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Chris Evans | 07:44 UK time, Tuesday, 13 February 2007

Someone just told me,

鈥淵ou look really handsome, this morning.鈥

It鈥檚 a nice thing to say but鈥

鈥he bit, 鈥渢his morning,鈥 suggests that it鈥檚 a one off event. The second bit of the statement takes away from the first bit if you like.

Our producer, the mighty Helen of Troy (boy), often says things like,

鈥淭hat was a good show, for a Monday.鈥

Once again the more awake students amongst you will notice that the, 鈥渇or a Monday,鈥 somewhat deflates the, 鈥淭hat was a good show.鈥

I love to blog early but some days it鈥檚 just not possible. I am in a position where I鈥檓 fortunate enough to have a pad in the city for weekdays and working and a lovely house in the sticks for weekends and wisdom seeking. When I鈥檓 鈥渙ut there鈥 my travel times 鈥渂ack in here鈥 prohibit an early blog and a lucid thought. When I wake up here in the relative simplicity of my one bedroom crash pad, it鈥檚 on with the computer and we鈥檙e off and running with what we want to say without the rest of the world getting in our head before we have chance to do so.

There may be some hope upon the horizon however. As I may have to relocate back to The Big Smoke permanently.

Here's the thing, it seems I may be allergic to my new house. Whenever I鈥檓 there for over say half a day or so, I come down with the most dreadful fluey symptoms, like a bad bout of hay fever. This weekend was particularly miserable, so bad and I feel so good today that I wouldn鈥檛 care if I never saw the wretched place again.

Of course this last bit is a lie, I love my new house but the allergy is becoming a real problem.

It鈥檚 either a dust allergy, my sofa and bed were previously in storage in a barn for three years and I am very sensitive to dust. It鈥檚 either an allergy to horses, the lady that was there before was a big horsie fan and if I so much as look at a horse I鈥檒l be sneezing for the rest of the week. The third possibility is a little more of a concern:

I have been unpacking boxes for the last couple of months. It鈥檚 something I鈥檓 happy to take my time doing, whenever I find something interesting for example I鈥檒l dwell on it for a while, maybe even the rest of the day. But what if, what if just maybe, I鈥檓 allergic to my own past ?

What if I鈥檓 only able to live now, right now and if I ever try to live any other way God will have his sneezy way with my nose and his evil itchy way with my eyes and throat.

I remember watching a Woody Allen film when one of his characters went out of focus. The director having checked the camera declared that it was not a fault with the equipment but the actor himself had become fuzzy. He was immediately sent home where his wife and children were informed of his unfortunate dilemma, it was a terrible thing for a family to have to cope with. An out of focus dad !

Well we鈥檒l see how things pan out on the city-country balance front but seriously I fear the worst, I may have to sell up and move on. Whether it鈥檚 a genuine allergy or merely the wizards telling me that my true home is elsewhere, I am open minded as always and fear many things but never change.

CLP. x


  1. At 08:15 AM on 13 Feb 2007, The Debster wrote:

    You're more than handsome. You're treasure.


  2. At 08:20 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    I woke up this morning to be greeted by the sight of naked Mrs DD stood in front of me, questioning me on the state of her body. Having finally cleared my eyes of crusty build up 5 minutes after they had actually cleared, and spending 5 minutes getting"the whole thing" in focus (This pretending to clear eyes also allows the brain to kick into some sort of gear). I answered each and every one of her questions.
    No you don't have cellulite
    No they aren't the same size, but the difference is so small that you don't look deformed.
    No I cant see any lumps .... nor can I feel any!
    No your thighs aren't flabby, nor is your stomach!

    All this at 6 o'clock in the morning is too much!!
    and why do I know that the same questions will be being asked within the month! The view is fantastic, but the questions .......... ugh!

    One thing fellas don't ever say I love you however you look!! OUCH!!!!

    Safely installed at work now, but we'll wait and see if this blog is posted!


    DD out

  3. At 08:26 AM on 13 Feb 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Hi Christoff,

    To acheive perfect karma in ones life is almost impossible to acheive,and when you do, very difficult to maintain.

    Career , relationships , social life , home life , family , to find the perfect balance ain,t easy.

    My youngest sister is allergic to horses and cats, she moved into a house that formerly contained cats and it was 4 months before her allergy abated.

    You,ve got a good double act going with the locker cocker, young Saunders keep up the good work baby.


  4. At 08:50 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Morning gang!

    Didn't get to post much last week - and when I did, they never appeared - doh!

    CLP - p'raps you're just a 'towney' at heart. Whatever it is, I'm sure that things will soon level out.

    I've come to a decision myself, which could be quite dramatic .... I've decided that portacabin life isn't for me and I'm now seeking another job. It will almost certainly mean a drop in salary by at least 拢5K and the loss of my beautiful company car, but hey - I'm just not happy doing what I'm doing.

    Having suffered from depression in previous years I am starting to recognise the signs - lack of sleep, anxiety attacks, self-doubt, a chcocolate dependency - and I'm sure not going back into that black hole. Having talked things over with Mr Diva he said he'll support me whatever I decide as anything's preferable than having a 'mad wife' again (another thing men shouldn't say, perhaps?!)

    All I can say is thank heavens (Evans!) for this group - my little corner of sanity in my 8 - 5 portacabin life.

    Moonwalk training is coming on a treat - although I got absolutely drowned last night doing my 2 miles in a downpour. 14 weeks to go until the 26.2 mile real thing. Yikes!

    Right, best at least try and do some work - and if anyone's looking for a red-hot PA in Suffolk, you know where I am ..... ! !

    CtD x x

  5. At 08:50 AM on 13 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mornin' Sneezy!

    I suspect it will be a while before you can tell if you're truly allergic to the house, or whether it's just the remnants of the previous owner still hanging about!

    Could you perhaps rent some 'clean' furniture for a month or so and see how it goes then? I suspect there are some dust mites rampaging through your furniture from the years of living in a barn which certainly won't help with allergies!You love that house and it would be a shame to have to sell up but your health is more important.

    Hope you feel better today, anyway.

    jillygoat xx

  6. At 08:51 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Morning - good to have an early blog.... Early morning thoughts are often the clearest we'll have all day - there's a sense of newness that hasn't yet been destroyed by the cynical, the greedy and the downright horrid....

    Re: your 'allergy' - how terrible - vacuum your bed, get your boxes emptied ASAP and employ a team of cleaners to come in and give your new home a really good clean - that should all help.

    (DWNB - Hope you're feeling better today.)

    I'm in trouble. Absolutely, completely in trouble. When I restarted this dating lark, never in my wildest dreams did I expect to meet a really lovely guy - never mind TWO in such quick succession! Had first date with K last night - my goodness, we had a fantastic time - he's just phoned me - just to say hi.....I'm seeing him again tonight. A texted first thing to say that he was looking forward to seeing me tomorrow.....I don't know what to do - didn't want to 'settle' for the first nice guy to come along (Hazel - so right), but on the other hand, I didn't think I'd meet a second, equally good guy at the same time! Am going to have to really think about this, because the last thing I want to do is cause any upset, therefore, I'm not going to blog on dating matters any more...

    Blue skies and red eyes indeed Chris, but no orange peel here!!!! (Except for the stuff in the bin from the fruit I had for brekkie.)

    Did Moose blog yesterday, or did I miss him? It does seem to me that blogging appears to have slowed down somewhat on previous weeks, however, given the technical problems of late, I'm not surprised!

    Have a Tasty Tuesday all,

    S xx.

    P.S. If your blog is rejected for whatever reason, just use your browsers 'Back' button to take you back to your blog and then copy and paste (into a Word doc), so that you can upload later when Blog is sorted. X.

  7. At 08:55 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi Chris, I haven't written for a few days, life's been getting in the way, you know how it is!

    My little boy is someone who is allergic to lots of things, he's always sneezing, dogs, eggs and peanuts give him hives,he carries an EPIPEN, and i worry about him when he's at a party and I'm not with him. He's getting older and will be going to high school in September, so i know I need to back off and give him some independence, but it's not easy. But allergic to your own past, that sounds even worse!

    I watched Click last night with Adam Sandler, why is it that American filmmakers think we can't cope with a sad ending? They always have to slot a happy, don't worry everything's OK really, bit onto the end. It drives me crazy!!

    Em xx

    PS I was reading your blog the other day and my seven year old looked at your picture and said, "You're not going to divorce dad for HIM are you?" Kids don't you just love 'em?!

  8. At 08:57 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Anonymous wrote:

    You know - I was having this conversation with my husband last night - we're in the process of moving house and have spent the last few weeks boxing up 'stuff'. He has had a cold for the last 6 weeks too. Last night when I got home after a late meeting he suddenly started sniffing again, whereas he'd been fine all evening.

    We came to the only decision possible, that he was allergic to me and we would have to get divorced. In the meantime we will wait and see whether the protracted cold was really a result of the dust flying around the house due to packing up stuff, in which case the divorce will be off and happiness resume once more :o)

    :o) Jo

    PS - I spect it's the dust thing, try sleeping with the window open with an extra pillow under your noggin.

  9. At 09:05 AM on 13 Feb 2007, tobes wrote:

    Morning all...

    Now that was a blog CLP... Thank you, I've not felt the charisma and inspiration that flows from your words for a while, but today, I felt it & I thank you deeply!

    Fumigation, new sofa, new bed... You have no doubt an extremely beautiful country dwellings and you should move on from your old furniture as you said you might be allergic to your own past, Im not trying to be rude but I'm sure both bed & sofa has a past as well! Treat yourself and your new home and you'll feel a sense of freshness!

    Have a great day all

  10. At 09:20 AM on 13 Feb 2007, tobes wrote:

    Morning all...

    Now that was a blog CLP... Thank you, I've not felt the charisma and inspiration that flows from your words for a while, but today, I felt it & I thank you deeply!

    Fumigation, new sofa, new bed... You have no doubt an extremely beautiful country dwellings and you should move on from your old furniture as you said you might be allergic to your own past, Im not trying to be rude but I'm sure both bed & sofa has a past as well! Treat yourself and your new home and you'll feel a sense of freshness!

    Have a great day all

  11. At 09:22 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Good morning Chris!

    Here's a wee thought for you...


    Perhaps it isn't the house at all but the circumstances. We all suffer with a cold or a hundred other things at the weekend because it is the only chance our body gets to relax. The rest of the week, we are rushing about to work, to home, to friends, to appointments &c. &c. so anything we may be harbouring, has the time to grab us then.


    Perhaps it isn't the house at all but the circumstances - yes I know that started the same way BUT how about if you view it as not being ill but as recovering from a week in the city. Your lovely new house is a haven which is clearing all the pent up-ness you have been carrying about all week.


    If someone says to me 'You look lovely today', I smile and thank them for the compliment. I don't think that maybe I didn't yesterday, but it's possible that the way the light is shining, or even circumstances again, have prompted this person to remark.

    If Helen says that she thinks that was a good show for a Monday, I reckon all she means is that she, or you, has possibly had a bit of a heavy weekend and is glad the show went well despite that. I'm sure it is in no way intended to be a negative criticism, and is probably a mere figure of speech.

    If I woke up in the morning and saw you on the other pillow, I'd be totally lost for words, so consider yourself very fortunate indeed that this person was actually able to talk at all...

    Vive les compliments!


  12. At 09:26 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Jo wrote:

    You know - I was having this conversation with my husband last night - we're in the process of moving house and have spent the last few weeks boxing up 'stuff'. He has had a cold for the last 6 weeks too. Last night when I got home after a late meeting he suddenly started sniffing again, whereas he'd been fine all evening.

    We came to the only decision possible, that he was allergic to me and we would have to get divorced. In the meantime we will wait and see whether the protracted cold was really a result of the dust flying around the house due to packing up stuff, in which case the divorce will be off and happiness resume once more :o)

    :o) Jo

    PS - I spect it's the dust thing, try sleeping with the window open with an extra pillow under your noggin.

  13. At 09:49 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    CLP, you're always gorgeous - and I'm slightly jealous, who are you seeing so early in the morning that's telling you you're looking gorgeous?????

    I'd go for the house cleaning solution too - just get it zapped asap - including carpets, the bed/any furniture that's been in storage. Then open all the windows and let the wonderful fresh air in for a few hours.

    What a gorgeous day it is today - have a feeling it's going to be a great one.

    A table mes amis!


  14. At 09:59 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Jainie wrote:

    What an excellent blog. Note the full stop! It is thought provoking and honest, I admire your ability, never esteem, in making yourself potentially vulnerable to readers & listeners.

    If it is an allergy, I am sure there is an allergy expert who will come on the show and help you find a way to hold on to your dream country place, but like you say, if it is the higher power directing you to move on, who are we to disagree?

    Wishing you a day, a week & even your forever of clear tubes and un-itchy eyes! Love, Jx

  15. At 10:07 AM on 13 Feb 2007, KATIEKJR wrote:

    A very good friend of mine once said that you have good face days and bad face days, and when someone says 'you look good today' you should take the comment into your heart and smile more because someone has been lovely to you for no reason and it would improve your muscles making every day a good face day!

    Sounds good to me, just never sure that it actually works, but smiling always makes me feel better!

  16. At 10:23 AM on 13 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    Missing this blog so much - I can't get through most days, really frustrating!

    Chris, you know, maybe subconsciously you don't fancy the new house. Your allergy is definitely real, but it could be coming from your subconscious! It's really weird but this definitely happens when we feel uneasy or unhappy about something.

    Years ago I was unemployed for about four months. I felt totally phyiscally ill and was convinced I had a stomach ulcer. I drank gallons of milk, took way too many painkillers because I was in agony. Fast forward to when I got myself a new job, the symptoms vanished almost overnight!

    However, your whole blog makes sense - the horses, the furniture being stored and indeed unpacking all the old memories! Hope it all gets sorted!

    Heard most of the show last night, it was flying on all cylinders!

    Have a good day everyone!

    C xx

  17. At 10:30 AM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris.

    Why don't you hire a really ace cleaning crew to give your country house a really good going over. Get all the dust and the like removed, and your soft furnishings professionally cleaned. Hopefully that will clear up your probems!

    Don't give up on te countryside to soon! Summer's on it's way and that's the best time of year to be out of town!

    Have a good one.


  18. At 10:36 AM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    CLP... you look great!

    Nuff said on that!

    Now, get yourself some contract cleaners, if neccessary new furniture, new carpets... give it a couple of months and then you'll have a better idea.

    I like this idea of being allergic to your past though what's that phrase? ... "the best thing about the past is that's it's over" ... move on and live your big life!


  19. At 10:59 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Lol Hazel - lost for words in a good way or a bad way at seeing CLP on the pillow next to you???

    Think you could be right about the house being where Chris can get rid of all the stress from the week - ever noticed when you go on hols that you quite often get a bit poorly? Like your body is finally able to give a sigh of relief and get rid of all the toxins you've been suppressing ...

  20. At 11:09 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Nicki wrote:

    OK I give up!!!

    I have just tried to send a nice post offering some tips to Mr E, and all I get is a snotty note saying 'YOU ARE NOT ALLOWED TO POST ON THIS BLOG'

    Why not?????

    Grumpy Nicki

  21. At 11:28 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Hey babies

    Sammie, glad to hear you are keeping your options open. Just in case, however, I have placed my favourite hat on order, I just have to let them know when it needs defrosting. Please can you ensure that the congregation only uses ecologically friendly confetti.

    CtD - Careful out there!

    Good luck my darlins'!


    ps DD, what did you spend your birthday vouchers on please?

  22. At 11:28 AM on 13 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    I am inclined to offer a combo explanation...
    1. The dust from your furniture
    2. Stress during the week

    I've always found that the sniffles come out as the adrenaline levels drop. When you are stressed and running on pure adrenaline all week, your body just needs to recover somehow as it's not possible to keep going on that high all the time - it's like trying to run acar in first gear ALL THE TIME, even on the motorway.

    You need to put her up into 6th, hit cruise control and, well, cruise...

    A lot of people I know (including me) seem to have had a permanent sniffle for the last 3 or 4 months. Sometimes the adrenaline/stress/focus of work masks it during the week but take them away and it's back to base camp. Don't know what it is but it seems more extensive this year for lots of people, especially those hovering around a certain age like you and me...


    PS Sammie - have been trying to post, but getting the same problems as everyone else. I haven't been as patient as others to keep trying!

  23. At 11:32 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Ro wrote:

    Morning Christoph!

    My sister-in-law, the lovely Snonkella (Pig Princess) suffers from the same allergy-type thing whenever she goes to her parents' house near Monmouth - it's known as the Narth Nose. If you're still living in Hascombe (which I don't think you are - but you must have had a truly gorgeous kitchen because my mate Simon did it) perhaps it could be a case of Hascombe Hooter?

    Mange tout, mes amis. xxx

  24. At 11:34 AM on 13 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Tinsel - you're right! I've noticed that once I'm away from home on holiday etc my body seems to relax completely and it's at that point that I get a cold or worse. Whether it's our bodies catching up on rest, sleep etc I don't know, but it's bloody annoying! You feel like you need another holiday after that one ......

    Nicki - ironic isn't it? You try and post a goodie and when you get so frustrated cos it doesn't appear that you complain, that's the post that appears! It's happened to us all x

    jillygoat x

  25. At 11:44 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Hazel, Thanks for the reminder about el valentino! Carte, les fleurs, Hotel Chocolat, Vin rouge! on way home 2nite.

    wrt birthday vouchers, they are currently being held in safe storage in The First Municipal Purse of Mrs DD awaiting time lapse to holibob in Cuba in a couple of weeks time! We both experience the relax and get a cold syndrome on holiday normally about 3 days in to relaxation.

    DD out

    PS Christophe, Is it more time spent with Enzo causing your snuffles?

    PPS How long is the Fox away for?

    PPPS hope Nic is OK

    PPPPS Ou est le Moose?

  26. At 11:54 AM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Check out www.allergyuk.org/ for details about their tests which can help to find out exactly what's getting to you.

    It would be horrible if you had to leave the house etc and then found it was just one plant in the garden which affected you or just the paint on the doorframes etc!

    I love unpacking old stuff and then dwelling on it. I've got a kind of memory box with loads of old photos, concert programmes, newspaper clippings etc and I could spend hours on it. (In fact, I rarely look at it cos I know I'll not get anything else done!)

    Good luck on finding out what's wrong with you. And, you are ALWAYS handsome, maybe just particularly more so this morning!

    Love ya loads. Jonahwood xxx

  27. At 11:56 AM on 13 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:


    Definitely in a good way!

    ...and certainly a bit of a puzzled way for both of us I expect...!

  28. At 11:57 AM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff!

    You look really handsome, full stop, honey! (But don鈥檛 tell my hubby I said that!) Stop letting these niggley wee doubts run freestyle round your head! And your shows are always 100% pure gold! I missed last nights so I鈥檓 listening again now that my daughter has got fed up with me blowing bubbles 鈥 at least, I thought she was fed up but now she鈥檚 shouting out the bathroom window for her cat to come and see them!

    What we want to know is 鈥.. who is around at 7.30am in your London pad to tell you that you are handsome?! Huh, huh!? Come on 鈥. spill! You can鈥檛 dangle a wee snippet like that then totally disregard it without filling us in, naughty Christoff!

    It is lovely when you blog early 鈥. I wasn鈥檛 up early enough to catch it first thing, but there is something heart warming about opening up your blog page and finding a brand spanking new blog to read! Perhaps on your travels in from out there you should stick on a favourite CD and use a Dictaphone to record whatever run through your mind, then I鈥檓 sure Nic or someone would type it out for you over the phone if it saves time and stress for you! Life is too short, Chris, to be stressed out and constantly striving to meet other folk鈥檚 expectations. Be good to yourself and do the things that you know are right for you to do.

    What a shock to hear that you may be allergic to the house! If it鈥檚 an old house, it鈥檚 probably been gathering dust bunnies for centauries! Perhaps you should get a specialist cleaning firm in to clean the place from top to bottom, including your upholstery. My brother is allergic to animal fur, but manages to tolerate our daughter鈥檚 cat. But if we go near horses he can鈥檛 come near us as it brings on his asthma. Dust and animal hairs are a booger to get rid of, so you鈥檇 need to make sure the company guarantees that their products and machines are not only eco-friendly (for you AND Enzo!) but that they definitely get rid of it all. Make sure that you have mattress and bedding covers on all your beds, duvets and pillows - sounds excessive but it makes a huge difference! It also keeps you bedding and mattresses cleaner and fresher for longer as it stops the skin flakes that the dust mites feed on getting through! Yuck! Make sure the pore size is 10 microns or less, though!

    Maybe you need to make sure that you don鈥檛 have wee visitors coming in when you鈥檙e not there! Insects (like cockroaches) and animal pest (like mice) can be the worst contributors to allergens in the air! Make sure the house isn鈥檛 too hot or humid - just leaving a couple of windows open to create air flow through the house can make a huge difference. A dehumidifier is a must in an older house - it not only cuts down on allergens but controls moulds as well. You can get them with built in carbon filters, HEPA or electrostatic filters and anit-fungal or anti-bacterial filters. Air purifiers are great too and it鈥檚 best to get a quality vacuum cleaner with HEPA filters to trap fine particles. Damp dusting is better as it doesn鈥檛 disturb the dust so much and send it into the air! Don鈥檛 throw in the towel yet 鈥 some things we have to fight for! The fight just makes them more precious. Sometimes obstacles are put in our way just to see how much we really want something - even when it sometimes feels like this isn鈥檛 the place to be, it actually is exactly where we should be at that moment in time!

    I think we are all allergic to our past!!!! It鈥檚 great looking back on the good bits. But then the bad memories or the regrets start creeping in and it drags us down! The past is done and dusted (get it!?) and should remain there. We seek forgiveness for the things that we should, and move on from regrets and don鈥檛 even entertain 鈥榳hat ifs鈥! Life is too short, I say 鈥 again!

    Right, I鈥檓 off to listen again 鈥 yup, still haven鈥檛 had the chance cos the girly wanted crisps, then she wanted her slippers on, then she wanted to play with the water tap, then she wanted her slippers off, then she wanted her Uncle鈥檚 crisps, then she wanted Cbeebies, then she wanted her wellies on 鈥 get the drift!?

    I鈥檝e had a rotten weekend, which is why I didn鈥檛 get the chance to catch up with you and your bloggers and blogettes. I鈥檓 full of the cold, my throat and head are killing me, the girly has been having mega tantrums, and hubby and I have been falling out about it! Deep joy!

    Have a great day, Chris. I鈥檒l be back later to see what all the other loverly people are saying to it!


    Susan, Highland lass

  29. At 01:04 PM on 13 Feb 2007, john wrote:

    Chris,"we鈥檙e off and running with what we want to say without the rest of the world getting in our head before we have chance to do so." This is a little worrying. Just how many are there residing in that head of yours? Your post seems a bit sad today. I joined a company once that had an office that had the fluey effect on me. I was fine once I had the flu jab. Maybe there are just different germs in your village and your not used to them yet. Chin up, you cant be allergic to your past cos you have been back on telly recently.

  30. At 01:56 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hey CLP

    I too do the face sneezing and flu-y thing. Well not as much any more.

    It was Asthma. Yeah, I always associated Asthma with Wheezing, but my allergic reaction with Asthma is to have streaming eyes, itchy skin and sneezing. The breathessness comes later when I haven't done anything about it.

    Now I've got an inhaler, I don't have half the problem. Is excellent. BUt in saying that. On Saturday, I was playing with a friends dog, and itched my face after playing with him, and spent the next 40 minutes til I got home and into the shower, scratching, sneezing and dripping eyes.



  31. At 01:57 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hey CLP

    I too do the face sneezing and flu-y thing. Well not as much any more.

    It was Asthma. Yeah, I always associated Asthma with Wheezing, but my allergic reaction with Asthma is to have streaming eyes, itchy skin and sneezing. The breathessness comes later when I haven't done anything about it.

    Now I've got an inhaler, I don't have half the problem. Is excellent. BUt in saying that. On Saturday, I was playing with a friends dog, and itched my face after playing with him, and spent the next 40 minutes til I got home and into the shower, scratching, sneezing and dripping eyes.

    Sammy - Thanking you for asking. Yes I am feeling much much better. I had a great nights sleep last night, did my son's paper round this morning and left the Port alone.

    Cheryl. Do it. I used to be mad, but now I'm just happy. I had a hot air balloon flight for a birthday, and seriously contemplated jumping out of it I was so unhappy, but it was while I was up there I thought... there has to be something better. And there was.

    And on the subject of Gorgeous.... Every morning I look in the mirror, and tell myself "You Look Gorgeous". When anyone asks me how I am at work, "Gorgeous". If you say it often enough, it becomes true. Of course, you have to put up with some hysterical responses to your reply of GORGEOUS.. but hey, they're just jealous.



  32. At 02:02 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hey CLP

    I too do the face sneezing and flu-y thing. Well not as much any more.

    It was Asthma. Yeah, I always associated Asthma with Wheezing, but my allergic reaction with Asthma is to have streaming eyes, itchy skin and sneezing. The breathessness comes later when I haven't done anything about it.

    Now I've got an inhaler, I don't have half the problem. Is excellent. BUt in saying that. On Saturday, I was playing with a friends dog, and itched my face after playing with him, and spent the next 40 minutes til I got home and into the shower, scratching, sneezing and dripping eyes.

    Sammy - Thanking you for asking. Yes I am feeling much much better. I had a great nights sleep last night, did my son's paper round this morning and left the Port alone.

    Cheryl. Do it. I used to be mad, but now I'm just happy. I had a hot air balloon flight for a birthday, and seriously contemplated jumping out of it I was so unhappy, but it was while I was up there I thought... there has to be something better. And there was.

    And on the subject of Gorgeous.... Every morning I look in the mirror, and tell myself "You Look Gorgeous". When anyone asks me how I am at work, "Gorgeous". If you say it often enough, it becomes true. Of course, you have to put up with some hysterical responses to your reply of GORGEOUS.. but hey, they're just jealous.



  33. At 02:04 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Hurry Hurry Hurry cause the air is crisp and dry you dont need a ticket it belongs to you and I.. Your going to find me out in the country....

    Well.. it's not all it's cracked up to be is it. Of course it's better if you live in posh country. I live in not so posh country.. well not for much longer hopefully.
    The local stores here, have a guy with no teeth running the post office and an assistant who could be a double for Cathy Burke.

    Location, Location, Location eh

  34. At 02:27 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:


  35. At 02:39 PM on 13 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Prof Plum - these people in your local shop aren't called Mr Pickering and Mrs Bronson are they? Just wondering .......

    jillygoat x

  36. At 03:06 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Cheryl (#4) - good luck!! Been there with the depression myself and know how debilitating it can be. Brilliant that Mr Diva supports you, am sure that now you've made the decision, everything will fall into place.

    Sammie (#6) - it's true they're like buses ...
    What an awful, but great, dilemma to be in!!

    Enjoy, stay calm, stay safe and hopefully your wizards will guide you towards the right person.


  37. At 03:08 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Hazel Love - sorry, but you're going to have to put your hat away (at least where I'm concerned) - I will NEVER, ever, ever, EVER, not in a million, EVER get married again. Done it twice now and still in mid-thirties - doesn't that tell you something? Either a) I always pick a wrong 'un or b) I'm not very good at being married. (But if I was to take that bold step again, I would most certainly have biodegradable confetti.)

    Susan S - sorry you've been ill. The family thing doesn't work work quite as well when the lynchpin's not firing on all cylinders, does it? I know just how you feel - {{{hugs}}}.

    S xx.

  38. At 03:23 PM on 13 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Prof Plum - the people who work in your local store - they're not called Mr Pickering and Mrs Bronson are they? Just wondering ........

    jillygoat x

  39. At 03:30 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    DWNB, you ARE gorgeous. I am gorgeous, you are gorgeous, he/she(?) is gorgeous, they are gorgeous, WE ARE ALL GORGEOUS!

    ...and it certainly doesn't hurt to have an affirmation of it sometimes does it!

    Just another brick in the wall eh?

    This brick, sonny, is wearing six inch killer heels, a black-rose basque and far more make-up than your mother would approve of. Gorgeous is more than just a state of mind honey!

    (Other heel heights (also available in metric) are available)

    You go girls (and boys)


  40. At 03:56 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wilsmar wrote:

    Good afternoon to all.....
    D'ya know I reckon it's this blasted weather. It doesn't stay "one way" long enough to get used to - this time last week I was having to put bed socks on it was that cold, this morning I was out shopping without a jacket. Last week I felt like dying I had a virus that took a charabanc ride around the body ending with blisters on inside of my mouth and around my lips. Luckily felt so bad that I didn't dare venture out and frighten anyone - had the "unclean" bells ready just in case!
    Now I feel really "up" and am organising jobs at work that I have prevaricated about for far too long. A friend/colleague has told me she is expecting a much wanted child and I haven't had any head pain so far today. It's a good day. Ooh and Life on Mars is back on tonight - brilliant.

    Mr E. I wonder if Helen (of Troy - other ancient enobled Cities available) had said that was a great Monday show; would that have left you pondering a down side to the comment? I think you have had a wealth of informed and intuative info to go on regarding your allergic reaction so no need to add to that. As for your 7.30ish commenter..... be glad today is a handsome day - and there was someone there to confirm your allure!!

    I'm lucky if anyone notices when I have had a hair cut and colour.

    Keep smiling - it confuses people.

  41. At 04:15 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Boo hiss, boo hiss
    The Bp don't seem to like me today (Ibet this one get's thru)

    Take care
    (very very grumpy now)

  42. At 04:18 PM on 13 Feb 2007, In cog nito wrote:

    Free the Rudgwick one!

  43. At 04:42 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Nigel wrote:


    I had the same allergy problem as you when I moved to the country 2 years ago. My wife took nearly 2 weeks cleaning and vacuuming the entire house from top to bottom (walls, floors and even ceilings, everything). It worked. Have not had a single sniff since.

    So I suggest that before you sell your house you move to your crash pad for 2 weeks and get some professional cleaners in to do the top to bottom thing with your country pad. I'm sure it will work.

    Try it


  44. At 04:56 PM on 13 Feb 2007, kate wrote:

    Could it possible be that your stint in the country is sooooo refreshing that your body is trying to push out all the rubbish that you have breathed in from the city and in fact if you moved to the country perminately the cold like symptoms would in fact disappeared completly???HMMMMMMMMMMM??????

  45. At 05:00 PM on 13 Feb 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Evening bloggers and schloggers,

    I am finding it hard to find time to blog ;-(

    Just in time for the show so better late than never ;-)

    I am looking forward to the show!


    P.S An elderly couple, who were both widowed, had been going out with each other for a long time.

    Urged on by their friends, they decided it was finally time to get married.

    Before the wedding, they went out to dinner and had a long conversation regarding how their marriage might work.

    They discussed finances, living arrangements and so on.

    Finally, the old gentleman decided it was time to broach the subject of their physical relationship.

    "How do you feel about sex?" he asked, rather trustingly.

    "Well," she said, responding very carefully, "I'd have to say, I would like it infrequently."

    The old gentleman sat quietly for a moment, then, looking over his glasses, he casually asked, "Is that one word or two words?"

  46. At 05:14 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:


    DWNB - I often reply to the question 'how are you?' with 'gorgeous, thanks'. My friends are used to it now, but it throws the shop assistants in my local supermarket. As yet none of them have dared to disagree.

    Must agree with most of you on Chris' symptoms. Furniture kept in store, boxes all over the place, new house - all that dust that was settled and now is very unsettled. All those mites and critters laying in wait for their next feed and having to wait from Monday through to Friday, no wonder they get a wriggle (groan) on when he's there!

    As for back handed compliments, I think we've all had our fair share.

    That outfit makes you look really slim.

    Have you lost weight?

    Which hairdresser did you go to this time? It looks lovely.

    I really fancy you today.

    You should wear turquiose more often.

    The best you can do is grab the compliment with pride, and ignore the hidden meaning. More likely than not the hidden meaning is hidden because it was unintentional in the first place.

    However, fellas, make sure your timing is impeccable. Treat your women as werewolves. There will be for most of the women 1 week each month where we are unable to be rational, understanding and gracious. We don't mean to be like this, it just happens. Our sarcasm senses are heightened, our hackles raised and we are ready to hunt down our prey. We will pick up on something, anything, you didn't even know existed. Silver bullets will not work - your best defence is tact, diplomacy and the ability to remain very very still and very very quiet.

    be warned, and be prepared!

    MW, a!

  47. At 05:35 PM on 13 Feb 2007, De Sm wrote:

    you have heart of gold...therefore hansome from in side out

  48. At 05:47 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Clairabelle wrote:

    Yet again I shall attempt to be blessed with a posting on the hallowed blog!
    CLP - its a question of adjusting - poo schmoo to all this allergy malarckey - you just need to get used to it!!
    Been too long in the smoke and the clean fresh air is a bit of a shock to the system!! Bit like when you stop smoking - first few weeks are spent coughing and wheezing worse than ever - but in the end it's best for you!!

    muchos kissios

  49. At 07:58 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Free The Rudgwick One!

    The Blog Police have been putting in some serious overtime have they not?

    For a moment I thought it was me.

    There I was thinking that brutal 70s style police techniques had been implemented right here on our caring, loving blog.

    Oh no. That's later isn't it?

    Had loads to say earlier about Chris' past haunting him and his supernatural experiences in the new pad, along with my own frustrations and dilemmas.

    But I guess they'll keep for another day.

    Well done DD on getting your blog high on the agenda. You kept the flag flying for bloggers everywhere.

    Even those plagued by gremlins.

    Night all.


    PS Hello Cleveland!

  50. At 08:17 PM on 13 Feb 2007, Frances wrote:

    Check your electrics, poor wiring could cause static to convey dust allergens

  51. At 08:25 PM on 13 Feb 2007, anna wrote:

    quick, buy new furniture and get the place super hooved - you cant leave your brand new pad yet!

    DD - you are a brave man.


    PS anyone seen MfR today?
    PPS Tracy-Ann, hope you are ok
    PPPS Jax..... hello!?
    PPPPS sally cat, u ok?
    PPPPPS i fear there may be more casualties, come back - we miss you!

  52. At 09:23 PM on 13 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Just testing!


  53. At 12:11 AM on 14 Feb 2007, Sam wrote:

    Oh Chris !!! - felt compelled to blog for the first time when i read about your sneezing fit as I have suffered for a long time with the "Horse/Dust Allergy".

    I sneeze at the drop of a duster and also have a dog in residence which I am trying to become immune to as every now and then when too much dog hair invades (I'm sure you know how that feels with a German Shepherd) it feels you are allergic to your own house.

    However, back to the point, I always had horses around me as a child and throughout my life I have sneezed, snuffeled, and struggled to breathe as I am very allergic to them and they contain THE most allergenic hair ever !

    Do persist with your house, take some Antihistemine such as Benedryl or Piriton and they work serious wonders. I bet you anything it is the hint of "barn" or "horses" on the furniture as any hint of straw or hay is just a nightmare. I also recommend hiring a "hoover - vac " for any carpets and ensuring you get rid of any previous smells etc.
    Anyway I hope you'll persist with your new house as Surrey is such a lovley chilled out place to live that's got the countryside all around and London so close so don't give up on it just yet! Here's hoping for for a "sneeze - free" new house.

    Sam x

  54. At 12:39 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Why, Why, Why

    Do we press harder on a remote control when we know the batteries are getting dead?

    Why do banks charge a fee on "insufficient funds" when they know there is not enough money?

    Why does someone believe you when you say there are four billion stars, but check when you say the paint is wet?

    Why doesn't glue stick to the bottle?

    Why do they use sterilized needles for death by lethal injection?

    Why doesn't Tarzan have a beard?

    Why does Superman stop bullets with his chest, but ducks when you throw a revolver at him?

    Why do Kamikaze pilots wear helmets?

    Whose idea was it to put an "S" in the word "lisp"?

    If people evolved from apes, why are there still apes?

    Why is it that no matter what color bubble bath you use the bubbles are always white?

    Why do people constantly return to the refrigerator with hopes that something new to eat will have materialized?

    Why do people keep running over a string a dozen times with their vacuum cleaner, then reach down, pick it up, examine it, then put it down to give the vacuum one more chance?

    Why is it that no plastic bag will open on your first try?

    How do those dead bugs get into those enclosed light fixtures?

    When we are in the supermarket and someone rams our ankle with a shopping cart then apologizes for doing so, why do we say, "It's
    all right?" Well, it isn't all right, so why don't we say, "That hurt, you stupid idiot?"

    Why is it that whenever you attempt to catch something that's falling off the table you always manage to knock something else over?

    In winter why do we try to keep the house as warm as it was in summer when we complained about the heat?

    How come you never hear father-in-law jokes?

  55. At 12:54 AM on 14 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Evening .... or rather, morning, Christoff!

    Insomnia strikes again!

    Thanks for letting me submit my comments again! However ...... they seem to be getting eaten up by the BP! Boo-hoo!

    You may, or may not, all know that some of the bloggers from this site are meeting up in London. Well, we are also looking at the feasability of a Scottish get together - Tuesday 3rd April in Glasgow. Anyone interested pop over and speak to Moose and he can give you my details. :)


    Susan, Highland lass

    ... hoping the BP have taken the day off for Valentines!

  56. At 06:14 PM on 14 Feb 2007, kate Knapp wrote:

    not sure if this is how to add to the blog - as I am a new blogger...have never blogged before.

    just been listening to talking talk - I talk all day long (am a university lecturer) and find when I get home it makes me talk more! Does anyone else find this??

    Hope you get this blog, do love the show - think you are brilliant and smileyx

  57. At 09:39 AM on 11 Mar 2008, a kegg wrote:

    just bought two new two seater reclining settees when ever i go near them my chest gets tight , someone told me that certain people get allergic reactions from the fire retardant sprays that are applied wonder if there are any more like me ?

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