
Practice exam questions - extended question and answer

Analyse the effect that continuous training on the cardiovascular and respiratory system may have for a 5 km runner. (9)

  • decreased resting heart rate
  • increased resting stroke volume
  • increased maximum cardiac output
  • increased size of the heart
  • increased capillarisation
  • increase in number of red blood cells
  • drop in resting blood pressure
  • increased lung capacity
  • increased lung volume
  • increased vital capacity
  • increased number of alveoli
  • increased strength of diaphragm
  • increased strength of external intercostal muscles
  • improvement of 5km running performance

In this answer, there are just bullet points that identify the long term adaptations to training on the cardiovascular and respiratory systems – it would therefore not be able to be awarded any more than 3 marks. The question has requested an analysis of how these changes affect 5 km running so in order to achieve the higher marks, an analysis would need to be carried out.

For example:

Continuous training is a form of aerobic training so it would lead to adaptations in both the cardiovascular and respiratory systems which would improve 5 km running performance.

There would be capillarisation around the alveoli which would mean that more oxygen, which is needed to supply energy for 5 km running, could be transported into the blood. Also, more carbon dioxide which is a waste product of aerobic exercise can be taken from the muscles by the blood to the alveoli and breathed out of the lungs.

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