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Chris Evans | 08:36 UK time, Thursday, 8 February 2007

So how many people aren’t going to work today ? There is absolutely no activity in my street and it’s eight o’clock already ! Normally by now, there’s noises coming from every floor of my building…

…there are cars whirring by but today nothing, it’s deafly silent, even Enzo was very reluctant to venture outdoors for his usual early morning pee pee just about a half hour ago.

It’s still snowing steadily and heavily outside and from the comfort and warmth of my cosy bedroom, it looks completely beautiful. What is it about the colour white that makes us feel calm? May be it’s because it’s so simple.

So I suppose the snow has laid down the theme of the day.

The news’ll be full of it, the evening papers will be vying for the best snowy photo, the kids’ll be thrilled, unfortunate thin dogs will be shivering on the end of their leads looking at their owners as if to say,

“Enough already what on earth did you bring me out in this for?â€

Oh no something terrible just happened.

I’ve let my coffee go past the point, you know the point where it was too hot and now it’s on it’s way to being cold, I’ve missed the perfect temperature drinking window. Do I make another or do I drink it like it is ?

Don’t worry I’m drinking it yadda yadda yadda.

Got a meeting today with my agent, the smallest man in the world, he may not make it through the snow.

He represents many well known people and has somewhat of a reputation in the business. When we get to know each other a little better I’ll tell you some stories about him. I am not like his other clients in as much as I never bother him and really only ever meet up to shoot the breeze, today however there may be some work things on the agenda.

There have been offers ! Hurrah, we love offers. Offers for what I have no idea but offers are good whatever they’re for. It’s always nice to be asked don’t you think? I feel thee may be something afoot, maybe I'm right, maybe I'm wrong, who knows ?

The clock is ticking by, my nose is running like a drain and I really do fancy another warm drink inside me, so I’m off to grab a tissue bang the kettle back on and see what the day has in store. I feel a morning of soup and crosswords creeping up on me. Bliss.



  1. At 08:51 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning Schmorning

    Snow - pah, not so much as a small dusting in Shropshire and there was me preparing for the worst - took work home with me to do so I didn't lose a days pay and woke up this morning to an icing sugar sprinkle of snow. Definitely not enough snow to justify a home day so here I am, bright and early as the motorway had much less traffic on it than normally - all those sensible people staying at home.

    Still, smile on my friends - :o) Jo

  2. At 08:53 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Jax wrote:

    Morning Chris

    How lucky you are your snow is there already. I am sitting here with my hot cup of tea waiting for the action, as yet sweet FA. I can't wait for it to arrive along with the silence and beauty that follows. Even ugly places, things (people?) look beautiful covered in snow.

    Good luck with the agent (hope he has long wellies) and the offers. Look forward to seeing and hearing more of you, perhaps on the old tele? Be like old times but better.

    Keep warm and cosy

    Jax x

  3. At 08:55 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Jainie wrote:

    awww - I feel homesick for snow! My parents just emailed me photos of their white back garden too!

    Not one of the three dogs that share their house with me has ever even seen snow, what a bizarre concept.

    Hope the offers make your heart go zing! I can't wait to hear about your next projects ....

    (ps - Susan S, we're GMT +4 or BST +3)

  4. At 09:00 AM on 08 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Good mornin' CLP et al

    I love the silence that snow brings - everyday outside sounds have a muffled effect - lovely.

    Down here in my part of Kent I've not had so much as a snowflake, just wind and rain, but further up the M20, oh my, it's all going on.

    Question - with the motorway covered in snow, and now loads of slush on the roads, why do drivers still do the stupidest things? Why can't they just be glad that they can be on their way and do it safely? If you must drive like a nutter with no disregard for the driving conditions or, more importantly, other drivers, then do it well out of my way!!

    My mum always says "better to be late in this world than early for the next" and I have to agree with her - there are some ts out there!

    Anyway CLP, your little world today sounds lovely and warm and I don't blame Enzo for not wanting to be outside! My old labrador used to look at me in this weather as if to say "you want to go out so badly, fine - you go - me, I'll just wait here for you"!!!

    Have a good and SAFE day peeps

    jillygoat xx

  5. At 09:02 AM on 08 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Christoph - I forgot to say:

    good luck at your meeting with your agent - I hope there's a cookery programme on offer!!


  6. At 09:03 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Morning Chris

    I've made it in.

    A fair sprinkling in Rudgwick, a mostly clear journey in (looks like many people have opted to stay at home), but it is chucking it down here in Sevenoaks.

    Mrs MfR suggested I stay at home today with her, and, tempting as it was, I figured it wouldn't look too good that the only one who didn't make it in was the one who drives a 4x4.

    So, I think I'll get the morning tasks out of the way and slope off early this afternoon.

    Just in case.

    Have a great morning with your soup and crosswords. We're not really jealous.

    Be safe everyone.

    Peace and love


    PS Sabotage

    PPS Please turn me over

    PPPS Thank You

  7. At 09:04 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Oh chris, that sounds like the perfect morning.

    I am working from home today, no point battling through the snow and then worrying all morning about whether i will make it back in time for the man cub. Parked our car at the top of the estate so that we dont get snowed in, the kettle is on, my laptop has been whirring since 7.30 and the snow has indeed made me calm and peaceful. I feel a very productive day of work afoot - and maybe even a lunchtime stroll in the woods. crunch crunch crunch.

    tea anyone?


  8. At 09:13 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Antgrad wrote:


    Not a flake.

    It's not all about being South of Manchester, you know? Well, at least I can get to work. Is that a good thing or a bad? I'm going for good.

    Have a lovely, wintery day, folks.

  9. At 09:16 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning CLP and bloggers!

    Unfortunately when you have an office at home... there's no chance of saying "sorry can't make it all the way there today" so I'll be business as usual. Saying that, it looks as if there are not too many kiddies making their way to school... in fact they all seem to be making their way to the outwoods pulling sledges/trays behind them.

    Good luck with the "offers" today I'll be listening in later.

    & the Bears

  10. At 09:18 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Well I can tell you that the forecasters got it wrong in Somerset! We had a light dusting but most has gone already!


  11. At 09:42 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning all,

    Yeah, we got it too! We normally miss out on decent snow but not today! 4 of my cats have seen it for their 1st time and are not exactly impressed. Very vocal they are today, like its my fault their whole world is different today. I have posted pics of some of them on my blog and will continue to do so throughout the day. Problem is, my cats know when I have the camera and absolutely refuse to look at me and I'm sure you don't want to look at their backsides!

    Today I shall be wrapped in full Lapland gear, chopping and sawing my wood for the fire. Its a glamourous life I lead!

    Til later,


  12. At 09:48 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Am Terribly Impress Christof,

    After my "give up" of last week, you are redeeming yourself wonderfully this week, bright and early and pondering the world with your old sense of wonder. Charming.

    One of my pups is going in for a wee operation today, so I'm leaving work early to go with him. (by pups I mean Dogwithnobrain's weans). He's having a wee thingy removed under local, so maybe you could play him a record for us when we are driving home. He lurves Foo Fighters... and I love Best of You... so maybe you could play that for both of us, cause I'll be sitting (hopefully beside him) stressing while he's getting this done, and we could do with a wee cheer on the way back.

    Thanking you Kindly Sir Christof of Lambie Pie.


  13. At 09:48 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Parker wrote:

    Short Snow Jokes

    What happened when the snowgirl fell out with the snowboy?
    She gave him the cold shoulder!

    What do snowmen wear on their heads?
    Ice caps!

    What's an ig?
    An eskimo's home without a loo!

    What do snowmen eat for lunch?

    Where do snowmen go to dance?

    How do snowmen travel around ?
    By iceicle !

    What sort of ball doesn't bounce ?
    A snowball !

    How do you know when there is a snowman in your bed ?
    You wake up wet !

    What do you get if cross a snowman and a shark ?
    Frost bite !

    How do you call an Eskimo cow ?
    An Eskimoo !

  14. At 09:55 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Morning all,

    I'm not going to work today - school's cancelled, hurray!!

    Pictures of snow in South Wales on my blog. Please visit and vote for my daughter's name!

    Meanwhile, just my luck - the builders are in the middle of replacing all my window frames. They need to be done before the baby's home - but I didn't plan the timing of the windows (commissioned them last July).

    So I'm going to light a fire, curl up in the drawing room with hot choccy, 4 dogs, a good book and Radio 2 - bliss (and appreciate that there won't be too many more opportunities like this - baby due home from China in about 4 months!)


    Having REAL problems trying to post this morning!

  15. At 09:59 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Just a quickie! Aaah that's better!

    Woke up at 5 this morning to a couple of inches of white stuff, started to get ready for the drive into work, had brekkers, a coffee, a shower, got dressed opened the front door an hour later to find another two inches of snow, a quick rewind, back into jim jams and slid back into bed alongside Mrs DD whose comment was "So you're skiving again?" There's love for you!

    Trust Nic is OK after his little contratemps yesterday?

    I do hope that whatever it is you've had offers for enthuses you and satisfies our hopes that you make good!


    Anyway a day in front of the pooter, R2 on in the background, and four cats desperate for attention! egwhfgwjg#[wjfqefgj#wj

    Sorry Bitsy says Hello!!!

    Hot soup to be prepared and away to do so..

    DD out

    PS It Ain't Snow God just needs to use Head n Shoulders

    PPS Phew what a scorcher!!!

  16. At 10:24 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Well for once they were right ,woke up today to a couple of inches of snow and it hasn't stopped yet. Schools are closed, so this afternoon we shall all be playing cards and keeping warm and dry. Good luck Chris with your meeting and keep Enzo nice and dry.My little Scottie has lumps of ice hanging from his little paws and is slowly defrosting by the radiator.Off on holiday to the Lake District on Saturday PLEASE can the snow be gone by then!!Check in later XXXAshy

  17. At 10:26 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Am Terribly Impress Christof,

    After my "give up" of last week, you are redeeming yourself wonderfully this week, bright and early and pondering the world with your old sense of wonder. Charming.

    One of my pups is going in for a wee operation today, so I'm leaving work early to go with him. (by pups I mean Dogwithnobrain's weans). He's having a wee thingy removed under local, so maybe you could play him a record for us when we are driving home. He lurves Foo Fighters... and I love Best of You... so maybe you could play that for both of us, cause I'll be sitting (hopefully beside him) stressing while he's getting this done, and we could do with a wee cheer on the way back.

    Thanking you Kindly Sir Christof of Lambie Pie.


  18. At 10:28 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Well for once they were right ,woke up today to a couple of inches of snow and it hasn't stopped yet. Schools are closed, so this afternoon we shall all be playing cards and keeping warm and dry. Good luck Chris with your meeting and keep Enzo nice and dry.My little Scottie has lumps of ice hanging from his little paws and is slowly defrosting by the radiator.Off on holiday to the Lake District on Saturday PLEASE can the snow be gone by then!!Check in later XXXAshy

  19. At 10:28 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Kev C wrote:

    Morning Chris & fellow shloggers.
    Well that sounds just ideal Chris a nice hot drink and what sounds like a picture postcard outside. Sit back relax and enjoy it, you could take a photo and post it on the blog for us all to enjoy. Up here in Huddersfield we got nowt. I traveled south 30 mile to Sheffield, a very enjoyable journey (no real traffic on M1) to a covering of white flakes, but nothing to get worried about.

    Well last night was my first night for Tai Chi and i really enjoyed it, was pleasantly surprised to find only 5 peeps in the class, so really got a good instruction on the moves. I must say i felt really chilled out afterwards and also had an
    excellent nights sleep. A long way to go i believe, its not something that can be mastered over night. I cant wait for next Wednesday.

    Perhaps this could be a topic for a show Chris, Relaxtion, meditation, body massage and such things.

    Boss just caught me on here OOOpppppsssss

    Kev C

  20. At 10:30 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Wibbly Armstrong (Derbyshire) wrote:

    Good luck with the old agent but dont leave your radio two show! Its brilliant, i laugh, i cry, so many emotions! Crazy show and absolutely brilliant.......i think Chris is the best thing on radio now - even better than old Terry and i love him too.

    Snowy in Derbyshire. Lovely walking along this morning to the bus stop (everyone moaning on the bus though) I wasnt, I was grateful they were working and moving.......listening to Wednesday's show on the internet and laughing - about to eat a donut now - well used a lot of calories this morning ski-ing to work ha ha

  21. At 10:31 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I awoke in Narnia this morning with my Aslan (huge long-haired ginger tom cat who thinks he's a dog a dog) as my guardian at my feet. It was 5am and nature called. As I rose I caught sight of the beautiful landscape that only snow can give to a street of terraced houses and was thrilled to the core. No way could I have gone back to sleep so it was on with the wellies and anorak and out into the street and uphill towards the woods with Aslan at my heel and the snow still falling fast and big and beautiful all around us........first to make foot (and paw) prints into the 10cms of crisp newly fallen snow with the world still sleeping all around us.
    Through my 'Christmas card' ladscape of snow covered trees atop Shooters Hill I glimpse the city and the beautiful London Eye looking even more playful and attractive than usual with it's new red pods. To top it all I decide to be really kind to myself and allow myself the day off work. I shall spend my time in between my sauna and hot tub and cold outside shower praying that it snows hard enough for me to have a roll in the snow! I name the day a detox day. That's what the pure whiteness suggests to me. Fruit, herb teas and water all day long and I may even pick up Symposium again. Not bad for a Thursday!

    I hope the snow brings you all as much joy.

    xxx Debs xxx

  22. At 10:31 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Soph wrote:

    Hey Chris,

    At home at parents house in cotswolds... recovering from night shifts! Their 11 month old puupy has spent the morning going crazy in 6 inch snow! Even though am a little too old and supposed to be a proffesional might go sledging later!

    Take care everyone who is travelling

    Soph and merlin

  23. At 10:34 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Why do my posts not work?


  24. At 10:39 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Jax wrote:

    Hurrah hurrah its arrived! Was beginning to feel very left out. Admittedly what there is looks like someone has been busy with a sieve and the Tate & Lyle but the flakes are getting bigger and who knows later it may lay.

    And it it does I will be sporting the new patterned wellies!! I love all these coloured Wellingtons, when I was a kid it was black or nothing now you can get them in all colours and patterns. You can tell so much about a person from the colour of their wellie!

    Enjoy it whilst itlasts

    Jax x

  25. At 10:46 AM on 08 Feb 2007, sarah wrote:

    love it love love it!
    I made it to work tho the golf course is of course shut .The snow is sticking to the trees and it looks like suger frosting .
    Jilly Goat- where you at ? I live at the end of the M20 and we had oodles of snow this morning but was changing to slush whwn i left at 7.
    I love that the whole country stops for snow, I love that its the only thing people talk about, I love that the routine has to change and I love the quiet too. Out to feed the birds again, yesterday bacon and some fine cheddar!

  26. At 10:52 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Eveil wrote:

    Woke up to loadsa snow but thought I'd venture out to get to work (65 miles cross country but that's what the 4WD is for) Some chance! CLP stay in and stay warm.

    Hey ho! Returned home to cosy house - how incongruous does my bunch of spring flowers look now? - and logged onto work from home. First day I can EVER remember when there wasn't a single new mail in the file which I suppose means that other people aren't in either. Personal mail box still full of stuff but nothing from work. Yay!I'm off to make soup mmmmmm

    Just heard from member of staff whose hubby fitted snow tyres to his car and went to work. How cool is that? That's what comes of having a bloke who used to rally I suppose.

  27. At 10:52 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Having trouble blogging today.For once they got it right woke up to a few inches of snow and it hasn't stopped yet.The kids are off school because of the weather so we shall all be keeping warm and playing cards.My poor little scottie dog is slowly defrosting by the radiator and the cats will not go out because it is the first snow that they have seen.Will check in laterXXXAshy

  28. At 10:57 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Eveil wrote:

    Woke up to loadsa snow but thought I'd venture out to get to work (65 miles cross country but that's what the 4WD is for) Some chance! CLP stay in and stay warm.

    Hey ho! Returned home to cosy house - how incongruous does my bunch of spring flowers look now? - and logged onto work from home. First day I can EVER remember when there wasn't a single new mail in the file which I suppose means that other people aren't in either. Personal mail box still full of stuff but nothing from work. Yay!I'm off to make soup mmmmmm

    Just heard from member of staff whose hubby fitted snow tyres to his car and went to work. How cool is that? That's what comes of having a bloke who used to rally I suppose.

  29. At 11:00 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    This blogging thing is totally new to me, so stay with me on this.......

    Here in Thornhill near Dumfries the snow has been swirling for about 20 minutes this morning and gone - very cold though. The dogs had their infra-red light on in their kennel last night and the one before as it's been down to -7 the last couple of nights brrrrr! They love coming in the house for breakfast every morning even though they are as snug as a couple of bugs in a rug in their little house.

    Good luck with all those offers and hopefully we'll see more of you. C. ;o)

  30. At 11:21 AM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good morning, Christoff!

    You are up bright and early! I can't believe you have snow and we have nothing! I hope you're going to take some shots for us! It' quieter here today too because the schools are on an inservice day, whatever that means!

    That's fanatstic! Offers!!! Yay! About time too, we say! We look forward to hearing all about them!

    I hate it when your drink goes past the point! My tea is just about to do that, so that's a cue to get my butt and my daughter's butt out the door and do something constructive for the wee lass!

    Will stop by later. Have a smashing, snowy day!


    Susan, Highland lass

    Announced by all the trumpets of the sky,
    Arrives the snow, and, driving o'er the fields,
    Seems nowhere to alight: the whited air Hides hills and woods, the river, and the heaven,
    And veils the farmhouse at the garden's end.
    The sled and traveller stopped, the courier's feet
    Delayed, all friends shut out, the housemates sit
    Around the radiant fireplace, enclosed In a tumultuous privacy of storm.

    Author: Ralph Waldo Emerson

  31. At 11:26 AM on 08 Feb 2007, Daniel wrote:

    Morning everyone,

    I took some work home last night, so I could have logged on and worked quite happily from the comfort of home, but when I woke up it hadn't started snowing. To be fair it did start about 20 minutes later, but not enough to justify me stopping at home (not then at least!) Had a scary sideways moment outside a Ferrari dealership on a road that the council didn't bother to treat and 2 hours later I arrived at work; it normally only takes me 40 minutes to get here!

    I so wished I'd bought my camera with me today though - everywhere is so pretty, crisp and white and is just begging for a photo. I didn't though because I work in a nice safe - ish Industrial Estate in Birmingham, but it's in a very rough part of town, and I didn't fancy attempting to walk to my girlfriends tonight if the snow gets to bad, with an extremely expensive camera and lenses sitting comfortably on my shoulder. See now I wish I'd stopped at home! I live in the countryside and could have taken lots of pretty piccies. Doh!

    Still I hope everyone is warm, and hope nobody gets stuck in it.

    Keep warm!


  32. At 11:43 AM on 08 Feb 2007, ady pitman wrote:

    hi all, i went to work today in wareham dorset at 6am today, because we had no snow, nothing but rain, but i am off tomorrow as i have to put my shed together, so please tell me it will be dry!! great show keep it up.

  33. At 11:43 AM on 08 Feb 2007, sandie wilson-greene wrote:

    Hi Chris and all

    A small smattering of snow here in Edinburgh but

    already melting, a shame cos the castle always

    looks fairy tale like in the snow. Hey ho it'll be

    slush before we can chang into our wellies

    (see Billy Connolly). Must go have some jewellery

    to make. Hope you get to the show on time,

    unlike our Tel this am.

    Sandie x

  34. At 12:07 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Gary W wrote:

    I remember going to school in the 70's. My Dad's car had no ABS, EPS, Traction Control, 4x4, seatbelts in the back, or a heater that made any difference. But he still managed to drop me of at the gates.
    The best bit about this was it great fun, My Dad enjoyed it too. Maybe I've never grown up, coz I still love the snow.
    I also seem to clearly remember the snow being above my wellies. I don't think this was because my wellies were only 2 inches high.
    Has the nation grown old around us and the fun of the snow has gone, or have we truly forgotten how nice it is and are too scared to venture outside.
    Cheers, Gary in White Aberdeen.

  35. At 12:08 PM on 08 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Sarah #23 - I'm not far from Deal, and we had nothing, not one itty bitty snowflake. I'm feeling really cheated now .......

    Mind you, it's freezing cold, even INSIDE the office, as the boss is too mean to put heating on. It's down to me little warm air heater, which is currently blowing as hard as it can, in order to warm me feet - he'll probably moan about the cost of that now!!

    Never mind, at least it's thirsty Thursday today, so a bottle of cheeky Merlot will be opened in its honour!!!

    Drive safely one and all, whatever the weather x


  36. At 12:10 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Lots of lovely snow and schools are shut! The kids are happy - my son has been out 4 times since 8.30 - keeps coming back in for a warm and some dry clothes - bless! Don't think we've ever had PROPER snow since he's been born!

    Susan S and Hazel - very interesting comments from you ladies yesterday re: A, K, M and D. Dirty Dickie spent several hours on the phone last night having a fab catch up - have told him about them all - he says see how tonights date goes and then MAKE A DECISION!!!! Not very good at those - I'm a hedge my bets kinda gal....

    Chris - the Agent thing sounds interesting - on the edge of soemthing, aren't you? I've just been given MORE work, but that's OK, it may be the start of something I've been feeling for a few days (or is it A???).

    I love snow - makes people nicer somehow, considerate and warm even - bit like the Lovelies here!!

    Parker - I love your jokes, they really set me up for the day!!!

    MFR, DWNB, Jillygoat, Em and Lindyloo (to name a few) thankyou for sharing a little of yourselves everyday.

    Thirsty Thursday - well, well.

    Have a super snow day all,

    S xx.

  37. At 12:17 PM on 08 Feb 2007, markthespark wrote:

    Hi Chris .
    It`s just stopped snowing here at Abergavenny.
    It looks absolutly FAB!
    It`s great today because we live in the sticks and we cannt get out(about 5 inches of the white stuff) so I`m spending the day with my gorgeous wife and beautiful little girl HURRAH!!
    Enjoy the snow while it lasts . Back to work tomorrow BOOOO!
    Have a great show
    Mark the spark

  38. At 12:23 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I recently moved to South-West France as I wanted to get a four season life again. Today is crap and raining. We are praying for snow and winter..

    (How come my web Developers have told me they are stuck and can't work today? Surely they work from home on computers?)

    Please agree to interview some US Senators for my online blog radio show coming soon!!!

  39. At 12:25 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Oh I am soooo gutted it is not snowing here! Infact it is a bright sunny day and spring is in the air.

    Hope you get to work ok what with all that Snow CLP!

    Gotta Go


    p.s "A bird doesn't sing because it has an answer; it sings because it has a song." --Maya Angelou

  40. At 12:33 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Paula wrote:

    Hello one & everyone,

    What a wonderful scene to wake up to - Ahhh, real christmas card stuff. I've spent a lot of my years in Australia and have family there, I always have a thought for those who have never seen snow and may never see it - how sad! boo hoo.

    As for me I love it the crunch, crunch crunch on upsolit ground - just great like being a kid again.
    Saw some great sights this morning I'd like to share:
    - kids carrying massive snowballs (must have been 2ft diameter!)
    - a family walking along with a sledge, they all had huge grins and really red faces
    - little ones throwing snowballs at their Mums
    - best of all.....two huge perfect lovehearts on the road made by my neighbour's car being driven in and out of their drive. I took a photo, would love to share but really new to technology so haven't got a clue how to!! derrrrr.

    Hope you enjoyed your soup & crossword, what a great start to the day.

    Keep warm & travel safely everyone.
    Pea x

  41. At 12:36 PM on 08 Feb 2007, jimmy wrote:

    by the time i got up all the good snow had gone to be replaced with sluch. lousy student life style

  42. At 12:48 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Sandra H wrote:

    Hi all! greetings from a very snowy West Midlands! I set out for work this am, him 'indoors had said the roads 'weren't too bad', that was at 6.15am. 1hrs later I managed to get off the estate, but skidded down the hill and ended up so I was facing the opposite way!!!Very scary! luckily I didn't prang anything. But! as I was facing the direction of home again, I went straight back. Sorry, but I just don't want to drive in this stuff & cause any chaos! I rang work still a bit shaky but am ok now. Have managed to do all the little chores that I've been putting off for ages so feel very righteous!!
    CLP - hope the session with the agent goes well, but please don't leave us!!! ta-ra for now xx

  43. At 12:52 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Nicki wrote:

    Good Morning all.........oops just noticed, Good afternoon all.

    Luv it Luv it Luv it.
    I had a bet with my boss late yesterday, he was convinced there would be more than a smattering of snow, while I said, oh don't be daft we get snow so rarely (Hertfordshire)

    Well, after a nocturnal bathroom trip at 3.30 this morning I had won the bet, no snow, not a flurry or a flake, back to bed feeling smug. My oh my nature got busy then! approx 4" in hometown Hemel then as I drove to work (bit hairy but no probs) the snow was just getting heavier and heavier!

    It's so pretty, and I have discovered that sunshine and snowfall have such an uplifting effect on folk, only seen smiles and chuckles from people passing on the street.

    From my office I look out over a beautiful scene, very large hill, today speckled with kids and not so kids on sledges, trays bags etc. and the only sound you can hear is distant laughter. Looks like a Dickensian Christmas Card.

    Oh well, best get on with some work, I plan to leave early and be home before the dark as lots of twisty turny lanes to get through.

    Nearly forgot, Mariella W A, I just had a peek at you beautiful cats, they are stunning, as is your backgarden.
    My own moggy, like yours, blamed me for all this cange in the garden and was desporate to tell me about it. This he managed by flying through the cat flap (in and out) at amazing speed whilst yelling at the top of his voice, after a lap of the living room, up onto windowledge and back outside. I'm sure he thinks I'm dumb as he had to complete the excersize at least a dozen times!

    Really must go know
    Enjoy the snow while it's here
    take care

  44. At 01:11 PM on 08 Feb 2007, The Duracell Brummie wrote:

    Having taken heed of all the advice of the media and government:

    I am sat here inside my thermally insulated tent, erected in my front room, heating on full blast, doors and windows firmly nailed shut. I am sat wearing 3 pairs of pants, 2 hats, 14 scarfs, 4 jumpers and some thermal gloves.

    I am eating some warming chicken soup, taken from my stockpile of 374 cans, heated on a small gas camping stove.

    In the larder I have 400 gallons of mineral water, assorted kilogram bars of chocolate and a goat to slaughter if the supplies run low. I have to admit the cats are looking a little confused by the goat, but hey, needs must - BE PREPARED, thats what i always say.

    I'm not sure i'll be able to hold out until the thaw comes tomorrow. I may have to strap my tennis rackets to my feet and head out into the blizzard like conditions of our arctic sub-climate.

    I love the UK!

    I hope you and the team fare better than me and make it into the HQ for the show later. You will be my lifeline to the outside world!

    Until next time....
    ...Duracell Out!

  45. At 01:21 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I'd just like to put myself forward as personal nurse for Nic if he needs one after his traumatic accident yesterday....

    Nurse Lyndyloo

  46. At 01:32 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Gary W wrote:

    I remember going to school in the 70's. My Dad's car had no ABS, EPS, Traction Control, 4x4, seatbelts in the back, or a heater that made any difference. But he still managed to drop me of at the gates.
    The best bit about this was it great fun, My Dad enjoyed it too. Maybe I've never grown up, coz I still love the snow.
    I also seem to clearly remember the snow being above my wellies. I don't think this was because my wellies were only 2 inches high.
    Has the nation grown old around us and the fun of the snow has gone, or have we truly forgotten how nice it is and are too scared to venture outside.
    Cheers, Gary in White Aberdeen.

  47. At 01:34 PM on 08 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    The advantages of snow...

    It looks beautiful
    The roads are so clear at 11am that you can do home to work in record time
    There's an excuse to go home again at 2
    Building a snowman with the kids because they are off school
    You don't feel wierd for having a shovel and a flask of coffee in your car
    You have the perfect excuse if the police stop you and ask "Why have you got a shovel in your car?"
    Snowball fights with the local kids
    Getting to feel like a kid again while having snowball fights with the local kids
    It'll all be gone again tomorrow

    Disadvantages of snow...
    You have to avoid eating the yellow bits
    Some can get caught on your antlers


  48. At 01:53 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    * ASHY *


  49. At 02:19 PM on 08 Feb 2007, maryla wrote:

    Hello Snowmen.....

    The park is full of them. It's still white magic in my garden. Neighbours cat decided to pop in to check what's on the menu and warm up. Had some other important guests but can not say who. It is a secret.

    love x

  50. At 02:40 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Ashy wrote:

    Hazel Love****
    That's exactly what the poor dog looked like apart from being black.The snow just seems to stick to him and then it forms little snowballs.Thankfully he is fully recovered and is fast asleep on the chair.ThanksXXXAshy

  51. At 03:07 PM on 08 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Hazel Love - that picture is sooo cute! I've always wanted a wee Westie (I'd call him Archie after a favourite uncle!) but can't have pets as we're in a rented house, so that pic is the next best thing!


  52. At 03:09 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Jill wrote:

    Well the little dusting of snow was enough to close Luton Airport for at least 7 hours and ruin hundreds of holidays (including our romantic weekend in Barcelona). And now it's raining, the snow's melted, flights are getting away on time and 6am seems about a month ago! GGrrrr. Oh well at least I won't miss the show ...

  53. At 03:24 PM on 08 Feb 2007, biglewy wrote:

    i feel what your saying about the snow being peaceful, ip in Scotland there is no snow kind of ironic as ou would htink being more north we would get it first, maybe is gobal warming.
    However i was happy this morning cause although there was frost on my car and it was bitterly cold the skies were clear and a strange warmth came from the rising sun it out a smile on my face and i was amused by my one year old son trying to blow the air from his mouth and catch the mist is it called mist or frosty air who knows maybe check the web.
    i also sympathise about your coffee but i always say if it goes past the the best point just remember that for the next one a concentrate and enjoy it more.

    cheers chris for making me reflect on my day once again i have a smile on my face listing to the beatles new album

    hear you tonight

    i accept no responsiblity for spelling mistakes or the lack of grammar in thispost

  54. At 03:28 PM on 08 Feb 2007, TheBigUn wrote:

    Snow, snow, snow…..no, no, no…….wet, wet, wet ;-(

    South Somerset and Devon are clear juts wet!

    I have to say I laughed at the thought of your agent disappearing in the snow due to his lack of height, and with you being so tall n all.

    The offers you refer too…..more TV work?……cooking show? Keep us informed ;-)

    Love the show Chris


  55. At 04:14 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Jax wrote:

    Doh it all gone, just puddles!

    Jax x

  56. At 04:16 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Jade Leigh wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    I've been thinking: I remember years ago, when you first got together with Billie Piper, you started going on about how it was gross for individual people to have millions of pounds, as there was only so much money you could actually use. You said you were going to give all yours away - I seem to remember a figure of £20m. What happened? Did you suddenly find a personal need for loads of money after all? You certainly sound like you enjoy being able to spend and buy presents.

  57. At 04:27 PM on 08 Feb 2007, prof Plum wrote:

    Afternoon to you all

    Whatever the agent says Chris insist on writng and singing the theme tune.

    What great TV last night with Dragon's and the Reggae Reggae sauce, so good he named it twice (wonder why).
    Then the ITV Benidorm .... what a hoot.

    Madge says hello she is making her special pig pig trotters stew tonight we all know why she named it twice.

    Good evening.

  58. At 04:27 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Parker wrote:

    Snow Day

    Ole and Lena were sitting down to their usual morning cup of coffee, listening to the weather report coming over the radio.

    "There will be 3 to 5 inches of snow today, and a snow emergency has been declared," the weather report said. "You must park your cars on the odd numbered side of the streets."

    Ole says "Jeez, okay," and gets up from his coffee.

    The next day they're sitting down with their morning cups of coffee and the weather forecast declares "There will be 2 to 4 inches of snow today, and a snow emergency has been declared. You must park your cars on the even numbered side of the streets."

    Again, Ole says "Jeez, okay," and gets up from his coffee.

    Two days later, again they're sitting down with their cups of coffee and the weather forecast says, "There will be 6 to 9 inches of snow today, and a snow emergency has been declared. You must park your cars on the - "

    Just then the power goes out and Ole doesn't get the rest of the instructions.

    He turns to Lena and says "Jeez, what am I going to do now, Lena?"

    Lena replies "Aw, Ole, why don't you just leave the car in the garage today?"

  59. At 04:33 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Mandy wrote:

    Remember a time when the roads were silent, people walked to the local shop to buy groceris, children played and laughed in the fields and people actually spoke to each other civilally. That was today in the beautiful Cotswolds. Despite my Husband's reservations we had a good half a foot of snow - there's nothing that looks better than a cotswold wall with snow on the top - well maybe half a lager!! Hope everyone gets home safely...PS At least schoolkids got to experience English snow b4 they jet off to the sunshine for half term next week!

  60. At 04:58 PM on 08 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Can somebody PLEASE explain to me why I can never get a comment through, but the likes of Jade Leigh #56 (Jade, love, get a life) gets through?!

    What's the story?!


  61. At 05:55 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Claire Rosser wrote:

    I've never looked at a blog before. Do you actually read all the comments? I got bored after 3. xx

  62. At 06:10 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Steevie fae Dundee + Glas wrote:

    Bummer !

    I got BP'd. I typed an GI-NORMOUS blurb too.I should have "saved" it first and tried again. Maybe it was the details of my "set-to" in the Company car-park yesterday (responding to Jillygoat #4 and stupid drivers). Who knows.

    I'm not writing it all again. In summary, I did mention that there was little snow this side of the border (with the exception of Aberdeen area) and how we are basically unaffected - aside from cancelled flights 'south'. I did mention how the four of us who managed it to the gym at 6.20 this morning (that included the two staff who opened up at 6) ended up reminiscing about how snow in "our day" was much more regular and deeper, requiring wellies to get to school. Additionally, how did we manage to avoid breaking our necks some of the stunts in the snow we did with our make-shift sledges with more than three occupants (maybe it was the details that caused me to be BP'd). The receptionist remembered crying because her dad insisted it was "his turn" with the sledge (big wean!)

    What I forgot to mention was the embarassing "snow story" from about 8 years ago when I was on a week-off in Glasgow. Went to bed and the rain was teeming down, woke up and 9 inches of snow had descended and it had drifted that much I could just see the roof of my car. I had a commitment in town (cough cough) which I wasn't going to cancel. No option but to go by bus. Now, in all the years I'd been going backwards and forwards to Glasgow at weekends (etc), I'd never EVER in my puff been on a bus. Train, yes, but not a bus. I didn't even know the bus number to get "back" but that was a problem for later I thought. (I reasoned that if I just made my way back to the main road rather than try to find out where in town the bus meandered, I'd be OK). Making my way to where the buses went, I sat in the "shelter" with others daft enough to be out in that weather and watched as a few buses passed and stopped two stops down. Thinking perhaps that was a "main" bus stop and mine wasn't, I crunched my way through the snow (falling flat on my face twice) and sat in the shelter there. Three more buses passed. "Which of the buses stop at this stop" I asked the lady sitting next to me (she was knitting, I kid you not). "Whichever one you stick your hand out to let them know you want on" she replied.............. (P.S. I'd just got in to town when the other party cancelled)

  63. At 07:02 PM on 08 Feb 2007, Paul Whitehead wrote:

    Appreciate this is not following the theme of the blogg but can not find a quicker way to get this to your notice.

    I am no specific lover of our colonial brothers across the water but sarcastic remarks from reporters are not in this specific case justified.

    The "World Series" is named after the newspaper who presented the Trophy NOT the area from which competitors are entered.

  64. At 08:38 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I got BP'd with a piddly wee comment!!!!

    I'll try again!

    Is anyine up for a Scottish Meet?

    Nip over to Moose's and you can get details there!


    Susan, Highland lass,

    .... feeling the better of a couple of glasses of gorgeous red vino

    .... but struggling to type properly!!!

  65. At 08:39 PM on 08 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hello again,

    Have just taken the cats for a walk - only 3 of them today, the rest are cowards. We only went to the field at the bottom of the garden but there stood a red deer, totally unaware we were there.

    I stood and watched feeling extremely privileged as he scraped away the snow and grazed. Such a beautiful sight, what with the snow still laying around, the sky turning darker and the birds still singing. In the background I could see the starlings coming into nest - we are lucky enough to have a local flock that do all the swirling and shape shifting like on the advert.

    Lukcy lucky me!

    MW, a!

  66. At 11:51 PM on 08 Feb 2007, andy pattinson wrote:

    i had soup this morning aswell chris..i was sitting in my work van watching the snow fall drinking lovely hot tomato soup out of my flask ..bliss..

  67. At 09:58 AM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Note to self:

    Do not, on any account, assume that you can apply fake tan having consumed 2 large glasses of red wine!

  68. At 11:00 AM on 09 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Susan S - are you posting the photos later?!!!!!


  69. At 11:45 AM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Susan S - note on your note - 'tis usually better to appy fake tan after at least three or more glasses of el plonko. This way, you panic much less about getting it right and will just go for it. You will then fall face down into a well earned deep sleep, wake up having not moved all night, and be completely streak-free!

    Two glasses, and you just get the shakes or the blurs, or the 'Oooops that's a bit too much!'

    You have been warned.


    ps Prof Plum - can one get Madge's 'Pig Pig Trotter Stew' by mail order?

    pps another vote for the photos

  70. At 12:10 PM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Susan S - I always worry about the whole fake tan thing - what do you do when you get to your ears? Aren't they a bit tricky to tan???

    :o) Jo

    PS Photo's - yeah!!

  71. At 12:40 PM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Photos .... hmmmm .... let me think.

  72. At 12:46 PM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Uh .... that'll be a no!

  73. At 01:26 PM on 09 Feb 2007, roger wrote:

    I keep hearing news about new initiatives to cut speeding or people on mobile phones while driving, and other things which are widely believed to contribute to death on the roads. Yet, every day as I travel around I spot trees festooned with bouquets of flowers, trees which have claimed a life. Would the victim be here today had there been only a hedge or a fence?
    If we are truly serious about reducing death on the roads, and there is no intention to be flippant over this, then maybe removal of road side trees on A and B roads would bring down the death toll considerably; we're much more likely to survive an unexpected drive through a hedge than the sudden impact experienced on collision with a tree.
    Does anyone agree?

  74. At 01:37 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Hazel Love wrote:

    Jo, I find if you smoothe it on, in, and around all awkward areas, then sponge with a lightly dampened tissue, ears can be fake tanned along, just as beautifully as the rest of you.

    If on the other hand you are a rabbit, you would have to get a friend to do it for you as you would not be able to reach the ends.

  75. At 01:54 PM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Susan S - If not photo's then maybe an artists impression?

  76. At 01:57 PM on 09 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Isn't this blog oh so quiet, let alone the world. Hope all is well Chez Chris.

    :o) Jo

    PS - Still snowing here, time to get home :o)

  77. At 02:36 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Prof Plum wrote:

    Attn Hazel

    Madge says she could send you some... however I would not recommend it as she leaves the toe nails on......

  78. At 03:32 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Afternoon All

    We're all very quiet today, aren't we?

    Susan S - can completely relate to your attempts at fake tan - have been there and done that, more than once!!

    Scrub lady, scrub!!! OR go and have a spray tan - may even it all out?

    Have already requested my ARF toon - inspired by A, no less! Lovely night again last night....

    K is calling me later to make arrangements for a date next week....

    Ou est que Christophe??? Hope that all is well!

    Later Bloggers

    S xx.

  79. At 03:40 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Belles wrote:

    Hello all

    Am kinda new to this blogging - but enjoy reading all comments very much.

    Wondering where CLP is today - hope he makes it in for the show. Love Fridays makes the weekend start in the car on the way home from work.

    Good weekend to you all and come on England!!

    Belles x x

  80. At 03:56 PM on 09 Feb 2007, Tinsel wrote:

    Hello all - where is the CLP????? It'll be home time in a mo, hope he makes it in in time for the show, otherwise who will I sing and laugh along to???

    Sue - fake tan - please just say no!!!

    I don't get it at all. My daughter (16) insists on using it too and I think it looks AWFUL. I thought it was just the way she put it on so I took her for a St Tro pez (other fake tans are available) but that looked ... well let's say David Dickinson and George hamilton IV had a long-lost daughter.

    Have great weekends all.

    Big love

  81. At 08:04 PM on 09 Feb 2007, sunshine Joe wrote:

    I have been driving my truck all week and have not seen any snow. How rubbish am I?

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