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Chris Evans | 16:32 UK time, Friday, 18 May 2007

Regrets, I've had a fewbut then again...

...hardly any really. What is a regret anyhow ? Is it a mistake, if it is sure i wish i hadn't made some of those little critters.

I had tickets to go and see Queen and I never went. Officially that makes me a knob. Last week saw the last performance of The Producers starring Peter Kay, apparently he was hilarious, I'm sure i could have got tickets if I'd tried but i didn't and another golden moment goes floating down the river.

I've just been offered a job and and without giving it a second thought I said i'd do it but for double the money, why not ? it's always worth a try but then I realised it's something I really wanted to do, so I've just phoned them back and suggested that the bar may not be quite so high as I had originally stated. This has left my agent in a bit of a pickle but that's why he gets the percentage he does.

Sorted c.d.'s out at home today, a loathsome job. Over fifty of the cases were c.d.'less, well where the jimminy blithers have they got to. Also decided to sell one of my best cars today. I never drive it, it's only going to go to rust, so the baby must go, at auction an' all ! How exciting.

Isn't it all so much better when the sun decides to shine ?

Have a great f.a. cup and all else that - I'm off to have the best weekend of my life. I'm doing something very special and strange and I will tell you all about it in great blow-by-blow detail on Monday. No stone will be unturned - no blushes will be spared. I will bare my soul for you my loyal and lovely audience.....You know how I like to keep you all guessing bloggers

( I didn't write that last bit, someone else did it whilst i was on the phone but i'll try to live up to it anyway)

Muchos lovas


  1. At 04:48 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Well hello Christophe

    Well your weekend sounds pretty special.

    As for regrets - what's the point,doesn't change anything. If you've made a mistake, then move on regreting something makes no difference but it is worth trying to learn from mistakes.

    Good luck CtD with the walk on Saturday night - hope it doesn't rain and dampen your spangly bits (yes I know I put that at the end of yesterday's blog but CLP went and blogged again didn't he)

    Haricot vert xxx

  2. At 04:56 PM on 18 May 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Have a good one old chap.

    ARF, here we come......

    Peace & love


    PS Check mate honey, beat you at your own damn game.

  3. At 05:12 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:


    Thank you for plugging the Moonwalk. WIll be thinking of you and the bloggers as I power-walk my way round London!

    Muchos luvas back atchya!

    Cheryl The Diva
    Moonwalker Extraordinaire with a pink feathery bra x x x

  4. At 05:17 PM on 18 May 2007, J wrote:

    What a charming life you get to live. Good on you and go boy...

    C-t-D Very best wishes for tomorrow, may you sashay in style all round London.

    Prof Plum - how's it all going?

    I hope everyone has a good week or so - I'm off to Italy with my sisters...


  5. At 05:40 PM on 18 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Canoing is lovely Chris ..down t River Thames...
    mmmm peacful

    D x

  6. At 05:43 PM on 18 May 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Wow - what a weekend you have planned!!

    Looking forward to hearing about it!!!

    Nice one regarding the job offer - and, you are quite right, that's why your agent gets his cut : )

    Losers' ribbons: excellent teaser - am going to get my kids going on that one.

    Mange tout avec pomme de terres


    ps C'mon United

    pps After all, we can then say we were knocked out of the FA Cup by the winners

  7. At 05:47 PM on 18 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Canoing is lovely Chris ..down t River Thames...
    mmmm peacful

    D x

    Happy Weekend x

  8. At 05:50 PM on 18 May 2007, sarah wrote:

    Good luck Cheryl!
    Hope you raise loads of money

  9. At 05:51 PM on 18 May 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Wow - what a weekend you have planned!!

    Looking forward to hearing about it!!!

    Nice one regarding the job offer - and, you are quite right, that's why your agent gets his cut : )

    Losers' ribbons: excellent teaser - am going to get my kids going on that one.

    Mange tout avec pomme de terres


    ps C'mon United

    pps After all, we can then say we were knocked out of the FA Cup by the winners

  10. At 05:51 PM on 18 May 2007, t wrote:

    Fabulous show yesterday, as always very euphoric , uplifting and of course, engaging. Great to hear Tiny Dancer’s 'Hannah We Know 'on the show yesterday and jubilant to know that you will play more! For anyone interested the very great Tiny Dancers have a website and they’re also playing a UK tour with a date in Camden at the end of the month! Think we can all learn enormously through our mistakes, so I guess they can be constructive if taken out of their original context and common sense, the desire to learn and grow and enhance one’s life are applied. Tis exciting about your car and your job. Have a great weekend. Loving the shows, loving the daily blogs; where would we all be without them? :)

  11. At 05:52 PM on 18 May 2007, Laura wrote:

    Enjoy your weekend its gonna be better than mine i get to tell my husband im pregnant (laughing) thank the stars above he isnt a footy fan or it really would be a nightmare.

  12. At 06:28 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Have you been reading my blog! The last post I did started with regrets I've had a few! and I went to see Peter Kay in The Producers a couple of weeks ago! You soo so so should have gone. I took my mum for her birthday, brilliant!
    Isn't it so exciting when you sell something at auction. I have got loads of stuff on ebay at the moment and its great to clear out and sell it to people who really want it!

    Oh I forgot, Chris and crew hurry up and come to Norwich, here is a reason to tempt you, you were talking about wanting to see George Micheal, well he is playing at NCFC! You should go, my friend and I wanted to go and wear rara skirts and take glo stick (so 80's) but refuse to pay Β£75 a ticket!!!

    Well I better go and get some dinner! Do you know I really fancy a 99 ice cream and flake, have a great weekend everyone, missy xx

  13. At 06:33 PM on 18 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    ..But then again, too few to mention...

    Ah yes. I've dropped a few clangers in me time.

    Still, sometimes we all need a slap around the mazzard with the wet fish of life don't we. Anyway, some of 'em have made the eejits closest to me larf.

    As for the one or two mistakes I've made where people have been hurt, I am truly regretful. But hey, I'm beyond beating myself up and can go to my grave knowing that I have never committed a single malicious deed in my life.

    Just a few bloody daft ones.

    Until now. So Hurrah, bloggers and bloggettes, I'm back across the Irish Sea Sunday and thus will not only be able to listen in once again, I'm off first stop to pay a visit to Liverpool City Council and that little car park sniper who stuck a ticket across me tax disc and then had the gall to tangle with the daughter when she politely protested. The gloves is orf.

    I might look like a daft little blonde 7st. wet through old trout, but me gander's up and I'm in the mood for worryin' a few rats.

    Yes, I know I'll probably get nowhere but boy am I going to piss 'em off.

    Somebody's going to wish they'd pulled a sicky. Hurrah!

    Mangy Tout wit knobs on you lot.


  14. At 06:35 PM on 18 May 2007, Maddog wrote:


    Bet Sally regrets saying the BLACK jacket is brown!

    But will she learn from her mistake ...... NEVER never contradict the Cristoffe, live on his own show!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  15. At 06:35 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Oooo ... I can't wait til Monday now!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Christoff! And do share all come Monday! ;) And, if you do have any regrets ... don't! Life is too short, honey, and there is nothing that can't be fixed or dealt with and moved on from. Everything we go through, even the things we regret, accumulates to make us the person we are right here, right now. And, in the eyes of your bloggers and blogettes, you're an absolute honey, so no regrets!

    Huggles, Rambling Susan S, Highland lass

  16. At 06:43 PM on 18 May 2007, De Sm wrote:

    Happy weekend x

    D x

  17. At 07:42 PM on 18 May 2007, t wrote:

    Fabulous show yesterday, as always very euphoric , uplifting and of course, engaging. Great to hear Tiny Dancer’s 'Hannah We Know 'on the show yesterday and jubilant to know that you will play more! For anyone interested the very great Tiny Dancers have a website and they’re also playing a UK tour with a date in Camden at the end of the month! Think we can all learn enormously through our mistakes, so I guess they can be constructive if taken out of their original context and common sense, the desire to learn and grow and enhance one’s life are applied. Tis exciting about your car and your job. Have a great weekend. Loving the shows, loving the daily blogs; where would we all be without them? :) Happy weekend all

  18. At 07:54 PM on 18 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    regrets eh? well I once heard someone say "you should always regret something you actually did, not something you didn't get to do!"

    I've missed out on many things by not bothering/having the £££'s/just wrong week but don't regret missing out, just wonder 'what if.....'

    However I have learned many valuable lessons by making decisions and mistakes - makes you a better person?

    I'd love to be able to name my price, I did get pais time and a half today but not on your scale CLP. Good luck to you, I hope it involves you appearing on my tv very soon. Can't wait to hear about your weekend.

    CtD - very best wishes to you and your feathery brassiere, the images in my head are working overtime!!!!!
    J - have a great time in Italy
    Clodagh - good luck with your Monday rant
    missy - happy eBaying x

    Bom chicka wah wah


  19. At 08:46 PM on 18 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Have a great weekend Chris and everyone, especially CtD, I'll be thinking of you, hope you stay dry!

    I'm always regretting things i have or haven't done, its the story of my life. Maybe that's why I'm such a miserable cow!

    missy - I am going to see George Michael at Carrow Road, I know its expensive but he's my absolute hero so I can't miss it. Tickets still available so get yourself up to Norwich Chris, we've got a spare room!! Going to see James Morrison in a couple of weeks at Thetford, and then to Latitude a few weeks after that and I havent got a sitter yet for any of them!

    Em xx

    Em xx

  20. At 08:48 PM on 18 May 2007, wrote:

    Where will the Car be Auctioned.........tell us more?

    I think He's off to be a Naturist for the Weekend!!!!!!

  21. At 11:52 PM on 18 May 2007, Catbird wrote:

    Hi all - I haven't been able to blog for ages, coz of work commitments and stuff, but I'm back. Missed you all. Had a quick dip in and out now and then to catch up. Good luck with Moonwalk Cheryl. Great charity to raise money for. My lovely, wonderful Mum had the big C so I think anyone who raises money to beat the evil thing is a hero in my eyes.
    Susan S, you took the words right out of my mouth - everything we do makes us who we are, so onwards and upwards I say. Look forward to the future, and leave mistakes in the past. We do learn from them, so I try to see them as positive, and try to do things differently the next time.
    Anyway, enough ramblings - can't wait to hear what our Christoff is up to for the weekend. Sounds like fun, whatever it is. Have a wonderful weekend all, and hopefully it won't be so long between my blogs next time,
    Catbird xxxx

  22. At 03:47 AM on 19 May 2007, John wrote:

    Awwww thats really sad having to sell one of your best cars. Especially if it holds good memories for you. You seem able to devest yourself of stuff fairly easily Chris I think that is an admirable talent.

    JK Nonegreen

  23. At 08:15 AM on 19 May 2007, Anna wrote:

    Regrets, generally - I dont have any...... apart from the grolsh bottle tops on my doc martins. Wot was that all about.


    PS Gaby, you are here!! Your absence has been noted.x

  24. At 10:18 AM on 19 May 2007, wrote:

    Em m- Latitude sounds great, would love to see the puppini sisters there but no one to go with :(
    I'll go and see George Micheal if Chris goes!!! Come on Chris Delia Smith will be there!

  25. At 10:19 AM on 19 May 2007, ProfPlum wrote:

    Buenos Dias one and all

    My last blog went off into Cyber Space somewhere.

    However, regrets I've have a few but then again I did it my way.

    J. Have a nice time in Italy.I too am meeting my sister in Majorca in the next couple of weeks.Thats if I can find my passport and clothes which are currently in storage.

    Now that reminds me of a funny story.... This week I went along to a post office depo to collect my post which they are holding. As I approached the office window a guy shouted "Sorry closed". I said, can I just ask a question "No closed". I retreated, somewhat put out by his curt response but discoverd that they were just closing for lunch.

    I killed an hour in dullsville looking in cheap shoe shops being overcome with the plastic fumes.
    Upon my return he was back at his little office window when my eyes were drawn to a sign which said, please do not be rude or abusive to our staff. Thats rich, I thought. Anyway he would not give me my post because I had filled in the wrong form, and of course it's more than his jobs worth... But they will redilver to the the old address that being where I don't live anymore... So it's more round the houses phone calls no doubt via India to sort it out.

  26. At 12:01 PM on 19 May 2007, Gingembre wrote:

    What a lovely sunny day, reminds me of being a child. It was always like this on cup final day. I used to sit with my late uncle and watch it all from start to finish.

    Em M - you never seem miserable on here, have a great time at Carrow Rd with Mr Michael.

    Prof, I only have 2 hates in the world and bad manners are both of them!!! Cannot stand bad customer service by jobsworths.

    missy - hope you don't mind but I had a real trawl through your blog today....it's brill. Loved the pics, stories and stuff.

    Has anyone ever met someone famous and been shocked by how small they are?
    I saw the gorgeous Gaby Roslin in Asda, Norwich a little while back and I couldn't believe how ickle she was.... I always imagined her to be 6' tall. She smiled at me which made my day too.... what a stunner x

    happy weekend y'all
    the sun has got his hat on........


  27. At 11:34 PM on 19 May 2007, wrote:

    Comon Tigers!!!

    Well that's my shout for tomorrow and I'm sooooo excited!!!!

    Gingembre- Most of the famous tv people I've ever met have been suprisingly small but CLP was suprisingly tall! And the rugby players look normal... till you get close and then you realise they're huge!

    Hope you're all having a great weekend... I'll see you all at Twickenham tomorrow if you're going...

    Comon Tigers!

    & the Bears

  28. At 01:26 AM on 20 May 2007, Rob wrote:

    Weekend away? Cala D'or? haha...someone's on that boat! ;)

  29. At 12:53 PM on 20 May 2007, Tony from Tunbridge wrote:

    I question we`d like to put to everyone! Has television spoilt sport?Don`t think of the obvious, like we couldn`t watch it if it wasn`t on tele, but think of the less obvious reasons like advertising, money, exposure and underlying things etc. Think of F1 Grand Prix, Wimbledon Tennis, Footie etc etc...

    I recon black must be the new brown! Sorry Sally.

    If in doubt compare the jacket with a piece of Jet, wich is a kind of fossil wood found in geologically young shales and related rocks. It is hard, dense, and black in colour, hense the term Jet Black. Thier must be a way of scientifically solving the colour of the jacket? But, lifes too short for that!


  30. At 04:37 PM on 20 May 2007, Prof Plum wrote:


    Calador? Majorca has far more to offer. I don't do the tourist thing. Stay in Palma and then visit the lovely bays of Illetas and Portals marina and yes just look at them boats.

  31. At 05:06 PM on 20 May 2007, Gaby wrote:


    Thank you for the teaser....we had fun with that yesterday.............


  32. At 05:52 PM on 20 May 2007, wrote:

    Gingembre- I sat next to Lesley Joeseph in london, watching Chitty Chitty Bang Bang and I had my photo taken with Wolf and Lighting out of Gladiators at the Aylsham show many years ago (they are showing reruns of gladiators on some freeview tv show, brilliant). Nigel Havers and and best of all Art Mallik (Zubin out of Holby) who said I was beautiful!!!

  33. At 10:18 AM on 21 May 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi everyone, I'm feeling so much better today, I don't think the hayfever tablets were agreeing with me! Thanks for being so nice everyone x

    I have seen lots of famous people, i once saw Diana Dors getting out of a taxi in London! (Oh God I'm showing my age now!) I think David Gower was my favourite, he makes me weak at the knees, also I saw Andrew Castle and Tim Henman, i think they're gorgeous too (I've got strange taste!)

    My friend saw Chris in London and she couldn't believe how tall he was - isn't it strange how you think people are a certain height?!

    Missy - I would meet you at Latitude, I'm going with my husband, my friend and her boyfriend, but looking at your picture on your blog I think we're probably about 20 years older than you!

    Cheryl - hope the walk went really well, I'm doing a sponsored 10 mile walk at the weekend, not as far as you though! Well done.

    Chris - hope your weekend was amazing. Tell all!!!

    See you at 5,

    Em xx

  34. At 10:30 AM on 21 May 2007, BINGO STAR wrote:

    Greetings err CLP and ALL Blog friends,

    errr Bingo Star ere.

    Firstly just like to say Christoff i'm DAMN glad your not CLP PLC or you would have less time for the excellent show that is the Drivetime- know what am sayin'!
    I mean imagine all those AGMs you'd ave to attend- stress that i'm sure you and all of us bloggers just ain't need.
    Mind you thinking about it CLP you sort of are plc but without being plc. You are a puplic figure broadcasting to the whole damn nation- oh yes, oh yes friend!!! And a damn good one at that, award winning! Not that i'm trying to crawl, not that somebody of your stature doesn't deserve being crawled to- know what am sayin'.

    Sorry getting confused now and forgotten what the ruddy 'eck I came on ere to blog about....errr?

    I've been studying the BOMBER photo in great detail and I have come to the conclusion, only my small humble opinion, that it is liqourice black which definately contains a shade of browny black and it is hence definately blackie brown. Hence it is not black black which means it is brown but then it is black which means it's not brown. leaving the conclusion that it's not black or brown!!!!

    PS Any chance of playing Amy Winehouse- BACK TO BLACK!!

    Sorry i'm very confused now off for a power nap to sooth ones mind of confusion.

    Err Chow!

  35. At 11:45 AM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    Chris you need to look at nice site down and a cup of tea

  36. At 11:45 AM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    Shouldn't you only regret things that you've actually done? You can't regret what you haven't done, because in a way, you still have a chance of doing it...

    I've never been offered a job for double anything. I regret being in the wrong place at the wrong time...but, hey! You never know do ya!

    MfR...sorry mate! Blue is the colour etc

    lyndyloo...Grrrr for the Tigers!

    hr love n stuff

  37. At 12:34 PM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon Bloggers .....

    ... I SURVIVED!!

    The weather was kind, so no feathers were ruffled and my colours didn't run or fade.

    It took me just over 8 hours and crossing the finishing line was very emotional indeed.

    Highlight - power walking over Tower Bridge at 2 in the morning. Breathtakingly beautiful. London at its best.

    Lowlight - getting into Hyde Park for the 'homeward bit' - only to realise we were only just over 22 miles and there was another 4 miles to go - all in the park! Concluded that Hyde Park is bigger than the town I live in!!

    Only injury to report is a jippy right knee - really, really hurts and my mobility today resembles a 1960's Dalek with rusty wheels. Adieu to grace and elegance!

    Mother-in-law gave me some flowers and chocs when I got home - which made me emotional AGAIN! Then slept for most of Sunday.

    Think I've raised about Β£750 ish.

    Hope everyone's Ok - countdown to the next Bank Holiday Weekend starts here!

    Cheryl The Diva
    Over & Out (for now!)

    x x x x

  38. At 12:39 PM on 21 May 2007, Jolena wrote:

    nothing to be done about regrets and mistakes. they cannot be changed, the only thing you can do is find the lesson you were supposed to learn from them to prevent a repeat.

    that which does not kill you is supposed to make you stronger.

    sometimes though its just better to stay in bed.

  39. At 01:40 PM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    Due to bigbrother server who thinks I may be looking at things I shouldn't (I'm not, but hey, there we go) I have quide liderally only JUST this min bin able to have a look at the jacket...

    In the absence of anything navy, I'd say it was black, but I can usually only tell if something is black when I can put it next to something navy.

    So, I'd say black.

    Brown bomber jackets are usually very obviously brown, with no room to manouevre, and that is excluding the hideouse kind of crimson 'ox-blood' redddy-brown ones so enamoured by those who wear white socks with loafers.

    Black it is.
    Definitely, in my opinion, black.

    ...and that nice cup of tea website. Superb...

    I DO like a nice cup of tea

  40. At 02:27 PM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    Hmmm .... I blogged hours ago. Where am I?

    Hope I've not been BP'd - I only said thanks!

    CtD x x

  41. At 03:19 PM on 21 May 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon - apologies for absence - my mum has written a letter....

    CtD - well done you! I did think about you at the weekend and hoped you were OK.

    FA Cup was dull, dull, dull - I even fell asleep whilst watching!

    MfR - how's the squash (not salsa)?

    Missy/Em M - was very nearly in Norwich this week, then it changed to Ipswich and now it's neither! I don't know where I am from one day to the next - except I am in Cheshire tomorrow...

    Prof Plum - keep smiling :-)

    Regrets... I pretend I don't have any, but actually, my life is littered with them and the odd thing is that it's only me that's been hurt by them! Duh...

    Right, the telecon I am listening into has livened up somewhat, so I think I'd better concentrate...

    Have a magical Monday all,

    S xx.

  42. At 03:58 PM on 21 May 2007, wrote:

    4.05 pm.

    I'm soooooooooooooooooooooo tired!

    I want my bed NOW!!!!

    CtD x x

  43. At 04:27 PM on 21 May 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hurrah chaps. Howya Christophe Lamb Pie.

    And Howya Sally, check out the jacket. I've a lovely BROWN flying helmet and goggles you can borrow to wear with it, last worn during the Wacky Races fancy dress party which went a bit pear-shaped when the Arkansas Chugabug got a bit out of control and our host finished up concussed in the flower bed with a mouthful of jelly babies and being given the kiss of life by Penelope Pitstop.

    Anyway I'm very excited. I've just had an e-mail informing me about the Tedfest Summer Ball in Galway this June. Dress to Bless, hurrah.

    Now where did I put that wimple.


  44. At 04:31 PM on 21 May 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Well done CtD - what a fantastic achievement.

    You win the Blogger of the Day prize!!!!!

  45. At 01:48 PM on 24 May 2007, Peter Doyle wrote:

    Hi Chris,Well you certainly missed out by not seeing The Producers it was truly a fantastic show I am a big PK fan but he wasn't necessarily the star, no it was the lead Corey English and John Gordon Sinclair who were tremendous, Peter Kay was good but he isn't the polished West End star yet, but flipping heck he is multi talented.and oh he were good. I drive a wagon on nights and start at 4/5 o'clock. I love the show and it keeps me going until The Archers at 7 o'clock. I know what you mean about the CD cases I suffer the same thing with CD,s Dvd,s and cassettes I usually find them in other cases,or two put into one I have a big box of the empty ones, hoping one day to re-unite them with their missing contents. Keep up the Sterling work and good luck Bigpeter Widnes

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