
The Four Noble Truths

Many Buddhists consider the to be the main elements of the teachings of the . The Four Noble Truths are:

Noble TruthBuddhist wordMeaning
The truth of sufferingDukkhaAccepting that all life is impermanent and imperfect, and that it involves suffering (frustration or dissatisfaction).
The truth of the origin of sufferingSamudayaKnowing that there are things in life that cause suffering, for example desire, which is the need for things to be a certain way.
The truth of the end of sufferingNirodhaUnderstanding that suffering can be ended if we detach ourselves from craving and desire.
The truth of the path to the end of sufferingMaggaKnowing that there is a way to end suffering: the Noble Eightfold Path.
Noble TruthThe truth of suffering
Buddhist wordDukkha
MeaningAccepting that all life is impermanent and imperfect, and that it involves suffering (frustration or dissatisfaction).
Noble TruthThe truth of the origin of suffering
Buddhist wordSamudaya
MeaningKnowing that there are things in life that cause suffering, for example desire, which is the need for things to be a certain way.
Noble TruthThe truth of the end of suffering
Buddhist wordNirodha
MeaningUnderstanding that suffering can be ended if we detach ourselves from craving and desire.
Noble TruthThe truth of the path to the end of suffering
Buddhist wordMagga
MeaningKnowing that there is a way to end suffering: the Noble Eightfold Path.

Many Buddhists believe that everything is the result of existing conditions (in other words, everything comes from something else). Therefore, something must cause suffering to exist and if the cause of suffering is removed, then the suffering will be stopped.

Buddhists believe that by working through the Four Noble Truths they can end suffering. The Buddha taught that the (magga), which is the fourth Noble Truth, is the way to end suffering. If a Buddhist can understand suffering and accept that it is possible to stop it, then they can look for the way to end it. This takes work and is not easy. However, by following the teachings of the Buddha, a Buddhist can ‘blow out’ (like a candle) the of greed, hatred and ignorance (the three things that perpetuate human suffering). In other words, when we let go of the destruction that craving causes, we allow our minds to be freed from unhappiness. This makes it possible to reach enlightenment.

Buddhism infographic showing The Four Noble Truths.