
Refreshed investigations

We've been busy refreshing all of our investigations so that you can use them stand-alone, at any time to fit in with your science lesson planning.

Here's a handy list of the investigations which fit with the theme of The Human Body and Living Things, with all the key information you need.

Each investigation has a teacher resources page which explains how to carry out the investigation. There is also a classroom presentation page that can be used to explain the investigation to your class.


Children find out what happens when we eat by examining their taste buds. Are they non-tasters or super-tasters – and how does this relate to the kinds of foods they like or dislike?

Links to: The Human Body - Digestive System and The Senses

Key equipment: Blue food dye, magnifying glass

Click here to access the Taste teacher resources

Click here to access the Taste classroom presentation


Can exercise improve your brain function? Children try out 3 different types of exercise over differing durations to find out which one has the best effect on their memory and cognitive function. Before and after each exercise, they carry out a reaction test on paper.

Links to: The Human Body - circulatory system and The Lungs and Health and Wellbeing

Key equipment: Stopwatch, audio equipment to play downloadable ‘beep’ test

Click here to access the Exercise teacher resources

Click here to access the Exercise classroom presentation


How are our feet adapting? By measuring the size and flex of their feet and recording the kinds of surfaces they mostly walk upon, children investigate if there is a correlation between walking surface and foot flexibility.

Links to: Inheritance and Evolution, involves mathematical calculation

Key equipment: Rulers

Click here to access the Feet teaching resources

Click here to access the Feet classroom presentation


How do trees help us to breathe? Children carry out an audit of some of the trees in their school grounds (or local park) to work out their carbon value. Also learn about the life cycle of a tree and the wildlife it supports.

Links to: The Living World Living Things and Animals and their Habitats, involves mathematical calculation.

Key equipment: Tape measures and rulers.

NB: this investigation needs to be completed when there are enough leaves on the trees for identification purposes.

Click here to access the Trees teacher resources

Click here to access the Trees classroom presentation


Children build growth chambers to investigate the effects of light and temperature on the growth of spring onions.

Links to: The Living World Living, Things and Animals and their Habitats, involves mathematical calculation.

Key equipment: Tape measures and rulers.

Click here to access the Grow teaching resources

Click here to access the Grow classroom presentation