
"My dreams for Caben are for him to grow up open-minded, non-judgmental, caring and level-headed."

Every parent wants their kids to learn about good behaviour from a young age.

Chelsee and Steph chat about the values that they want to teach their little ones and how they're trying to do that.

Steph and Chelsee's top behaviour tips

  • Use phrases to encourage your little one to talk about what is happening like 'use your words' or 'tell me how you feel'.
  • Develop their empathy by telling them you understand their frustration.
  • Give a reason for things you ask your child to help with, like 'we are tidying now and after that we'll have time for…'
  • Think about how you want your child to behave and positively reinforce that behaviour by saying things like "thank you for saying sorry" or "thank you for sharing".

In case you missed it