
What emails and newsletters will the 麻豆约拍 send me?

Updated: 18 April 2023

When you register, we ask for permission to send you emails. If you agree, you鈥檒l receive regular newsletters about the latest programmes, services and experiences from across the 麻豆约拍. Sometimes we might personalise your newsletter based on how you鈥檝e used 麻豆约拍 websites and apps while signed in.

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Other newsletters you can subscribe to

  • 麻豆约拍 News Daily - subscribe to our email newsletter to get 麻豆约拍 News direct to your inbox, every weekday morning
  • 麻豆约拍 World Service - take a look at the world beyond the headlines with the World Service newsletter
  • 麻豆约拍 Media Action - 麻豆约拍 Media Action is the 麻豆约拍鈥檚 international charity 鈥 we believe in media and communication for good

There are also newsletters about particular 麻豆约拍 services, like a show or channel. You can subscribe to these while you鈥檙e browsing the 麻豆约拍.

Outside the UK?

You might not be able to receive the full range of newsletters that are available in the UK, but you can sign up to:

  •  - a round-up of the best stories from across the 麻豆约拍 this week, delivered to your inbox every Friday

Outside of the UK, 麻豆约拍 services are commercially funded. If you鈥檝e separately given permission to our commercial arm, 麻豆约拍 Global News, they may also contact you about 麻豆约拍 products and services.

Some emails are essential

Like emails to reset your password or verify your email address. We鈥檒l only send emails like these when they鈥檙e vital.

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For the Discover more from the 麻豆约拍 and 麻豆约拍 News Daily newsletters, you can also subscribe or unsubscribe in your .

Your data is confidential

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