
Sikh beliefs - EdexcelEquality within the Sikh community

Sikhs believe in the cycle of samsara and believe that everyone has a chance to reach Waheguru in mukti. In order to reach mukti, Sikhs must live their lives with Waheguru in their mind at all times. They must also act with love and compassion towards others. Therefore, they attempt to live their lives in a God-centred way.

Part of Religious StudiesSikhism

Equality within the Sikh community

All members of the Sikh community are seen as equal. All individuals, regardless of their gender, race, disability, class or wealth, are treated with respect and dignity. Sikhs’ belief in the oneness of humanity is highlighted through their actions within the gurdwara and the local community.

The woman is born from woman; there is none without her. Guru Nanak, Var Asa, pg. 473

The oneness of humanity is reflected within the gurdwara and the Sikh community in various ways:

  • There is no distinction between men and women within the gurdwara or the community.
  • Men and women can take part in all aspects of worship.
  • All men and women can lead worship by reading the Guru Granth Sahib and playing music.
  • All individuals are equal within the sangat.
  • Anyone who wishes to can be initiated into the Sikh faith and become part of the Khalsa. Sikhs do this by taking part in the and becoming an Amritdhari Sikh.

The story of Malik Bhago and Lalo

This story is important to Sikhs for several reasons: it shows that everyone is equal and must be treated with respect and equality; it shows that the caste system should be rejected, and all humans should be seen as important; it shows that Sikhs should perform sewa and do what they can to help people in need.