
The BuddhaThe Fourth Noble Truth of Buddhism - Magga

Buddhism can be traced back to northern India approximately 2500 years ago to a man called Siddhartha Gautama. He became known as the Buddha, meaning ‘the enlightened one.’ Many sources throughout history have described his life and teachings.

Part of Religious StudiesBuddhism

The Fourth Noble Truth of Buddhism - Magga

Magga (the Middle Way), which is also known as the , is the Fourth Noble Truth. Buddhists believe this is both the way to wisdom and the mental training they need to achieve the way of . Buddhists believe it is the ‘cure’ that was given by the Buddha for suffering. It provides them with the ideal way to live.

An infographic depicting the Buddhism Eightfold Path.

Through overcoming suffering, a Buddhist can achieve . The Eightfold Path contains eight practices that a Buddhist must do to reach nibbana. The Eightfold Path is often shown as a wheel. However, it can also be split into three (this is known as the Threefold Way) to allow Buddhists to understand a way to overcome suffering.

An infographic that illustrates the Buddhism Threefold Path
Ethics (Sila)Meditation (Samadhi)Wisdom (Panna)
Right speech, right action and right livelihoodRight effort, right mindfulness and right concentrationRight understanding and right intention
This is about being good and living a morally right life. Buddhists are expected to behave in a way that is helpful, charitable and doesn’t cause harm to others.Buddhists need to know how to meditate properly in order to achieve enlightenment, or nibbana. Meditation helps them to gain the wisdom that will lead to enlightenment.Buddhists need to achieve wisdom. In order to do this, they must overcome ignorance. Through attaining wisdom, a Buddhist will truly understand the Buddha’s teachings and the nature of reality.
Ethics (Sila)Right speech, right action and right livelihood
Meditation (Samadhi)Right effort, right mindfulness and right concentration
Wisdom (Panna)Right understanding and right intention
Ethics (Sila)This is about being good and living a morally right life. Buddhists are expected to behave in a way that is helpful, charitable and doesn’t cause harm to others.
Meditation (Samadhi)Buddhists need to know how to meditate properly in order to achieve enlightenment, or nibbana. Meditation helps them to gain the wisdom that will lead to enlightenment.
Wisdom (Panna)Buddhists need to achieve wisdom. In order to do this, they must overcome ignorance. Through attaining wisdom, a Buddhist will truly understand the Buddha’s teachings and the nature of reality.

Buddhists following the Eightfold Path may choose a vocation or a career that enables them to live according to the Threefold Way. Therefore, they are likely to choose jobs that enable right effort and right speech such as a charity fundraiser or a teacher. They aim to live morally right lives in order to achieve nibbana.