
Contrasts in development between different countries - AQAFactors influencing global development

Different countries of the world are classified according to their level of social and economic development. Levels of development are dependent on physical, economic and environmental factors.

Part of GeographyThe changing economic world

Factors influencing global development

Learn about how environmental, economic, and social factors affect a country's development.

Levels of are determined by several factors:

  • – some areas have a hostile or difficult landscape. This can make development more difficult. Examples of this are very hot climates or arid climates (with a lack of water) which make it difficult to grow sufficient food.
  • factors – some countries have very high levels of . This means that they have to pay a lot of money in and and there is very little left over for development projects.
  • factors – some places experience environmental issues, which can prevent them from developing. Examples might be extreme flooding or .
  • Historical factors – Over the course of history, some countries took over, or colonised, others. Colonial powers used the resources of their colonies to grow their own economies.
  • Political factors – some countries are at war or the government may be corrupt. Therefore money does not reach the people who need it most and spending on areas such as education and infrastructure may be insufficient.
  • Natural resources – some countries have an abundance of raw materials such as oil or precious minerals. This can be good if they are sold and the money invested into developing the country. However, it can also be a bad thing if the resources are used by groups that do not work for the good of the country.

The cycle of poverty

The factors influencing development are often linked and countries can find themselves in a . For example, if a country is in a lot of debt, it cannot afford good schools. If people are poorly educated they are less likely to understand the causes of desertification. Desertification leads to poor crop growth and low incomes. This leads back to the country accumulating debt and the cycle continues.

The cycle of poverty: Economic decline, low personal income, less access to food and safe water, hunger and poor sanitation, disease malnutrition and death, depleted workforce.