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Chris Evans | 15:46 UK time, Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Listen 'ere, if Einstien couldn't do it, how are we expected to ?

Concentrate for more than ninety minutes at a time is what I'm talking about. I love it, this is now one of the rules I live by, after about an hour and a half I listen for the signs that let me know it's just not happening any more. It really works, the second your mind starts to wander it's all over... there's simply no point in carrying on.

Three things filling one half of my life at the moment...

Continuing flying lessons.... it's getting a bit serious now one feels.

The motorcycle c.b.t. with a nice man called Trevor may be happening this weekend.

And the small matter of my baby, the RADIO 2 drivetime show, SOUNDING GOOD, LIKE A RADIO SHOW SHOULD.

Plan, focus, concentrate, forget about it all until next time.

And NEVER talk about any of it over dinner.

Finally I'm learning !

CLP 2007.



  1. At 04:02 PM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hey CLP - with a 90 minute attention span best keep our fingers crossed that the Drivetime show stays up there amongst the best!!

    I've got a bee in me bonnet today - I'm looking online for halloween fancy dress costumes and cannot believe that an "adult ladies plus size" fits a 12-14. What's THAT all about??? Where are the costumes for us real women with real curves and real cuddly bits?

    Anyhoo ....

    missy - really chuffed for ya! keep us all informed about Thursday. if the wedding snaps ar anything to go bym he's a lucky man indeedy!

    Roight, on with it. Whatever it may be. Today work is dragging as there's not a lot to do, which is bad .....

    Take care and mind the ghouls ...

    CtD x x x

  2. At 04:08 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Dan the Man wrote:

    Hey man - good stuff - everyday, more good quality lessions in life - man, I love this blog.

  3. At 04:13 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Now I wondered why I wasn't concentrating this afternoon and you've explained everything.

    So understanding.

    Keep concentrating so that the Drivetime show lasts longer than 90 minutes at a time. Mind you when Sally is doing the travel you get a long break anyway. I love it when you wind her up especially the other month when she thought you were off hunting for her passport whilst she was reading the traffic news - classic.

    Cheers makes my day

  4. At 04:44 PM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:


    When I did teaching practise I was told that Children wouldn't focus for any longer than 20 minutes, and I had to plan my lessons around changing the topic every 30 minutes. Flipping Hairies. Like it wasn't a challenge enough to stand there in front of them!

    How cold is it today. I have a cardy on, and I never have a cardy, and I've been shouting at the boys in the yard for leaving the doors open.

    Winter has happened, without Autumn..... brrrrr

    Freezing. But Happy,

    And Detoxing.


  5. At 04:53 PM on 18 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoof & ALL Blog operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Missy - Just wanted ter say glad you won your case yesterday.
    M.E. must be such a frustraiting illness. I wish you well and 'ope everything works out for you.

    Christoof man - What a coincidence!!!! I'm convinced your a mind reader. Are you related ter Mystic Meg, yer not 'er long lost nephew?
    I'm talkin' Wham an' Last Christmas ere.
    I sing that tune all year round meself, in me truck.
    Although I prefer the Whigfield version, bit camp the Micheals one but more classy - know what am sayin'!!!!!
    I've got a special Bingo Star version of this tune that's not just for Christmas but for life - blog friends!!!
    Der yer wanta 'ear it?
    No.... ok ere it is -

    CHORUS :
    Last Christmas, I gave you heart,
    But the very next day you gave it away,
    This year ter save me from tears for fears,
    I'll give it ter Britney Spears.

    Once bitten and twice shy,
    I kept my distance but you caught my eye,
    Tell me baby do you recognise me with this eye patch?
    Well it's been a year of treatment, it doesn't match,
    with me other eye.

    Happy Christmas ere's me eye hospital fee - I wrapped it up and sent it,
    With a note saying please pay asap, I mean't it,
    Now I know what a fool i've been,
    But if you kiss me now I know you'd catch me eye again.

    Oooh, oooh me eye!!!!

    A crowded room, friends with patched eyes,
    I'm hiding from you and your careless movements,
    My God I thought you were someone to rely on,
    Me? I guess I was a hard shoulder ter break down on,
    A face with an eye patch on a lover with fire in 'is wallet,
    A man undercover of a patch, but you tore me medical insurance apart.(ooh, ooh)


    Such a beautiful tune blog friends except if yer stuck in A&E at yer local eye 'ospital.


    PS I 'eard Wrightie say during 'is Vonstonkle astrology item 'e is 41........ BARGAIN!!!!!!!!

  6. At 04:54 PM on 18 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:


    Hurrah yes this is marvellous news that it's not just me at my greatly advanced age who has the concentration span of a goldfish. By the way, how does anybody know how long a golfish concentrates for? How does a fisherman know that 'avin' a hook ripped out yer mazzard doesn't hurt, just because you can't shout "OW!".


    Anyway, one thing at a time works for me too.

    In fact only a couple of weeks ago I was drivin' through the traffic in the middle of Dublin, listening to a CD of Just A Minute and chucklin' away to meself. Stopped at the traffic lights (which by the way in Dublin have no discernable system to 'em and stay on red for approx. 10 minutes before missin' out the amber and going straight to green), I was laughing away when Nicholas Parsons announced, "Right, Clement. The subject is Cutting Your Toenails, you have one minute, starting...NOW."

    And off I shot. Straight through the red light and down O'Connell Street.

    Jaysus I'm lucky I'm still here. And half of Dublin with me.

    No wonder I can't play the accordion.


  7. At 05:54 PM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    When I were young you could strap on a sidecar and put L plates on it - never the mind the size - here comes a three wheeler. No licence to ride required. Now there is CBT you are as old as me so why not ? Is it now not allowed to ride a bike with sidecar with L plates?

  8. At 06:11 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Dan wrote:

    Where are you doing your CBT, Chris?

    I'm trying to find somewhere in London to do mine, so I can take my girlfriend on the back of my hairdryer 50cc scooter, and it ain't cheap.

  9. At 06:13 PM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    What about getting american chopper to make you a sidecar for your bike whilst trying to pass the CBT? Could you get round the L plate laws?
    A thundering v twin utility bike. Could they pimp my ride into a fully fledged street machine to promote vpapers giveaways down the streets of London. its an invacar :) Zero to Hero. Please Chris would you pimp my ride as a charitable donation against tax revenues to pimp my ride at America chopper. I will add the pod caravan and its yours whenever you want. I want to give them away to hte people - little v papers. Love Shimmeron xx

  10. At 06:59 PM on 18 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hi Guys and Girls!

    Ok mr Monkfish- lets have a talk. Wow Work shall I tell you how much I would love to be able to get up in the morning, go to work and do something creative. When I visit where I used to work I get so upset that I am not part of it anymore, yes it was hard work, yes I sometimes said I'm fed up of this, but I still loved it. I miss helping people. I used to get so excited at this time of year when we would start preparing for a new season, seeing new stock come in. There is nothing I would love more than to get my lovely Hobbs suit out of its wrapping (I look after my clothes) a pair of heels and get working. But then I would be there 2 minutes get physically drained and would be worse of for it.

    I have pushed myself too hard sometimes and I pay the price. Yes I have done some amazing things which have been special to me but blimey do I pay for it. If you would like to see me on a day when my whole body aches and I can't get out of bed, fine feel free. And knitting, when I started it would hurt my hands so much I would be able to do only a few stitches but I would be glad I'd done it because it gave me a purpose!

    Now there is a bloke which fancies me for who I am. Who doesn't care that I have walking stick and have to rest 4 times a day. This blog has given me so much. It was CLP who inspired me to start my blog to give me something to do as so many thoughts go through my head and I would and will still be writing it when I am at work. I'm not used to all this benefit stuff and I wouldnt know how to cheat the system but while I have this little blip I expect a bit of help. So I hope this makes sense. If you want to say stuff like you did yesterday, you can read what I have to say. I'm only glad I just read it now and not after the dreadful day I had yesterday.

    Right, meeting the fella on thursday at starbucks in Norwich, somewhere casual where we can have a chat. So you norfolk bloggers, no walking back and forth outside! God knows what I'm gonna wear, I wish the weather would make up its mind. But I can't wait to see him I know that much.

    Cheryl you diva- fancy dress, love it! ummmm if I see anything will let you know

    Everyone else thank you so much for the kind words you are amazing and I really mean that. Now going in the bath as its freezing here, even got the heating on!!! And why was Chris playing a Christmas song today, although I did love it. Its when its dark at 4pm you know its close! Love to you all, missy xx

  11. At 07:13 PM on 18 Sep 2007, clodagh wrote:

    No roadsigns, how marvellous.

    And yes, this reminds me once again of the Dear Departed Father Eric and the many summer holidays he spent with the Family Of The Damned, 10 of us in a Volkswagen caravanette, en route from Wigan to Spain via ferry and pre-motorway roads.

    In those days, the road signs on the Continent were different to the English ones, and it was necessary to have these to hand.

    Approaching Warrington, the luggage rack fell off and therefore the cases had to be bundled into the back along with the hundredweight of beans, tea bags and bacon, and as the smallest member of the family I was plonked in between the DDF Eric and the equally bold Uncle Jim. Desperate to shut me up by around Stafford, Eric gave me the list of roadsigns to learn. All 136 of 'em.

    After half an hour of silence, Eric was approaching a busy junction when said list was thrust in front of his face with the demand, "OKAY. I KNOW EM NOW. TEST ME."

    Once out the ditch and back en route, Uncle Jim tested me, with a break of an hour on the ferry until around about Perpignan when a plan B had to be devised. "I know, Valerie Bombshell," says Uncle Jim. "Why not pin those 23 badges you bought on the ferry on to your coat."

    "Hurrah." Says I. And disappeared into the back to find my red coat, where I spent a happy few hours pinning said badges on in creative fashion. Result.

    Unfortunately, said red coat did look rather similar to the large air-bed meant for the adults to sleep on.

    Imagine the Dear Departed Father Eric's reaction upon arrival at Camping Cala Gogo after puffin' his lungs out for 3 hours tryin' to inflate it before I ran over to reclaim the badges, and spendin' the remaining 2 weeks on blood pressure tablets. I myself had to be placed out of reach of the mosquito swatter, which I thought a little harsh.

    It was on the return journey that the DDFE was taken short and desperate to find a toilet in the back roads of rural France. Finally locating one, he shot into the cubicle where it was typically a porcelain slab with a hole in the corner. Doing the business, Eric breathed a sigh of relief and looked around for the chain.

    Pulling it sharply, quel surprise. The shower came on.

    Ah yes. Happy days.


  12. At 07:29 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    90 minutes concentrating 90 seconds more like....

  13. At 07:58 PM on 18 Sep 2007, BigBump wrote:

    A whole 90 minutes........ummmmmmm, now if you said 19 youd be more around my level of concentration. Must be this mammy-ing lark thats done me in! Or all those brain cells I killed off drinking babycham round the back of the local Credit Union in my younger wilder child days!
    Delighted Barry won HK! I had the pleasure of meeting him last year when he came to play golf at a club I worked at, hes a true gentleman with a WICKED sense of humour! Fair play to you boy! Youll all be impressed to note that I have started my Xmas shopping!! Just a few small bits as lots of major stores are having toy sales right now, as there will be an extra bundle in the house by then I rekon its best to be organised! Ive even bought some chocs, the challenge now will be keeping them hidden from himself till the jolly season!

  14. At 08:04 PM on 18 Sep 2007, MfR wrote:

    Good on you missy. I wish you all the best from Rudgwick.


    No. No. No. Sorry, but this Christmas thing in September just ain't doing it for me. Now, I love all things Yule just as much, probably more, than the next man, but not now. There is a time and place for everything and while we're all trying to squeeze the last dying embers out of a virtually non-existent summer the last thing we need to hear is that 'Santa Claus is coming to town'. No, really.

    Or is it just me?

    Mrs MfR heads back to Blighty tomorrow, just as I am getting used to this home alone thing. I've been for a run this evening in the most beautiful sunset light (see above for late summer details) and I am now enjoying a lovely beer (or two).

    My new train set has arrived. My empire now includes two rather sexy Italian models.

    Of the four-wheeled, not long two-legged variety.

    We learned a long time ago about not talking shop over dinner. But considering that we are both accountants, that is hardly surprising.

    I drove in this morning considering what life had been like before 't'internet' and email. What on earth did I do for the first hour every morning? Work, I suppose. I sat down to be greeted by 47 emails today.

    And I thought about the web in conjunction with our road trip earlier this year. All the planning was net-based, but did it take some of the excitement and uncertainty out of it? No doubt. Would we have pulled it off without all the research? Probably, after all, we did similar things many moons ago. The scary thing is that I plotted all the routes and, despite a few detours, we ended up within 30 miles of the planned mileage. I'm thinking of a web-free road trip next time. All down to good old maps, a sense of direction and sheer luck.

    Much more fun.

    Love & peace


    PS In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida

    PPS Run To The Hills

    PPPS Tony Stark

  15. At 08:31 PM on 18 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Monkfish...be nice , if you dont know dont judge


    De x

  16. At 08:40 PM on 18 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good evening,

    Just popping in quickly tonight.

    Missy good for you. I am so glad that it went well for you yesterday. You are doing brilliantly so don't let any negative comments get to you. Really hope that you have a good night Thursday x

    Missing HK tonight, I was just warming to MPW's charms too! So we finally found out last night what 'Ca Marche' means. Get ready apparently. I think if he shouted that at me I would fall to pieces!

    Hope all's well with you all. Nite,

    Debbie xx

  17. At 09:43 PM on 18 Sep 2007, De Sm wrote:

    your 'baby' is doing just fine Chris.......

    Thriving an kicking like a good 'un

    Rock on 'baby'

    De x

  18. At 08:18 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    OK missy see you at Starbucks - ha ha only joking! Have a great time, I'll be thinking of you.

    Am totally whacked today, think I might be taking too much on so I am planning to hand in my notice this week (I know I won't be able to do it as I love my friend i work with too much!). I turned someone down yesterday who asked me to childmind their child, that's a big achievement for me, especially when its someone who is on TV and is super-confident! I've got 5 children on my books now and I think that's enough, especially when two have only just started school.

    Sorry Chris, haven't commented on your comments, I actually find my concentration is better now than when I was younger as I get more sleep and consume less alcohol these days! I think 90 mins sounds about right though.

    Em xx

  19. At 08:43 AM on 19 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo CLP & ALL Blog Operatives,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Missy - I'm really glad ter 'ear that things are starting ter go really well for you.
    Yer know life seems ter go in patterns like that - suddenly everything in life becomes good and goes your way, it's almost like fate/ life is already mapped out for us sometimes.

    Anyway starting ter get all Bingo deep and serious again.
    Philosophy 'appenings are going throught the Bingo brain of mayhem again.
    I'll shut up know before I go off on one about me mate Nostradamus.

    Starbucks - Missy i've thought of going there ter pull meself.
    Those ones in London seem ter be full of Polish and Russian goodlookers - could be intersting tryin' ter get over th language barrier.

    Seriously though Missy it is good ter read on this blog how we all have problems in life and then how it all comes good in the end.
    Any other bloggers out there who are going through hard times should look at your situation and realise how there is always that light at the end of the tunnel.

    Goodluck with the date Missy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    errrrr........... Chow and mines a larrrtaye!!! (latte)

  20. At 08:50 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Elm wrote:

    hmmmm - concentration - for me best in the morning, I see to tail off after 8pm which is when the LOML really gets goping so the best conversations we have are on holiday when we are both fully awake at the same time.

    other then that - very cold night agauin last night - what happened to the late summer we were promised?

    Happy hump day one and all

    Elm xx

    ps - where in the show was the Christmas song - I love Christmas and have already started planning for it!

  21. At 08:50 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Experienced a bit of the '90 minute' syndrome myself yesterday.....I went for a job interview and had to do a couple of tests. A little like the 11+ for older folk!!! I failed my 11+ which meant I couldn't go to Sutton High (Grammar School) but there I was yesterday, 33 years on, and finding those sorts of questions easier!! However, after a while (probably the 90 minutes!!) the old neurones started to chill somewhat and go into relax and put-yer-feet-up mode.....fortunately, I had finished (just about) by then : )

    Missy - so pleased that it went well. Enjoy thursday : )

    I heard CLP say that it's too late to put the spuds in. Will have to think of something else to grow over the winter (apart from my insulatory (is that a word?) layers!).



  22. At 09:16 AM on 19 Sep 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Hep de doody happy Hump Day to you all and golly how I've missed you all!

    No system for two and a half weeks, and I've probably got gallstones too...

    Have missed you Christophe and everybody horribly...and I now have SO much work to do, I have no idea how I'm ever gonna catch up with everyone...and then I'm off to foreign climes avec maman next Wednesday...

    So, the moving hazel having writ moves on...

    's gotta go off now...'s gotta do real work...'s not fair

  23. At 09:44 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Morning all

    Had the craziest shift last night, you Norfolk bloggers may read about it in the papers today. Just like being on one of those tv programmes at one point. Then at silly o' clock this morning someone is trimming hedges with one of those v v v loud strimmers so I supose that's enough sleep for me today??? Oh well I'm on leave now so I'm sure I'll catch up.

    Monkfish - I read this on t'internet about you - "These fish are only of minor significance for human consumption", so watch out if ever missy's hungry!!!

    missy - great posting, funnily enough the lovely MrsW and me will be in the city on Thursday but I promise they'll be no 'peeking' through the coffee shop windows. Good luck and if a gingembre bloke with a limp pushing a double buggy tips you the wink at any time tomorrow - don't be alarmed "it's only me"!!!!!

    Strange one at the mo' - got the house to myself all day (would usually be asleep) so I'm with MfR at the mo' in that there's so much I could actually do but not sure where to start - it's sooooo quiet with no jam-eaters here.

    I know, I'll start with another coffee, stick on the tv to a channel involving sports news and chill for a bit whilst I decide.

    Have a lovely day everyone.


  24. At 10:03 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Gaby wrote:

    .... 's lovely to see you back on these pages Hazel Love

  25. At 10:16 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Hazel - helllloooooo

    good to have you back


  26. At 10:23 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Good Morning Everyone,

    Hazel, good to see you back x

    I am ridiculously tired today. Little'un was in bed with me all night as he has a bad cold. His eczema is bad too at the moment so I had him coughing and scratching all night. I had such weird dreams, at one point I was counting up money for Simon Cowell and doing his banking! Job for life there!

    Wake up at 5.30am and now it seems that I have got his cold. I had to put the heating on this morning too before I could even contemplate getting in the shower.

    Well later today I have to tell my new childminder about the post natal depression that I had when Little'un was younger. I used to have anxiety attacks and very occasionally the old symptoms creep back slightly if I'm a little stressed. She saw this on Monday, I felt awful and couldn't wait to leave her house. So I feel that I owe her an explanation. My old childminder was lovely and was with me throughout the whole episode.

    I'm not embarrassed by it, well maybe a little. It's just annoying to admit that I have relapses sometimes when you just want to move on and put it behind you.

    On a happier note though, the money stress is easing up slowly as we work our way through options. Payday next week, hooray!

    Love Debbie xx

    PS. Regarding concentration spans, I find my concentration is worse now that I work on my own. What's all that about?!?

  27. At 10:40 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Morning all.

    Missy - fab post. I was planning on working tomorrow but I may just have to make a massive detour and pop into Starbucks in Norfolk ..... very very excited for you - hope it goes brilliantly - make sure you don't get a foam moustache!!!

    Hazel - lovely jubbly to see you back!

    Debbie - I had PND too - there's nothing embarrassing about it - it's a chemical imbalance that we can do nothing about. It's just that people don't talk about it/admit to it nearly enough in my very humble opinion. It's nothing to be ashamed of. Hope you get it sorted with the childminder.

    Well I had a mare of a journey into work this morning, traffic was absolutely pants. So I'd better actually DO some work now!

    Happy hump day all

  28. At 10:49 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Em M wrote:

    Welcome back Hazel!

    Debbie - speaking as someone who has suffered from PND AND is a childminder, I'm sure she will understand. I think you're right to talk to her, and I'm sure she'll be cool with it.

    Have worked out money and i definitely need to give up lunchtime job just to make things easier taxwise but i just can't bring myself to hand in my notice. Think I'm going to do it on 1st October. I just hate to leave people in the lurch.

    Em xx

  29. At 10:56 AM on 19 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CtD, have you tried www.abfab.co.uk?

    Debbie x

  30. At 11:27 AM on 19 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo ALL,

    Bingo Star ere again.

    I just wanted ter share with everyone a very amusing moment I 'ad in me supermarket yesterday.
    I was looking at the chilled section and saw some humous.
    It just made me totally beem and nearly burst out laughing.
    I know yer shouldn't laugh at yer own jokes but a tell yer this blog does make me laugh sometimes dudes.
    I was walking around the supermarket trying not ter let people notice me big grin - they'd think what's that nutta laughing about.
    (if yer don't know what am on about - it's me blog comments on the 4th Sept blog about humous)
    Shame though most adluts do seem ter go through life misserable/ too serious.

    PS I saw some coleslaw - any ideas what this is for?

    Is it ter remove cold sores?



  31. At 12:27 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Flippin eck one and all
    When I heard Marge was on Womans minute, I thought it was Marge from the home. But then she only drives a motorised scooter.

    Bingo, I bet Cold Slaw is good for cold sores. Try spreading it liberally over your lips.It could be a babe magnet too.

    Missy good luck with your date, mind you take that walking stick though, just incase he is a serial killer.

    Happy holidays to those embarking on a sunny break.

    Toodle ooo

  32. At 12:52 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bingo -

    Coleslaw stinks. Prob really good if you want to avoid being bitten by mossies in the bush ... or anywhere else on your body for that matter ha ha ha

    (or is it only me that found that funny??!)

    Right, mind out of sewer and back to work.


  33. At 01:04 PM on 19 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Prof Plum,

    Bingo Star ere.

    Isn't that 'ow yer pick up cold sores, from babes.

    I 'aven't got any..... errr that's babes and cold sores but I might keep some coleslaw spare just in case.

    Mind you. I wonder if it still works after the sell-by date.


  34. At 01:34 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Bingo, never had a cold sore I'm pleased to say. Some coleslaw has nuts in, how disgusting is that?
    You don't want to try that one smeared over your face. That really would look daft x

    Tinsel, I found it funny too by the way! x

    Debbie x

  35. At 01:36 PM on 19 Sep 2007, Phoenix wrote:

    Good afternoon the blog

    Hazel - welcome back - you've been missed.

    Missy - congratulations on not only your hearing but the way in which you have dealt with Monkfish.. you go girl.

    Martin - if you are lurking, how are you?

    Bingo - your comments along with CtD and Clodagh keep the mind boggling all day - keep up the good work.

    Gingembre - enjoy your day off you deserve a restful break.

    Debbie - keep going this blog is full of support for you.

    for me I have an exhausting week this week too many evening events to attend and still have to do the 9-5 job as I haven't won the lottery or won money from Ernie!!!

    This will no doubt cross with CLP's latest thinking points.

    Afternoon all


  36. At 01:42 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Happy Hump Day one and all.

    Phew - what a morning! For those of you who have been here for a long time will know of my "portacbin hell" prior to changing jobs in April. Well, I've not said owt but things weren't going quite as I'd hoped and I've been sitting here for the last 2 weeks with not a lot to do, bosses out etc etc. Anyway, this morning I braved it and spoke up, which resulted in spending pretty much the whole morning with my two bosses. They listened and re-assured. Praised even. Then they admitted to under-using me and promised that this will change. They are going to start using me as a "proper" PA at last. Hurrah!!!!! Apparently I'm going to be stoopid busy - double hurrah!!! Fanfare!!!

    Bring it on!!! Watch this space ...

    CLP - I'm lovin' the Christmas tunes, you star, you! I'm sure other car drivers think I've lost the plot when they see me driving along singing my head off at 5.10 in the afternoon. Thank you!

    Can we have a blast of the "bell end"song by The Darkness .... pleeeeeeeeeeez xxxxx

    Weigh in day today, and all this talk of coleslaw and humous is making my mouth water. And I'm not even that fond of either of them. For some bizarre reason shop-brought coleslaw always gives me a headache. Honest.

    Gingembre - might I have seen you on Look East this morning? Were you hiding in a bush like secret squirrel?? how exciting!! Good luck with that one.

    missy - you go lady! Starbucks in Norwich will probably appreciate some chemistry and glamour on a thursday afternoon!

    Right, I'm off to check out that website - cheers Debbie!

    Love eachother - life's too short for Monkfish!

    CtD x x x

    PS: Hazel - yaaaaaaaaaaaayyyyy!!!!!!!

  37. At 01:55 PM on 19 Sep 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Alwight Tinsel,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I found yer joke very funny.

    I know what yer sayin' Tinsel, i've put some jokes on the blog and told jokes ter work colleuges and sometimes no one seems ter find them funny... oh well atleast were tryin' Tinsel - LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!

    It could be very useful down under in the bush - LOL!

    Trarrr errr........ possoms!!!!!!

    PS Missy I agree with Prof. Plum about the stick... yer never know when yer might meet an escaped nutta.

  38. At 02:37 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Hazel- Nice to see you on here girlie!

    Thanks all for comments, can't wait will let you know how I go. I am taking my stick ofcourse!

    Gingembre- If I hear someone wolf wistle I will know who it is!!

    Oh blimey I wonder if Chris will mention the date on air! The fella phoned me last night and we were talking about the benefit thing, and he said how do they expect me just to go back to work one day, that I need to get out and try to have a normal life as possible but just different, taking rests, chilling out. See he gets it!

    Right I'm off to wash hair, paint nails and put a facemask on! Then have a nap as exhausted today. xx

  39. At 02:59 PM on 19 Sep 2007, speccy wrote:

    missy, I just got directed to your site yesterday by someone else who reads this blog- before monkfish commented. Congratulations on your calm and measured response. As someone with ME I'd have wanted to waste my limited energy throttling him. And i would so love to be able to concentrate for 90 minutes!

  40. At 03:15 PM on 19 Sep 2007, wrote:

    Debbie - that website was Absolutely Fabulous dahling - many, manythanks. Now just gotta decide what I want to wear ........

    CLP - as it's hump day, methinks you should give "Hump De Bump" by the Red Hot Chillis a spin on tonights show. Or next week's Hump Day!

    Now, all together ..........

    "Christmas time, don't let the bells end ...."

    CtD x x

    PS: Think I might invent a 3 month advent calendar. How GREAT would THAT be!?!?

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