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Chris Evans | 15:26 UK time, Wednesday, 19 September 2007

My shoelace upon my left shoe was threatening to untie itself. I could feel it, it was loose, the knot had become disllusioned with tightness and decided to give up. The walk, two miles-ish from Waterloo to Radio 2, surely the lace couldn't...

... hold on but hold on it did and it's still there, I'm not taking this shoe off until the little fella's had his moment of glory. I'm not gonna give up on him before he gives up on me, how could I ? If this means wearing my loose but still attached boot for the next few days, maybe even longer then so be it.


Earlier on today i had a stone in my gardening boot and didn't bother to take it out, I felt it straight away as soon as I'd
heaved on my muddy old clog but i just couldn't be bothered... why oh why oh why ? It was murder for the next half hour as I owed and uhgged through the local wood walking the German furry boy.

Foot Joy and foot hell and now all is well.

CLP 2007.


P.S. Football is officially dull, growing vegetables officially cool, out with the mother in law tonight she's almost as beautiful as her daughter with legs to match !

Ben and jerry on tomorrow, the daddies.


  1. At 03:54 PM on 19 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Christoffe. Get that lace tied and empty yer boot yous big awful eejit. Next it'll be the hair shirt and self-flagellation.

    And remember what my Granny always said.

    Tight shoes show on yer face.

    I well remember being too lazy-arsed to put me shoes on when I suddenly remembered I hadn't put the car away. So I nipped out the front door in the dark in me bare feet, and promptly stood on a slug. It crunched and burst beneath me foot with the most disgusting noise and feeling I've ever experienced, and the sight of me hoppin' round the garden on one leg, squealin' and shakin' me foot like a new-born giraffe river-dancin' is something my neighbour has never forgotten.



  2. At 03:57 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Chris you are a little bit crazy. Not sure if you've always been this way but why you would keep a stone in your shoe I do not know.

    Just realised I have forgotten its my future brother in law's birthday today, I'm usually so organised, I'm too busy worrying about paying tax and stuff like that.

    I cried today when I heard that that poor lady whose daughter was killed by a train has died in the same place as her daughter, I saw her interviewed when Natasha was still missing and you could just see that her child was her whole life, i can't begin to imagine what her poor husband must be going through. Stories like that just break your heart don't they?

    Em xx

  3. At 04:00 PM on 19 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    CLP Man, I didn't know yer had showlaces of the left of your show!
    Mind you the Drivetime gig is bursting with fun and frolics.
    I suppose you'd need a showlace ter keep it from burst inter Wrightie's studio - what am I on about...... I ain't know, I AIN'T know!!!!

    CLP Why not come ter BC 'ouse in yer slippers - problem solved.

    Also 'ow do yer manage ter get from Waterloo ter BC 'ouse?
    I thought when yer become famous yer not able ter go out without the pap, stalkers and graph 'unters following yer everywhere.
    I thought all top celebs 'ad ter get ushered in the back of a limo with a towel over yer 'ead!

    Maybe the being famous gig is ok after all?

    PS - Keep up the Christmas tunes, they WWWROCK!!!!
    Anychance The Darkness's xmas tune. It's full of fun friend - yes!
    Or what about the errr..... errrr..... errrr.... errrr.... forgotten 'er name.
    'old on i'll just go and check me album i've got of 'ers.....>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

    I GOT TER THE TOP OF THE STAIRS AND REMEMBERED..... KIM WILD - Wrockin Under The Christmas Tree - Damn fine tune!!!!!!!

    PS 42?..... your older than Wrightie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  4. At 04:03 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    If I may say so Chris that sounds like a very male thing to do - can't be bothered changing your boot even though you have a stone in it.

    Happy Gardening.

    Mange Tout xx

  5. At 04:09 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Oh what a day.

    Absouilutley poached.

    The stone and the boot thing though, often done that walking along shaking the leg in the hope iit will move.

    Debbie you sound alot happier. I do think some food stuffs are good for your face. Nothing like a bolied beetroot face mask to give you glowing cheeks.

    Bingo. Everything has a shelf life even babes....
    I fell off the bottom shelf along time ago.

    Good evening.

  6. At 04:14 PM on 19 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Oh, Christophe, you are suffering from the Three Second Comfort Rule.

    This is a rule I invented my own self and it is true. Always. The Three Second Comfort Rule is different to the two second rule which only relates to chairs left empty by their previous occupants in a crowded room.

    Just a few examples of things that really only take quide liderally only a FEW SECONDS and will ultimately make your life just that little bit more comfortable.

    It's the not going to the loo, even though you are desperate, because you are too warm and snug...but can't settle...

    It's the not closing the curtains because the light reflection on the TV screen from outside is dazzling and you can't see what you're watching, because you'd rather sit and squint til the sun moves round...

    It's the not getting a blanky or a cardie because it's too far to the chest of drawers and if you stuff your hands in your pockets or lie on them, you really don't need to move...

    It's the not going to get a bit of tissue to blow your nose because you know any minute now you are gonna be able to do a really big sniff innaminnit, and it's only you in the house...

    It's the not bothering to get your sunglasses out of the car because you're only going down the road for a paper and you'd rather be blinded on the way back up the street and have a headache for the rest of the day...

    It's not taking the stone out of your boot, because you've just put it on, and you aren't going to be wearing it for long so you will poke up with it REALLY annoying you and wishing that you had bothered to remove it right at the start...

    Oh, it's grand to be back...cracking blog Grommit!

    Dear all, thank you for missing me too, and thank you for your messages!

    Missy, Nil bastardi carborundum matey!

  7. At 04:17 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Why on earth didn't you stop and remove the stone - you suffered instead.....

    Keep the boot going with its loose end - mind you sleeping will be a bit of a problem and Natasha won't like to share the sofa with you still in those boots come Friday indeed!

    What's with the xmas music - I liked the old nostalgic tv show tracks - the little house on the prairie was good took me right back to watching the middle girl running down the hill to home.

    I also enjoy the show tunes each morning with Sarah Kennedy - could she not put these onto a cd and have them sold for children in need - pretty please.

    off now

  8. At 04:51 PM on 19 Sep 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    My boss ignored his shoelace which came undone - couldn't be bothered bending down to tie it. Result? He was crossing the road, had to run a bit to avoid being run over, tripped up on the lace and just about killed himself as a result! Seriously, he was a lucky man, if he hit his head off the road, that would have been his days of tying shoelaces over!

    Missy - well done on your benefits victory. Tomorrow you will be busy trying on 24 outfits, getting the right one for tomorrow night! Have a lovely time.

    Hazel Love - what a delight to see you back!

    Gingembre - you must be getting so excited about your holiday! Have you found your passport/favourite shorts/good book? Don't forget your toothbrush! (hilarious or what?)

    Hope everyone else is o.k.

    C xx

  9. At 04:51 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    hey - Feet Hell

    A science teacher told me once that when you have a pain in your foot because of a stone in your shoe, it's not really a pain, it is a message from your foot to your brain to tell you to stop and take your shoe off.

    Ever since then I leave stones in my shoes, and enjoy listening to different parts of my body talking to each other.

    My husband would NEVER say something like that about his mother in law! ! ! ha ha ha


  10. At 04:56 PM on 19 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Indeed. How heartbreaking. I simply cannot imagine the devastation it would cause to my heart and soul if something similar were to happen to the light of my life that is the gorgeous Genius daughter. How on earth people live with the loss in these circumstances is beyond my imagination.

    Which is why I get so incensed by sanctimonious, unempathetic idiots who seem less interested in the tragedy that is any missing child than in the fact that the parents may, MAY, have made an error of judgement.

    I've sent a rant in today on this subject about one certain individual splashing her idiotic views over the cover of one of the glossy mags but (probably wisely) it's been BP'd; and I can understand why. But I so wish all these hindsight geniuses would put a sock in it before they go spouting off, and keep their spiteful, unkind opinions to themselves and those who've little enough brain to want to listen; and I equally wish the editors of these dreadful rags would show a bit more class and discretion.

    I'm furious.


  11. At 05:08 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Speccy- Hiya love. Glad to hear from you. This blog is great and there are some amazing people on here so keep reading and keep an eye on my blog!

    Em M- are you alright darlin? Hope so

    Debbie- How are you as well. Hope everything is going ok.

    Now Chris is playing another Christmas song. Oh I love it!!! I really do, does anyone know how many days it is till christmas?! Cant wait!!!

    Well washed my hair, slapped a facemask on and took it off now gonna paint my nails! Red, very Gwen Stefani! Off to listen to the show! xx

  12. At 05:50 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    So with you on the growing vegetables. I have now made 25 jars of various chutneys using up all my own produce, made passatta with my tomatoes (great little passatta machine) and even sundried the little fellows in the oven and are now stored in beautiful jars with olive oil! Long live the Veg! :)

    Sam x

  13. At 06:16 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Do you know its the 1st time I have ever seen my name in the Recent Comments section, but have just seen it!!! WOW!

  14. At 06:46 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    football dull are you nuts .....growing your own is cool but you cant have a saturday session on the allotment can you ???? can you ???imagine the state of your corgettes....

  15. At 09:09 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good evening,

    Mr Evans what a strange post. Your mind works in amazing ways and I guess that is why we all came here in the first place. The lace may have wanted releasing Chris and is waiting for you to help him on his way............

    Em, I understand exactly what you mean. I read the news earlier and thought how awful it was. The poor father/husband must be totally devasted and my heart goes out to him.

    Prof Plum, you wrote something recently that I really like. I think it was 'yesterday is history, tomorrow is a mystery and today is a gift'. I hope I got that right.

    Clodagh, I hope that you don't mind me saying but reading your posts you remind me so much of someone that I used to work with. She comes from Sligo, and her humour is so like yours. I love her to bits and I miss her sayings, 'lay down with the dogs, get up with the fleas', 'all fur coat and no knickers' 'what's meant for you won't pass you by'. Thank you for making me laugh so much Clodagh x

    Missy, I'm ok thanks. You must be really looking forward to tomorrow now. Have you got the outfit all worked out? x

    Well I suppose the hot water must be ready for my bath by now so I'm off. Got the candles ready and a glass of wine and I'm going to relax a little. Before Little'un wakes up wanting his nose blown again!

    Lots of love,
    Debbie xx

    PS. Spoke to the new childminder (thanks Em & Tinsel) she seemed totally fine and I wasn't embarrassed, far from it. I think I have done quite well so patting myself on the back! x

  16. At 09:27 PM on 19 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:


    No sooner than Mrs MfR returns,

    She's off again.

    Back from her jet set trip to the UAE, drops me a present and one of those posh little bags of stuff that you get when you turn left upon entering a plane, and she then reminds me that it is her leaving do in town tomorrow night.

    Crikey. Thirsty Thursday, home alone.

    Still not getting the Chrimble song thing.

    I mean. Hop in the car tonight to be told 'It's Christmas time.....'

    NO IT ISN'T! Sorry, didn't mean to shout. But, if we had Easter Eggs in October, mince pies in April and bonfire night in June surely it takes the 'specialness' (licence to make words up came through the post this morning) of the occasion? If, as Roy Wood wishes, it was Christmas every day, it'd be boring and meaningless. And we'd all be broke.

    I'm clearly taking this far too seriously.

    Oh, go on then, keep playing your blimmin' yuletide toons every night then.

    Off for a bath, a read and a kip. Not all at the same time though. That'd be silly and dangerous.

    And all the pages would get wet.

    Peace & love


    PS Movin to the country I'm gonna eat a lot of peaches

    PPS Down by old man Johnson's farm

    PPPS She wore lemon to colour in the cold grey night

  17. At 09:41 PM on 19 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Right chaps that's me for now. I'm off at silly o'clock to catch me boat to Dublin.

    Debbie and Missy. Well done, girls!! You're both sounding very upbeat and empowered. Keep it up! And good luck for tomorrow in Starbuck's, Missy, hope he doesn't turn out to be a Skinny Numbnut Latte.

    As for Heston Bloomineck. What a marvellous awful eejit. Any chap whose chilli oil travels upwards first and stops off at 'is brain before hittin' the rest of 'im will do for me. Not to mention the fun you could have with him, a pound of iron filings and a bag of magnets at parties, hurrah!!

    Well I'm off immediately to drop some Harvey Wallbanger in me eyeballs, see if it makes me titter as I navigate the Cresta Run that is the North Wales coast road.

    A Bientot champignons.


  18. At 09:55 PM on 19 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    mines the annonymous post something wiped me e mail address and my name...strange thing these computers...

  19. At 08:20 AM on 20 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings ter ALL,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Prof. Plum man don't put yersen down.... aye oh sorry yer fell off the self.

    No seriously man don't put yersen down!

    Yer lucky if you've ever been ter the top shelf.
    I've been stuck on the bottom shelf all me life and ''ave 'eard the top shelf 'as most interesting, if not a little naughty literature.


    PS Christoof errr, any chance of playing the Blue Goblins and Forbidden Literature or Damien Rice and Bottom Shelf. Well stuctured tunes CLP with safe ter play, for R2, arrangements friend!!!!

  20. At 08:38 AM on 20 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Farewell Jose, Oh Special One, the most gorgeous football manager ever. I can't believe he's gone. I know it's 'only' football, and I know no-one has died, but I feel very sad today.

    Missy - I hope you have the most fantastic cup of coffee of your life today :-). Can't wait to hear all about it.


  21. At 08:54 AM on 20 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Morning Tinsel- Poor you... I know what you mean, I cried quite a lot when Martin O'Neil left my beloved LCFC to oev north of the border to Celtic (even if his Dad had told him that anyone offered that job should walk barefoot to the hallowed turf of Parkhead) losing a special manager is good reason for feeling sad. And he was speshially gorgeous as well.


  22. At 09:00 AM on 20 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey chums!! The Diva is in a really good mood today - hurrah for Thirsty Thursday.

    Chubby Club last night - lost another 1.5lbs - that's 5lbs to date now. Also went swimming this morning and then to "that" well known 24 hour supermarcardo to stock up on fruit and healthy stuff!

    14 weeks til Christmas - so a pound off every week and I'll be a stone lighter by tinsel time (no, not you tinsel but the shiny stuff you tac to your pc on 1st Dec).

    CLP - please, please play the bell end song by The Darkness. Even Bingo wants to hear it. Go on - you know it makes sense!

    Got my 6 month review today - hopefully it will go well and my good mood will continue into the evening.

    The Restaurant: I think the moon-face lady and her husband will go tonight. Any advances from MfR?

    Righteo, off to open the post and then DO SOME WORK!!!

    Lotsa luv n hugs n stuff

    CtD xxxx

    PS: GO MISSY!!!!

    PPS: Do you wana know a secret? I'm wearing my Christmas socks today!!

  23. At 09:20 AM on 20 Sep 2007, lazykev wrote:

    whilst were doing requests ...smash mouth[all star] please christoff.

  24. At 09:25 AM on 20 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    morning team

    ChrissieS - I'm a last minute packer, so nowhere near started yet!!

    MrsW and me are off into the city in a mo' to buy all the holiday essentials and I'm sure a few new items of clothing!!

    Oh, and of course a sneaky fly-past or two of Starbucks - good luck missy x

    Mourinho has gone eh? What a crazy world football is? Despite being a Spurs fan I think he's been great for the premier league and he will be missed once he's gone. I also like the Russian and the fact he's raised the bar but it does show that just because you own the ball it doesn't make you the best or have the best knowledge?


  25. At 09:41 AM on 20 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Cheryl the Diva- That is so weird I wore my Christmas socks yesterday!!

    Outfit all worked .Its grey and dull outside but I don't care. I gonna have coffee with a lovely man. A WHOO HOO! Update you all later xx

  26. At 10:11 AM on 20 Sep 2007, Prof.Plum wrote:

    Buneos Dias one and all

    Chritmas songs are great but they usually only get played a few days a year so it's nice to hear them out of season.

    Bingo ta man, I suppose shelves take me back to the fair ground. You know the sort of thing, you win anything off the bottom shelf for shooting three ducks. You stand there thinking that there is really nothing you want off the bottom shelf, but then you reluctantly walk away with a plastic gonk with hooped earings because the middle and top shelf are out of your reach..... thats life.

  27. At 11:49 AM on 20 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Sorry I'm sporadic these days - but work is still really, really busy!

    On holiday today - it's my baby's birthday. He's a very grown up 10! He's going to phone in tonight for the first time fanfare, so I hope he gets on!

    Not caught up with all the posts yet - but Missy, I just have to know - are you excited? I am! Can't wait to read about it tomorrow. Well, not all the details, but, well you know what I mean!

    Am waiting in for the washing machine man (I know, it's been weeks) and thought I'd take the opportunity of being less busy to catch up with you virtual lovelies.

    I'll drop by later when I've read everything.

    In the meantime, hope everyone's OK and that I haven't missed an important event!

    Lots of lovely stuff,

    S xx.

  28. At 11:55 AM on 20 Sep 2007, Tony wrote:

    Hi Chris Sorry footballs become dull how about instead bringing a bit of excitement by following any world record attempts being held during a given week. I am currently following the attempt at the distance record covered in a Go-kart during a 24hr period.
    This is being attempted by Team Equipe vitesse at Teesside Autodrome and is due to finish at 9am Friday. I am sure there would be many attempts worth following
    Wishing the guys luck Tony

  29. At 12:16 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hi everyone!

    Posted earlier, but then got an error message, so goodness knows where it is now.

    Missy - good luck! I want to read all about it later!

    I love Christmas songs. Do They Know it's Christmas was great last night. Sang it at the top of my voice while on my way home. I don't care, honestly, I don't.

    Best Boy's brithday today, so am on hols - just for the day. Still nice though (grin).

    Righty, off to jump in the shower, before heading off for some retail therapy and a hairdressing appointment.

    Have a good day.

    S xx.

  30. At 12:21 PM on 20 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    So, Christophe Lambie Pumpkin Pie.
    Are you still wearing the shoe?
    Did your mother in law's legs match?

    Particularly liking the word 'uhgged' too.

    Other news...

    Tinsel. It's only a game and no-one has died. There. Someone had to say it. Now a good, hard blow should do it...much better...x

    ...and Plum...you mean you never won a goldfish? My Gran'ma (with whom we used to live) dreaded the brother and I returning home from the fair. Clutching our barely breathing hard won fish in their polythene bags...usually meant she'd be busy flushing them down the loo about ten days later...However, my Uncle still has one of my fish in his pond (still alive, in case anyone is wondering) and I have to go and see if I can guess which one it is whenever I visit. (The one with the thick glasses and zimmer frame...)

    So, Missy, things look like they are on the up? I don't think I've got a prayer of catching up with all that has gorn orn in the last cuppla weeks...

    ...and Debbie, you're sounding more chipper...good job babe...

    Gingembre. Norwich #1 Stalker. Or was that John?

    Apropos of nowt...there is a strange smell in here. I'm pretty sure that it isn't me. Now I'm gonna have to go and investigate. And it isn't a very nice smell...although the only doodoo round here belongs to rabbits...hmmmmmm

    Anyhoo. I've not been watching the Restaurant. And much to my shaggran I had to put myself to bed halfway through the first of the Heroes double bill last eve (one and a half bottles of wine consumed with and after badger-made roast dinner on a school night with a friend - BAD) and will miss it next week as I am on hols...just a matter of priorities I feel...(other priorities available)

    White man speak with forked tongue

    ps CtD, I'm sure you'll make a Grandpa!

    pps To all sixty gazillion of you who have missed me, thank you, definitely missed you all too!

    Ooooh helicopter!

  31. At 12:53 PM on 20 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    So, Christophe Lambie Pumpkin Pie.
    Are you still wearing the shoe?
    Did your mother in law's legs match?

    Particularly liking the word 'uhgged' too.

    Other news...

    Tinsel. It's only a game and no-one has died. There. Someone had to say it. Now a good, hard blow should do it...much better...x

    ...and Plum...you mean you never won a goldfish? My Gran'ma (with whom we used to live) dreaded the brother and I returning home from the fair. Clutching our barely breathing hard won fish in their polythene bags...usually meant she'd be busy flushing them down the loo about ten days later...However, my Uncle still has one of my fish in his pond (still alive, in case anyone is wondering) and I have to go and see if I can guess which one it is whenever I visit. (The one with the thick glasses and zimmer frame...)

    So, Missy, things look like they are on the up? I don't think I've got a prayer of catching up with all that has gorn orn in the last cuppla weeks...

    ...and Debbie, you're sounding more chipper...good job babe...

    Gingembre. Norwich #1 Stalker. Or was that John?

    Apropos of nowt...there is a strange smell in here. I'm pretty sure that it isn't me. Now I'm gonna have to go and investigate. And it isn't a very nice smell...although the only doodoo round here belongs to rabbits...hmmmmmm

    Anyhoo. I've not been watching the Restaurant. And much to my shaggran I had to put myself to bed halfway through the first of the Heroes double bill last eve (one and a half bottles of wine consumed with and after badger-made roast dinner on a school night with a friend - BAD) and will miss it next week as I am on hols...just a matter of priorities I feel...(other priorities available)

    White man speak with forked tongue

    ps CtD, I'm sure you'll make a Grandpa!

    pps To all sixty gazillion of you who have missed me, thank you, definitely missed you all too!

    Ooooh helicopter!

  32. At 01:08 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Thanks Hazel (still sniffy and a bit teary but feeling a tiny bit better...)... He is gorgeous though.

    Love your 3 second rule. I think the 'not getting out of bed when you need a wee' is the worst one. Especially if you dream you've got out of bed and gone to the loo and then wake up finding out you've wet yourself.

    Speaking theoretically of course.


  33. At 01:33 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    I was out and about last night so missed the Restuarant - but I will be watching tonight to see the challenges.

    Which one again is moon-face - wasn't he part of the magic faraway tree along with silky?

    A very good afternoon to everyone.

    Missy enjoy your coffee date


  34. At 01:36 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    I was out and about last night so missed the Restuarant - but I will be watching tonight to see the challenges.

    Which one again is moon-face - wasn't he part of the magic faraway tree along with silky?

    A very good afternoon to everyone.

    Missy enjoy your coffee date


  35. At 02:14 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Sorry everyone - got a system glitch and ended up posting twice.....

    I've taken myself back to the shed for remedial blogging.


  36. At 03:20 PM on 20 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Aw Phoenix ... I LOVED The Magic Faraway Tree. Mr Saucepan head was another fave!! Happy Days.

    Moon Face in the Restaurant is the woman who works in a bingo hall. She's a lovely lady but she's just got a "moon face".

    Ho hum!

    CtD x x x

  37. At 03:45 PM on 20 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:


    CtD, I have just logged on and see that you mention 'The Magic Faraway Tree'. I totally loved that book as a little girl and I haven't thought about it for years! I'm trying to remember the other characters but I just can't. I remember that there were different lands at the top of the tree but that's it. I think I might have to get that book and read it to Little'un....

    Off now to make a cup of tea, then I'll be back to catch up on the posts while I wait for the Boiler Man to turn up. Please don't let us need a new boiler, fingers crossed please!

    Love Debbie xx

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