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Chris Evans | 14:38 UK time, Monday, 5 November 2007

Can the weekend really be over ? I for one didn't notice it. Saturday was spent with Mrs. E senior, whilst Mrs. E junior...

...attended an Armenian wedding. Me and me ma' cooked stew for fifty, to sell down at the pub on bonfire night.

Looked at the economics of the process and figured we'd be in profit after we'd sold our tenth serving. Break even point being Β£37. Watch out pret a manger, here we come.

Mrs. E junior returned around teatime, ma settled down for a bit of Strictly and off we went in search of some hungry customers.

Still canvassing for business in the freezing cold at 1 a.m. we'd earned a good night's kip.

Sunday, back to mums, this time for a huge midday fry up and all the papers then I had to nip off to see a man about a dog, well actually a horse, a beautiful prancing horse that comes complete with accelerator and brakes.

Out last night for a few goodbye weekend jars and then back home to midnight cheesy beans on toast and a really strange edition of Top Gear.

Up with the Lark this morning to experience the best of the day, a quick look at a restaurant for sale and a site meeting at the new house. More correspondence about the prancing horse, a meeting about a new possible car business, (stick to what you know AND like and you won't go far wrong.) and finally up to London for a bit of showbiz award winnning radio.

Lewis Hamilton's due to ring any minute to talk to us about his new book tonight, so I best be off.


CLP 2007.



  1. At 03:11 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Another fun filled wekend for the Evans household then! I spent the weekend getting used to being a 1 dog household (not sure about it yet). Fireworks are not my little dogs favourite thing and she now refuses to go out in the dark on her own. She stayed with Ma & Pa L on Saturday night so I could go to a fancy dress birthday party. Happy 30th Rach' !!

    Apart from that I've decided that this week's going to be easier than last. I will miss Roobear forever but will remember all the fab times we had together.

    Here's to a good week!

    & Booboo

  2. At 03:20 PM on 05 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Good lord CLP, do you ever SIT DOWN?????????

    T xx

  3. At 04:01 PM on 05 Nov 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - I hope you don't mind me saying, but this positive energy that you have, and your absolute happiness, shine through the airwaves like beacons. They're infectious, and long may they last!

    jillygoat xx

    PS Well done on the increase in listeners too!!

  4. At 04:03 PM on 05 Nov 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hope this post follows my earlier one ......

    Martin J - methinks you've been visiting St Margaret's Bay near Deal (about a 10-minute drive from where I live). It's a beautiful part of the world and I hope you enjoyed your visit.

    Susan S - welcome back honey, welcome back. I hope all is well with you and yours and that you're back for good, as the song says! We've missed you but you have been much in our thoughts xxxxxx

    Can't believe how quickly the weekend went but Monday is almost officially over, so only four more to go 'til the weekend again, woo hoo!!

    jillygoat xx

  5. At 04:14 PM on 05 Nov 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Dearest Christophe...do you have someone who drives for you? I couldn't keep that kind of pace up if I had to do all the thinking inbetween everywhere I was going too!

    My weekend was quite odd, but nowt to put any fingers on unfortunately. The badger may have upset two of our very good friends - mainly through worrying that he may upset them...left other things til too late...and so...anyhoo, a Christmas pressie purchased for one of them, that I can't get out of the box without breaking everything, may make it's way into my stocking. But that's not for here.

    And speaking of Christmas. Please check this link!

    Badger came home absolutely spitting feathers the other eve because 'they' are talking of banning CHRISTMAS!!! Because it 'interferes with different religions'...AND (apparently) it's going to cost several million(!!!)of our Β£'s to 're-train' teachers at schools.


    In the words of Olyve Oyle


  6. At 04:16 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    This is my first Bonfire Night away from the UK, and I'll be thinking of everyone as they 'oooooh' and 'ahhhh' their way through fireworks tonight. You can't beat that feeling of being wrapped up warm but with the icy cold chill on your face contrasting with the warmth of the bonfire.

    Closest I'll get to a bonfire this year is a scented candle. Bah!


  7. At 04:24 PM on 05 Nov 2007, Liz wrote:

    Your life's so boring Chris. Get out more and make more stews

    Liz x

  8. At 04:31 PM on 05 Nov 2007, TFI wrote:

    Christoph - Bring back TFI as soon as is humanly possible !!

    You are back on fire and TV needs that show now - no doubt about it.

    Good luck.

  9. At 04:38 PM on 05 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    You eejit.

    If yous is goun' to be jumpin' twelve feet outa planes, keep your 'and on your ripcord bless you.

    And cathmel sweetie. Yep, rubbish by name and crap but willing by nature.

    Actually I was delighted this morning when the Togmeister nearly corpsed during me reference to Anne Boleyn's potential with the accordion, what with 'er six fingers (no head mind you) and somewhere to park it up front. I love it when he starts giggling bless him, funny or what.

    And never mind the teenage thing. Our role-reversed relationship started right from day one, with the Genius daughter looking absolutely livid at 10 seconds old, having been dragged into the world with a pair of salad servers and the Dyson and not finding it amusing in the slightest.

    From being so tiny she couldn't sit up, she discovered the delights of rolling over as a means of propulsion, and I well remember leaving her on her changing mat whilst I went to answer the door, only to return to find no baby on said mat. Hormones being what they are as a new mum, I did what came naturally; "WAAAAAAH!!!! SOMEBODY'S NICKED ME BABY!!!! AAAAAAAARGH!!!!!!"

    Having mobilised daddy, grandma, the local vet and Interpol, she turned up under the settee. And has been attempting to escape ever since. She's 27 now and still hidin' under the settee whenever I turn me back.

    Actually I was very worried last week. She told me she'd been to the doctor's asking about a termination. Luckily he said 52 years was too advanced so phew. That was a close one.

    Now then CLP. What's all this about a horse. By the crin watch yerself. Not that I know much about horses other than which end to shove the sugar lump, but I had a very nasty altercation with a donkey that didn't like the look of me wellies at the Dublin Horse Show a few weeks back and I 'aven't been able to limbo dance since. Jaysus.


  10. At 04:43 PM on 05 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    Sounds like you had a great weekend. It's just the two of you and you can do what you want with your time together - great stuff! I well remember the days MrS and I used to go out for a beer of a Sunday evening. That changed forever since the appearance of MsS but that's o.k. too!

    Hazel: MrS used to always upset friends of ours. Not on purpose, but sometimes .... just sometimes .... he would say the wrong thing! And I am with the badger - we must protect Christmas! Why can't we all live in harmony and let everyone have their own special days? All my cards this year will specifically mention the word "Christmas". Revolt - it's the only answer!

    C xx

  11. At 04:48 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Glad your weekend was better than mine, which ended with a bang. Not a firework I hasten to add but a VW Golf, hitting my parked Rover 25 and hurtling it towards my neighbours drive, taking out a concrete post on the. As if by magic my car ended up on his driveway missing his Jeep by inches. For good measure, it then wacked my partner's van and deposited it's bumper in the middle of our road, which immediately became closed for business. The culprit obviously was in competition with Paula
    Radcliff although on the wrong side of the pond and legged it. Thanks Pal.

    Sad but true. How to write a car off whilst sleeping in your bed. FAB stuff, hope the guy has a conscience. the car was not reported missing, so if dazed and confused is out there perhaps you can appeal to his better judgement and get him to report the accident.

    Apart from that isn't life wonderful and what's the recipe for the beef stew and more news on the prancing horse/Lewis Hamilton - take it they are not one of the same

    Bye for now goodevans x

  12. At 04:50 PM on 05 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Ere you guys.

    The daughter has just raised a fair point.

    She's just purchased her monthly Marie Claire magazine with its enclosed Free Gift of 100% organic cotton shopping bag proclaiming "This Is Not A Plastic Bag".

    Wrapped in two plastic bags.



  13. At 05:03 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Busy Busy Busy

    That's how it goes. The more I seem to try to squeeze in, the faster it goes. It just doesn't stop! - Not that I want it to, I just wish it went a bit slower so that I can do more, and enjoy it more.


  14. At 05:18 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I'm knackered just hearing about your weekend, Christoff!!!!

    Today ....

    I emptied, moved, defrosted fridge freezer ....

    Unpacked, moved, repacked child's bookcase (a bookworm already!!) ...

    Moved HUMONGOUS toy trunk ...

    Shoved stuff in loft. ....

    Oh, and took wee one out for fun with her wee pals!!

    Who says Mum's don't do anything all day!!

    Thanks for the welcome back honeys!

    Off to listen to the Drivetime team and take a hairdrier to that bloomin freezer!


    Susan, Highland lass

  15. At 05:34 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Hope you have all had a great day!

    Bingo Star - looking forward my full astrological forcast (I'm hoping you will see a lovely man coming into my life shortly to sweep me off me feet!)

    CLP - I love your zest for life jillygoat is right it is so infectious - you are an excellant role model for us all.

    I have had a terrible couple of slimming weeks. It is an emotionally difficult time of year for me and I have hit the chocs, cakes, custard, cream & pastry and totally fallen off the wagon! I am going to treat my weigh in at fat club as a fresh start on wednesday as I am determined to be at goal for little 'un's first holy communion next June.

    I for one will be flying the flag for Christmas with lights, tinsel, mince pies & a lovely nativity. I have spent the whole being totally PC and respecting all members of my community and no-one is going to stop my christmas celebrations!!!!!

    After me rant I think I need a lie down - i'll check in with you guys later x x x x x x

    Do any of you have more links to photo's of yourselves? I love seeing behind the names - do all feel free to check out my myspace page I particularly recommend the pic of going to a fancy dress as a wench!

    Big love xxx

  16. At 05:51 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Man, I feel like a woman one and all

    Cartmel I thought the wench outfit was cool.

    Lyndyloo your dog photo looks lovely. It's so sad to lose them.

    Always nice to catch up with the blog. Chris I bet your Mum's stew was delicious, was it topped with red cabbage?

    Good evening

  17. At 06:21 PM on 05 Nov 2007, martin james wrote:

    Christoph I bet you missed the fireworks? My sister was also selling food, at the rugby club do and didn`t get to see many fireworks. But they did good trade.

    Jillygoat, your not wrong. And yes it is a very nice place.

    Chris this car business, it`s not to do with car swopping by chance, as mentioned on Drivetime a while back? (why did I write that, as if I`ll get a reply!) Only I don`t think most people would want strangers driving thier car. I`ve seen my friend drive and no way would I let him drive, if I had a car. He never uses the hand brake, always using the clutch to hold it on a hill!

    Dibble and dabble... an new phrase to me.

    m xxx

  18. At 07:12 PM on 05 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Cathmel. And all of yous going to Fat Clubs.

    I happened to hear a fab track this afty on Steve Wright called 'Suncream' by Baz Lehrmann (I think), and it was great, try to find it.

    One thing he says is 'Don't read beauty magazines. They'll make you feel ugly.'

    I have to say I am similarly disdainful of Fat Clubs. Now, everybody's different and if said club motivates you and makes you feel positive then that's fine.

    But the experience I see with friends is the opposite, and the patronising manner with which they tend to be treated in their mission to lose weight makes me furious. Look, girls. (and chaps for that matter.) Re-focus. When we eat more than we need we'll get fatter. And when we do this it is invariably a symptom of unhappiness and boredom, and possibly feeling disempowered. So when you feel yourself reaching for some old shite to graze on, stop. Think. Am I hungry? If so, eat it. If not, DO something. Something you enjoy. Anything.

    And if that something is eating then get over it. You're going to be fat but bloody gorgeous, so bloody what.

    The world's biggest oxymoron is Slimming Food. I'll tell you how I'd reduce Britain's weight. Shoot the bloody Slimfast sellers.

    We need to accept ourselves. We could, after all, be walruses. To one of those guys a lady walrus is Top Totty. And you don't see them sat on a rock lookin' for blackheads in the mirror do you.

    Face it, girls. We're all gorgeous.

    Having said that, I'm not postin' my photo on no website. It's best mounted on cork over t' fireplace to keep t' kids away from t' fire. Hurrah!


  19. At 07:46 PM on 05 Nov 2007, MfR wrote:


    Oh yeah?

    Thinking of muscling in on our business eh?

    I've been in the motor trade for 10 years now and currently look after the purse strings of several businesses, including your 'prancing horse' variety.

    I'd be interested to know what you're up to!

    The legs have held up OK today after yesterday's exersions. In fact, We've decided to do another 10k in the new year.

    Must be mad as bicycles.

    By the way, our village fireworks are this Friday coming. So when everyone else has packed away their stuff until next year, Rudgwick will be just firing up!

    Peace & love


    PS Before Jimmy's Machine and The Rocksteady Rub

    PPS Lick My Decals Off, Baby

  20. At 08:10 PM on 05 Nov 2007, wrote:

    I love cheesy beans on toast! Only discovered them at uni. Funnily enough was thinking about them driving home after the fireworks this evening.
    Off to test the recipe again,

  21. At 10:37 PM on 05 Nov 2007, james caffrey wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    I've got a good feeling for a tv idea. It's somthing I've felt passionate about for a long time without the tv contribution...but feel in the cuurent climate could be fulfilled and entertaining.

    Hope to hear from you.



  22. At 12:22 AM on 06 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Sounds like a great weekend, Chris. I spent mine studying for exams. *sigh*

    I've got my eye on a different type of prancing horse, because today is the Melbourne Cup. Go Master O'Reilly and Blue Monday!

    VaughnJess from Down Under.

  23. At 08:52 AM on 06 Nov 2007, RosieRoo wrote:

    My party was a blast. My Amy Winehouse was uncannily, scarily convincing and Mr P looked a dead ringer for Russell Brand. We also entertained the Jackson 5, two hippies, a couple of psychos, a few bunny girls, a geisha, Uma Thurman from Kill Bill, Jack Sparrow, a pair of pimps, a selection of devils and Gandalf. The house got off lightly too with one fag burn (oops...my fault) and a broken bathroom door panel (easily fixed).

    Coldagh - love your attitude about eating and dieting. So, so true.

    TFI - I'm with you but unfortunately, I don't have a telly so I prefer CLP on t'wireless.

    MfR - I'm jealous. I want a second helping of fireworks too. Boo.

  24. At 08:59 AM on 06 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning my friends. Is it just me or did anyone else think Lewis Hamilton was REALLY BORING???????? Poor Chris and Jonny, it was like trying to get blood out of a stone, they were virtually answering the questions for him!! Sorry, he might be a great racing driver but no more interviews, PUHLEASE!!!!!!! Office news is MUCH more entertaining!!

    Have lovely days all

    T xxx

  25. At 09:17 AM on 06 Nov 2007, Mel wrote:

    I am an avid reader of the blog, and love it!!

    I was listening on my way to work last night and I start at 6 o'clock so I missed the answer to the Bestseller Book question, and it's one I've often wondered about. Would anyone be kind enough to give me the answer please?


  26. At 09:38 AM on 06 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    I agree, yes, lovely Lewis was a bit boring.

    But give 'im a break.He might be hugely talented and dynamic on the business end of 'is Robin Reliant but he's only ickle and very pretty with one of them chuchie faces you'd pinch to death.

    And I forgive him everything for his modesty and gentleness and his response to Chris' question about his groundedness being in part due to living with his brother's cerebral palsy.

    I must admit, not being particularly interested in motor-racing, the only time Lewis has caught my attention thus far is when I've seen some press coverage of his squabbles with Fernando whatsisname, and I've simply thought he was a bit of a brat. Just goes to show doesn't it.

    Wrong again.

    What a superstar. Bless 'im.


  27. At 10:08 AM on 06 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Happy Tuesday everyone!

    Clodagh: your post yesterday (#18) was absolutely brilliant. I wish I had had you to talk to when I was younger! Every word you had to say was a gem. You should be available on the NHS! I don't know about your daughter being a genius, but I know you are!

    The record you heard is called "Wear Sunscreen" by Baz Lurhman. I urge everyone to Google it and print out the words. They are incredible and I try to live my life according to that song!

    Thanks Clodagh, bless you.

    Chrissie xx

  28. At 10:26 AM on 06 Nov 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Christoff and loverly bloggers and blogettes!!

    So - hands up who went to a bonfire night last night? Not me! Charis refused to go so hubby went and I took shots of the fireworks from the bathroom window with Charis mad No1 cat balancing n the sill beside me! I can’t believe you’ve declined requests to open bonfire nights CLP! And what was that Lewis Hamilton interview like!? I loved the questions you asked him! Not like the normal boring sycophantic interviews we normally hear from other interviewers!

    And what is on the cards for today? I was very productive on the housekeeping front yesterday! Can we see a repeat today?! Hmmm …. with Mums and Tots club with my dear coffee buddy looming?! Doubtful!!! Coffee - what a wonderful discovery that was!!

    Lyndyloo - so sorry for your loss honey. Hold on to all your fabulous memories of what a character and companion Roobear was. You will always miss him but the pain will lessen honey. And thanks for your email.

    Jillygoat - so good to be back in the fold! Counting down to the weekend with you!!

    Hazel love - how are the birdies? My hubby has a nack for upsetting those nearest and dearest to us … but don’t tell him I said that!!! And don’t get me started on all the PC stuff about Christmas!!! Grrrrrrr!!

    Dylan - what a shame you couldn’t have your own one!

    Clodagh - you make me smile big time honey!! Thank ye so muchly! Do you know what? I love Mika!!! Big girls ARE beautiful!

    ChrissieS - is Ms S not of an age to accompany you and Mr S for a beer (soft drinks for her of course!)?

    Chris Swann - YOUCH!!!!

    Cathmel - I have good incentive for slimming and toning - a school reunion next year! You’ll get back on the wagon again! I’m kinda getting sick of being PC for everyone yet having to put up with m y faith and believes belittled! Going to check your myspace out! I’m on bebo more often these days - and face book - and, flickr most days.

    MfR - don’t know how you and the missus keep so fit!!!


    Susan, Highland lass

  29. At 10:26 AM on 06 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hey Clodagh. Well you know when I heard about Lewis's bro I just thought - how can he think of leaving him and living on another continent? Maybe that's just me ...

    nope, not convinced. Don't like him.


  30. At 10:50 AM on 06 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good morning,

    Didn't get to hear the show last night, I have to admit that I'm not a great fan of Lewis Hamilton since I heard that he is moving abroad to protect his privacy. Yeah right. He complained at not being able to spend quality time with his family and now he wants move away which means he will obviously be able to do so?!? I'm kinda with you on that one Tinsel.

    Clodagh, I love what you say, always.

    Back to me sick bed now!!

    Debbie xx

  31. At 10:55 AM on 06 Nov 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Fair point, but he's hardly the only one responsible for his brother's welfare, is he?

    Mind you I'd forgotten about the tax exile thing. Still, until we're in that position ourselves, we really shouldn't be too judgemental should we. Maybe if I was in his position with all my future ahead of me but for who knows how long, I'd do the same. I'd like to think not but as I say, it's not anybody else's call to make.

    And Chrissie. Ah thanks, you're too kind. Of course, I'm all too eager to dispense advice but crap at taking it!! I'm just the same as every other woman when I look in the mirror and see Hylda Baker starin' out at me.




  32. At 11:22 AM on 06 Nov 2007, ChrissieS wrote:


    You are sounding so good and it's great to see you replying to so many bloggers. I always think that is such good manners!

    On the subject of MsS joining us for drinks, yes this is perfectly o.k. - she is 16. However, the problem lies with MrS and myself - 16 years down the line, we are far too knackered to face the prospect of having Sunday evening beers! In our pre-MsS days, we would have thought nothing of it, but now Sunday nights are for jammies and Heartbeat!

    C xx

  33. At 11:22 AM on 06 Nov 2007, Nev wrote:

    Is it not a bit extreme to think about buying a prancing horse and then end up with the whole dealership? You don't do things by halves. Apparently Michael Schumaker will come and test drive it for you as part of his contract...or something like that.

    Anyway after last week are you sure it was a stew and not a casserole - or as I suspect more likely a hot pot!!!


  34. At 12:23 PM on 06 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Look blog friends i've gotta put yer all straight ere over Lewis 'amilton.

    I know about these things!

    Everybody is entiltled ter their own view but Lewis's brother isn't being left behind and 'e's not some kind of invalid eejit.

    Lewis's brother travels around the world ter aloot of the races with Lewis and 'is father is always there too. What an exciting life style for 'is brother AND Lewis AND 'is father.
    So Lewis ain't neglecting 'is bro!

    Plus they are a very, very close family
    They are very good friends Lewis & 'is bro more than can be said for alot of sibblings.
    They were seen laughing tergether at the Brazillian GP just recently..... yyyyyesssssss!!!!

    A top F1 driver doesn't really 'ave a 'ome.
    Switzerland is just gonna be a base 'e calls 'ome but I bet 'e won't be there more than a total of 2/3 months out of a whole year!

    Ter qualify for none UK tax 'e iz not allowed ter be in the Uk for more than 90 days of the year - wouldn't anyway as an F1 driver - plus who wants ter give yer tax at 40% ter the British goverment so they can waste it on the crayzee 2012 Olympic costs, Millenumn domes, congestion charges that are MAD but with no better transport, political MP expenses/ reshuffles & illegal wars in Iraq & borderless borders - I too would leave the UK if I was gonna bag Β£400m for my lifes devotion ter my sport!

    Plus Lewis isn't boring just a little dizzy after 'is crayzee year in which 'e 'andled a very difficult situation amazingly well, e's only 22 & as I said in me mad 11.14 blog which 'asn't appeared yet, in the interview 'e is not boring just probally in absolute awe and feeling abit nervous of talkin' ter dudes as famous as Jono S & CLP - bit like me when I ring Sally Boazman's traffic 'otline!!!!

    Plus i'd request a off air interview as I couldn't 'andle the pressure of a live CLP interview!

    'ope this 'epls!!!!!!


  35. At 12:33 PM on 06 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    PS - When yer gonna be on Β£50m a year if yer move abroad yer whole family would move with yer - The Lewis family are no longer an ordinary family but a family of F1 Super Stardom!!!!!

    'ope this 'elps too!

    Chow again!

  36. At 12:53 PM on 06 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    PPS - errr plus why in this country are we not PROUD of someone at last puttin' us big on the world map for the right reasons un like Blair who did for the wrong reasons.

    Why oh why in this country do we build me up..... only ter tear them apart once they get big - no wonder the Uk is in a mess!

    I can't take this stress..... ave gone totalyy over the edge...... GET ME MY SHRINK!!!!!!!!!

    PS CLP - I'll send u me mad photo of me training for the British GP in....... Lllllllanzarote!!!!!
    Just let Lewis see it or 'e'll lose 'is racecraft confidence!

    'ope this 'elps again too!

    Chow yet again!

  37. At 01:28 PM on 06 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Oh dear - I consider myself suitably chastised. Thanks for the info Bingo!! I didn't mean for a second to say anything negative about his relationship with his bro or about his bro.

    Sorry if I offended anyone! (I still think he's boring though and if he is leaving for tax reasons which is highly likely I'd respect him a lot more if he admitted it).

    T, sloping off tail between legsxx

  38. At 01:29 PM on 06 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    PS - Bingo you're probably right about him being overawed by Jonny & CLP - I haven't even got the courage to ring Women's Minute!!


  39. At 01:45 PM on 06 Nov 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Bingo - fair enough matey. Good point, well said. It is always good to see things from another perspective. For that, thank you xx

    Debbie xx

    PS. Now go and have a lie down! xx

  40. At 01:54 PM on 06 Nov 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Ello, errr ello,

    Tinsel - You 'aven't offended me at all!!!

    It's just i'm very sensitive & when someone I regard as a very close friend of mine is slightly mis-understood.
    I just felt I needed ter defend 'im.... Tinsel I 'ope you still regard me as a blog friend as I still regard you as one!

    Peace & Love ter all!!!!!!!

    When I say close friend.... i've never actually met Lewis but..... i'm sure I could give 'im a few tips about 'is turn in & 'ow ter power out of a corner without too much back end coming out!


  41. At 02:30 PM on 06 Nov 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bingo - you will always be one of my lovely (if slightly mad) blog friends.

    (now skipping as peace has been restored)

  42. At 02:39 PM on 06 Nov 2007, Tim Ingman wrote:

    Not a prancing horse for gods sake. Buy an Aston Martin, Keep it British..

  43. At 12:37 PM on 07 Nov 2007, Jan wrote:

    Hi Chris I keep missing you talk about your tricologist...does he treat females? Where can I find out what he's doing for you?
    Desparate Jan!

  44. At 06:54 PM on 12 Nov 2007, wrote:

    chris- I haven't heard 'papas gotta brand new pigbag' by pigbag for ages and it reminded me instantly of blushing my way out of woolworths when they accused me of making up such a ridiculous title! I settled for 'money' by the flying lizards, and 'lip-up fatty' by bad manners of course, which I think you ought to play sometime this week on your gobsmackers, or whatever you call it!
    fantastic show, stick with it- it can only get better!

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