
Features of service

The main purpose of Sikh worship is to praise the one, true God, referred to as . According to Sikh belief, God is the creator of everything, is immortal and is without form.

Sikhs do not have a set day for public worship but usually attend the gurdwara on Sunday in the UK. It is an important way for the to worship together, support each other and socialise.

  • is sung and there are lectures and explaining the meaning of the words.
  • Musicians lead singing with people joining in, are said and readings from the Guru Granth Sahib are given.
  • Towards the end of the service, the prayer is said. The Ardas remembers God and the and asks God to bless the Sikhs and all humanity and to help them be faithful to the .
  • Prayers may be said for specific individuals, for example, sick people in the community and then is shared.

Sikhism teaches that time spent in prayer is time spent with God. Prayer happens both privately and publicly with other Sikhs. Individual prayers are said throughout the day, and can be said anywhere.

Sikhs will often pray to God and ask to receive the strength to accept the will of God. They will also often pray for the well-being of all , as well as asking forgiveness for their own bad actions.

Following the service, a vegetarian meal is shared in the .

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