
Red Riding Hood is determined to stay on the path through the woods…but then she hears the voices of fairies.

The tutorial video

Tutorial 4: Learn the song 'Stay on the path'

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Song: 'Stay on the path'

  • Notice how the music of the verses has a fast, jumpy rhythm. By contrast, the notes of the chorus are slower and smoother.

  • Practise singing Verse 4 very quietly, then singing louder again for the final chorus.

  • Remember to take a good breath at the start of each line of the chorus and sing it as smoothly as you can.

Sing with the full-vocal version of 'Stay on the path'

Sing with the backing track of 'Stay on the path'

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Part 4 of the story

Part 4 of the story

Red Riding Hood is getting ready to visit her Grandma. Her Ma reminds her that the path runs all the way to Grandma's cottage in the woods and that Red Riding Hood must stay on it to keep safe. Red Riding Hood opens a green gate and is in the woods on her own for the very first time.

She hears the sound of tiny voices - fairies - and without realising it she starts to stray from the path. Suddenly the fairies disappear and Red Riding Hood finds herself confronted by an animal wearing a straw hat, who claims to be a large, hairy dog. The Wolf, in disguise, asks where Red Riding Hood is going and when she tells him the Wolf suddenly bounds away through the trees. Red Riding Hood is left feeling a little confused…and a little worried…

for the illustrated transcript of the story episode.

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Literacy links

Reception / Year 1: Remind the children of the main events of the story so far and ask them to sequence them in the correct order. Ask the children to think of words that describe how Red Riding Hood feels when she sees the fairies.

Year 2: Each verse links an animal with a verb - eg ‘blackbirds singing’. Ask the children to make up some new lines for the song which link other animals with a verb.

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Music activity 4

Music activity

  • Sarah Jane reminds the children how they sang loudly in the song, except for the verse about fairies when they sang very quietly.

  • Then the children clap loudly and quietly in time to the steady beat of the music, following Sarah Jane's lead. She cues them when to clap loudly and when to clap quietly.

  • Talk about the variation between loud and quiet in music - called dynamics. Varying the dynamics in a piece of music helps to ensure it remains interesting!

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An extract from 'The Wolf's theme' from 'Peter and the Wolf' by Sergei Prokofiev (1936).

Listening music

The Wolf's Theme - from Peter and the Wolf, by Sergei Prokofiev (1936).

  • How would the children describe the music? What is the composer trying to tell us about this wolf?

  • The music is played by French horns. Can the children name any other brass or wind instruments (trumpet, trombone, bassoon, flute, oboe, clarinet, etc)?

  • Would this music be good to describe the wolf in our story or not?

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Comprehension quiz

Five questions about the story.

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Download / print Teacher's Notes (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Download / print the music (pdf)

Music - Stay on the path

Download / print the lyrics (pdf)

Lyrics - Stay on the path

Vocal warm-up video

Sing the vocal warm-up (video)

Vocal warm-up

Meet the characters. image

A slideshow of images showing the characters in the story

Meet the characters

Download / print the story (pdf)

Story transcript
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Watch next

3. Let's make a cake for Grandma! video

Red Riding Hood and her Ma want to cheer Grandma up by making a picnic. But when Ma hurts her ankle, Red Riding Hood has to walk through the woods to Grandma's house alone.

3. Let's make a cake for Grandma!

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