
In short...

Themes: celebrating Earth Day; climate change and living sustainably; taking action to preserve the environment.

Summary: this assembly is suitable for use on or shortly before Earth Day (22 April each year). It can be used at other times of year to consider climate change and the need to live sustainably. The first Earth Day happened on 22 April 1970 in the USA, in response to a spill from an oil tanker. It has since grown to become a global event marked by many millions of people around the world.

Resources: The , a and .

The video

Earth Day is marked on 22 April each year. The first Earth Day was held in the USA in 1970, in response to a spill from an oil tanker. It has since grown to become and global event, during which as many as 1 billion people around the world mark the need for action on the environment and living sustainably.

One consequence of global warming is an increase in extreme weather events. Global warming is a result of the release of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, the main cause of which is the burning of fossil fuels such as coal, oil and gas. There is an ongoing switch to cleaner forms of energy, such as wind and solar power, but many protestors feel that the transition needs to happen more urgently. At the current time - 2023 - the UK government has a commitment to achieve 'net zero' by 2050.

The organisers of Earth Day have plenty of suggestions for how we can all make a difference: plant pollinating flowers to preserve biodiversity; plant trees to help with the capture of carbon; reduce use of plastic and avoid single-use plastic; walk or cycle to school if possible.

Duration: 4' 14"

Last words: 'Can you do one thing today to help?'

Video questions

  • When and where was the first Earth Day held? (1970 in the USA)
  • How many people took part in the first Earth Day (20 million)
  • What is climate change? (The long term change in weather patterns due to warming, the greatest cause of which is the burning of fossil fuels)
  • What are some examples of fossil fuels? (Coal, oil, gas)
  • What are examples of cleaner energy? (Wind, solar)
  • What are actions we can all take to help slow global warming/climate change? (Plant flowers to preserve biodiversity; plant trees to help capture carbon; reduce use of plastic; walk or scooter to school if possible)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click to display image full size

Image: palm trees in a hurricane

Click to display image full size

Illustration: global weather patterns

Suggested assembly framework

1. Entry
Play your chosen music and display a focus image if you wish.

2. Introduction
Ask the assembly if anyone has heard of Earth Day. If anyone has, ask them to explain what Earth Day is. If not, ask everyone to suggest what Earth Day might be about. Gather responses. When ready, tell pupils: Earth Day is a special day each year when people around the world come together to raise awareness of environmental issues and their impact on the planet. Earth Day is not a new thing…but its importance today is greater than ever because of the growing threat posed by climate change. We're going to watch a short video about Earth Day and, as you watch, think about what simple things you could do to help…

3. The video
Play the video. The duration is 4' 14" and the final words are: 'Can you do one thing today to help?'

After the video - Time to talk
Aid pupils recall of the video and their understanding of it by asking some, or all, of the following questions:

  • Can you remember when Earth Day is each year? (22 April)
  • The first ever Earth Day in 1970 happened in response to what? (A spill from an oil tanker)
  • Why do you think this event inspired 20 million people to come together and protest? (Oil spilled into the sea kills wildlife and washes ashore where it pollutes the environment)
  • What is climate change? (The long-term change in weather patterns around the world)
  • Can you remember some of the effects that climate change is having on our planet? (Droughts, hurricanes, etc - looking for an awareness of increased frequency and severity of extreme weather events)
  • What is the main cause of climate change? (Human activity - in particular the burning fossil fuels like coal, oil and gas)
  • What can we do to try to reduce the future impact of climate change? (Stop burning fossil fuels and use cleaner energy - like wind and solar power - instead)
  • What are some of the things we can all do to protect and preserve our planet? (Any reasonable response - eg planting flowers for pollinators / planting trees to absorb carbon dioxide / reducing the amount of single-use plastic we use / walking, cycling or scooting to school instead of driving, if possible)

Conclude by asking pupils: Turn to the person next to you and tell them one simple thing you could do today to help make a difference.

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Focus your reflection on the reasons we mark Earth Day every year.
Sit quietly now as we think about the things we've heard today…
We've heard that Earth Day is an opportunity on one special day each year to raise awareness of environmental issues and the impact of climate change in particular…
We've heard how climate change is already having an impact around the world and its consequences could get worse…
But we've also heard about some of the ways we can all help to make a difference and slow the effects of climate change…sometimes by doing very simple things…
As we mark Earth Day, let's remember that it’s our responsibility to look after our planet, because it’s the only one we’ve got…
How could you help to make it Earth Day every day?

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address ('Dear God', 'Dear Lord', 'Let us pray', etc) and:
Thank you for the people who work to raise awareness of the environmental issues facing our beautiful, but fragile planet.
Thank you for giving us the power to have an impact on the future by making changes now.
Help us to remember that change happens when we take action.

Suggested songs

'Reduce! Reuse! Recycle!' (© 鶹Լ 2021)

Stop and think! (© 鶹Լ 2021)

'For the beauty of the earth' (Come and Praise, no 11)