
Types of question


These questions are asking you to simply name something. There is no need to write anything other than it's title.

For example:

Identify a mental factor. (1).

Concentration. (MARK).


Move beyond identification and provide a series of short and sharp statements about something. You should aim to pick up a mark per sentence. Some of the things you may refer to when describing are shown below.

For example:

Describe a method used to collect data on emotional factors. (2).

The Performance Profiling Wheel was a circle divided into 8 different sections.(MARK). In each section there was 10 segments ranging from 1 (inner segment: poor) to 10 (outer segment: good).(MARK).


Now give your reasons for doing/using something. You should look to move beyond describing by starting with a statement and then linking it with a reason through the use of 'because'. You are again aiming to pick up a mark per sentence.

For example:

Justify any changes you made to your social development plan. (1).

I turned the human knot into a race because I wanted to develop our ability to communicate and work together as a team when under pressure. (MARK).


These initial reasons cause something to happen and the following effects are the parts that score you marks.

You are now looking to move to two sentences per mark. Again, use your literacy to link the sentences together.

  • Sentence 1 is the cause.
  • Sentence 2 should start with a bridge like 'This meant…' or 'This led to…' This should lead into the effect.

For example:

Explain why you used a certain approach to develop the physical factor. (1).

I used repetition drills because it allowed me to groove the overhead clear under no pressure. This meant I built up the muscle memory for the skill with confidence and it started to become automatic. (MARK).


You are again looking to give two sentences.

  • Sentence 1 is your judgement.
  • Sentence 2 is the evidence to support this.

The evidence is where your mark comes. Once more, use your literacy skills to link these two sentences together.

For example:

Evaluate how effective the feedback you received was during your training sessions. (1).

The feedback I received was very effective during my development plan because I was given positives before negatives by my coach. This was excellent because it boosted my confidence and motivation levels which meant I was even more willing to listen to the areas I needed to improve in order to progress. (MARK).

  • Tip 1: Evaluations are made at the end of a process. As a result, your answers for these questions should be in past tense
  • Tip 2: Re-enforce your initial judgement in the second sentence by using similar value terms.

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