
How to prevent the spread of diseases

The of can be prevented or reduced in a number of ways. A number of important methods of doing this are shown in the table below.

MethodExampleHow it works
Sterilising waterCholeraChemicals or UV light kill pathogens in unclean water.
Suitable hygiene - foodSalmonellaCooking foods thoroughly and preparing them in hygienic conditions kills pathogens.
Suitable hygiene - personalAthlete's footWashing surfaces with disinfectants kills pathogens. Treating existing cases of infection kills pathogens.
VaccinationMeaslesVaccinations introduce a small or weakened version of a pathogen into your body, and the immune system learns how to defend itself.
ContraceptionHIV/AIDsUsing barrier contraception, like condoms, stops the transfer of bodily fluids and sexually transmitted diseases.
MethodSterilising water
How it worksChemicals or UV light kill pathogens in unclean water.
MethodSuitable hygiene - food
How it worksCooking foods thoroughly and preparing them in hygienic conditions kills pathogens.
MethodSuitable hygiene - personal
ExampleAthlete's foot
How it worksWashing surfaces with disinfectants kills pathogens. Treating existing cases of infection kills pathogens.
How it worksVaccinations introduce a small or weakened version of a pathogen into your body, and the immune system learns how to defend itself.
How it worksUsing barrier contraception, like condoms, stops the transfer of bodily fluids and sexually transmitted diseases.