Key points about emphatic pronouns in French

Bullet points represented by lightbulbs
  • Emphatic pronouns include moi (me) and toi (you) and are often used after .

  • Higher only – other emphatic pronouns are lui (him), elle (her), nous (us), vous (you), eux (them) and elles (them).

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What are emphatic pronouns?

Emphatic pronouns are also known as stressed pronouns or disjunctive pronouns.

They are used after certain prepositions in French, such as avec (with), pour (for) and chez (at someone’s house).

They only apply to people, not things.

French emphatic pronouns ‘moi’ and ‘toi’

Moi means ‘me’ and toi means ‘you’ (as the object of the sentence).

For example:

  • J’ai un cadeau pour toi. – I have a present for you.

'Moi' and 'toi' - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

Translate this sentence into English:

Tu veux venir avec moi ?

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Emphatic pronouns after prepositions

Emphatic pronouns are often used after prepositions.

Here are some useful French prepositions that can be followed by moi (me) or toi (you), with examples.

AgainstJe ne veux pas lutter contre toi. – I don’t want to fight against you.
At (the house of), to (the house of), withTu veux venir chez moi ce soir? – Do you want to come to my house this evening?
BeforeTu peux aller avant moi. – You can go before me.
BehindLe parc est derrière moi. – The park is behind me.
BetweenEntre toi et moi. – Between you and me.
ForJ’ai un cadeau pour toi. – I have a present for you.
In front ofLe cinéma est devant moi. – The cinema is in front of me.
NearC’est près de moi. – It’s near me.
OnTu peux compter sur moi. – You can count on me.
UnderLa chaise est sous toi. – The chair is under you.
WithTu veux venir au cinéma avec moi? – Do you want to go to the cinema with me?
WithoutIl préfère jouer sans moi. – He prefers to play without me.
According toSelon moi, c’est une bonne idée. – According to me (in my opinion), it’s a good idea.
ExceptTous mes amis sont venus, sauf toi. – All of my friends came, except you.
ByLe bâtiment est construit par moi. – The building is built by me.
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Quiz - Emphatic pronouns in French

Practise what you've learned about emphatic pronouns with this quiz.

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Higher Tier – Using 'lui', 'elle', 'nous', 'vous', 'eux' and 'elles'

Emphatic pronouns are used after certain prepositions that you need to know for Higher Tier, such as selon (according to), autour (around) and par (by). They only apply to people, not things.

Emphatic pronouns in full

Here are all the emphatic pronouns in French:

you (singular informal)
you (plural, formal)
them (masculine)
them (feminine)

Emphatic pronouns after prepositions

Emphatic pronouns are often used after prepositions.

Here are some French prepositions that are required for the Higher Tier, with examples of how they can be used with emphatic pronouns.

AroundIl y a beaucoup d’arbres autour de nous. – There are lots of trees around us.
Thanks toIls ne sont pas en retard, grâce à vous. – They’re not late, thanks to you.
TowardsIl vient vers moi. – He’s coming towards me.
TowardsJe n’aime pas votre attitude envers elles. – I don’t like your attitude towards them.

Emphatic pronouns after prepositions - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

Translate this sentence into French:

There are lots of houses around him.

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Higher Tier - Quiz - Emphatic pronouns

Practise what you've learned about emphatic pronouns in French with this quiz for Higher Tier.

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Now you’ve learned about emphatic pronouns in French, why not explore interrogative adjectives?

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