

    Dear Chris, Suzie and the Gang

    Thank you for playing our request for 'Shine' as your last song. Love the show, love the tunes, and if you ever would like to play a request for a very special school, please play one for Maes Ebbw in Newport as everyone absolutely loves you and your show.

    Party on!


  8. At 09:59 PM on 02 Nov 2007, Paul Daniels (not The) wrote:

    Off topic, but don't know how else to contact possibly the greatest living broadcaster. For a change at the begining of your excellent drivetime show, instead of playing the soundtrack version of the theme to The Magnificent Seven, how about playing the vesion recorded by Los Straitjackets (played somewhat in the style of the Shadows)

    You have a show worth staying at work to listen to. Its TV all the way in my house and I'm not so keen these days.


  9. At 12:12 AM on 03 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Ayup Chris

    Just like to say I really enjoy listening to your show and Steve Wright's, it's a shame you only have just under 2 hours. I often listen to Radio Derby and Radio 2 on my MP3/Radio at work. Suppose your show is not drivetime for me, I'm usually home by 5.00, working for the Derbyshire County Council lol

    Glad you had a good time at the party and it was great you invited Lexi along as well.

    Well I better get some sleep, I'm off near your home patch Warrington tomorrow, I'll be watching my beloved Everton take on Birmingham at Goodison Park.

    Also come on you Gunners, beat United!

  10. At 01:47 AM on 03 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Mark Harrison a rip rap is probably no longer on sale, however it was a small firework that jumped about letting off lood bangs. Great for upsetting dogs and grannies alike. Small boys in the 1960s loved em cos they were cheap and very dangerous. They are from an era when we were alowed to live without nanny interfering.

    JK Nonegreen

  11. At 12:31 PM on 04 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Sunday, watched Countryfile, the best tele on Sunday. Helped clean the kitchen pantry out. Let off five rockets yeaterday - bang, fizzle - fireworks of old where not like that. I remember Jumping Jacks and penny bangers, mt versuvuous, roman candle`s, cathrin wheels. Today it`s all big bags.

    I remember Michaela Strachan of Countryfile being woken up in bed in her hotel room on the Big Breakfast. She`s pretty hot, nice smile and personalty.

    m xxx

  12. At 01:31 PM on 04 Nov 2007, MfR wrote:


    We did it.

    The Loseley-not-Loseley-actually-at-Camberley 10k for CHASE.

    It was a really enjoyable experience. It has been far too many years since I ran any cross-countries, so I wasn't sure how I'd fair, and Mrs MfR has never run one, so a real step into the unknown for her.

    We both felt we did really well. Finishing wasn't bad for starters, but we both reckoned we did pretty good times too. We'll wait with baited breath until the results are posted.

    But, most of all, we raised a few quid for a very worthwhile charity - as CLP will testify.

    And the weekend kicked off (ahem) on a great note yesterday as I took an old mate to The Cottage to catch up on each other's news and to (finally) see the boys nick three points.

    Bad luck Gaby.

    Now I'll rest up my aching calves - muscles, not livestock - maybe have a celebratory beer later, and then it'll Monday all over again before we know it.

    Peace & love


    PS Cause when the feelin's right, I'm gonna run all night.

    PPS Whiskey dancing disco hop.

  13. At 02:14 PM on 04 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    MfR sounds a good time was had. I ran in an Orienteering race many years ago, good fun.

    Do you think CLP is having a midd-life crisis? Learning to fly, riding a big powerful motor bike! It all worries me, what will we do if Chris cops an unfortunate one while pursuing one of these pursuits? Chris, just don`t tell us if you start hang gliding or parachuting, or even if you feel like becomming a human cannon ball.

    I`m off this afternoon to see Noel Cowards old home, Ian Flemming also lived thier while writing his Bond books.


    m xxx

  14. At 05:04 PM on 04 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Not sure my last blog came across as I meant it to. Chris, and Natasha just be careful on your big motor bike, a guy near here had a new big bike, went out on it, tried to overtake 3 cars, couldn`t get past the 3rd, hit a car comming the oposite way and killed himself. I think Chris is a tidy driver but you can`t account for the idiots on the roads.

    Unfortunatly suffering from depression and anxiety I worry about so much in life, things most people wouldn`t have a care for.

    m xxx

  15. At 05:15 PM on 04 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    MfR. Fair play to you. Well done.

    I have to say, the only time you'd catch me running would be with a Rip Wrap in me rucksack, and that's with or without the Shock Absorbers and a couple of corn plasters. The daughter does the Half-Marathons every now and then for charity but she's her father's daughter in that regard and therefore is not one to be messed with unless you want to find yourself sat on top of the kitchen dresser 'With the rest of the crackpots.'

    Any of her sporting achievements have been nurtured by her daddy, and I well remember being berated by my sister when said sporting dynamo was captain of her school hockey team, for not going along to watch her play. So I decided to right this wrong, and upon her return from school that day I announced,

    "Sweetie...When did you say you were playing hockey next?"

    She eyed me suspiciously.


    "Because I think it's time I came along to support you." Says I, self-sacrificingly.

    "Oh no you don't, mother," she retorted. "Forget about it."

    "What?" I protested, somewhat taken aback.

    She shot me her famous It's Not Big And It's Not Clever look.

    "I said NO. And that's an end to it." (she was thirteen at the time.)

    "But...." says I. "But your dad goes to watch, doesn't he?"

    "Yes, mother, but me dad knows how to behave himself."

    Bugger. Ah no, thinks I, best hide that bobble hat and football rattle.

    The following morning, however, over breakfast and with me still sulking, she relented.

    "Ok, mum. If you really want to, you can come and watch."

    "Huh." muttered I through chicken's bum lips. "I don't think I want to now."

    "Shut up," says she, "and be there about 4.30. And for God's sake behave yourself and wear something sensible."

    Oh Happy Days.

    Anyway, can I just add that the self-same Genius daughter with the high standards of behaviour is the one who woke up next to me in me bed this morning, steaming, smelling of curry and with mad hair and a champagne cork down her cleavage, and vowing never to drink again.

    Bless her.

    Well now, best be off; I've a drum kit to try out and she's due to wake up any minute.



  16. At 06:50 PM on 04 Nov 2007, MfR wrote:

    Cheers, MJ & clodagh.

    Forgot to mention, we ran with Andrew Castle, a patron of CHASE, who, at, ahem, forty-something, is in incredible shape.


    No results yet, but tune into


    for details!


  17. At 08:02 AM on 05 Nov 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning mon amis

    MfR - top drawer stuff mate, well done to you and MrsMfR. I was due to 'do' the Norwich half-marathon this year building up to the London full next but the ol' knee says no!!!
    (high tibial osteotomy needed for those interested?)

    So the East Anglian derby went off pretty calmly yesterday,
    Work wise it went well.
    On the pitch went okay, they done well to draw and the fans are on a wave of euphoria but at the end of the day, they're adrift at the bottom and shouldn't have been 2 down in the first place???

    As for my beloved lilywhites, well, I'm not sure, the early signs are encouraging and I'm sure we'll come good.

    Got my tickets to see Alicia Keys next Feb at the dome in London. I cannot wait.

    Back to work tonight, have agood week on and all.


    PS - the only way is up!!!

  18. At 09:47 AM on 05 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all. Oh dear Bingo, what are we going to do with you????

    MfR & Mrs MfR - well done indeed - Chase is a fantastic place. Another amazing place is Winston's Wish - there are a few progs on about it on TV this week - I DEFY anyone not to want to help if you see them. It's a shame they all don't get more prime time tv slots to show what they do.

    Gingembre, did you see Alicia on the Divas prog on Sat night? She was pretty good!! And Leona Lewis - singing First Time Ever I Saw Your Face - definitely proved she deserves Diva status!

    Anyone see Top Gear last night? Those boys are just amazing. If you didn't see it, watch the repeat, whenever it is, very very entertaining!

    Have good days all.

    T xxxxxxxxx

  19. At 09:52 AM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- Did we win? doubt it!
    I have told the 'fella' about the christmas light switch on in Norwich and he is looking forward to seeing sally traffic!!! Bless him. I'm typing this from his house!

    Cheryl you DIVA- How are you? I have bought far too many shoes recently. Think I might have to ebay some! NOOOOOOOOOO!

    Will check back on later, hope you are all well. xxx

  20. At 10:08 AM on 05 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello Ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    It's all been stress blog friends but am ere, but only just!

    Clodagh - WUW.... yer freakin' me out, are you in touch with the other side too, aka Mystic Meg?
    Yer right about me 'aving an incidentation with a parachute.

    Recently I did do a parachute jump but injured me ankles as I didn't 'ave damn time ter open me chute before I 'it the ground.
    Yeah.... errrrr... the plane was still on the ground!
    I said ter the pilot.... we need more 'eight but if yer think am jumpin' above twelve feet am not doin' it.
    I was escorted off the airfield with a limp!

    Martin James - Thanks for your kind words the other day!
    Countryfile... one of my favourite programmes. I find it very sort of relaxing watching that programme & very interesting all the different things that they look at.... BEEB - GREAT PROGRAMME!!!

    PS The Micheala Stracham - yean she's nice... always seems bubbly friendly!

    PPS Love the Countryfile theme tune - I always think that bit of music could be turned inter something big.
    Great electric piano and then the way the bass guitar comes in with abit of percussion.... love that tune, haunting music!
    (I'm not being sarcastic ere in case anyone thinks I am - being serious - love that theme tune).

    Prof Plum - I've contacted the other side & can reveal all now - me astro sign is the goat, aka always climbing mountains but never gettin' ter the damn top.
    Normally finally reach the top just as yer gonna pop yer clogs so yer family reap all from yer life's determination/ work aka from yer will - aka Capricorn!

    PS Again - I 'ad a big misunderstanding with the very nice Bobby Prior on Saturdee.

    I was stuck on the M6 for over 2 hours due ter an accident so kept ringing the R2 travel line ter keep Booby updated.
    Only probs ploice reopened the motorway and told Bobby but didn't tell Booby that they were gonna close it again for damn barrier repairs - So Bobby didn't read out me second bit of travel info.
    I thought she must 'ave thought i'm 'oaxing or being an idiot as eveytime I rung the travel 'ot line I left the message in a 'umourus, if not sad, Bingo Star style!!!!

    So I rung back ter say neee, neee, neee Bobby, am not a 'oaxer in case yer think I am, this M6 problem is very bad - over 10 mile jam up, stuck for 2 'ours.
    Anyway she read out the new info on 'er next buletin- no thanks ter the ploice (Fancy opening the m'way after an accident then immediately closing it again ter repair the damn barrier!)

    Anyway rung back ter say thanks Bobby & she picked up the phone & I managed ter 'ave a chat with 'er.... yeah The Booby Prior!
    She sounded very nice!
    Only probs blog friends... I forgot ter ask 'er 'ow do I get a BC 'ouse pass ter get past security ter get Wrightie & CLP's graph and everyone elses for that matter!!!!

    PPS - I read Sally Boazman is signing 'er book not just in Norwich but at various locations throughout the country duting this month!!!!

    PPPS - Sally what about Borders at Cheshire Oaks aka E'port - very busy there & always book signings going on there Sal - this ones a gig yer should do - am tellin' yer!!!!!
    Especially a Saturdee!


  21. At 10:20 AM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Remember, remember the 5th of November
    Gunpowder, treason and plot.
    I see no reason why gunpowder, treason
    Should ever be forgot!

    Who would have thought, 402 years after the event, we would still be remembering Guy Fawkes’s exploits?! What does that say about us as a nation?! And how many folk realise that had he succeeded he wouldn’t only have killed King James I (Scotland’s King James VI) and ending Protestant rule?

    When we were in York we visited St Michael le Belfrey, which nestles in the shadow of York Minster, yet had more mystery, atmosphere and reverence than the Minster. Amongst the fascinating artefacts there was a reference to Guy Fawkes who was baptised there - he was raised Protestant but converted at 16, so one would assume he had a great understanding of both sects!

    Anyhow - our 2 year old categorically says she does not want to go out to watch the fireworks tonight! And, sitting here watching the storm blow across the hills outside, I have to concede that she is a very sensible lass for her age!

    Christoph …. I have a note for my dreadfully long absence! Can I join back in?!

    Does Lexi know how jealous we all are off her!?!

    My hubby is asking for the name of your hair doctor! We wait with baited breath to see how long your tresses grow!

    How lovely to come back and see so many names I know!! I missed you all, you know that! And thank you all for your prayers and support over the Summer!

    Huggles all round!

    Susan, Highland lass

  22. At 10:38 AM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Morning all!

    Did anyone see Long Way Down last night?! Awesome!

    DWNB - Did you get a photo of your hair?! I couldn’t find it! And we always knew you were truly gorgeous!

    Chrissie S - 10.30pm … late!?!? We need another night out lassie!!!

    Dylan - hope you got better!

    Lisa - thank you for Shine as your request! I’m loving the boys in their reincarnation!

    MfR - Go man go! Good on ya!

    Martin James - I’m worrying that I’m hitting a midlife crises cos I want the motorbike I never got when I was 17!! What was it like seeing Noel Coward’s home?

    Clodagh - Ah … that infamous role reversal when your child hits teens … I’m so NOT looking forward to that!

    Bingo Star - Do you think we could persuade Sally to come North to Inverness Borders?!?!

    By the way …. the wee one got a new kitten - just click me for shots! Unfortunately her other puss, Xander, is rather put out by this usurper and has learned how to growl like a dog! I asked the wee one what she wanted to call her kitten (though it sounds like chicken when she says it!) and, bearing in mind she is 2, says ‘Ollie’! What?!?! Where on earth did she get that one from!? We know no Ollie’s, there are no Ollies in her books or TV programmes …. how do their wee minds work!? Ollie is 8 weeks old this week ... and a wee bundle of furry, mad energy! I'll bet he could take n Evil Bunny, DWNB!

    Anyhow - housework calls - and you all know how much I LOVE housework!

  23. At 10:44 AM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    susan s I am so pleased to see you back. I have often thought about you. I have had a long absence as well but have been made to feel welcome and it's like I never went away!

    Bingo Star - please provide a dictionary for your blogs. I can cope with most but you lost me a couple of times today.

    I had the best weekend. I took my girls to our caravan in the New Forest for the bonfire & fairylight weekend put on by the caravan park. It was spectacular - almost of a par with the togmeisters two hour extravagansa this morning.

    Have a great day all


    P.S. Well done Mr & Mrs MfR x

  24. At 11:09 AM on 05 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Hi Cathmel,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Me comments #20 -

    Clodagh - I was refering ter Clodagh comments #38 on the 01/11 blog.

    Prof Plum - Refering ter 'is comments #40 on the 01/11 blog.

    And Martin James - 'is comments on this blog #11.

    'ope this 'elps!!!

    PS Cathmel - I read your comments #42 on the 01/11 blog - glad ter 'ear that you agreed with me astro comments.... I'll put a full scorpio profile on the blog in the next week or so.
    Gonna do what Debbie recommended and run through the zodiac each day until i've covered every sign!


  25. At 11:18 AM on 05 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    SusanS : welcome back! It's been so long, and it's great to see you! Hopefully the support you have received over the last few months has helped xx

    As for Guy Fawkes, I was terrified of the thought of him when I was a child. I used to think he was coming to get me and that if I looked out my bedroom window, he would be there, looking in. We lived three flights up!!! Also, I do not like fireworks, they are kinda dangerous, you know?!

    Apart from that, have a happy 5th November everyone!

    C xx

  26. At 12:23 PM on 05 Nov 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Ding Dong one and all

    The witch is dead. Halloween over for another year.
    I used to love Bonfire night as a kid. Baked potatoes and treacle toffee. I remeber one year counting out my stardard fireworks from the box in front of a roaring coal fire, so I'm guess I'm lucky to be here!
    They always sounded so exciting like the magic fountain but never really did much more than fizz out a short burst of light. Rockets in Milk bottle launches were quite sad compared to todays, but it was fun.

    Bingo, so you are a Capricorn, I see you share your sign with Benny Hill, Jim Carrey and Elvis....erh well thank you very much. Also alot of scientists born under Capricorn Isaac Newton for one.

  27. At 12:48 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Afternoon all,
    Welcome back Highland Lass and of course the loverly Charis (and Amy?).
    It's strange isn't it the different names we call the same thing. I also knew that particular firework as a rip rap but being a Manc as I think JK Nonegreen is, that is no surprise and I'm fairly sure they are still sold - they were shaped like the school radiators and as John says used to jump about - they were very similar to the Chinese firecrackers.
    PS There's no sun shining to 'blind' them but two birds have committed suicide by crashing into my window! Or am I under attack? I'm not paranoid, no really, I'm not.

  28. At 02:53 PM on 05 Nov 2007, julie wrote:

    Chris , I cant believe you have got married !! I listen to your show lots , where was I ? How did I miss that ???????
    Anyway loads of congratulations , and why you didnt wait to meet me I will never know .Keep up the good work , great show . x

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