
ForgivenessYom Kippur

Judaism teaches that war is sometimes necessary in self-defence in order to bring about peace. Forgiveness is a duty, or a mitzvah in Judaism and is mentioned in the Torah. Yom Kippur, or the Day of Atonement, is therefore one of the most important days in the Jewish calendar.

Part of Religious StudiesGood and evil - Unit 1

Yom Kippur

, known in English as the Day of Atonement, is one of the most important days in the Jewish calendar. It comes ten days after , the Jewish New Year.

These ten days are known as the Days of Awe, a period of repentance when Jews may ask God's forgiveness for the previous year's transgressions.

One ritual observed by some is to walk together to a river or the sea and empty one's pockets into the water, symbolically casting out their sins.

Judaism teaches that on Yom Kippur, God makes the final decision on what the next year will be like for each person. The belief is that the Book of Life is closed and sealed, and those who have properly repented for their sins will be granted a happy new year.