
Red Riding Hood and her Ma make a cake to take to Grandma's cottage in the woods.

3. Cake for Grandma

Red Riding Hood and her Ma decide to cheer Grandma up by making her a picnic. Ma sets about making the sandwiches while Red Riding Hood skips off to the village shop to buy ingredients for a cake.

She arrives to find Mrs Midgley, the shopkeeper, feeling very dozy. She tells Red Riding Hood of strange noises from the woods that had kept her up all night. Red Riding Hood says she's sure it was nothing to worry about and returns home to bake the cake.

Ma is upstairs tidying, so Red Riding Hood makes a start mixing the cake ingredients together. Then suddenly she hears a crash from the room above! She rushes upstairs to find Ma has twisted her ankle and wont be able to walk to Grandma's house.

Red Riding Hood still wants to visit Grandma and decides to make the trip on her own. She's knows the way well enough by now and is sure everything will be fine…


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Little Red Riding Hood

Sing with the full-vocal version of 'Let's make a cake for Grandma!'

Supporting links

2. Wolfie blues. video

The Wolf is hungry and creeps towards the village, looking for something to eat.

2. Wolfie blues

4. Stay on the path. video

Red Riding Hood walks through the woods where she meets a creature in a straw hat.

4. Stay on the path

5. Wolfie went a-walking. video

The Wolf races ahead to get to Grandma's cottage before Red Riding Hood arrives.

5. Wolfie went a-walking

See also...

KS1 Music: Little Red Riding Hood. collection

Little Red Riding Hood in our Music section, with seven songs to learn

KS1 Music: Little Red Riding Hood