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Chris Evans | 07:19 UK time, Wednesday, 14 February 2007

Happy V Day everyone. I am awoke by the merry birds of London a-twittering their way towards Spring. Did you know it’s only the male birds that…


They do it to attract the ladies, ain’t that sweet.

I had to get up and make a cuppa as I was having the most exhausting dream. I dreamt we were in a rehearsal for Don’t Forget Your Toothbrush and we were having to come up with a game for our star guest that week, who happened to be Tony Blair. So far we’d invented a ruse where one of his beloved guitars was dressed as Joan of Arc and suspended above a fire. The height of the flames from the fire were to be controlled by a man who was wearing a welding mask, this man would turn out to be the Prime Ministers nemesis David Cameron. Tony would then be asked questions about Gordon Brown and every time he answered a question incorrectly Dastardly Dave would turn up the heat thus turning his guitar Golden Brown. I had no idea what was supposed to happen in the end, that’s why I had to wake up, it was driving me nuts.

Anyways, today is the day I used to dread as a kid. I used to think getting Valentines Day cards was the most embarrassing thing on earth. I still think it’s all a bit silly. To receive cards form people who don’t put their name on them is just a rubbish idea. What is the point ? Who gave that the green light ? I want to know ! And is it true that V. day was invented by Hallmark to increase the sale of greeting cards. (Name ten other occasions you might send a card – go ! Ha ha!!!)

No, no Valentines for me thank you very much.

I’ve not told you this before but every Wednesday myself and The Girl from the Sofa go to a different restaurant. We’re both foodies and we figure seeing as London has so many great restaurants we may as well make the most of them. Now of course tonight was always going to be a problem because they’ll all be full of amorous couples declaring their love for each other. (Actually a restaurant owner friend of mine said even though his place was always full on V day, it was often the night the room was quietest cos’ none of the couples had any idea what to talk about.) So, we thought for once we would change our eating-out night to a Tuesday. Well could we get in anywhere ? Well yes actually we did in the end but it was a bit of a struggle.

It turns out that all the couples who don’t want to be predictable and go out with all the numpties on Valentines Day go out the night before instead. The only thing is it turns out that they are being highly unoriginal in their originality.

I have found life is a bit like that, so many of us in trying to be different end up being the same because trying to be different is a very unoriginal premise. It is those who don't try to be different that end up having an air of intrigue about them.

So listen, we did get into a restaurant finally, a restaurant owned by a very well known chef. What was it like ? The food was faultless but the service – Nightmare. That’s all I’m saying. I think somebody needs to go and sort it out, I wonder who that might be ?

CLP x.


  1. At 07:39 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Vambo wrote:

    I lurve Vallys day me!

    I've always had loads and loads of cards and prezzies on the 14th February.

    It's my birthday ya see. Happy Birthday to me

  2. At 08:04 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I am reporting to you today from ward 3 of Milton Keynes General Hospital, unfortunately Mrs DD had just got in the car last night when Christophe read out my morning blog missive. This was closely followed by that look, then the explosion of "youwroteallthatoutandCHRISEVANSjustreaditoutonNATIONALRADIO" this was followed by screams of pain and shouts of anguish ...... but not from her! Karma!! I'll give you Karma!!!

    I did the decent thing this morning though and presented Mrs DD with her yellow box in a yellow bag (La Senza) no I didn't make the sexy undies mistake, but the comfy cute PJ's went down well.
    I also gave her the Hotel Chocolat mint chocolates last night (tip from Mrs DD dont eat more than a couple per night or you end up with a huge sugar rush and headache!).

    Back in her good books, but thanks Chris! Oh how we laughed this morning about her reaction.
    Me and the nurses!!!

    Have a great V day all.

    DD out

  3. At 08:35 AM on 14 Feb 2007, hazel love wrote:

    Krystoffe, it is odd that you seem to have woken up in quite a romantic mood you big old softy! How ever much you don't (appear to) want a card, I think you will be secretly over the moon if you are a lucky recipient...The flowers that bloom in the spring, tra la...something from Gilbert and Sullivan I believe..

    If you are at all curious about the origins of Saint Valentine's Day check out this link.

    But on the subject of card sales, Fathers Day. Total sham. 'Invented' because of Mothers Day, which is in fact Mothering Sunday and part of the Spring and religious festivals leading up to Easter. Easter meaning egg/birth/new life in various different languages. (as in Oestrogen in case you were wondering but I doubt it)

    I had an odd dream last night. I was working in a theatre and was out in the lobby (which was all done out in matt black) at the box office and they had posters waiting to be put up for a forthcoming Alice Cooper concert which was to be on April 12th starting at 11pm.
    On the other side of the lobby by the wall on a bar stool sat Madonna, but she looked very dowdy, no make-up, all dressed in black and clutching a walking stick. Only a couple of people had recognised her and she wasn't being mobbed by fans.
    I went over to her and asked if she was ok, and after a short conversation(!) she said she would like a Jack Daniels and Coke, but all the bar sold was cheap bourbon. I looked out of the door, and the queue for the off licence was huge, so I told her that I would go and wait in the queue but might be a while. During my time in the queue I realised that I hadn't checked if she wanted ice...
    I think I then woke up or moved because it ended there.

    No cheese was consumed before, during or after this dream.



    ps Noah's Ark was made of wood. Joan of Arc was Maid of Orleans

    pps DD I hope Mrs Dissing woke you up in a much nicer way this morning...


  4. At 08:55 AM on 14 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Well, I received a card from 'im indoors and was told at 6.30am to be ready to go out this evening at 7pm. How long does he think I need to get ready?!!! I don't know where we're going but it's smart/casual - what the hell does that mean?

    Unfortunately I had to explain to him that I'd already made plans for us to go to a dance this evening - the argument lasted until about 7.30am at which point we decided that we'd do both. So, dinner first then dancing.

    Anyone who's been "next door" will understand!

    Have a good V-day one and all

    jillygoat xxxx

  5. At 09:01 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Happy V. Day and Happy HUMP Day CLP and bloggers one and all!

    I was driving home last night when CLP read out DD's bit about his lady's curves - having already read it on the blog yesterday I was in stitches - the other shoppers in Waitrose car park wondered what on earth I was on!

    Me and Mr Diva haven't bought V. cards for the first time this year - we've been together 12 years (married for almost 11 of them) and although it was sort of my idea, I felt strangely sad this morning with no red envelope to tear open. We're treating ourselves to a chinese takeaway tonight as we've got a new one in town that delivers - yipppeee!

    TV tonight - really too good to go out anyway! 8pm is the time it all kicks off - Â鶹ԼÅÄ1 has Arsenal/Bolton live (I'm a gooner), Â鶹ԼÅÄ2 has Dragon's Den (fortunately repeated on Saturday), ITV has the tousled one (aka Love Muscle Russell) dishing out the Brit Awards (as much as I love the tousled one, I can't help but think they should have kept CLP as presenter), Channel 4 has Phil & Kirsty, Jamie Oliver and those naughty ladies of Wisteria Lane .... Doh! It's all too much .... and that's without all the Sci Fi claptrap Mr Diva will want to tape off Sky.

    Celeb / famous restaurants: we went to The Ivy twice last year - one dinner and one lunch - and I can honestly say, that its the best place ever! Not cheap but then not as expensive as some other London eateries. Lovely atmosphere, very relaxed and laid back.

    No decent jobs in the local paper today - boo!

    Happy Birthday Vambo!

    Right, best do some work I s'pose. Will check back laters amigos!


    PS: CLP - please, please complete the water ski-ing story you couldn't relay on air last night!

  6. At 09:03 AM on 14 Feb 2007, emily wrote:


    My bf - being a shift worker and manager - has to work the sleep-in tonight so we decided to 'do' valentines day on Friday but probably won't go anyway - just stay in and cook a very nice meal.

    We went to Wimpy's last night (other fast food places are available but don't taste the same) and the service was very good, the food tasted good and was under a tenner - Chris, you need to branch out your food haunts - spending money doesn't guarantee good service.

    Happy valentines day anyone - one question - do I wear my simply gorgeous badge in the office?

    PS - who won the radio in the end - obviously not me but I hope it went to a worthy cause.

  7. At 09:20 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Monica-ca-ca-ca wrote:

    Morning Christophe

    Glad you and the girl from the sofa managed to find an eatery in which to sample the finest food London had to offer. However, the service thing - that is rubbish. I have to say that I find rubbish service really irritating espesh on an otherwise 'special night out'. You'd have thought it was simple, eh? Make sure you have enough staff, let them know they need to look after the customers, be attentive but not suffocating, keep the food and wine coming and smile! Ho hum. I wonder to which well-known chef you refer. Intriguing. I only hope it wasn't who I am thinking of, he'd be mortified.

    As for V day. Yep totally agree it's invented for Clinton cards etc but it's always nice if someone takes time out to tell you how much they DO care. Shame for people if it only happens once a year though. Luckily for me, Mr D shows his love in every meal he makes, coffee bean he grinds, bath he runs, freesia he buys. It's the little things, don't you think?

    Love to one and all


  8. At 09:20 AM on 14 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    I've just thought - if I'm going out for dinner tonight then that makes me a numptie doesn't it? Oh eck!


  9. At 09:29 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:


    Go for it - wear your Simply Gorgeous badge with pride!

    My badge of choice states 'Bitch Troll From Hell' - although it's all lies, lies, lies .... I'm lovely really!

    x x

  10. At 09:37 AM on 14 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Good Morning Chris and all Valentines today!

    I also hated Valentine's Day when I was a kid, but not because I didn't like getting cards - the fact is I never received any! I was devastated every year and of course all my friends received four or five each every year. Took me until I was about 25 years old to realise that they were probably telling porkies!

    Yes, it is a rip-off, but there better be flowers and a card waiting for me when I get home tonight!

    I hope that well know chef can crack your code!!

    Have a good day one and all!

    C xx

  11. At 09:55 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:


    Long time, no blog but here it goes anyway - and a day late given the subject matter.

    I recall reading an interview with Jim Kerr of the Simple Minds, sometime ago, in which he said "too much stuff drags your bag". Now I never had Jim Kerr down as a great sage but I have rarely heard truer words spoken. It was a good time after his pomp and he was reflecting on what mattered and what made him happy. Gone was the clutter and associated nonsense of rock stardom. He had "down-sized"!

    At that time I had a four homes dotted around the place, yet it was only one that provided me with that homely feeling. The rest were just hassle. The maintenance issues, the worry of burglary, the cost, etc. Why? Because I thought I could "get away" from the pressures of my daily life and relax. It was an illusion.

    I have now "down-sized". I have one home that I live in all the time. Of course I get away from it all and out of the city when I want to but I stay in a hotel! Let someone else take the strain! The absence of clutter really does make a difference.

    I'm sure you can afford more than a crash pad in the City Chris. Abandon the country pile! Get a decent sized gaff in town and enjoy it. You sound a lot happier when you are in town!

  12. At 09:56 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Mary (mwk) wrote:

    Good morning CLP xx

    Happy Valentines day everyone xx

    I had a very disturbing dream last night, both my parents have passed away but in my dream they were still alive but there house in the dream was different to the one they lived in. I went into the house and in the hall there were lots of towels covered in blood, I was calling out to them and my Mum came into the hallway and I asked what had happened she told me my Dad had been attacked and when I went into the living room his face had been really badly beaten! I ask if he knew who did it and he said he didn't, they had beat him up and then drove him 500 miles and left him in a field to find his own way back! I forced myself to wake up because I couldn't suffer the pain of the dream and was in floods of tears at 3am this morning, I'm crying now just thinking about it. It really was awful, why on earth would I dream something like that? Both my parents passed due to ill health and have been gone a number of years my Dad longer than my Mum.

    Sorry it doesn't make pleasant reading, now that I have shared that I hope the terrible memories of the dream go from my mind!

    On a lighter note - DD when Chris read out your blog I was laughing and cringing at the same time :-)

    Have a good day everyone.

    Mary xx

  13. At 10:08 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Well valentine schmalentine - am not going out for dinner tonight (although thinking about it I might have to as most of kitchen is currently in boxes awaiting moving!) - have to complete packing tonight and then will rush down to the Valentines Disco (assuming I can get past the bouncer) to strut my funky stuff.

    Glad to know that you and the girl on the sofa are still knocking about together, did we ever find out what she wanted to talk to you about before Christmas? Or who said you looked handsome yesterday morning?

    While appreciating you need at least 'some' provacy Mr E surely you could share such dinky bits of information with us schlogger?

    Much Love on V day - and an extra special 'hump' day for many I suspect!

    :o) Jo

  14. At 10:14 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Jake wrote:

    Happy Valentines you old cynic!
    Can't believe you won't be a teensy bit chuffed when the pile of 'Hallmark's' arrive through the letter box!

    I never used to get any either (not that weren't heavily disguised from my Mum anyway) then I went through a phase of getting loads, but all from peeps I didn't want one from. C'est la vie and all that. Today I'm happy because my seven year old son made me one, bless.

    It's a good excuse to have a bit of fun and perhaps let someone (whom you've never dared to approach before) know how you feel.

    Tried to blog last night, gave up in the end, impossible! Was thanking you for getting Chemmie on the show Monday and sympathising with you and Johnny re' the 'toilet' position. I'm with you there, took me 20 years to get out of it! Even now I slip back into it when the gradient turns black. It's that safe feeling you get when your arse is close to the ground n'est pas?!

    Anyway, have a fab day, Valentines or no valentines.

    Lots of 'lurve',

  15. At 10:23 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Had a dozen red roses sent to a girlfriend while at University. She was so embarrassed that she put them in a cupboard so that her housemates wouldn't see them.
    That was twenty years ago today...she's never had a dozen red roses since.

    Chris - your wisdom on originality is very true, even if not original :-)


    PS DD - Glad you made it!

  16. At 10:35 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Mary #11 - dreams can be disturbing - we have no control over them.

    {{Hugs}} to you - try not to dwell on last night too much.

    On a lighter note ..... CLP makes the hallowed pages of Heat again this week, but sadly without Enzo.

    Laters amigos.

    x x

  17. At 10:50 AM on 14 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    MWK - what a terrible dream Mary. I hope you feel a bit calmer now that you've shared it and that hopefully you can put it to the very back of your mind.

    I find my dreams often mirror something I've watched on the TV - you didn't watch Trial & Retribution did you? That was quite brutal, like your dream, and there were frequent flashbacks.

    I hope your day gets better xx

    jillygoat xx

    PS I laughed out loud when I heard DD's story on the show - try explaining that to someone who hasn't got a clue what we get up to on here every day!

  18. At 11:02 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning Chums

    Hey Valentines Day. Poohy. Its always embarassing, isn't it, either no valentines, or some, who you don't know who they are from.

    I sat this morning, and looked thru a pile of photos from 20 years to date and looked at the changes in me and my husband and the one thing that didn't change is the way we look at each other. The eyes might have crinkled slightly, and the hair was once a natural dark, but the look we give each other is still the same. And it filled me with a warm fuzzy feeling - that's what Valentines all about. Recognising your love.

    I went and gave him a big kiss. I'll always love him like this. Seriously.

    Happy Valentines, from a Dogwithnobrain, but very waggy Tail.

    X X X

  19. At 11:02 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Ginnie-pig wrote:

    Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris, Chris! Chill man!!

    Original or not, valentines day is just a good excuse for all of us who are gooey at heart to express that gooey-ness proudly and flatly ignore all humbug-ism!

    i woke my fella with fried egg on toast cut in hearts covered in red ketchup... oh how we giggled!

    Yes, you can do that any day but its just NICE to feel special, nice to know ur making someone you care about feel special, so why not just indulge in it :0)

    DD, im so glad the yellow prezzie wasn't a phone book, i had a horrible feeling then....

  20. At 11:05 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    To the person who pressed a card through my letter box this morning and ran away, thank you x

    To the person who has sent flowers and chocolates to my place of work, thank you xx

    To the person who has arranged the bi-plane to fly across the sky just now, it's banner reading:
    XXX I LOEV YOU LAHEZ XXX, thank you.

    To the person who sent the Newberry Fruits, AFTER ALL THIS TIME YOU STILL KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME???

  21. At 11:14 AM on 14 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Mary #11,

    What a terrible dream! No wonder you were in tears. I have no idea what dreams mean, but your mum and dad triumphed over the guy by beating him up and then dumping him somewhere. Were they letting you know they are looking after each other and that they are coping, wherever they are?

    C xx

  22. At 11:47 AM on 14 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Me again!

    One of the girls I work with has just received 15 red roses - they are utterly beautiful! I've changed my mind - Valentine's Day is not a rip off, Love Is Lovely!

    C xx

    P.S. Why 15, not 12 roses? Perhaps buy 12, get 3 free!

  23. At 11:50 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Today I have a warm glow! I am content that between my blog and Chris going national with it, I made a number of people cheery.

    My work here is done!!

    My task is fulfilled!

    DD out

    PS Happy Birthday Vambo

    PPS Sorry Hazel, but it's the thought that counts not the dyslexia!!

    PPPS All xxxxxxx

  24. At 11:54 AM on 14 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    DWNB - well done you xx

    It's taken 24 years of dodgy marriages and various attempts at love to be where I am now with 'im indoors. To me love isn't about flowers and cards or even meals out (although I'm v v excited as I don't know where we're going yet) but it's the unspoken words and gestures that stay with you for longer.

    Last Valentine's Day was our first one but I was in NZ with my brother and family and didn't fly home until Feb 16th. However, he'd hidden a Valentine's card in my suitcase and had arranged a gift for me via my sister-in-law so that "I knew I was loved even on the other side of the world". This year we're together .....

    I wish you and Mr DWNB many more happy days like this xx

    jillygoat xx

  25. At 12:26 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Hi all
    Happy Valentines
    Hope we all gave/got cards from those we love/love us.

    I'm not saying much as seem to be constantly BP'd of late

    Take care

  26. At 12:28 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hello chaps and chapettes, the lovely Chris, and the Ace Drivetime team

    I also hated valentines day as a child/teenager because I didn't get a card either (mum's try, but it's not the same is it?) I was lucky because today my mum was staying so I was able to give HER a valentines card and a wee pewter heart.
    Birds twttering- me and mum had to leave house at 6.30am today to get to the airport, and even though it was dark, they were twittering..what happy souls!
    Restaurants - I hope he's worked it out, otherwise it could be Hell. I went to his mentors restuarent quite alot in the nineties (lived in smoke, had expense account) and once, to maitre d horror I asked for the Mushroom soup - rather than cappachio of girroles..Ho Hum!

    DD - I will have to listen again, cos the antics sound v funny...I wondered if the yellow gift could be a packet of custard?

    EZLAH - I though you loved newberry fruits.. could be a good raffle prize for tonight?

    Me and husband are off to a dance tonight, very excited...he's got his suit already pressed and I am wearing a costume (it's not a secret, but the fluffy tail just won't stay on)

    Love Caroline X

  27. At 12:53 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Fi Gordon wrote:

    Not bothered about Valentine's Day, me, especially as my wedding anniversary is a week beforehand. I don't feel comfortable with the idea that you have to tell someone you love them just because of the date - love shouldn't need an agenda.

    However I do remember feeling very loved as a little girl when my grandad used to send me a card each Feb 14th - signing himself as Wun Who Knows! Bless him. It's not all bad, I guess.

  28. At 12:53 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Ho Hum. No surprise flowers to work yet from Mr Diva ... no worries ... he can wash up after the takeaway tonight!

    Been feeling very low recently so this morning I booked up a series of appointments just for me ... tomorrow nails, in March a new hair-do and in May a spa day. Something to look forward to - hurrah!

    All I need now is a new job to go with it!

    Yep -you're right, portacabin life is really getting to me - I need a lie down in a dark room with a certain spesh person (or my beloved cat!)

    CtD x x x

  29. At 01:02 PM on 14 Feb 2007, mwk wrote:

    Thanks Chrissie and Jillygoat xx

    DWNB - Long may your happy days continue.

    I have a treasured photograph of my Mum and Dad where my Dad looks so adoringly at my Mum :-)

    Mary xx

  30. At 01:06 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Parker wrote:

    I just had a dream about it

    A young woman was taking an afternoon nap. After she woke up, she told her husband, "I just dreamed that you gave me a pearl necklace for Valentine's day. What do you think it means?"

    "You'll know tonight." he said.

    That evening, the man came home with a small package and gave it to his wife. Delighted, she opened it--only to find a book entitled "The meaning of dreams".

  31. At 01:09 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    actually, DD, I'm being very presumptious thinking it was for me at all. My own fair city has an internationally wide and diverse populace, any one of whom may indeed be named Lahez and that they may well be loeved.

    DWNB, that's gorgeous darlin'! You made me go all 'aaaaaaaaaah'. It's d-lightful, it's d-licious, it's d-lovely....

    ...and what a beautiful day! Now the rain has stopped, all the birds are going bonkers singing their heads off!

    Although I suppose strictly speaking it would only be 50% of the birds.

    Oh, life is bigger, bigger than you

  32. At 01:57 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Is it just me or is anyone else slightly dissapointed when you know who the card is from? Sometimes it's nice to be admired from afar, if you know what I mean......


  33. At 02:00 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Guess What my Ring Tone is?

    Grow Old With You, from Wedding Singer, Adam Sandler.

    Its enough to make you puke eh?


  34. At 02:05 PM on 14 Feb 2007, hopes not raised too high wrote:

    For everyone

    Just ninetynine pee
    You spent on a card
    Coz we've got it tough
    Us goin's are hard
    But let me down later
    And let it be said
    T'fryin' pan'll connect wit'
    The side of your head.

    just in case...

  35. At 03:03 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:


    Well, I got a card and don't know who it is from. I have my suspicions, but everybody has denied it so far. Its a very nice card, all hand made and carefully thought out so I presume its from one of my girlfriends rather than a chap - sorry guys, but you know its true.

    I'm sure they will come clean eventually.

    Other than that, yes I'm going out tonight, yes that makes me a numptie, and no I don't care!

    Film and food, Hot Fuzz -so romantic, then Chinese takeaway in the car with plastic forks and everything! I can't wait!

    Flowers and chocolates to all,

    MW, a!

  36. At 03:33 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Having no luck posting so far today........... and I do have a valid licence. Humph!!! Hopefully this innocuous little missive may break the farrago of what gets through the BP lines.

    You may not realize it, but it's 100% true.

    1. There are at least two people in this world that you would die for.

    2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

    3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

    4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

    5. Every night, SOMEONE thinks about you before they go to sleep.

    6. You mean the world to someone.

    7. You are special and unique.

    8. Someone that you don't even know exists loves you.

    9. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good comes from it.

    10. When you think the world has turned its back on you take another look.

    11. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

    And always remember....when life hands you Lemons, ask for tequila and salt and call me over!

    Good friends are like stars........ you don't always see them, but you know they are always there.

    "Whenever God closes one door He always opens aAnother, even though sometimes it's Hell in the hallway"

    I would rather have one rose and a kind word from a friend while I'm here than a whole truck load when I'm gone.

    PS Happy Birthday to Vambo and anyone else celebrating today.
    PPS. Mr DD - When I heard your missive read out I wondered whether Mrs DD might hear it too. I don't think you wrote anything negative, infact I thought it was quite sweet in a dopey male sort of way. Anyway hope you’re on the road to recovery.
    PPPS Emily - it was the DEAF LADY WHO'S 80 ON FRIDAY.
    PPPPS Ms Love - hope you're well {{{just cos}}}
    Finally ...... best wishes to all the Val's out there.
    Have a lovely humpday all.

  37. At 03:51 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Oh yes Romance .. what better than sailing down the Manchester Ship canal in a dingy with lots of Champers.

    You only live twice.

  38. At 04:03 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff Lambie Pie!

    And a happy V Day to you too … even though it is a rip off and we should be telling our loved ones every day just how precious they are to us.

    I should think you’d be feeling quite disturbed after such a bizarre nightmarish dream! I wonder if the ‘offers’ have been on your mind?! Given I’ve missed a couple of shows, I wasn’t sure if you were still keeping us in suspenders as to what the offers were. And I STILL haven’t seen your Comic Relief ….. The only one I ever see is Ricky Gervais, which I find rather grating!

    Thank you for another mention of The Girl From The Sofa! We were wondering if she was still around! That must be so delightful knowing that you have that to look forward to every week! I think you should have a separate blog for a restaurants. We don’t get to London as often as we’d like, but we love eating out and it’s always such a disappointment to get a duff restaurant, as happened in China Town last December. Can we lend you and The Girl From The Sofa our daughter, Charis, so that you can see which restaurants are child friendly?! And now you’ve left us wondering which famous chef’s restaurant you were in! Don’t these places realise that good service is just as important as good food? I really grudge paying good money in a restaurant when the service sucks! And, worse, I hate those places where the maitre de and waiting staff make you feel like they are doing you a favour by allowing you to sit in their restaurant! Why should I tip when I’m made to feel like I’m a nuisance imposing on the staff!?

    Anyways, it’s a bright a breezy day here in the far North, and we have a busy day to day. Little Fishes (Mums&Tots club) with Charis and her wee pal in an hour, and then poor Moc Dubh (Gaelic for Black Pig!), Charis’s Guinea pig is going for the snip this afternoon …. poor wee lad!!! I think, to show your sympathies for Moc Dubh (pronounced Moch, as in loch, Doo, as in BOO!) you should play The First Cut Is The Deepest, by Rod Stewart, tonight! Go on … the poor wee lad will be in need of cheering up when we get him home tonight!

    Anyway, have a great day, Chris. Hope you and Enzo have a nice brisk walk. See you at 5pm.


    Susan, Highland lass

  39. At 04:19 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:


  40. At 04:24 PM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Happy V Day to all!

    As usual the postgirlie could hardly cope with the amount of mail for me this morning... bills, junk mail, catalogues and bank statements... and as usual no pretty pink or red envelopes unless you count a red bill. Ho hom! Not to worry at least I've got the Brits to look forward to tonight, I'm making mexican fajitas for tea for me and my mate Mimi, far better than being taken out for an over priced meal in a poncy restaurant with loads of other couples pretending to like each other... Chance would be a fine thing!

    Catch ya's later


  41. At 04:44 PM on 14 Feb 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Afternoon bloggers and schloggers,

    Ding Dong Chris, the lady on the sofa is still around ;-) Maybe a quiet night in with a take away would be on the cards…woooo!!!

    I have to admit Valentines Day has really passed me by. I have not participated for too many years to mention. I have no interest in it as I find it a commercial attempt to prize money from your pocket in such a way with inflated prices and naff gifts.

    No you may see me a as not being romantic but I would have to disagree. I tell Mrs B that I love her every day (and sometimes more than once a day) I buy her flowers a couple of times a month whether she wants them or not. I shower her in jewellery to the point where it has got ridicules to be honest. Is romance doing the things that are unexpected are doing what is expected? I prefer doing it simply because I want to and to make/keep her happy. For me Mrs B is my Valentine every day not just once a year. ;-)))

    So happy Valentines to all who do! Xx


  42. At 04:48 PM on 14 Feb 2007, annie b wrote:

    Ho Hum - Having a really bad day, the sun is shining, I was supposed to be having a half day and b* it, the data file got corrupted and now I am sitting here waiting for it to rebuild. And to boot, no valentine flowers for me. Mind you have just celebrated a b'day and an anni where I got spoilt rotten so won't complain. Still, the dinner should be on and a bottle of something nice opened for me when and if I finally get home. Keep smiling all and enjoy what ever it is you're up to on this day.


  43. At 04:58 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Jill wrote:

    Great blog, CLP, and I'm so pleased that the Wizards gave me some time off work, giving me a chance to catch up with everyone else as well.

    St Valentine's Love-Heart day is fine by me. Some people need reminding to appreciate each other and all they have together.

    Sorry to read about house-allergies and life-allergies. Just keep listening to your heart.

    Liked the KARMA man last night. The more I hear about other religions, faiths, and ways of living life happily, the more I find we have in common at the core of it all. How geat is that - we need to listen to each other more and maybe that would help us all to live together side by side.

    Love to everyone

    Jill xxxx

  44. At 05:11 PM on 14 Feb 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    The Biker

    A man was riding his motorcycle along a California beach when suddenly the sky clouded above his head and, in a booming voice, the Lord said, "Because you have TRIED to be faithful to me in all ways, I will grant you one wish. The biker pulled over and said, "Build a bridge to Hawaii so I can ride over anytime I want."

    The Lord said, "Your request is materialistic, think of the enormous challenges for that kind of undertaking; the supports required to reach the bottom of the Pacific and the concrete and steel it would take! It will nearly exhaust several natural resources. I can do it, but it is hard for me to justify your desire for worldly things. Take a little more time and think of something that could possibly help mankind."

    The biker thought about it for a long time. Finally, he said, "Lord, I wish that I and all men could understand women; I want to know how she feels inside, what she's thinking when she gives me the silent treatment, why she cries, what she means when she says nothing's wrong, and how I can make a Woman truly happy."
    The Lord replied, "You want two lanes or four on that bridge?"


  45. At 06:11 PM on 14 Feb 2007, kate Knapp wrote:

    not sure if this is how to add to the blog - as I am a new blogger...have never blogged before.

    just been listening to talking talk - I talk all day long (am a university lecturer) and find when I get home it makes me talk more! Does anyone else find this??

    Hope you get this blog, do love the show - think you are brilliant and smileyx

  46. At 06:55 PM on 14 Feb 2007, anna wrote:


    These days we are so full of stories of failed marriages, infidelity, and rising divorce that i sometimes wonder how anyone stays together and happy. When i hear of people who have happy marriages and who still love their partners as muich (and probably more) as the day they married it inspires me to continue to love and appreciate my husband. value what i have and work hard to keep it.

    my parents have had 6 marriages between them, hardly an inspiration..... sorry to anyone that finds this sickly sweet, but thanks DWNB for telling it like it is and inspiring me. After only 3 years of marriage - I stil, and will continue to believe in it, love and romance.

    here endeth sickliness.

  47. At 08:46 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    One day I'll blog again....

  48. At 08:49 PM on 14 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Good grief.

    For a moment then I lost myself and thought that those two knuckleheads on the door who have been telling me all week

    You are not allowed to post comments

    Your name's not on the list, son. You ain't comin' in

    had turned their backs for a second and allowed me to slip in unoticed through the side door.

    I'll wake up in a minute.

  49. At 09:45 PM on 14 Feb 2007, sarah j wrote:

    Dont you worry about the Brits .... hes not a patch on you !!!
    The Fox was right .. you've moved on ok !


  50. At 12:30 AM on 15 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:

    "Late" Greetings!

    Re the Brits - "never look back"! We have moved on and thank the big man upstairs for it! Would you really want to be doing that again? Fun? Yes! Meaningful? No!

    Be a spectator, not a participant! Watch from the sidelines and see what one can learn from it.

    I've learned one thing; why would anyone want to be messing about in to the early hours when one has a raver in bed waiting for you? I know not! I assume Russell Brand didn't??

    Nos da bloggers!!

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