
The first dance session in the unit explores the movement of bees as they communicate.

1. Bees do the waggle dance

The first session of the unit is based on simple movements inspired by bees and in particular patterns of movement as bees pass on messages to each other.


Download the audio for this dance session as an mp3 file.

Download audio

Guidance on using the dance sessions in this unit with your group (pdf)

Teacher's Notes

Song: 'Here is the beehive, where are the bees?'

Lesson summary

Bee shake and wiggle: the children move on their own, wiggling their arms and hands and then shaking their bodies.

Bee shake and wiggle down to the ground: the movement is extended by introducing movement on different levels, as the children wiggle and shake down to the ground and back up again.

Bee flight in circles: the children run around in small, precise circles in one direction; then they turn and repeat the circle in the other direction.

Bee flight with shake and wiggle: now children combine both elements of the movement - first shake and wiggle, then running in small, precise circles.

Bee shake and wiggle in pairs: the movement is further developed as children get into pairs and shake and wiggle in time together.

Bee flight in pairs: one member of the pair runs in their precise circle around the other; then they swap over and repeat.

Bees do the Waggle Dance in 4s: two pairs join up and each member of the group moves in turn, creating their own pathway around the other members of the group.

Bees do the Waggle Dance - complete: all the elements of the dance are put together - shaking and wiggling; pairs making circles in turn; shaking and wiggling; individual members making their own pathways.

Cool down: shaking and wiggling as individuals again…getting slower and slower…and taking a seat on the floor.

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