Key points about relative pronouns in French

Bullet points represented by lightbulbs
  • A relative pronoun is a that is used to introduce a .

  • A relative clause is a part of a sentence that cannot exist by itself.

  • The relative pronoun qui means ‘who’, ‘which’ or ‘that’ and is used before a .

  • Higher Tier – que means ‘who’, ‘which’ or ‘that’ and is used as a relative pronoun before a or pronoun.

  • Higher Tier - ´Çù can mean ‘where’ or ‘when’ as a relative pronoun.

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The relative pronoun ‘qui’

The relative pronoun means ‘who’, ‘whom’, ‘which’ or ‘that’ and is usually used at the start of a relative clause.

A relative clause is a clause that cannot exist by itself. For example, in the sentence 'I really enjoyed the meal that I ordered', the relative clause is ‘that I ordered’, which wouldn’t make sense on its own.

Qui comes before a verb and relates to the subject of that verb.

For example:

  • J’ai un frère qui s’appelle John. – I have a brother who is called John.

The relative pronoun 'qui' - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

Translate this sentence into English:

J’habite dans une maison qui est assez grande.

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Quiz - Relative pronouns

Practise what you’ve learned about relative pronouns with this quiz.

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Higher Tier – Using 'que' and '´Çù' as relative pronouns

The words (what), and (where) can be used as relative pronouns.

Using ‘que’ as a relative pronoun

When used as a relative pronoun, que means ‘who’, ‘whom’, ‘which’ or ‘that’ and is usually used at the start of a relative clause.

Que comes before a noun or pronoun and relates to the object of the verb.

For example:

  • Aimes-tu le pantalon que j’ai acheté hier ? – Do you like the trousers that I bought yesterday?
  • Le nouveau chapeau qu’il a acheté était trop grand. – The new hat that he bought was too big.

Using ‘´Çù’ as a relative pronoun to mean ‘where’

When used as a relative pronoun, ´Çù can mean ‘where’.

For example:

  • J’aime le quartier ´Çù j’habite. – I like the neighbourhood where I live.

Using ‘´Çù’ as a relative pronoun to mean ‘when’

°¿Ã¹ as a relative pronoun can also mean ‘when’.

For example:

  • C’était le jour ´Çù ils se sont mariés. – It was the day (when) they got married.

Using ‘´Çù’ as a relative pronoun - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

Translate this sentence into English:

Il est allé au marché ´Çù on peut acheter des légumes frais.

Translate into English:

Elles sont à l’âge ´Çù elles veulent trouver un emploi.

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Higher Tier - Quiz - Relative pronouns

Practise what you’ve learned about relative pronouns with this quiz for Higher Tier.

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Now you’ve learned about relative pronouns, why not explore emphatic pronouns?

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