
A series of five short videos about the work of nurses, other health care professionals, hospitals and the NHS. The videos follow Krish, who has hurt his ankle playing football and must go to hospital by ambulance.

The videos

1. A trip to hospital. video

Krish has hurt his ankle playing football and must go to hospital by ambulance.

1. A trip to hospital

2. Florence Nightingale. video

Krish and Sammy find out about Florence Nightingale and her achievements.

2. Florence Nightingale

3. The history of nursing. video

Krish finds out about Florence Nightingale, Mary Seacole, Edith Cavell and Koforowola Abeni Pratt.

3. The history of nursing

4. Hospitals now and then. video

Krish finds out how hospitals, nursing and health care have changed in living memory.

4. Hospitals now and then

5. What is the NHS? video

Krish is ready to leave hospital, but before he does he learns about the role and funding of the NHS.

5. What is the NHS?
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Nurturing Nurses

This series of mixed media animations follows Krish as he has a short stay in hospital following a football injury. While there he meets doctors, nurses and other hospital staff who help him as he experiences an X-ray, surgery and a plaster cast to mend his broken ankle. The health care staff he meets also explain some key events from the history of nursing, some significant nurses from history - including Florence Nightingale - some of the ways that hospitals have changed over the years, and the work of the NHS.

The animations give a good introduction to hospitals for younger pupils who may not have experienced a trip to hospital themselves, as well as teaching about key aspects from the history of healthcare in the UK.

The learning covered in these films falls into the following curriculum areas:

PSHE: people who help us, such as paramedics, nurses, doctors, radiologists and healthcare assistants; how medical professionals can help us get well; what the NHS is and how it helps us.
Science: the names of some parts of the body; what humans need to stay healthy (including hygiene and medicines).
History: The development of nursing as a profession, through the lives of Mary Seacole, Florence Nightingale, Edith Cavell, and Kofoworola Abeni Pratt; the establishment of the NHS; changes in medicine and technology in relation to health care; comparing modern hospitals to hospitals in the past.

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Further resources

Additional information about the videos and follow-up activities.

Teacher Notes
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Where next?

5 July 2023 marks 75 years of the National Health Service. Our Nurturing Nurses resources for KS1 classrooms are perfect for marking the anniversary with your pupils. For classroom resources to use with KS2 pupils, please see below.

Marigin Opiala - Migrating from the Philippines to work for the NHS. video

In this short film for primary schools Marigin Opiala talks to 15-year-old Bea about why she moved to the UK, along with thousands of other Filipino nurses, to work for the NHS.

Marigin Opiala - Migrating from the Philippines to work for the NHS


Use these Bitesize resources to set homework, independent study tasks or to consolidate learning for your pupils.



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