
Exam skills - sport psychology practice questions


  1. Identify which sport uses closed skills.
    • A) tennis serve
    • B) playing netball
    • C) cross-country running
    • D) passing a ball in football
  2. Identify a type of guidance that can be provided to help to optimise a sports person's performance.
  3. Millie competes in the long jump at club level and can currently jump 1 metre 50 centimetres. She decides to set SMART targets to achieve her long term goal of competing at county level. Discuss how Millie could use SMART targets to improve performance. (6)


  1. A
  2. Visual, verbal, manual or mechanical
  3. This is an extended response question. The following information should be included to gain full marks.

Each of the principles of SMART targets need to be stated as well as a description of the individual principles of SMART linked to specific goals so it is clear what the performer is trying to achieve. The targets need to be:

  • specific – relating directly to the sport/activity
  • measurable - what height does she want to clear in the high jump? (eg improve jump height by 5 cm)
  • realistic/achievable - possible for the performer to achieve the goal but suitably challenging (if Millie can already clear 1.50 cm, setting a target of 1.75 cm should ultimately be achievable to continue to motivate her)
  • time-bound - completion dates for targets need to be given

The value of setting SMART targets should be discussed in order to improve performance and to provide focus. It will also allow measurement of progress so effectiveness of the training programme can be monitored and be changed if the required results are not being achieved. Target setting increases motivation so it is more likely for the person to keep training and continue to improve.

It can hinder performance if targets are set poorly as they will not be achieved which will lead to de-motivation and, therefore, drop in performance.

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