The story of Holy Saturday, the day of the entombed Christ Read more
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Holy Saturday
The story of Holy Saturday, the day of the entombed Christ
Easter Day
The story of the first Easter day, and the Christian triumph of hope over death
Letter from St Paul to the People of Ephesus
Louise Taylor on how St Paul's letter has inspired centuries of hope and courage
Emergence of Christianity
How the values of the pagan gods in Wagner's The Ring differ from Christianity
Raphael's School of Athens
A reflection on the purpose of churches and Raphael's painting of the great Greek thinkers
Saint Patrick
The difficulties of living up to a faith, rather than simply dying for one
The Stars at Night
The Reverend Dr David Stone on the beauty and immensity of the night sky
The Garden of Eden
How, like Adam and Eve, humanity has fallen upwards with knowledge
Death of the Universe
How the eternity of God's love provides hope in the face of death
The Creator
The Reverend Dr David Stone considers his relationship with God the creator
Building Blocks
If carbon is the building block of life, what are the building blocks of knowledge?
The Doctrine of Creation
The difference between belonging to God in theory and belonging to God in practise
The Six Weeks Before Easter
A contemplation on the dangers of competitive self denial
Poet Kenneth Bailey considers injustice, and the great energy it produces
Holy Week
Poet Kenneth Bailey on why the death of Jesus is so important for Christians
Islamic Converts
Saba Risuluddin speaks about her conversion to Islam - and other people's reactions
Islamic Unity
Saba Risaluddin suggests Islam as answer to tribal and nationalist conflict
Islamic Thinkers
Saba Risaluddin on the intellectual achievements of Muslim thinkers throughout history
The Singer and His Song
Cantor Jonathan Ordman tries to explain the "tingle factor" he gets from singing
Carnival Celebration
Why do people need carnival? And why does it so often proceed a period of solemnity?
Passion Week: Judge Not
Thoughts for Passion Week: "In an age of speed one must learn to think slowly"
Why is praying such an effort? How do we prepare for deep prayer?
Regent's Park Mosque
Worshippers explain what Regent's Park Mosque means to them
Passion Week: Human Solidarity
"We are put on earth a little space, That we may learn to bear the beams of love"
Passion Week: Consuming Belief
Thoughts for Passion Week: "It takes so many years to realise one is dead"
Saint Paul's Cathedral in London
What Sir Christopher Wren's baroque church means to people
The story of Passover, commemorating the exodus of Israelites from Egypt
Images of Christ
"He is a king who exercises his authority by washing the feet of his disciples"
Passover Preparation
The history and the meanings behind the preparations for Passover
Rabbi Julia Neuberger considers alternative meanings for the food at Passover
Good Friday
Thoughts on Via Dolorosa, the walk pilgrims make in Jerusalem on Good Friday