
Video summary

A teenage programmer (Ada) is sorting through photos to put them into an album and this is proving to be a very long and laborious task.

She then thinks of using a Sorting Algorithm and enlists the help of her friend CH (Computer Head).

They decide to apply the steps of the sorting algorithm to organise the photos and place them in order.

This clip is from the series How to Think Like a Computer.

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Teacher Notes

This clip could be used to discuss the importance of ordering and what order the photos have been placed in – chronological order.

You could discuss the difference between a Sort and a Search and look at Binary Searches.

You could also discuss the contributions of women in IT such as Ada Lovelace, as the main character is called Ada.

This clip will be relevant for teaching Computer Science at KS3 and KS4 in England, Wales and Northern Ireland and National 4 and 5 in Scotland.

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Sorting Algorithms. video

A teenage programmer enlists her computer friend to help her sort through photos and put them in a album.

Sorting Algorithms

Online Safety. video

A teenage programmer (Ada) learns the importance of of being safe online with her friend Computer Head.

Online Safety

Searching Algorithms. video

A teenage programmer tests how different types of algorithms can be used to speed up searching her massive music collection.

Searching Algorithms
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