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Chris Evans | 07:50 UK time, Wednesday, 21 February 2007

Finished the crossword last night, in bed, last thing - get in! haven鈥檛 finished one for ages. Last clue was鈥 Old and unsteady, on and off,

the answer鈥


On and off 鈥 the alternate letters of the word unsteady, meaning old, UnStEaDy. Love it.

Also went for a Turkish meal last night. It was the most surprised I鈥檝e been by a restaurant for as long as I can remember. It was excellent, I mean way up there. Tasty, very tasty but also really light and clean and healthy. We shall certainly be going back there again, oh yes siree.

Caught the end of The Blair documentary when we arrived home, it looked fascinating, shall be trying to procure a copy of the next two instalments today.

Other than that yesterday was a journeyman day, one of those days when you get on with what you do because that鈥檚 what you do. In many ways these are good days, quite free in fact. I was saying to The Girl from The sofa last night, a day filled with few decisions is a good day to have. The more routine a person has in one's life, the happier that life will be, providing of course the routine involves things one likes.

My day is largely work and keeping fit and then having a nice meal at the night time. I love my days.

It isn鈥檛 difficult to manoeuvre yourself into a position where you are basically doing what you want to. Sure it takes time, years perhaps but all it requires is honesty with yourself, from the off. Of course circumstances may prevail and force you in another direction but even within more difficult situations there will still be pockets of solace.

A few weeks ago I spent a considerable part of my days, nearly all of them in fact, in hospital, not because of me but because of someone else. I didn鈥檛 mention it at the time, I didn鈥檛 think it right, however during this period, all my decisions were taken away from me. That is where I had to be, no question. So, in a way I was even more free than usual.

One of the highlights of the day would be a coffee from the posh coffee machine, so coffee time became the big 鈥渓ook forward to鈥 moment. Every time I thought about that silly little machine I felt a warm glow in my tummy. I鈥檝e actually started drinking more coffee since.

A friend of mine was having a work/life dilemma recently and I simply said, write down all the things you like in life and the go find a job that includes one of those. She tohought for a monet and then declared that there wasn鈥檛 much she wanted to do but she was talking work, I was talking life. Forget about," What I would like to do for a job." and focus in, instead, on what you like to do when you have some spare time.

We concluded that she 鈥

Was good at sport, really good in the past.
Loved dogs.
Loved food, eating, cooking, buying.
Loved people.
Liked to look after people.
Spoke Spanish.
Did art at school but never took it as far as she would have liked.
Loves organising.
Loves her boyfriend, to death.
Would like to have kids but not yet.
Loves doing houses up.
Loves sorting.

At no point did she metnion a love of maths and adding up. Yet she'd spent the last seven years of her life being an accountant! Now I have an accountant but he "loves" figures. He can't stop thinking about them and he's so good with them.

In the end, after a lot of honesty and a few tears, she said other than the money work and a career wasn鈥檛 what she strived for. She loved her life. So, pressure off, now she鈥檚 going to scale down her career goals, take a part time job in a vets or at a restaurant and pour her energy into her home, her health and her man. At the end of the chat she was a different woman.

The pressure on her to have a successful shiny career was drowning her, yet the only person really doing pressurising was herself.

I have my posh friend Gareth coming round for breakfast as we have a project to discuss so toodle pip for now.

See you on the radio.



  1. At 07:57 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Jainie wrote:

    Wow I love this blog - it's more uplifting than a cuppa and a darn bit cheaper than a lifestyle consultant ... but twice as good!

    Have a great day everyone, filled with the things and people you love. Big hug for you especially CLP, for being a such good sort for those near and dear to you.

    mwah! Jainie x

  2. At 08:12 AM on 21 Feb 2007, The Debster wrote:

    Mornin' all!
    I did some serious healing yesterday. I felt bog rough when I woke up but till soldiered into work. The day ahead looked grim and could only serve to pull me down and my mind was in no mood for being the smiley interviewer that i am required to be.
    The afetr reading your post I simply changed my thoughts and your words set me off on a new journey and the outlook wasn't quite so bad. Feeling poorly usually brings about a low state of mind for me yet I always forget that I can actually change the frame of mind I'm in. I still had a head full of snot and a headache and a spotty chin but I was able to enjoy my day just thinking happy thoughts and a much better collegaue I was to be around too. xx
    That's why it's so right for you to be on the radio.....to remind us what joy there is to be had in life even if it's not always immediately obvious to us......and you're so right....it's the little things.

    Merci pour le bon sante!
    Have a great day yourself.

    xxx Debs xxx

  3. At 08:16 AM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hello CLP

    What a great friend you must be to have! Its great when you can have such honest chats with the people you love, well done :0) I am sure that she will remember that chat with you for a long time to come, during the days when changing your life is more of a struggle than a joy.


  4. At 08:20 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Gloria wrote:

    Chris, sometimes there is a load of pretentious twaddle on here.
    I love it when it's really sensible stuff, like today.
    Thanks for the thoughts.
    Best to everyone
    G x

  5. At 08:31 AM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good morning Chris!

    I love Turkish food! I'm sure there must be at least one Turkish restaurant where I live, but haven't managed to track it down yet...

    Regarding your accountant friend...making a list...what an excellent thing to do. I recently evaluated myself, and although I enjoy my job, it's not what I feel I'm best at, so I've applied for a course to take me in a completely new direction.

    I felt it was time to listen to the wizards, to my friends and family, and to myself. I haven't heard back yet, and I have to get through an interview first, but I REALLY hope it is going to come through for me. As long as your friend goes for it, it will all be ok for sure.

    Don't forget though Chris, most of us out here have journeyman days all the time, and it is you, and others like you, who help to bring us out of the routine of life and decision making...some of us feel as though we are where we should be, and others who feel as if everything is a constant struggle.
    So at any time, if those people who are happy can help those who aren't, the world is going to be a better place.

    Hope your brekkie meeting went well...

    chow down

    ps A very bad case of Repedemic Blogitis yesterday huh?

  6. At 08:46 AM on 21 Feb 2007, J wrote:

    Interesting chat today - I recently spent a ten day 'holiday' in Marrakech which was an exhausting experience. I have returned to the UK finally understanding that although life is a repetitive cycle of chores, that's actually fine! I am now contented with my life and no longer feel I am owed something more. I also know now how incredibly lucky I am that my drudge takes place in the west - I am relatively very wealthy and the freedom I take for granted as a western woman is really something to be grateful and thankful for.

    So marvellous day and here comes the hump!

  7. At 08:54 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Em 26 wrote:

    Hey Chris

    I too really liked the blog today. I dwell alot on my lack of choices, but as you say we all have them its just deciding which path and having the courage to follow it, even if it takes years!

    Sometimes the blog just hits the right note for me! Today was one of those days so cheers!

    I was listening to a cd I loved about ten years ago in my car today! It really made me smile!


  8. At 09:00 AM on 21 Feb 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Excellent Blog Dear Boy,

    The clarity of your thought process is quite astounding, (for a wednesday) ie Exec producer speak,sorry Christoff , unable to resist.

    Your take on (look forward to moments) was spot on, good stuff baby.


  9. At 09:01 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:

    Morning CLP!!

    Hope the wretched Blog is sorted - have been really, really busy and don't necessarily have the time to keep trying to Blog!!! Grrrr!!!

    Sorry - moan over! Yesterday was my birthday and I had a top day, spoilt only by my inability to Blog, so there! :-P

    Your friend sounds interesteing Chris. I've examined my life recently and have found that I would really like to do something different, that involves working for myself, but I'm scared of losing the comfort that comes from a guaranteed (until the next restructure!) salary every month. I really hope she feels better and that she has a more satisfying life as a result.

    Feminists sold us a myth when they said women could have it all. Women CAN have it all, along with a nervous breakdown - they missed that part out! I think women like Nicola Horlick are fabulous, but she has the money for nannies/cleaners, etc - I, like many of my peers don't, which means that something has to give; we spread ourselves too thin and then wonder why things don't go quite to plan....

    "Step down from the Soap Box" - sorry, bit of a rant this morning! Not sure why - had a lovely time last night with a man that makes me have flutterbies in my tummy! How lovely - at my age too!!!

    Hump day already folks - netball and rugby at the weekend - can't wait!

    Have a Wonderful Wednesday,

    S xx.

  10. At 09:01 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Emily wrote:


    I am an accountant and one of the strange ones who chose to do it froma young age and have achieved my ambition at the age of 26. I find it very fulfilling knowing that I have reached the level I set myself and have a good work/home balance with my partner.

    You do have to do something that you want to do for work - you spend more hours a week there then anything else - but also your work must reflect your life and don't try to do something thats not you.

    Not sure of my point now - just everyone think - do i look forward to work and if the answer is yes then good - that is one of lifes secrets.

    What ever you do today, have fun and keep smiling.

  11. At 09:16 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Nunu wrote:

    If "The Girl on the Sofa" is STILL kipping on the sofa - she must have a cricked neck by now...... Bless her. :)

  12. At 09:25 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    Ah CLP and bloggers Happy Hump Day.

    I can identify exactly where your friend was coming from. I earn more than my hubby, have a fully expensed company car and can get away with almost anything provided my work gets done, but I recently realised I'm not happy in my work. I was pretending because of the pressure of being #1 breadwinner and having all the nice things we're got used to since I started this job in Nov 2005.

    After a fairly lengthy heart to heart with Mr Diva, he had no idea I felt like this and has vowed to support me whatever path I choose to carve - anything is preferable than ending up on the happy pills again - I'm not going back there, nosiree.

    I now find myself looking for another job. I took 20 years to build up a good core skills base to be the finest PA on the planet and I am determined to get back to that - even though I know it will more than likely mean less 拢拢 than I'm taking home now, as well as having to kiss my lovely company car bye bye and buy a small used runaround to get me there and back (public transport in the country ain't good!)

    Right, glad I got that off my chest. I feel better now!

    Will check in again later to catch up - hope this gets posted today!

    CtD x x

  13. At 09:49 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Sara wrote:


    Not commented before, but I just had to wholeheartedly agree with with the advice you gave your friend. Life is too short for a career - if you're not a career person.

    Last year I gave up a highly paid job with a top Japanese firm in the City. Now, I volunteer at a nursery for little kids with autism which I LOVE, best job I ever had. I'm using skills from my old job to turn their admin/accounts around and both hubby & I are involved with the charity which enables the nursery to be open.

    We're financially not so well off now, but all the knots in my body have come undone & I'm happier, so hubby's happier too! Got time to run 5 miles a day & dig the lottie.

    I'm off to make the bread & hope you have a great day before you get to your fun office!

    ta ta! xxx

  14. At 09:52 AM on 21 Feb 2007, kaz wrote:

    hi Christophe

    Just what i needed to read . Just like that girl need to get a job but just don't fancy an office job again but feel that is way I am heading because can't begin to imagine i could do something else! Got me thinking - liked the crossword clue too.


  15. At 10:00 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Em M wrote:

    Hi all,

    Keep having problems getting my messages to you through, so tenth time lucky maybe - here goes!

    I think it is good to take a look at life and think about what you like doing, unfortunately my favourite things are sleeping, reading, and watching films, don't know if i could get a job doing those three things. Oh cooking too, i love that.

    Some of you may remember I was having an Ofsted inspection last week to see if I could become a childminder, and I think I made a good impression. I'm looking forward to it, but am always a bit scared when i do something new.

    Re the lady whose blog was in the Sunday papers, I read it and I thought it was excellent, I had tears in my eyes when she wrote about her elderly parents. I thought the writing was wonderfully honest, and I wish I could write half as well.

    Sorry to hear about your new house Chris, it doesn't sound like it was meant to be. Good luck finding something else.

    Love Em xx

  16. At 10:10 AM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I figured out about 3 years ago that I can't take pressure. I like adding up, hence my work, not as an accountant, but book-keeper. With a very small very friendly firm. There are no major deadline, no screetching managers demanding numbers, i take the numbers feed them in and bring the numbers back out the other side, someone else takes the demanding bit.

    I might not earn as much as I did, but my life is a whole lot more stressfree. I don't take work home with me, ever, I don't fret about it when I'm not there, but in the same instance, I don't wake up of a morning with a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach. Sunday nights, are just as pleasant as Wednesday nights.

    My husband likes me a whole load more like this and despite the fact there's not as much money around the kids, me and him are all so much more happy.

    At my worst this time three years ago, I was forever plotting ways in which I could harm myself so that I could escape the pressure I was under - even to the point of perhaps accidentally falling out of a hot air balloon, which was my birthday present.

    On my fortieth, standing on the roof top of a wee hotel in Paris, glass of wine in hand, and husband by myside looking at the Eifel Tower spinning its lights all over the city I was ecstatically happy and I had a thought to myself. If life can be this perfect in this one little moment, why can't it be like this all the time? At right then we decided together to make the changes necessary to bring that kind of happiness into me as a permanent fixture.
    I left my job, took some time out, pulled myself together and here I am, 3 years down the road, approaching my 43rd, and feeling better about life than I ever had.

    We've all sometimes got our priorities wrong we should all think about ourselves more often.


  17. At 10:14 AM on 21 Feb 2007, SammyM wrote:

    Morning Christophe...

    Any chance of some new photos, ie lovely Enzo?????

    The Haggis, Neeps and tatties just makes me hungry!

    Adios til l8r xx

  18. At 10:21 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Used to be J wrote:

    I feel in a similar position to your friend.

    Working to exist.

    Existing to work.

    Whilst having lots of idea's of things I would prefer to do rather than my present career, none gives anywhere near the financial return. I'm very happy it can work for your friend, but going part time in a vet is not an option for me.

    Is the financial return important ?, well yes when it provides my wife and children with a reasonable home and reasonable (but not extravagant) standard of living.

    Do I start my own business and risk being able to acheive the same standard of living? Well yes I would like to try, but the risk is to my family more than I. Do they deserve it, I think not?

    God, after your uplifting blog, I'm now putting myself in a downer.

    Stop it J, stop it!

    Well Chris and fellow bloggers, what do I do next?

    I have some idea's but would appreciate yours!

  19. At 10:24 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Gaby wrote:

    Fantastic blog today Chris - thank you

    I loved your 'look forward to' moments - so, so important to be grateful for those little things. Although, it's not so much that - it's the ability to ENJOY those little moments.

    YOur tale of your friend that you had the work/life chat with reminded me very much of me last year. Having run around like a headless chicken for years and years I decided to hand in my notice - pull in my horns (Moose - ouch) and find a job that gives me time to stop and smell the roses and to be in a 'better' frame of mind to 'just enjoying being' with my two kids.

    Simultaneously, you started your blog which was and still is such a positive experience..

    To be candid, I haven't yet found the job for me (I am 43!!), but am working in a job that allows me to stop running and just have a little more time. I have a mortgage and my bills to pay, and I know I am lucky that I don't have to work every hour of every day to make ends meet. There are loads of things I could spend my money on if I had more money, but I would rather not have those things if it allows me to live my life a little more.

    Is it not time for 'girl on sofa' to make a progression?!

    I am 'looking forward' to my ham sandwich : ) Actually, it's not mine, it's my daughter's - she left it behind - and it looks much nicer than the one I would have been making for myself!! : )


  20. At 10:41 AM on 21 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone)

    What a wonderful blog today!

    I would love to change my job, change my direction in life. However I am the main breadwinner and until our daughter leaves school/university, my hands are tied. I am 50 just now, reckon that in about 4 years I will be able to do what I would like (don't know what that is yet!) so there is a lot to look forward to. Don't know what we'll do for money, but hey ho!

    Sometimes we are trapped and there is nothing we can do about it, but if the opportunity presents itself, we should get out there and do what makes us happy!

    Thanks for today's blog, I feel quite uplifted!

    C xx

  21. At 10:47 AM on 21 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Mornin' all

    I went to college and got my Private Secretary's Certificate (we're talking mid 70's here so not sure there is such a thing any more) because I could type and couldn't think of anything I particularly wanted to do work-wise. I seriously wanted to get married and raise a family - I was never interested in a career - it's only circumstances that have meant I've had to work non-stop since I was 19, minus children.

    Now, in my mid-40s, I would love to be able to do something in the voluntary field and have applied to do something which would involve a few evenings a week - financial commitments mean I can't do it full-time but one day maybe .....

    CtD - I too have been on the happy pills (for hormonal reasons) and I'll never go back on them. Having lost a good friend suddenly to illness yesterday and reading today's blog, I'm going to re-evaluate my life and my work. Life is too short and the working day too long to be bloody miserable.

    So, to anyone out there thinking of taking a leap of faith into the unknown - good luck and remember, you're not on your own!

    jillygoat x

    PS Sorry if I'm rambling ...

  22. At 10:58 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Sammie wrote:


    Already blogged today, but your Blog compelled me to do so again. I COMPLETELY understand where you're coming from - having had to have time out of my life twice in the last three years. I still work for the same company, but the Hubby's gone! I still get tired and tetchy, but am not trying to be someone else and I do know my limitations at work - which is why I try not to travel into the metropolis too often (my new boss wnats me there tomorrow for one hour long meeting...) and as I now know myself quite well, I recognise when I need a bit of help and always shout for it.

    My 'revelation' came when I was driving to work one morning, complete panic getting kids out of the house, stressed with work, waiting to hear about a mortgage to buy a new house and got stuck in traffic near a School Bus that was parked to allow a severely disabled girl get on. Her father was with her and the love and complete devotion he had in his expression made me realise that there are more important things in life. I've never forgotten that moment and I hope I never do.

    To everyone that's had hard times in their lives (just about all of us I think!), remember the sun WILL come up tomorrow, no matter what's happened today.

    Happy health all,

    S xx.

    PS CLP - stayed away from the subject - but hope that whomever was in hospital is on the mend now - I'm sure they felt better just knowing you were in their corner. X

  23. At 11:26 AM on 21 Feb 2007, Livin' Life 2 The Full wrote:

    Hi All

    Not commented for a long time now... but felt compelled to today.

    A few years ago I met a great man, who has influenced my life greatly and the way I approach and view it.

    I believe that nothing happens by chance, everything is a choice - it is debatable whether we are free to make those choices or whether it dictatced by circumstance sometimes; however, restitution can be made at points.

    I would thoroughly recommend a book called "Big Rocks - Balancing Life and Work" by Dr Gary F. Russell.

    It needs to be read with an open mind and then make your decision at the end, but I found it so useful.

    I still can't say that I get it right all the time, and I'm not sure I would want to... learning is all part of life's rich pattern.

    If this helps one person today to head in the right direction, then I've contributed something good!

    Keep a good thought all!

    LL2TF xx

  24. At 11:38 AM on 21 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Used to be J - I remember my sister-in-law once saying that she wondered if her four children were suffering because she was working part-time and didn't have as much time for them as she'd like, but that in order to provide them with all the things they wanted she had to work.

    I said I thought that in years to come they would look back and only remember the fun and love that they shared as a family - the latest toys and computer games would be a distant memory. Let's face it, what you've never had you've never missed.

    They have subsequently emigrated to New Zealand - she doesn't work, they have far less money but have a much better quality of life, and she has time for her family - they are so happy.

    J - material things can be bought at any stage in someone's life, but your time, which is precious, can never be got back, especially while your kids are growing up.

    That's what I think - for what it's worth .......


  25. At 11:39 AM on 21 Feb 2007, peter wrote:

    didn't 'the girl on the sofa' have anything to say about the crossword in bed..............

    Chris you're blog is brill, its rare to get someone who is so open about there life, thoughts, feelings etc and you are !!!! Long may it continue

    (PS don't suppose you'd be prime minister would you, we could do with someone like you, you could make Wogan minister for culture or something, I'd vote for you!)

  26. At 11:58 AM on 21 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    And while we're on the subject of work, I've just been notified of this but it may already be too late .......


    There is a dangerous virus being passed electronically, orally and by hand.

    This virus is called Worry-Overload-Recreation-Killer (WORK).

    If you receive WORK from any of your colleagues, your boss or anyone else via any means DO NOT TOUCH IT.

    This virus will wipe out your private life completely.

    If you should come into contact with WORK put your jacket on and take two good friends to the nearest bar.

    Purchase the antidote known as Work-Isolator-Neutralizer-Extractor (WINE) or Bothersome-Employer-Eliminator-Rebooter (BEER).

    Take the antidote repeatedly until WORK has been completely eliminated from your system.

    You should forward this warning to 5 friends. If you do not have 5 friends, you have already been infected and WORK is controlling your life. Good luck at purging your system of this terrible virus.

    jillygoat x

  27. At 12:19 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Hi y'all

    Nice to see that our lovely Christophe has cheered up today. Yesterday I got the feeling you had the equivalent of PMT! No wonder though when you have to leave the house of your dreams etc.

    Lovely blog today, as mentioned by numerous others. You certainly make a good philosopher CLP. I'm lucky I suppose cos I have a full time job as a health insurance broker (sounds boring, but I actually love it) and then I run my own small business dealing with doggies which means I meet some great people and help with their problems which brings a great sense of achievement and satisfaction.

    I've got something to look forward to myself for a change cos I'm going to see Mika next week with one of my dearest friends. She's been quite ill and I must admit at times I've worried just how many times (if any) I'd see her again as she lives some way from me. SO, this is gonna be fab and we're both thrilled. That, and seeing the lovely man himself makes for lots to look forward to.

    Great to hear everyone elses experiences. Onwards and upwards, life's too short for being unhappy eh? I might be skint (permanently it seems as hubby isn't working), but I love him, he loves me and we both love our dogs. What more can you want eh?!!!

    Love to all.

  28. At 12:21 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Used to be J - I take it that you are not the 'J' who is glad to be a western woman? Ok then.

    Is there any way you can 'start your own business' at the weekend or in the evening? You don't say what you would like to do, but as you obviously have your family's interests at heart, would you be a better husband and father if you were doing something you love instead of something you feel you have to do?

    I'm playing Devil's Avocado here as I was against my second husband going self-employed, rightly as it turned out, but then I ended up with the Boy, who was and still is self-employed, and we manage when we have to, and celebrate when we can.

    If you don't feel it is right, then don't go for it, but if you talk to the people that matter to you rather than assume it's a no-no, just to see what they think. It may or may not be good, but you won't know if you don't try.

    Everything today is good, and like 'J' #6, I am thanking my lucky stars I am here and able to enjoy it.


    ps Just looked outside, and a thought crossed my mind. The weather is beautiful here today, but if today was in the middle of the summer, we'd all be saying 'isn't it cloudy!'

  29. At 12:28 PM on 21 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    You blogged earlier this week about not getting published...I think you are looking at the wrong genre. You should be writing a self-help book. They sell in their millions - and most of them don't even say anything. You only need one small idea as your philosophy which can be repeated ad nauseam. And what's better, it doesn't even need to be original!
    Some ideas:
    - Live for the moment!
    - Eat, drink and be merry!
    - Drink more coffee!
    - How to win people and influence friends!
    - The T (urkish) Plan Diet!
    - Do what you like! Like what you do!
    - Crosswords not cross words!
    - Look! and other catchphrases
    - Danger! Decision ahead...

    The most important thing is to get an exclamation mark in the title.

    Me? I love to talk, I love business and I love the radio - let me see, how could I possibly bring these three together?...13 shows to go Foxy...you're gonna miss out on Fox the Moose if you don't act soon. The ball is in your court.

    I also love writing...so I'll just get on with that and aim for the 拢71k publishing deal. Well, you always have to go one better, don't you.


  30. At 12:39 PM on 21 Feb 2007, moose wrote:

    More ideas:
    - I wish I'd spent more time in the office!
    - Buy that radio station!
    - Numbers need love too!
    - How to get the girl off the sofa and into bed!
    - Toast! and other simple pleasures.
    - How to be called Gareth and still be posh!
    - De-cluttering for dummies!
    - Donde esta mi bicicleta! and other useful Spanish phrases
    - The choice is yours!
    - How to put the fun back into your routine humdrum existence!

  31. At 01:28 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Tootie wrote:

    Tootle pip : )

    Thank goodness I came in here today, for the first time in ages.

    I鈥檓 an accountant too and I was having one of those moments from hell. I forgot to put 拢1.7 million into a budget and someone else found my error. I wanted to crawl under the nearest desk and cry.

    Then I came in here and your thoughts Chris made me think 鈥淥h who cares!鈥 It鈥檚 only a number. I can lift my head up high and smile because my life outside this place is wonderful. I have a beautiful son and a loving husband. Our second baby is due beginning of September : )

    I do sometimes feel stifled by my circumstances. It isn鈥檛 easy changing ones life once you鈥檝e already started down a path. If I was to walk backwards up that path where would I start to take a different one? It鈥檚 very difficult to know. I certainly don鈥檛 love my job, but I can鈥檛 afford to change it now. So I guess I just have to live with the choices I made way back when.

    Love and hugs all x

  32. At 01:36 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Debbie wrote:

    CLP, how did you get be be so wise? I could read your thoughts and observations for ever.

    Your friends are very lucky to have you can I just say.

    I hope the person you were visiting in hospital is ok now.

    Love Deb x

  33. At 01:55 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Caroline wrote:

    hello chaps. chapettes, the lovely chris and the ace drivetime team

    I enjoyed your blog today chris, and absolutely love it when it's early!
    Hope the meeting with posh friend called Gareth went well. My breakfast meeting was with the running machine (playing girls aloud on my MP3 Player (sorry moose!))
    You sound much happier than over the last 2 days..
    is it a comnination of an acheivement, decisions to be made, a full tummy and a girl from the sofa?....OOOH, bit personal here..is the girl on the sofa the same girl who "loves her boyfriend to death, loves sorting, and loves doing houses up? is it, is it?

    A person is extremely lucky when she/he can do the thing she/he loves doing for a job..and spend time with her/his family....it occured to me that some commentors ( Gaby, DWNB, Jillygoat, hazel L) all have made that decison in 40's..it really is a turning point time, taking stock and realising that yourself and your family are precious, and time should be spent with them..I am in an extremely lucky posiiton to be able to have this at 41..I celebrate that everyday and try hard not to take it for granted.

    Happy humpday everyone
    Caroline x

  34. At 02:03 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Laura wrote:

    Wow i had no idea these blogs existed and Chris your's was fab to read.

    I collect a sofa on saturday a sofa that was part of TFI friday it is going to be placed in the den next to the bar hehehehehe i think it will kinda feel at home.

    Hugs L

  35. At 02:14 PM on 21 Feb 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Good afternoon young Crispin, Bloggers, schloggers.

    Everyone appears to be full of joi de vivre today, most excellent.

    Spring looks to have sprung also , most excellent.

    Come on out team


  36. At 02:54 PM on 21 Feb 2007, CHB wrote:

    Dont drink more coffee Chris. I used to drink loads but since going to France and Christmas and hating it with UHT milk I have converted to boiling water with a slice of lemon in it. I have about 8 of these a day now and feel great and I am the only person in my office without flu/cold/cough type thing.

    I swear by it. Love the show and the team. CHB

  37. At 03:02 PM on 21 Feb 2007, sarah wrote:

    That is a mightly fine blog
    Thank you

  38. At 03:17 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Alice wrote:


    You've done it for me today - I've been going through a massive crisis because I've achieved so much within my career and to be honest have just 'got bored' with it all. I've set myself goals over the past 20+ years that have all been around career and money - I've reached and exceeded most of those goals - have been very focussed in achieving them.

    And now what ..... I've sacrifed lots in the pursuit of these goals eg not having children, not spending enough time with my friends etc etc. Your friends outcome has made me realise that I need to stop thinking about work and career goals and think about 'me' goals - how can I use the vast experience I have to bring happiness to other people - not least to perhaps care, cook and look after my husband for once!

    Thank you so much I feel 'free'


  39. At 03:43 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I think it definitely is a 40's thin.

    You reach this point and you think... it's now or never. I just kept thinking to myself. For Christ Sake, I'm an Adult, I'm grown up, and I'm letting these people treat me so badly I cry on my way home. It's just a sudden realisation.


  40. At 04:04 PM on 21 Feb 2007, J-not-J wrote:

    I seem to have upset some by using the 'j' name - oops!

    Anyway, it's been great to see how today's blog has affected many people. I am lucky that I have not chased a career but it has meant that I am now fast approaching pensionable age with no pension, no house, no nest egg and no money - hey ho!

    I do listen to the wizards though and I trust them to provide for me all through this life.

    Careers aren't everything and as another poster said, trying to attain everything has been greatly detrimental to our health and wellbeing, both individually and as a nation.


  41. At 04:05 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Em M wrote:

    Dogwithnobrain #16 - what a great message that was, how lovely that you have managed to turn your life around in such a short time, thanks for telling us about your hot air balloon moment, I feel down sometimes but I think mine is hormonal more than anything. I have been married for a long time and I sometimes wonder if we're "right" for eachother, do other people think there's someone out there for everyone, or that we should just try and work things through with whoever we end up with? I'm an intolerant old bag sometimes, I don't know how my husband puts up with me.

    Em xx

  42. At 04:26 PM on 21 Feb 2007, sarah wrote:

    That is a mightly fine blog
    Thank you

  43. At 04:42 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Rockin and a rollin to the end of what has so far been the best day of the week, and the boy has just informed me that we expect a dear friend for dinner this evening, so it is still getting better.

    In the words of Mr Michael...yes you gotta have faith afaith afaith afaith ah

    Yes you do
    oh you do

    ...and golly, it's nearly Thirsty Thursday again!

  44. At 05:04 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good afternoon, Christoff!

    I love toast in the morning 鈥 but you MUST get the butter on it before it cools down, so that the butter鈥檚 all melted 鈥 and it MUST be unsalted, quality butter (alternative spreads are available 鈥 but not as good!).

    Crosswords 鈥. my Mum loves them 鈥 I don鈥檛 get them! I鈥檓 sitting here, looking at the clue, that you kindly explained for us, but I STILL don鈥檛 see how you got used from that! How thick am I?!

    Glad you and The Girl From The Sofa had such a lovely meal 鈥. that鈥檚 always such a joy isn鈥檛 it!? Don鈥檛 think I鈥檝e ever tasted Turkish food.

    I think that my life is sadly lacking routine. Your post today has given me a lot to ponder. I have been trying for years to find a way to live my life and to do what I have always wanted to do 鈥. but daily, family life always makes me put these hopes and thoughts on the back burner. Actually, it is through meeting some of the other comment-makers on your blog that my hopes and aspirations have been rekindled 鈥 so thank you twice over!

    Our prayers are with your friend/family member in hospital. That must have been a difficult time for you, trying to juggle work, moving house and being at the hospital. Sometimes it鈥檚 periods like this in your life that leave you with such clarity of thought that you wonder how you could have been so blind before. Don鈥檛 know if that makes sense, but it did to me! It sounds like you are a real blessing to those who confide in you and in whom you confide. I hope your accountant friend finds what she is looking for.

    So 鈥 what did you have for breakfast? My pal Ann (of the clan MacLeod) made white pudding, Lorne sausage and scrambled eggs for our breakfast and I鈥檓 still stuffed!

    Hope you鈥檝e had a great day. Heading for the kitchen now to pretend I鈥檓 cooking, but it鈥檚 just so I can cheer myself up listening to you!

    Huggles, Susan, Highland lass

  45. At 05:07 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Afternoon Chris

    Cambridge today, so most of the time spent dodging lunatics on the M11.

    Interestingly high count (no pun intended) of accountants on here (me too).

    Could there be a correlation between blogging and (avoiding) accounting?

    I think we should be told.

    Like most of you I have been, and still am, going through my career/life crisis and as yet, haven't found the answer.

    But I know it is out there.

    Enjoy the rest of Wednesday.

    Peace and Love


    PS Baby you're much 2 fast

    PPS Gina dreams of running away

  46. At 05:46 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Used to be J wrote:

    J-not-J or J,
    Not an issue, takes alot more to upset me.
    Have a great night.
    Perhaps we should be J male and J female respectively!

    Jillygoat & Hazel love,
    Thanks for the advice, I will keep you posted regarding any decisions.

    5:48pm & missing show as I am still on a conferene call at work. (Obviously not gripping me too much as I am blogging the same time................., see the male race can multi-task)

  47. At 06:13 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Neil wrote:


    You've just asked on air about opinions of Mika.

    Sorry, but I can't stand him (his music that is - never met the guy, obviously). His new release is even more annoying than the last one. I have to retune to Planet Rock every time it comes on - then forget to tune back until the ads get too much.

    Well, you did ask...



    P.S. Yes, another accountant!

  48. At 06:47 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    A father was at the beach with his children when the four-year-old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand.

    "Daddy, what happened to him?" the son asked.

    "He died and went to Heaven," the Dad replied.

    The boy thought a moment and then said, "Did God throw him back down?

  49. At 06:58 PM on 21 Feb 2007, raymondo wrote:

    MICA????> Nothing new about MICA, remember Tiny Tim? and of course The Darkness and Queen. There is nothing new today unless you are under the age of about 30, everything copies the 50'2 & 60's, esoecially Elvis, Buddy, The Beatles, Dylon, 10cc, The Kinks etec etc.

  50. At 07:12 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    H(i) Chis.....

    I have not added to your blog for yonks...

    I have been a tag busy..

    I am still trying to raise monies for charity.

    I have decided to organise a golf event for the World Wide Womens Institute.

    I would like you to look at

    I have lots more stuff for you to see soon.

    I have an iObesion!

    I give you my kindest regards....

    Boom Boom.

    ohhhh ... One more thing..
    ...... Insanely Great Show.

  51. At 07:15 PM on 21 Feb 2007, anna wrote:

    nice blog CLP. Must dash but want to say:

    J - trust your instinct. I am a firm believer that we know whats right for us and ours, but rarely listen to ourselves, outside influences seem to be louder somehow. Always trust your instinct, you will never be wrong.

    Em M - a little thing, Husbands. Im not sure i believe in the one man for one woman concept (other relationship pairings are available), I do think that relationships take work, comittment and compromise. I love my husband dearly, he drives me mad, he infuriates me at times and he can be pompous mc pompous when the mood takes him. But. He loves me, he is my best friend. He is an amazing father, he provides, he cares, he supports and most importantly he accepts. There are probably other men out there that do that, but i am perfectly happy with the one i have. True love isnt always romance, flowers and passion - i think its often far simpler than that. Longer response than i intended, most of which you probably know, but sometimes its good to be reminded. I hope you dont mind.

    take it easy

  52. At 07:25 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good evening my dear fellow bloggers and blogettes!

    So 鈥. where do you want to be in 5 years time? I was once asked that by my Line Manager in our 鈥榮upervision鈥 session. I told her that I wanted to be doing her job! And, at the time, I meant it! I was already managing a small staff team providing care for retired folk in a housing scheme - I loved my job, knew how to do it and do it well, and thought I鈥檇 found the career I was born for. I could see myself moving further up the ladder in the organisation. Then I had a CFS relapse and suddenly the carpet was well and truly pulled from under my feet. It was then that I realised that I was fooling myself, that I was in a job where I was banging my head against a brick wall trying to get the best for the tenants out of an organisation and staff team that only cared about money! Not only that, but it had robbed me of my health and happiness. So, out of necessity, I handed in my notice, too ill to return to work anyway, and concentrated on getting well again and on our home life.

    I haven鈥檛 been able to work since then, but recovered sufficiently to not need the pills again 鈥. And then we were blessed with our daughter! So now that is my job - raising a healthy, happy wee lassie!

    So 鈥 where do I want to be in 5 years time?

    I want to:

    have a bigger family (probably through adoption)
    be a better wife
    have written and submitted my first novel
    be fitter and healthier
    have done more with my photography
    be working with teens in church again
    be living in Argyll.

    So 鈥. over to you. Where do you want to be in 5 years time?

    Group Huggles,

    Susan, Highland lass

  53. At 07:44 PM on 21 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Lambie Pie.

    Yet again an inspiration.

    We all need to re-focus now and again and take stock. When we're under pressure the temptation is to look to what we can't do rather than what we can.

    As I always say to my Gorgeous, Genius, Top Bird daughter, hold on tight to your dreams. The only failure in life is failure to try, and nothing is ever as bad as the fear of it.

    And if you fall on your a***, the only way to go is up.


  54. At 08:00 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Jainie - hope you had a great day. Have just put the kettle on - milk, sugar?

    The Debster - I鈥檝e got snots, headache and spots too! Well done for turning your thinking around! I have a Paul MacKenna book/CD 鈥楬ow to Change Your life In 7 Days鈥 - got as far as day 3! I also have a memory improvement course from Kevin Trudeau - I got to tape 8 of 16! Do you think there is something in my subconscious that is stopping me improving my mind!?

    Hazel love - I love Greek food, so am guessing I would love Turkish too! But we have neither in Inverness. L Well done for taking the bull (not moose) by the horn and going for the course. I鈥檒l pop next door to find out what you鈥檙e doing!

    J - well done on reaching contentment! We do forget how privileged and secure we are in the West, don鈥檛 we?

    Sammie - belated Happy Birthday baby! And go for it - step out of that comfort zone! We only get one shot at it in this world, so make it the best that you can! Go with the flutterby man!

    Cheryl the Diva - it鈥檚 so encouraging to hear from folk who just go for it! Maybe CLP could use a good PA?

    Sara - WELCOME! And congrats on following your dreams! Was the bread good?

    Em M - why can鈥檛 we make a well paid career out of reading, sleeping, watching films and cooking?! Glad the inspection went ok! Can you give me the link for the blog lady?

    DWNB - thanks for sharing that! So open and so very encouraging! Going to enjoy chatting at the Scottish Meet! My 40th is 2 years away, but I鈥檓 already trying to think of what and where to go! There will definitely be a family thing, probably in a chalet somewhere, but I think myself and a couple of school pals are going to have a girly weekend away somewhere!

    Used to be J - money isn鈥檛 everything, honey 鈥 I learned that one well! Family and happiness and contentment are far more important - there is too much emphasis on the material these days. I think you should actively investigate starting out on your own - there are plenty of enterprise schemes to help you put together a business plan, etc. The only risk, surely, is that you have to pull your horns in (sorry Moose!) and cut down on the spending, but that shouldn鈥檛 impact life and family too much. Time spent together as a family is more important than things! I鈥檓 sure your family would be behind you 100%. Keep us posted!

    Going to make that cup of tea - anyone got any biccies?!

  55. At 08:09 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    I鈥檝e just read my email from the Prime Minister.

    He says, 鈥淎nd the costs on us all will be real - congestion could cost an extra 拢22 billion in wasted time in England by 2025, of which 拢10-12 billion would be the direct cost on businesses.鈥

    I live in Scotland .. Does this mean that the congestion charges were only going to be for England? Hmmmmm 鈥.

  56. At 08:09 PM on 21 Feb 2007, daveyboy wrote:

    Thanks for a great blogg Chris. I'm Dave and a virgin at this thing (blogging). Just started reading your blogg. Love your show btw, especially on a thursday on my long journey to Tai Chi class. I'd kinda given up on my wish to change career. Thanks for the inspiration. I've been working as a painter n decorator for 3 years (since re-turning to UK after living abroad for ages). I want to train to become a acupuncturist. Find it difficult just to pay mortgage etc, let alone 5 grand a year for course(3 years). I'm gonna try and re-think the whole thing. You are an inspiration. I have to believe in myself and a better future.

  57. At 08:14 PM on 21 Feb 2007, daveyboy wrote:

    Thanks for a great blogg Chris. I'm Dave and a virgin at this thing (blogging). Just started reading your blogg. Love your show btw, especially on a thursday on my long journey to Tai Chi class. I'd kinda given up on my wish to change career. Thanks for the inspiration. I've been working as a painter n decorator for 3 years (since re-turning to UK after living abroad for ages). I want to train to become a acupuncturist. Find it difficult just to pay mortgage etc, let alone 5 grand a year for course(3 years). I'm gonna try and re-think the whole thing. You are an inspiration. I have to believe in myself and a better future.

  58. At 09:32 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Alison wrote:

    Thought your advice to your mate re her job/career path was inspired. I feel a bit the same at the moment in that I'm in a job I usually like and that I 'm quite good at but I just can't be bothered. Wish I could do something that sparked my fire a bit more. You're so sorted and, if I may say so, very, very, wise.
    Love the show.

  59. At 09:38 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Gaby - what does a headless chicken with horns look like!? Well done for going for it! I鈥檓 sure the job you鈥檙e looking for will turn up. How was the ham sarnie?

    Chrissie S - 4 years is such a short time!

    Jillygoat - so sorry for your loss. Keep us posted on what your thoughts on life, love and work are.

    Sammie - it鈥檚 liberating when you can finally throw away the mask and be the real you. Feel free to shout for help any time! Your story about the disabled lass had me welling up. We should always count our blessings every day.

    Jonah wood - hope you and your friend have a blast at Mika! What a relief that your friend recovered.

    Moose for Fox鈥檚 spot! Just don鈥檛 you forget your fellow bloggers and blogettes when you get that deal! Thanks for making me smile!

    Tootie - OOPS! It鈥檚 only numbers, honey! Congrats on baby number 2!

    Caroline - Girl鈥檚 Aloud?!? Hmmm 鈥.

    Laura - welcome to blogland! It鈥檚 addictive! Some of us got sucked in a while ago and can鈥檛 get back out! When are we all getting an invite to sit on the TFI Friday sofa next to your bar?! Perhaps Chris could start a new show from there?

    CHB - I don鈥檛 know if I could give up my coffee!!! But you sound so healthy!

    Alice - keep us posted!

    J-not-J - you sound positive despite the no pension, etc worries!

    Em M - I do believe that there is always someone out there for us all - and second time around I got it right. But I think it鈥檚 normal to think 鈥榳hat if鈥 and wonder if we are where we are meant to be and with who wwe are meant to be with. Bottom line, for you I think honey, is - do you love him, do you share the same passions, hopes and dreams, can you both work toward a bright future for the two of you? I鈥檓 intolerant bag at times too, and thank the Lord that I have a patient hubby 鈥 but he can be a major pain in the butt too!

    Hazel love - hoping you and the Boy are having a blast with your pal!

    MfR - you don鈥檛 look like an accountant! Hope you find your answers.

    Used to be J - I鈥檓 getting confused with all these J鈥檚!!!! I can鈥檛 believe there is a male out there who can multitask!

    Neil - Mika is a legend!!! A legend, I say 鈥. not a leg end!

    Anna - great advice. Sounds like you鈥檙e busy!

    Clodagh - more great advice!

    My wee girly is in her bath, drawing with green soap crayons on EVERYTHING 鈥 including Daddy and me! I鈥檝e had my cuppa and now I鈥檓 off to pour a glass of red vino - anyone want to join me?

    Huggles, Susan

    A little boy was overheard praying:
    "Lord, if you can't make me a better boy, don't worry about it.
    I'm having a real good time like I am."

  60. At 10:38 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    daveyboy - welcome to blogging! Go for your dreams, honey! Hope you manage to work it all out and find a way to achieve what you are aiming for! Believe in your abilities!

  61. At 11:00 PM on 21 Feb 2007, arthur white wrote:

    Hi Chris
    This is most odd for me as I have read much about the blogging world and have never been tempted to read, let alone contribute. However for some reason sinc hearing you discuss on the show I feel a compulsion to join in, which, as a life-long 'non joiner, i'd rather stand back and observe' type, this is all very alien.
    So I hope you will all forgive me if I do not follow protocol.
    I have worked in the 'trenches' of the entertainment industry for over twenty years first as a dancer in tv variety shows, videos, musicals etc and then as a teacher and choreographer.
    I've been everything from a gameshow prize guy to a tap dancing germ on a toilet seat in a stanley baxter christmas special. (I am getting to the point soon, promise!) To me, yes this was a pretty routine day, however my dad did 30 years of shift work in a steel mill for peanuts and was eventually made redundant for his efforts. He and most his co workers didit for the money not the love of routine or a good old blue collar work ethic.
    Now, as a long time listener i am aware that you also have a similar working class background and admire your newly found self deprecation (went off you a bit towards the end of the radio1 debacle) but I have no doubt that your troubled accounting friend has a life style most of your listners would die for and your anna raeburn like abillities to cure her ills sounded pretty patronising.
    You are without a doubt a great broadcaster and have that abillity to speak to the individual as opposed to the masses (a rare talent) but, man, you are starting to sound a too bit saint -like for your own good. Don't believe the hype Chris.
    I know this isn't gonna make the blog but I hope you get to read it.

    cheers mate


  62. At 11:19 PM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    What a perfect show. Steps up a gear. Arrived at destination just as the credits rolled. Had to stay in the van till Johnny came on (sorry), then by the time I got back from the delivery dop you were playing 'Shine'. Turned it up loud. Happy days.
    Totally get what you say about that song. It'a so silly it's cool. Plus the first time I heard it was on the ITV (can we say that word?) aduience with show and Marky Marky was looking rather sweaty and ragged by that time... and that takes you back. Where did those 10 years go? He was so grrr. When you listen to this he still is. Kinda.

    By the tine I'd got to the next drop you had the jam man on. Waitrose buyer events? Where do you find out about those? That could be the answer I've been looking for.

    What's the difference between Turkish and Greek food? I worked with two female chefs once - one Turkish the other Greek. No joke involved here though. They hated and despised each other from the get-go, just for the sake of their nationality (there's a natural hatred between the two), It was all war. So we always felt it better not to ask the difference.

  63. At 11:46 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Simon wrote:


    Goodness, this blog has become serious!

    Re # 18

    Been there, done it got the T shirt!

    Do you want to do it or not? I have to confess, I "did it" in different circumstances. I didn't have a wife and children so the fear factor was absent. A friend's father did it with a wife and four kids under the age of 10. God, that guy must have gonnads the size of planets!

    What is your wife's attitude? If she is prepared to pull out all the stops i.e. work, to hold up the family kite. Otherwise, just enjoy what you've got. There is more to life than working yourself into an early grave - which is exactly what self employment can mean.

    That said, there is no better way to be than being free and working for yourself.

    That's my view anyway - hope it helps!

  64. At 11:58 PM on 21 Feb 2007, Granny Bev wrote:

    Chris, what an inspirational blog!
    I've read all comments and agree with so many.

    Just a word to Em M regarding child-minding; my elder daughter is an OFSTED Registered Child Minder. She LOVES her job with children who currently range from 19 months to 13 years old. She has 14 children on her register - not all at the same time! She is kn...ered at the end of the 12-hour day, and has considered filling shelves at a local supermarket to increase her income (to provide for her and her son). However, she decided job satisfaction is preferable to filling shelves to buy things she doesn't need.

    My daily work - in a butcher's shop - doesn't fill me with great joy, but I do get to talk to people of all ages and walks of life. I am also a parish council clerk, so I deal with local issues in a wider world.
    I thought I was dissatisfied with my lot until I read today's blog. I now know I'm happy to be close to my daughters and their families on a daily basis, pleased my husband and I work/live well together, and glad I can be of help in the village in which I live.
    I am lucky that my two sisters live within 15 miles of us, so we also know who does what - and when!

    Did anyone see "It didn't do me any harm" on TV on Tuesday evening? Family values springs to mind!
    ALWAYS eat at the same table!

    Thanks everyone - what a great blog.

    Granny Bev

  65. At 02:38 AM on 22 Feb 2007, Nick wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    First time visit to the blog and felt I had to say that I would love to have some of what you have in my morning tea each day. You just seem to be happy with your lot!

    Every time I get in my car to complete the 110 mile daily roundtrip journey back home to Oxted, Surrey from Alton, Hampshire to see my lovely family which consists of a beautiful wife Alison and four wonderful children, Sam (15), Megan (13), Lydia (12) and William (3).

    I look so forward to 5pm with real excitement that you, Rebecca, Johnny and of course Sally will do what you do everyday.

    You all make me smile so much that I forget about the crap i'm in at this moment of my life with all the pressure of making a living

    I know I am a bloke, but I just felt that I had to tell you this for some reason

  66. At 10:10 PM on 27 Feb 2007, esther dudley wrote:

    I think you've come such a long way in a few years Chris. i used to think you were a bit of a bully on your radio 1 show - certainly arrogant. But now you've become the best friend of thousands of commuters - well, certainly you're my friend as I drive 65 miles home from work each day( not complaining - I'm a university lecturer which is a great job) and I know my sister rates you highly too. So keep up the friendliness, the fantastic positive attitude and general kindness to everyone around you - it's a lesson in niceness to us all. Did you really lose all your millions or did they just become insignificant?

  67. At 10:06 AM on 01 Mar 2007, craig wrote:

    your views are spot on.
    after nearly drinking myself to death over worthless concerns about my business i said stuff the worry stopped drinking got a manager in and now i please myself everyday.i have got fit cleared my head and business is booming.
    i used to feel a bit lazy and wrong about being so selfish and doing things for me but not now .
    now i love life and enjoy my own little routine of keeping fit eating well and making up for all those lost years worrying myself to an early grave.life has begun (again) at 40 weh hey........

    you are the inspiration don't ever stop.


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