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Chris Evans | 15:46 UK time, Thursday, 17 May 2007

So ever since hearing that the body doesn't know the difference between what is immagined and what is real, I've sensed a certain amount of added

optimisim to my demeanour.

This must be why if you feel fat, you convince yourself that you are. The mirror is then used as a back up to confirm what you"want" to think. Today I feel like a porker but i can't be because of what I've done and eaten over the last few days. Yesterday I felt like I was on my way to thinsville.

Just bought someone a pressie and dropped it off. they nearly fainted. A good guy did me a huge favour and asked for nowt' in return. Well that wasn't going to happen. You should have seen his face when he saw what it was. He actualy thought I'd bought it for myself and added that he'd been to look at one for himself only the other day. When I told him it was in fact for him, he literally nearly died, honestly. It took me a good five minutes to make him believe it was his. It's the palest I've seen an Indian for some time.

Mr. Avis of Avis cars once said, "Money's only any fun when you spend it." Bravo.

Must dash Mike Rutherford's on the blower.

CLP 2007



  1. At 04:05 PM on 17 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Mr Avis is quite right ....only miserable people hoard it....

    D x

  2. At 04:17 PM on 17 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    So we’re all back in the saddle again.

    I have only one thing on my mind.

    Jet away to the USA touch down at SeaTac sleepless in Seattle shake off the lag with a latte pop into Pike hit the road Jack past Rainier into the wild go west young man down the coast through forests of Redwood watch the whales grab a Cabernet in Sonoma arrive in β€˜Frisco with flowers in our hair a couple of days being snobs in Nob before pointing the compass east and el Capitan raft the white water onto the Valley of Death 120 in the shade then the city of sin a spin of the wheel win big and home.

    That is the abridged version of the forthcoming road trip. 1800 miles, 4 states and enough shopping to keep even Mrs MfR happy.

    Can’t wait.

    It is amazing what difference 4 or 5 hours sleep make. I’ve had a shocking week on the slumber front, but after an extreme game of squash (not salsa) and a couple of glasses of vino I finally managed to grab a few hours last night and I feel terrific this morning. God only knows what I’d be like if I actually cracked it and got the regulation 8 or so hours every night?

    I hope that everyone is fine and can see the chink of light through the clouds.

    That’s the weekend and it is heading our way.

    May your thirsty Thursday be quenched with much love


    PS Neon meate dream of a octafish

    PPS Just a mirror for the sun

  3. At 04:21 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Happens to me too Chris, that Mike Rutherford - he's such a pest, always on the phone.

    I think your positive attitude is great Chris and i do try to stay upbeat most of the time. How great to give someone a present that they weren't expecting.

    I was once told to smile on the telephone as the person on the other end can hear a smile - well that's what you do Chris, smile down the radio and make us all feel better.

    Ciao xx

  4. At 04:27 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Oh Chris! If only 'twere truly true...I am having a fat day today, borne out by the fact that my trousers are way too tight...and given that they are 'fitted' around the hips and baggy from there down, this is not a good look...

    Anyhoo, I had a delishus roll and a banananana for lunch, and have had two pints of water instead of tea this afternoon. These trousers cost too much to waist (sic) and it should hopefully only take me a couple of weeks to sort myself out...yeah I said 'hopefully'!

    Money. The boy put a cat flap in a door for the cat of a friend of ours. He did it because he is a nice blerk, and the poor cat needed to get out. Later that week, the friend turned up with a rather well thought-out (and a little bit of advice) gift for the boy. The boy was SO pleased, and insisted on showing everyone who came to our house, he was so delighted!

    It's amazing how you can change someones day.

    BLIMEY! Have just had two swallows come swooping in through my office door! and one has just come back in...'scuse me, need to shut it else they'll get stuck inside.

    amazing how a day can change!

  5. At 04:36 PM on 17 May 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi Chris and bevryoddy,

    I couldn't agree with you more re the mind thing (well and the toms actually)

    A few years ago now I split up from the partner I thought I would end my days with after 23 years he decided the grass was greener elsewhere. It hit me like a sledgehammer, I started to do far too much of the bad things - drinking, smoking, not sleeping and no where near enough of the good stuff, like eating. For one that has been on a diet of some sort for virtually my entire grown up life (I know I don't like the expression grown up either)
    Well, sorry lost the plot there for a bit, after a few months my weight had gone dangerously low, I only weight 6st 10 lbs, the daft thing is I still saw me as this fairly robust size 12 even though I could only get clothes in the kiddies department I still didn't think I was thin.

    Then like a knight in the shiny stuff I met my now fantastic fella, he says now (4years later) that he only asked me out 'cos I looked like I needed feeding!

    I'm pretty much fixed and mended now weightwise and back to a respectable size 10 ish, sometimes bit more, some bit less but hey ho who cares......I don't!!

    Sorry, wot am I like? I don't write/contribute/blog for weeks, then there you go an I waffle on for ages, sorry for the boring bits (pretty much all)

    Anyhoo grow timbling toms they are amazingingly yummy!!

    Take care all

  6. At 04:37 PM on 17 May 2007, Monica-ca-ca wrote:

    Too right. I was also amazed to hear your guest state that t'other day. It is freeing ain't it? Thinking it's only your mind getting in the way of your body achieving stuff?! As for gift giving, it is definitely my favourite thing. I LOVE chossing and giving presents - seing people's reactions is the best bit. Looking forward to listening to the show on the way home. M x

  7. At 04:42 PM on 17 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Yo Christoff & ALL Blog friends,

    Bingo Star ere.

    I was very dissapointed on Monday at not being able to get Sally Boazman to sign her graph.

    I went to work, truckin', thinking if they give me a scottish or cumbria run i'm could call into Tebay were Sal was opening the new truck stop.
    Unfortunately they gave me a run around Brum.
    I say unfortunately, actually maybe it was a blessing in disguise.
    I always get very nervous around top celebs after the near punch up I had with Nigel Mansell, my hero as a teenager, when I was trying to get his graph back in 1996 at Oulton Park.

    It's a long story but basically I met 'our Nige' and said yo nige any chance of yer graph, getting ready to punch him, only in self defence of course, in case he punched me first. I'm not a violent person but I had to get his graph what ever the consequences - know what am sayin'.
    He looked startled and said what are you doing, are you crayyzee? I repled, I thought outside the car you always greeted people with a punch, you and Ayrton Senna seemed to always greet each other like that after you got out of the car.
    Ah, the stress of going around in circles at high G.
    All was well in the end, even got me photo taken with him. Very nice bloke, and really knew how to drive a car with speed and agression. Always remember the time he overtook Senna, at 190mph wheel to wheel, down the long straight at the Hungarian GP, forgotten the year- prob 1992.

    So that's why the above incident at Oulton has left me mentally scared- hence my nervousness around top celebs.

    So getting Sally Boazman's graph wouldn't do me nerves any good, plus I'd hate to get in the way of her opening of the Tebay stop.

    PS Chris any chance of playing XTC, Making Plans For Nigel- Wrockin' tune friend.

    PS Serious bit- I remember when Ayrton Senna was killed at the 1994 San Marino GP. Very upsetting time it was in F1. In practice Roland Ratzenberger also got killed- very strange weekend that was. Never been an F1 driver killed since.
    If Senna hadn't been killed Schumacher certainly wouldn't have won so many championships- Senna was the best driver ever!!

    PS Christoff I'm having the same problem lately, the old stomach does seem to want to go down. I've been eating less lately but then they say that slows down the metabolism. maybe that's the problem- I'm off to scoff me face then to loose the stomach!!!

    Adios for now blog dudes.

  8. At 05:05 PM on 17 May 2007, J wrote:

    Shame we couldn't see yesterday's email until too late as both yesterday and today are very thought provoking.

    Counsellor yesterday tried some EFT stuff with me which is fab and uses meridian lines within the body and tapping! Seems to work incredibly well though so I'll stick with it a while.

    So much we don't know about our bodies and the universe we live in - all very exciting. I wonder if the mysteries are ever revealed!

    Fab thirsday to you all and now I'm going to leap in the car and listen to the show...

  9. At 05:29 PM on 17 May 2007, cyril bell wrote:

    Hiya Christoff
    What is the pressie then don't keep us in suspenders! We need to know these things!
    Don't worry what you look like chrissy wissey, we love you and you must always keep optmistic, great things happen to those that do !
    Love C X

  10. At 05:50 PM on 17 May 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    I completely agree - one day we feel thin (ish) next day fat. Really, really fat. This has been the story of my life since the age of 16. The only time I was thin, I was really ill (almost popped my clogs when my daughter was three weeks old). But I did not take advantage of that particular bout of weight loss, let it all roll back on and here I am, just recently given up the latest diet! Will try again of course, probably tomorrow morning.

    Isn't it just one of the greatest things to give someone a gift they don't expect? Doesn't matter what it is - it's just a great feeling to make someone happy! So, well done on that, especially after how you were feeling recently according to yesterday's blog. Very frustrating - we couldn't get on to it, no matter what.

    Anyway - onwards ever onwards. Thanks for all your wisdom Chris.

    C xx

  11. At 05:54 PM on 17 May 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Well to be honest on my 'fat days' I just blame the tumble dryer.

    The pleasure in seeing someone's face when you give them something is priceless. Christmas morning I will quite happily leave my pressies in a pile for fear of missing my family's faces when they open their pressents.

    Happy Thirsty Thursday!

    Love Deb x

  12. At 06:06 PM on 17 May 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Wise words from you, comme toujours.......

    Lovely gesture with the present.

    Great show Chris.

    I think the 'show dogs' should 'think' themselves thin............


    ps mange tout

  13. At 06:11 PM on 17 May 2007, wrote:

    Giving and receiving gifts is such a wonderful thing, especially when it is unexpected.

    Yesterday I received a book through the post from someone I didn't know. I later returned the compliment by leaving a book for someone else in a specified location. It's all part of the bookcrossing craze you see.

    I've have written about the whole thing on my blog today, so click on my name above which will take you to my blog!

  14. At 06:46 PM on 17 May 2007, Darren wrote:

    Positive thinking? You bet... it really, really works.

    I've been suffering from health anxiety and general health problems since the start of the year (all my own fault - working too hard, not sleeping etc.).

    I've had scans, tests... you name it... been on beta-blockers (refused anti-depressants) but I'm now seeing a psychologist and 'doing' CBT, which is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy... essentially a mental 're-progamming'.

    Slowly but surely, this is working. I'm not 100% healthy yet but there is now light at the end of the tunnel.

    Yayy for positive thinking! And the Chris Evans show, of course...



  15. At 07:13 PM on 17 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    By the way. Me Β£2.55 chocolate brownie.

    I wouldn't want to say it was dry or anything but I didn't know whether to eat it or sharpen me beak on it.

    The last time I experienced owt like that was at the Brother-Outlaw's birthday party when I narrowly won the Eat 2 Cream Crackers In 3 Minutes competition. Mind you I paid the price. I'd eyes as bloodshot as a couple of raspberries and sounded like Phyllis Pearce for a week afterwards.

    Therefore I'm goin' to post it to Enzo for his diet. It'll take him 15 minutes to swally it and even then only with the aid of 5 bowls of water and a ram-rod.

    And Hazel Love. Of course you can borrow me banner. It will come complete with meself and the cousin Barry on the business end, I'll be the one in the squirrel suit and Baz will bring 'is gun.


  16. At 08:23 PM on 17 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Loser one and all

    Huh, well another compo lost. Always wanted to see Genesis, got all the questions correct except for the Simpsons.
    Look at what I could have won ....

  17. At 06:26 AM on 18 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    bonjour mon petit fleurs.

    I had a brief affair in April and for the past 2 mornings my 'hottee' has been flirting with me outragiously....... of course I'm talking about the sunshine folks. She's here again this morn, teasing me with her early promises, I fear I'll be let down again today, wanting her, pining and counting the minutes until I see her again.

    I definately know the fat and thin feelings, put on a stone since operation, can't wear certain clothes. MrsW says I look ok, but I feel really rotund and do not like these squidgy side bars I've acquired.

    Had more physio yesterday, spent ages on a 'wobbleboard' and have legs like a compass today - still, no pain no gain eh?

    hazel, you never cease to make me smile each day - thank you.
    - actually all the recent entries have been ace from all the collective bloggers/blogettes.

    missy/Em M - you both ok? Your blogs seem less chirpy recently? Keep smiling laydees, I always look out for my fellow carrot crunchers x

    Big day today, I'm giving evidence in Crown Court, oh how I love talking to conscience free people and men in wigs!!!!!

    Have a great weekend everyone....oh and can someone please tell me where CLP's pub/restaurant is?? I really want to take MrsW away for a surprise weekend...

    I have a teaser for you all (it's an old 'un but a good 'un) -
    What will go to tomorrow's FA Cup Final but WILL NOT get used, in fact it has been to EVERY FA Cup Final and never been used????

    Mange tout, petit pois,


  18. At 08:24 AM on 18 May 2007, Hilary wrote:

    Hey you all - hope you liked hearing my (well not mine anymore) soprano trombone on the show on Wednesday evening - Jonny did quite well at playing it......BUT.........where is my bike? I sent my trombone off to the show - it has now been swapped for a chain saw (!!!) but I have no bike yet.

    Maybe someone is riding it from London to the Midlands....could be quite a wait......


  19. At 08:35 AM on 18 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Get onto Multimap, look on the road between Chiddingfold and Petworth, just past Chiddingfold Golf Club.

    If you look carefully at CLP's foraging weekend pics and credits there is a link to the website.

    The butternut squash risotto is scrummy.

    Countdown to ARF.......

    Peace & love


    PS Orange Claw Hammer

    PPS China Pig

    PPPS Keep The Faith

  20. At 09:35 AM on 18 May 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Ooh, am intrigued by 'teaser'....when will you tell us the answer - I can't even think of ONE sensible guess................must try harder : )


  21. At 10:24 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    The Losers Colours

  22. At 10:29 AM on 18 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    hmmmmmmmm, gingembre, what could it be???? Not the Cup I suppose? (prob a VERY silly guess but at least I tried ...)

    Reminds me of Lord of the Rings - I'd never escape if I had to solve riddles!!

    Nothing nicer than seeing the joy someone gets when you give them something they really want, no matter how small.


  23. At 10:35 AM on 18 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Could it be......

    ......the loser's ribbons?

    They'll be blue this year.


  24. At 10:42 AM on 18 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Just wanted to make a comment on yesterday's (Weds) blog that none of us could read! Chris - I think we all do that from time to time - we let the little voice in our head pester us with 'What if's and 'If only's. Susan Jeffers wrote a great book (one of many available) called Feel the Fear and Do it Anyway - about turning off that annoying little voice, and going out and taking control of our lives. HIGHLY recommended for anyone going through a bit of a life crisis/confusion etc.

    Positive thinking - and tomatoes - the way forward!


  25. At 11:04 AM on 18 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone,

    Thanks for your message gingembre, yes I do feel really down at the moment, I go through stages like this sometimes, I think at my age I can only put it down to hormones!

    I seem to be arguing with everyone around me, I wish i could just hide away until I feel a bit happier, but life goes on.....

    So glad to hear Chris sounding so happy these days,

    Em xx

  26. At 11:11 AM on 18 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    Just popped in during a break in proceedings....

    Gaby - hazel is spot on.... it's the loser's ribbons for the cup presentation.

    She's far too quick & clever, thought that might've dragged on a bit longer x

    MfR - cheers mate, looking forward to it

    Bom chicka wah wah


  27. At 11:17 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Morning All!

    Well, 36 hours and 1 more sleep til Moonwalk (Moonwade looking at the weather!) thru London - excited, scared, excited ..... ooooh Bring It On!

    Not heard anything for my Walk This Walk ARF plea yet ....

    Been at new job for 4 weeks now and still really really love it! Booked the Christmas 'do' yesterday - how organised is that!?!? (no, it's not a marathon of any kind!)

    Thanks to everyone for your positive vibes for Saturday night and your support. Think of me at 11.40 pm as I depart Hyde Park for 26.2 miles of effort!

    Lots and lots of love

    CtD x x

  28. At 11:25 AM on 18 May 2007, Tim Connolly wrote:

    Morning Chris.

    Talking of fat days I have just had a Twirl which like you I have not tasted for at least a couple of years it was bl..dy lovely. But I am blaming you!!!


  29. At 11:38 AM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Em M - i felt like you in my deep dark portacabin hell days and found that Agnus Castas really helped. I'd not had much success with St John's Wort (it made me worse!) but AC really turned things around emotionally. You need to give it a few weeks to kick in, but I can highly recommend it.

    Good luck, and keep on keeping on!

    CtD x

  30. At 11:49 AM on 18 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Bring back Galaxy Counters!!!

    (Other choc is available but in my humble opinion does not meet the Counters' exacting standards)

  31. At 12:20 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:


    My weakness in life is when I stumble across a genuine good old fashioned sweet shop that sells "sweets in jars".



    Bring on the floral gums, chewey nuts (no nuts in them - what's that about?), lemon sherberts, rhubarb and custards, peanut brittle ... I could go on but I'm drooling over my keyboard too much now!

    Comments welcome!

    CtD x

  32. At 12:37 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    MfR, I think you'll find they are going to be red.

    Gingembre, I am SO SORRY! I didn't mean to send it as early as I did...am sitting wearing hair shirt as pennance. (These are not the blue and white pennance that we will be hanging from our eaves tomorrow in joyous celebration by the way, in case you were wondering...) Excellent competition though!

    Tinsel - are these not Minstr*ls?

    Em M, big kisz xxxx

    Gotta dash, Jose Mourinho wants me to walk his dawg.

    ...and you are quite right, I have little or no interest in football, but I like blue. And my uncle supports Chelsea. And my brother supports Manchester Untied. And I used to like my uncle more than my brother.

    Just wanted to clear that up.

  33. At 01:15 PM on 18 May 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hazel. Now you know I love you. But ...

    1. Jose is mine. ALL mine. I swear he was looking longingly over at me when he did his lap of honour at the match last week.

    2. No, galaxy counters are NOT minstrels. The nearest you can get these days are the chocolate drops you get in a bag of revels. But galaxy counters were abuot the size of a smartie, but thinner. And just chocolate, no crispy coating. Not that I'm obsessed.

    CtD - best sweetshop I've been to in years - in Lyndhurst in Hampshire. They have ALL the old faves, in massive jars, all ruond the shop. I was in heaven. Even managed to find my mum some of the sweets she used to have when she was little - and she's 76!

    Come on you Blues!


  34. At 01:24 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    CtD, meant to say, yours is the real big match tomorrow. Many many best wishes and good luck with the walk babe!

    Will be watching the start - if I can find it on the telly - so make sure you give us a BIG WAVE and a shake of your tail-feather for the lads - didden wanna leavem art eh?!

    I hope Mr Diva will be supporting your efforts and sporting an 'NO GARDEN BIRDS WERE HARMED DURING THE MAKING OF CHERYL THE DIVA'S CHESTAL GARMENT AND BY THE WAY I'M MR DIVA' banner. Perhaps he can stand next to Clodagh and Barry...


    2oz of toffee and 2oz of lemon bonbons please

    PS If he hasn't made the banner yet, all he needs is an old roll of wallpaper, two cricket stumps or broom handles and some sticky-back plastic. Please ask the bill payers permission.

  35. At 01:28 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    HL - many, many thanks. Will email you off group with the details.

    Cup Final - I'm just relieved that my beloved Gunners aren't in it this year as I need to nap Saturday afternoon ...... if the Man U vs Chelsea game earlie rthis month was anything to go by, it'll be perfect 'nap fodder' !!

    The sun is shining beautifully here and the front door is open, giving a gentle warm breeze. A far cry from the wind and rain we've had all week!

    Still no call from ARF team .... I wait in hope ...

    CtD x x

    PS: Sherbert crystals - how FAB were they?? Especially the strawberry flavour, with an ice lolly to dip in.

  36. At 02:16 PM on 18 May 2007, mwk wrote:

    Hi Everyone

    Hope you are all well and looking forward to your weekend.

    CtD - Lots of luck and very best wishes for the walk tomorrow. I'm so pleased your new job is going well. There is still time for you to get the ARF call, will keep my fingers crossed. I got a bit excited last night when the lady from womens minute was called Cheryl, I thought it was going to be you :o)

    Em - thinking of you and sending some positive vibes :o)

    MfR (who does squash not salsa) - Your trip sounds fab! Hope your feeling better xx

    Mary xx

  37. At 03:41 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    CtD - have found out this afternoon that there is no dignified way to eat sherbert when you're all growed up - especially in an office environment!

    Best of luck tomorrow night, try and get a sing song going on the way round perhaps to help pass the time (I guess anything by Dolly Parton would be appropriate as you are decorating the boob area). Take lots of photo's so we can all see your fabby decorated pink and feathered bra! Praying for dry weather.

    :o) Jo

  38. At 03:56 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Dearest Tinsel...and I love you too much to even TRY to take your man ahayway...eef you hawant heem, hayou can ahave heem...and I hope he wins for you!

    The clock is ticken, or possibly turkey, but it sure is being a long old day...and going back to CLP and the start of the blog...my boss spent a bit of money on me today. It was an unexpected surprise, and he delighted me with his thoughtfulness and generosity.

    A Galaxy Ripple

    He knows which side his bread is buttered

  39. At 04:28 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Afternoon chaps and chapesses

    CtD - good luck with the walk this weekend - sleep well during the footy. Hope the weather holds out for you and doesn't dampen your spangly bits!

    Mange tout xx

  40. At 09:03 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Well done you Brits!!

    Trygital - beyond digital.... 'Because you Can' XXX

    D^V1D - 'To thine own Self be true' the girls are truly beautiful (and the guys) XXX

  41. At 10:23 AM on 19 May 2007, Mandy wrote:

    I've spent the last 3 weeks in hospital and how bloody frustrating it was! Three whole days without being able to listen to Chris and then Β£2.90 a day for the joy thereafter. Worth it of course but there was a bit of me thinking... I worked for them for 27 years I should get it free!

    Now caught up on the webcast and the blog. Chris, Minnie is amazing! I remember meeting her and being wowwed when she was merely in her 70's!! She made me die laughing when everyone was being all sycophantic over you and she called you .."LAD!" and you came running! My pal Karen and I sat for ages on the terrace at TFI talking to her about life , psychiatric nursing and how to make a proper hot pot and I thought she was one of the nicest, funniest, down to earth people I'd ever met. You are lucky to have her Chris and I love the way that she's really quite unimpressed by your fame and all the trappings!

    So glad to be back in the swing and tho I don't post often bloggers I do read every day when I'm not indisposed by small matters of health!

    HUGE hugs Chris. You made hospital bearable for 2 hours every day! xxxxxx

  42. At 02:11 PM on 19 May 2007, george Beresford wrote:

    I don't mind getting old but why can't I eat what I want when I want without suffering the belly bulge. i've decided to get one of those mirrors rhat make you look skinny, that way I can fool my concience

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