
In the third Autumn dance session it's time for fireworks!

3. Autumn fireworks

Get ready to sizzle, crack, blast and whoosh! Fireworks night is the setting of our third dance session in this unit about Autumn. We’ll warm up and go to the firework display where our moves will be the star attraction. The focus is on arm, leg and body moves on different pathways, leading to a stunning fireworks display at the end!


Download the audio for this dance session as an mp3 file.

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Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Lesson summary:

  • Warm up: Jog on the spot, patting chest and rubbing shoulders.

  • Meet and greet: At the firework display move around meeting and greeting.

  • Sizzle, snapple, CRACK: Jumpy fireworks at funny angles.

  • Blast, K-pow, whizz-whirl: Jumping down straight and curvy pathways, swirling and twirling.

  • Whoosh! Firework display: Final display incorporating all the moves and a final rocket.

  • Cool down: Relax with some sparkler action.

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