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Chris Evans | 10:22 UK time, Tuesday, 20 February 2007

Turned my phone off last night at the start of the quiz and it won’t let me turn it back on again. Went to turn my computer on this morning and it was having none of it…

…my computer has since changed it’s mind but my phone remains unrepentant.

I would take it to the menders but I cannot do that. That is not an option. Mum’s the word.

So the movie quiz last night, came last. Honest to goodness, straight down the line last, nowhere to be seen, in the gutter, out the back with the bins, nobby no mates, the numpties, Steven Segal, John Leslie, Eldorado, Waterworld, you get the idea.

Ended up in a corner playing awards top trumps with Stephen Merchant.

He has three baftas, five comedy awards, a golden globe, an emmy and the golden rose of Montreaux. I have one bafta, five comedy awards, an emmy and the golden rose but no golden globe. However technically he is part of a double act so I think it’s fair to half his awards which means I come out just about equal or maybe even a little ahead, ha ha !

The fact that he’s a comedy genius and I am not has nothing to do with it. Jeez he’s funny, I wish you all knew him.

Have decided I can never go back to my new house again, I nearly died due to some weird allergy at the weekend, it’s official I'm allergic to my own house. It's too big anyway, I think I’ll sell it. I have a one bed flat in London and I love it here, my life is so simple.

My flat can never get too untidy because there’s not enough of it. I’ll still go to the country at the weekends but I think I’m going to live a little closer to nature, even in the woods perhaps, I’m deadly serious.

Why don’t we all go and live in the woods. I heard you don’t need planning permission for a wooden structure as long as it’s not permanent and not over twenty square metres. I own a patch of woodland that could fit tens of those kind of structures in it.

What would the government do, if we all just started building wooden huts in the woods ? If we all did it, they couldn’t do anything to stop us. Imagine that, David Cameron says huts for all and gets in by a landslide.

Just been asked if I'm interested in buying my old radio station back again, wonders never cease.

That was a larf wasn't it, I borrowed £85m off a bank, can you believe that? I had to put all I had in first, which was £2m and if the deal went tits up my £2m woild be the first to to go and then the banks agreed to make up the rest. Would I do it again ? Er.... not at today's prices, no, I don't think so but then again, tra-la-la-la...

Take me to your leader.

CLP 2007 x.


  1. At 12:14 PM on 20 Feb 2007, AS wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    Interesting theory about wooden huts. Sorry the new house isn't working for you.

    My children are on half term this week so if I could do anything today it would be to take the day off work and spend it with them, doing their favourite things.

    AS x

  2. At 12:16 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    ...and we can't open the blog either.

    Chris, I really do feel that there are greater things happening that you are not wot of, and you should be taking notice of.

    If you got somewhere else 'in the country' I feel you would still suffer the same symptoms you do now at the weekend. It is your body accepting that the pace of life there is not so frenetic, and so it feels relaxed enough to get rid of the toxins and stresses it has built up through constant tension in the week.

    ...and with regard to these wooden structures not being permanent...what would be the time scale required in order to ascertain the permanence (or not) of the building. I would imagine that the very presence of clothing, bedding or a toothbrush would probably give away the intent with which the structure was built?

    Get a tent

  3. At 12:30 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Afternoon Chris

    Blimey. You’re certainly on one today.

    Sitting in a pub with Mr Merchant sounds like a good way to while away an evening.

    You lucky so and so.

    The new country pad really isn’t for you then? What on earth happened at the weekend? I reckon you should live above the pub, like a true landlord. You could have a workshop/lab like Heston has to experiment with new delights for the menu. Or you could buy yourself a golf club. A course, with a club house and greens and stuff as opposed to a four iron. You could live in the 19th.

    What would I do now if I wasn’t chained to my desk tinkering around with accruals and prepayments?

    Run. As far as I could.

    I am yearning for the outside today. A long run, in the rain, followed by a sauna.


    Peace and love


    PS Keep your eyes on the money

    PPS Electric Ladyland or Electric Landlady?

  4. At 12:34 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Tiggy wrote:

    Was beginning to wonder if your electric personality had messed up the blog too!
    Sad you're allergic to your own home, sounds peculiar but nothing surprises me! Will you miss the Aga?
    Haven't blogged for ages, was on holiday last week and therefore internet free so missed all the goings on :o(
    Will try and catch up but work always gets in the way!
    Ttfn to all bloggers and schloggers
    BTW, Mouldy Old Dough last night and Mark Goodybags using Don't Jump Of The Roof Dad in Popmaster, what's going on?!
    Tiggy xxx

  5. At 12:36 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP - you never cease to amaze!

    No mind to the cookery show. You're now veering into the Ray Mears territory: Survive With Chris / Don't Forget Your Pickaxe ... the possibilities are endless. Â鶹ԼÅÄ Bushcraft in Berkshire p'raps?

    Sorry that you're allergic to your new house. Ovbiously the dustbusters didn't do it any good - but at least a nice clean house should be easy to sell!

    Oops to the film quiz result but Trumps with Merchant sounds more fun. Who needs Gervais ..... ?

    I've got a visiting party at the centre this afternoon - a local WI group. I love WI groups - they're so inquisitive and campaigning, yet the WI page in the local newspaper can give hours of laughs - soooooooo funny! The best bit here is when I give them all hard hats so that they can go into the plant area. The problem with afternoon tours/visits is that most of them have been to the hairdressers in the morning - you can't do glam at a landfill site: that's why I need to leave ASAP!!!!

    Right then, best tackle the Ryvitas (other crispbreads are available). Boxing Day dinner in the Diva house tonight - cold hock of bacon, mash, beans, pickles etc.

    Heat day today - has CLP made it's hallowed pages this week? It'd be a hatrick if you have!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

    CtD x x

  6. At 12:38 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP - you never cease to amaze!

    No mind to the cookery show. You're now veering into the Ray Mears territory: Survive With Chris / Don't Forget Your Pickaxe ... the possibilities are endless. Â鶹ԼÅÄ Bushcraft in Berkshire p'raps?

    Sorry that you're allergic to your new house. Ovbiously the dustbusters didn't do it any good - but at least a nice clean house should be easy to sell!

    Oops to the film quiz result but Trumps with Merchant sounds more fun. Who needs Gervais ..... ?

    I've got a visiting party at the centre this afternoon - a local WI group. I love WI groups - they're so inquisitive and campaigning, yet the WI page in the local newspaper can give hours of laughs - soooooooo funny! The best bit here is when I give them all hard hats so that they can go into the plant area. The problem with afternoon tours/visits is that most of them have been to the hairdressers in the morning - you can't do glam at a landfill site: that's why I need to leave ASAP!!!!

    Right then, best tackle the Ryvitas (other crispbreads are available). Boxing Day dinner in the Diva house tonight - cold hock of bacon, mash, beans, pickles etc.

    Heat day today - has CLP made it's hallowed pages this week? It'd be a hatrick if you have!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

    CtD x x

  7. At 12:43 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Debbie wrote:

    Hi Chris,

    What a shame, fancy being allergic to your own house. Treehouses, now that's the way forward. Did catweazle live in a treehouse?

    Looking forward to the show,
    Love Deb x

    P.S. Re the radio station, go for it!

  8. At 12:44 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Em 26 wrote:


    I feel loads better today! Simon thankyou for your advice. I am working on it! And today I feel what will be will be! Who knows what i will feel tomorrow though! The life of a bipolar hey!

    so i f i could be doing anything to day i would be in a vine yard in south africa with my best pal marie and the sun!!


  9. At 12:47 PM on 20 Feb 2007, jillygoat wrote:

    Morning all

    I remember watching 'Grand Designs' on C4 and they featured a guy who lived in his own wood. He built a house completely made out of this wood and built it with friends, by hand. It was amazing - quite stark in some respects but he had a bathroom, kitchen, bedroom and lounge plus, of course, fantastic views and peace and quiet like you wouldn't believe!

    Go for it CLP! Sorry you're allergic to your new house - you were so excited when you bought it and moved in, but if it's not right for you .....

    Not a good day today so roll on 5pm = Drivetime = home xx

  10. At 12:47 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Gloria wrote:

    Afternoon Mr E, I think you may well be electric or else I'm suffering from the same problem!
    Tried to read this morning's blog at least three times about an hour ago, before the wretched machine would let me see all of it. Then of course felt compelled to post.

    Sorry can't join you in the hut in the woods escape as I don't like twigs in my hair or splinters anywhere at all!

    If I could do one thing today it would involve sunshine & champagne.

    Love to all
    G x

  11. At 12:50 PM on 20 Feb 2007, christian o'connell wrote:

    Hi CLP,

    Christian here current host of your old stations breakfast show. How are you?

    Anyway, if you do it back can i still do the breakfast show?



  12. At 12:51 PM on 20 Feb 2007, J wrote:

    Hi - I'm back. Saccarine postings seem to be diminishing a bit so wondered if we could try again with full fat version of blogging or schlogging or whatever it is.

    I rent my home space and cannot get on the property ladder as my wages are inadequate. I would love to live in the woods with a little wooden shack and so I'd like to sign up to be part of the wooded movement! Perhaps not David Cameron's thing so maybe we could get the Green Party voted in by a landslide instead!

    Did borrowing £85m give any sleepless nights I wonder?

    Also, keep having to miss the last half hour of your show because of the Master Chef Goes Large programme! Can the Â鶹ԼÅÄ sort out it's scheduling to accomodate, I wonder.


  13. At 12:53 PM on 20 Feb 2007, christian o'connell wrote:

    Hello CLP,

    Christian here current host of your old stations breakfast show. If you do buy it back can i still do the breakfast show please?

    All the best,


  14. At 12:54 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Oooh Chris you do inspire me! The woodland folk.....what an aspiration! I used to own a piece of woodland in East Sussex. Bought it on a whim in 1995 as it seemed so inexpensive and sold it for my house deposit last year. Made a nice bit of cash on it too although I only ever went there to see Bluebells during April/May. had a few bohfires and sing-songs but never spent a night there.
    The idea was to get some mates to build log cabins with me. They were all up for it when talking about it in the pub but then the plan never really took off. I have family who sell self-build houses all over Europe and the idea is not as crazy as some may think. I still dream of a life as close to nature as poss, growing my own fruit and veg, making my own wine, baking bread etc. Trouble is it's all a bit scary for a girl on her own or even a couple. You need a few pairs of committed hands on board and if there were kids it would mean slow progress. Dogs would be a bonus though and in their element. Part of the trouble was that my woodland had no water running through it although maps of underground springs showed places where water could be accessed easily enough. I could go on all day on this one. You've touched upon a longing that I had really given up on. I'll be searching photos of bluebells this evening and recalling happy days of sitting on Hastings cliffs planning my wild and natural existence. I have no idea what killed the dream. It just faded away I guess. xxx

    If I could do one thing today it would be have someone pamper me as I'm feeling under the weather which is most unusual for me. I have a 3lb trout in the fridge that my mate Dave caught and gutted for me on Sunday and it has to be cooked today but I'm not feeling at all creative and I really wanted to do something special with it. (Bottom lip sags). Dreaming about woodland life has picked me up alittle though I have to say. Thanks for that. It's not every day you hear that someone out there really does hold the same mad dream as you do. xx

    If you achieve nothing else today you can feel good knowing that you have brought the ray of sunshine that is the possibility of living in the woods into my otherwise grey and overcast day. There's nothing like a dream to make you feel alive. I may just barbecue that trout.....x

  15. At 01:00 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Christian O'Connell wrote:

    Hello CLP,

    Christian here current host of your old radio stations breakfast show.

    How are you?

    If you do buy it back can i still do the breakfast show?

    All The Best


  16. At 01:16 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Nick wrote:

    Funny you should mention Stephen Merchant. I bumped into him and Ricky once in one of those electrical shops on Tottenham Court Road. He is far too tall! I think he was looking for a laptop...

  17. At 01:20 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Me thinks CLP is getting Restless Feet again.....

    Go get Billy back and the pair of you away and wow the world together. You were such a great couple madly in love with life.


  18. At 01:26 PM on 20 Feb 2007, derek wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the country pad i am sure Enzo loved living in the country rather than the city . You must have been off the boil to have finished last in your quiz as you seemed to know all the answers when you were quiz master to the team during the show oh dear what went wrong!!!!

    Why would you wont to buy your old radio station back you are the back bone of Radio2 now and can see you taking over from Sir Terry when he decides to hang his ear phones up stay with us and let some other mug buy it looking forward to the show have you decided on the foxys replacement yet???

  19. At 01:32 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP - you never cease to amaze!

    No mind to the cookery show. You're now veering into Ray Mears territory: Survive With Chris / Don't Forget Your Pickaxe ... the possibilities are endless. Â鶹ԼÅÄ Bushcraft in Berkshire p'raps?

    Sorry that you're allergic to your new house. Ovbiously the dustbusters didn't do it any good - but at least a nice clean house should be easy to sell!

    Oops to the film quiz result but Trumps with Merchant sounds more fun. Who needs Gervais ..... ?

    I've got a visiting party at the centre this afternoon - a local WI group. I love WI groups - they're so inquisitive and campaigning, yet the WI page in the local newspaper can give hours of laughs - soooooooo funny! The best bit here is when I give them all hard hats so that they can go into the plant area. The problem with afternoon tours/visits is that most of them have been to the hairdressers in the morning - you can't do glam at a landfill site: that's why I need to leave ASAP!!!!

    Right then, best tackle the Ryvitas (other crispbreads are available). Boxing Day dinner in the Diva house tonight - cold hock of bacon, mash, beans, pickles etc.

    Heat day today - has CLP made it's hallowed pages this week? It'd be a hatrick if you have!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

    CtD x x

  20. At 01:36 PM on 20 Feb 2007, derek wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the country pad i am sure Enzo loved living in the country rather than the city . You must have been off the boil to have finished last in your quiz as you seemed to know all the answers when you were quiz master to the team during the show oh dear what went wrong!!!!

    Why would you wont to buy your old radio station back you are the back bone of Radio2 now and can see you taking over from Sir Terry when he decides to hang his ear phones up stay with us and let some other mug buy it looking forward to the show have you decided on the foxys replacement yet???

  21. At 01:38 PM on 20 Feb 2007, derek wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the country pad i am sure Enzo loved living in the country rather than the city . You must have been off the boil to have finished last in your quiz as you seemed to know all the answers when you were quiz master to the team during the show oh dear what went wrong!!!!

    Why would you wont to buy your old radio station back you are the back bone of Radio2 now and can see you taking over from Sir Terry when he decides to hang his ear phones up stay with us and let some other mug buy it looking forward to the show have you decided on the foxys replacement yet???

  22. At 01:41 PM on 20 Feb 2007, derek wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the country pad i am sure Enzo loved living in the country rather than the city . You must have been off the boil to have finished last in your quiz as you seemed to know all the answers when you were quiz master to the team during the show oh dear what went wrong!!!!

    Why would you wont to buy your old radio station back you are the back bone of Radio2 now and can see you taking over from Sir Terry when he decides to hang his ear phones up stay with us and let some other mug buy it looking forward to the show have you decided on the foxys replacement yet???

  23. At 01:41 PM on 20 Feb 2007, steve potts wrote:

    Hi Christoff,

    Not sure about living in the woods, the bogey men lie there as well don,t they?.


  24. At 01:41 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Cheryl the Diva wrote:

    CLP - you never cease to amaze!

    No mind to the cookery show. You're now veering into Ray Mears territory: Survive With Chris / Don't Forget Your Pickaxe ... the possibilities are endless. Â鶹ԼÅÄ Bushcraft in Berkshire p'raps?

    Sorry that you're allergic to your new house. Ovbiously the dustbusters didn't do it any good - but at least a nice clean house should be easy to sell!

    Oops to the film quiz result but Trumps with Merchant sounds more fun. Who needs Gervais ..... ?

    I've got a visiting party at the centre this afternoon - a local WI group. I love WI groups - they're so inquisitive and campaigning, yet the WI page in the local newspaper can give hours of laughs - soooooooo funny! The best bit here is when I give them all hard hats so that they can go into the plant area. The problem with afternoon tours/visits is that most of them have been to the hairdressers in the morning - you can't do glam at a landfill site: that's why I need to leave ASAP!!!!

    Right then, best tackle the Ryvitas (other crispbreads are available). Boxing Day dinner in the Diva house tonight - cold hock of bacon, mash, beans, pickles etc.

    Heat day today - has CLP made it's hallowed pages this week? It'd be a hatrick if you have!

    Happy Ruby Tuesday.

    CtD x x

  25. At 01:42 PM on 20 Feb 2007, john crass wrote:

    Forget awards, that Steve bloke can't do radio like CE.Medals mean nothing,just keep doing what you're good at.

    Rather than a wooden hut what about your own high rise. Something different on each floor...a 5 side footy pitch, a bar, a squash court, a games floor, a ladies only floor,although as the owner you have access or a lap dancing floor -no charge, a kitchen, a cinema, a pool, a gym, an art gallery,an ice room - I haven't a clue why!!a restaurant,a small fishing lake, an aquarium, etc.etc.

    all on the NHS


  26. At 01:43 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Nick wrote:

    Funny you should mention Stephen Merchant. I bumped into him and Ricky once in one of those electrical shops on Tottenham Court Road. He is far too tall! I think he was looking for a laptop...

  27. At 01:47 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Dissing Dave wrote:

    Yo Yo Yo Blogsters everywhere

    Feels like a bit of a downer day today on the blog and in the office.

    Christophe, it sounds like your phone and pooter need some country air, give the new house chance to settle. At the moment you are still unpacking boxes and therefore disturbing or bringing in dust from your old place. You need to get the boxes emptied, get everything settled then get the dust-busters in. New surroundings new things with which to get comfortable. Your blogs recently have suggested that your professional life is becoming dynamic again, are you certain that this is what you want, you certainly seem to have been happy with the way your life was going since before Christmas and suddenly you appear to have irons in fires again. Are you sure that this "man flu symptoms" are not your body rebelling and telling you to settle.

    Debster, with a fresh-ish trout keep it simple, let the fish show it's own qualities, a little olive oil, a little seasoning, a little dill and rosemary in the cavity, wrap in tin foil and cook gently in the oven. The fish will steam in it's own juice and the seasoning and herbs will enhance the natural flavours of the trout. Be watchful of the package and check regularly. DO NOT OVERCOOK THE FISH. Serve with new potatoes, and veg of choice (personally would go for green beans).

    Tonight, is sweet and sour Chicken on boiled rice, followed by a couple of pancakes, lemon juice and sugar (other topping are available).

    DD out

  28. At 01:52 PM on 20 Feb 2007, J wrote:

    Hi - I'm back. Saccarine postings seem to be diminishing a bit so wondered if we could try again with full fat version of blogging or schlogging or whatever it is.

    I rent my home space and cannot get on the property ladder as my wages are inadequate. I would love to live in the woods with a little wooden shack and so I'd like to sign up to be part of the wooded movement! Perhaps not David Cameron's thing so maybe we could get the Green Party voted in by a landslide instead!

    Did borrowing £85m give any sleepless nights I wonder?

    Also, keep having to miss the last half hour of your show because of the Master Chef Goes Large programme! Can the Â鶹ԼÅÄ sort out it's scheduling to accomodate, I wonder.


  29. At 01:54 PM on 20 Feb 2007, derek wrote:

    Sorry to hear about the country pad i am sure Enzo loved living in the country rather than the city . You must have been off the boil to have finished last in your quiz as you seemed to know all the answers when you were quiz master to the team during the show oh dear what went wrong!!!!

    Why would you wont to buy your old radio station back you are the back bone of Radio2 now and can see you taking over from Sir Terry when he decides to hang his ear phones up stay with us and let some other mug buy it looking forward to the show have you decided on the foxys replacement yet???

  30. At 01:56 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Methinks CLP is getting restless feet again.......

    Go grab Billy back - the two of you did good things together and shared a love of life!

    Ta Ta

    It's been nice.


  31. At 02:00 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    ...so this would be the Blog MkII then?

    Interesting. I was wondering about the radio station comments in the last few comments, and ooh look, there's the reason why...

    All I was going to say was if there is one thing I can do today, it would be to give the boy everything he needs to bring him back to being who he can be.

    That makes sense to me, if verging on the saccharine...

  32. At 02:12 PM on 20 Feb 2007, The Kate wrote:

    Dear Chris,

    You know some things are not meant to be... and the hardest thing to do is let go...when you do and you look back later, with that wonderful friend Hindsight, you realise that it was the right decision. Never go back... always move on to a new path....


  33. At 02:36 PM on 20 Feb 2007, ChrissieS wrote:

    Hi Chris (and everyone),

    First things first. So sorry about the new house. There's no real explanation, but it's just not for you, so you're doing the right thing to let it go.

    As for heading to the woods, thank you, but no. There are nutters in the woods! Stay in London, but get yourself a slightly bigger place!

    Stephen Merchant - any time you want to introduce me to him, please do. He is fantastic -I honestly couldn't breathe for laughter watching him in Extras, especially the episode in the first series where he is trying to answer his mobile by getting the "blue tooth" in his ear - utter genius!

    Looking forward to hearing the last half hour of the show tonight!

    C xx

  34. At 02:49 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Eleanor's Mum wrote:

    Sheesh, I could do with a stroll in the woods, never mid setting up a hut.

    Am stuck in a grey office with nothign to do but while away the time reading the blog (sorry haven't contributed for a while, have either been ill with sniffly nonsense or too busy).

    Personally I can't wait for spring (though by the state of my garden, it's almost upon me - buds sprouting everywhere... mad). Then can take the Squiggly Pig and huzzband out for long lovely walks in the countryside and local parks. Yum yum yum - and it beat sitting in here.

    Sorry too your new abode didn't fit my lovely Christophle, and hopefully wherever you choose to lay your hat next time will be much better.

    Heloo to schloggers everywhere and hope you've been keeping each other warm.

    I HAVE been listening, even if my fingers haven't been doing much talking.


  35. At 02:55 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Carole Godfrey wrote:

    Hi Chris,
    listen to your show every day on the drive home and always read the blog but this is the first time I've been in touch.
    Reading your comments on living in the woods, you may be interested in Ditch Monkeys blog, he lived in the woods near here in Oxfordshire and commuted to a job in London daily with a famous auction house, returning to his shelter every evening. It's a real "eye opener", please check it out: www.ditchmonkey.blogspot.com
    I love how you come across so strong and positive on the show a real pick-me-up every day, many thanks, keep it up,
    lots of love

  36. At 03:14 PM on 20 Feb 2007, peter wrote:

    just read the bit about the radio deal....in these times leave it alone, look for the hut instead!!

    Re; blog problems, hadn't realised they were that complcated.............................


  37. At 03:17 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Just realised that the last time my TV was switched on was for Life on Mars which returned for our viewing delectation last week. Being an Aries that's avery attractive title to me and I wasn't one bit disappointed when I firt saw the show last year. Now series two is looking just as good. xx
    I have lightened up so much since this morning (no drugs - just a dose of the blog) and am now looking forward to barbecued brown (posh) trout with cous-cous and spinach and my favourite TV programme to follow.
    I've even lined up my best looking single male friend who's a nurse to cook my trout for me. He'll dine with me of course. I've even got the maltesers in to have during TV. No doubt he will also want to take my temperature, rub my feet and stroke my brow all evening and yes,.........he is gay!
    I suppose a girl can't have everything but I am extremely grateful for what I do have. xx

    Bonsoir et bonmange (I made that up),

    Debs xx

  38. At 03:18 PM on 20 Feb 2007, peter wrote:

    just read the bit about the radio deal....in these times leave it alone, look for the hut instead!!

    Re; blog problems, hadn't realised they were that complcated.............................


  39. At 03:30 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Are freinds electric wrote:

    Cost of houses today a total rip off.

    It just so happens that I looked around a property today for almost half a million. (NOT LONDON) It had two bedrooms A bathroom twenty years old, a master ensuite where you had to duck your head to get in with a loo and basin and plenty of reading material which quite honestly I can't stand to see in a loo. I came out with the distinct smell lingering of toilet duck those solid things people for no particular reason hang in the loo.
    A tree house souinds preferable or maybe a boat where you can pull up anchor and go anywhere.

  40. At 03:42 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Christof lambie pie wrote:

    Do it Chris , buy it back , At least for Rock N Roll Football !!! We loved that , we need you six days a week again , and in the morning please , sorry I do love your drive time show but you cant beat the past can you Chris ??

    Later Man

  41. At 04:22 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    good afternoon all,
    itried to post yesterday but the beeb wouldn't let me! how rude! please let me post today.
    Maye it's a good idea to sell the house if you think your allergic, i meant to say this last week but forgot. Being the daughter of a plumber you learn about little things, is there any chance there could be a problem with the boiler, if you feel tired when your in the house it could be carbon monoxide. very inlikely but you never know.
    bad news on the quiz. I was so hoping you would win. never mind.
    Now off for a lay down. Feel awful today. Love to you all, alex

  42. At 04:32 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    good afternoon all,
    itried to post yesterday but the beeb wouldn't let me! how rude! please let me post today.
    Maye it's a good idea to sell the house if you think your allergic, i meant to say this last week but forgot. Being the daughter of a plumber you learn about little things, is there any chance there could be a problem with the boiler, if you feel tired when your in the house it could be carbon monoxide. very inlikely but you never know.
    bad news on the quiz. I was so hoping you would win. never mind.
    Now off for a lay down. Feel awful today. Love to you all, alex

  43. At 04:34 PM on 20 Feb 2007, wrote:

    good afternoon all,
    itried to post yesterday but the beeb wouldn't let me! how rude! please let me post today.
    Maye it's a good idea to sell the house if you think your allergic, i meant to say this last week but forgot. Being the daughter of a plumber you learn about little things, is there any chance there could be a problem with the boiler, if you feel tired when your in the house it could be carbon monoxide. very inlikely but you never know.
    bad news on the quiz. I was so hoping you would win. never mind.
    Now off for a lay down. Feel awful today. Love to you all, alex

  44. At 04:41 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Just a thought Chris.

    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  45. At 04:43 PM on 20 Feb 2007, staffsoatcakes wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Get to grips with your pancakes tonight with
    Delia - you can't go wrong. Perfect pancakes every time. Love all your foodie bits on the show. Happy flippiing.


    ps did you know 10 cc start their tour later this week
    - should be fun.

  46. At 04:44 PM on 20 Feb 2007, staffsoatcakes wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Get to grips with your pancakes tonight with
    Delia - you can't go wrong. Perfect pancakes every time. Love all your foodie bits on the show. Happy flippiing.


    ps did you know 10 cc start their tour later this week
    - should be fun.

  47. At 04:47 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  48. At 04:48 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  49. At 04:53 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Just a thought Chris.

    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  50. At 04:53 PM on 20 Feb 2007, staffsoatcakes wrote:

    Hi Chris
    Get to grips with your pancakes tonight with
    Delia - you can't go wrong. Perfect pancakes every time. Love all your foodie bits on the show. Happy flippiing.


    ps did you know 10 cc start their tour later this week
    - should be fun.

  51. At 04:55 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:

    Just a thought Chris.

    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  52. At 05:13 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Nev wrote:

    and I've got a family full of eccentrics....!

  53. At 05:17 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Jooles wrote:


    Sorry, I'm a bit behind, just read yesterday's blogg... I did suggest a few months back that you turn your blogg into a book... I do think there is a market for a 'really happy and contented and what am I going to cook tonight author'...


  54. At 05:23 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Jooles wrote:


    Sorry, I'm a bit behind, just read yesterday's blogg... I did suggest a few months back that you turn your blogg into a book... I do think there is a market for a 'really happy and contented and what am I going to cook tonight author'...


  55. At 05:39 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Sam Downie wrote:

    Chris -

    Stephen Merchant is another top famous person to come out of Bristol! - did you know that we both presented on a radio station in Bristol back in the mid 90's, called Radio Caroline. Stephen did the breakfast shows and I did the show b4 him.. the dreaded graveyard shift 4am - 7am ! I guess all the top radio presenters started at 4am.. just take a look at the career of Chris Moyles on Radio 1, as he too started at 4am..

    After Radio Caroline, Stephen sent his radio show reel, to the then head of radio programs at XFM... Ricky Gervais !! - Ricky loved Stephen... and gave him a break on XFM! then Stephen got famous... I also sent my radio show reel to XFM... got no reply! :(

    But I'm now popular as a presenter, on the world's #1 independent music podcast series on iTunes called Straight Outa Bristol.

    I guess I'm back on track now...

    I lost contact with Stephen, when he moved to london to work on XFM.. would love to get in touch again! So Chris you lucky thing you.. share a few more beers with Stephen would you! :)

    Oh BTW my best mate is the legend that is Justin Lee Collins, he's another top presenter on TV, who is from Bristol..

    There, that's my Stephen Merchant story. Thought I would share it with you all.

    Sam Downie in Bristol.

  56. At 07:10 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Nigel P wrote:

    Greetings Mr E.

    Shame to hear that not only are we losing The Fox, but also you might be selling the country estate. Btw ever thought of playing the Hendrix 'Foxy Lady' one time just before she leaves, instead of the current track? Either that or the Peter Sellers theme tune 'After the Fox', for a laff!

    Any thoughts on having a Drivetime Show foodie podcast. I thought all the bits Ms Patten said during her show, and all the info Nige says would be lost to the masses if its only up for a week on 'listen again'.

  57. At 07:51 PM on 20 Feb 2007, anna wrote:

    Oh no, CLP - selling up your beloved home, before you've even settled. that seems such a shame, inclined to agree with Hazel, funny how emotional/pshycological issues manifest in physical ailments. I read somewhere once that 90% of physical illness can be a result of emotional/phsychological distress. not sure if i believe it, but an interesting subject all the same.

    welcome back to some of our old friends, particularly J. My, how we have missed you. {[hugs]}


  58. At 08:20 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Matt from Rudgwick wrote:


    Just a thought.

    If you are electric, can I be electric too?


    PS Other Mancunian Beatles-obsessives are available.

  59. At 08:34 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Caroline wrote:

    Hey Chris
    Why don't you move to Electric Avenue?

    MfR - class!

    Love Caroline x

  60. At 08:55 PM on 20 Feb 2007, kaz wrote:

    Hi Chris

    Just saw you on the rollercoaster - very funny. You managed it very well rather you than me.

  61. At 09:13 PM on 20 Feb 2007, Loupy Lou wrote:

    maybe it's your friends....? Are they?

  62. At 10:05 PM on 20 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hello again Lambie Pie, or should I call you Swampy, and Hurrah, this tree-dwelling fetish sounds like a blast.

    What's spooky is that I'm only after finding a fantastic little run-down chapel up for sale in Ireland in the fantastically-named Termonfeckin, County Louth, which I'm seriously thinking of putting in an offer for, despite the fact that the average tree has more mod cons so I may be seriously out me depth, but the thought of eating me breakfast looking out over the Mourne Mountains and answering me phone on the pulpit is irresistable.

    And there's a gnarly old tree in the garden if you fancy a holiday home, I'm sure there's a pub quiz down at the Kicking Donkey and no doubt there'll be a good fight goin' down afterwards.


  63. At 10:07 PM on 20 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hello again Lambie Pie, or should I call you Swampy, and Hurrah, this tree-dwelling fetish sounds like a blast.

    What's spooky is that I'm only after finding a fantastic little run-down chapel up for sale in Ireland in the fantastically-named Termonfeckin, County Louth, which I'm seriously thinking of putting in an offer for, despite the fact that the average tree has more mod cons so I may be seriously out me depth, but the thought of eating me breakfast looking out over the Mourne Mountains and answering me phone on the pulpit is irresistable.

    And there's a gnarly old tree in the garden if you fancy a holiday home, I'm sure there's a pub quiz down at the Kicking Donkey and no doubt there'll be a good fight goin' down afterwards.


  64. At 10:11 PM on 20 Feb 2007, clodagh wrote:

    Hello again Lambie Pie, or should I call you Swampy, and Hurrah, this tree-dwelling fetish sounds like a blast.

    What's spooky is that I'm only after finding a fantastic little run-down chapel up for sale in Ireland in the fantastically-named Termonfeckin, County Louth, which I'm seriously thinking of putting in an offer for, despite the fact that the average tree has more mod cons so I may be seriously out me depth, but the thought of eating me breakfast looking out over the Mourne Mountains and answering me phone on the pulpit is irresistable.

    And there's a gnarly old tree in the garden if you fancy a holiday home, I'm sure there's a pub quiz down at the Kicking Donkey and no doubt there'll be a good fight goin' down afterwards.


  65. At 01:16 AM on 21 Feb 2007, wrote:

    Good evening, Christoff!

    We KNOW you’re electric! It is such a scunner, though, when everything you touch seems to go to pot! I was like that on public transport for a while. Every single bus or train I went on broke down! It started to get that no-one would travel with me! Then it was my cars - something MAJOR went wrong with every car - brakes failing, radiators exploding, etc! And hoovers … you wouldn’t believe how many hoovers I’ve gone through! And irons! And hairdryers!

    Can’t believe that you came LAST in the quiz! But you are ahead of Steven Merchant in our books!

    Gutted about your new house! Are you sure you really can’t do anything about it!? Perhaps you could rent it out for a wee while? Mind you, I wouldn’t mind living in a wooden hut! Would I have to pay council tax on it?!

    Am also gutted that, for one serious reason and another (wouldn’t bore you with them!), I’ve not been able to listen yesterday or today! Grrrrrrrrrrr!

    Take care, dear friend. Live long and prosper!


    Susan, Highland lass

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