Comedy drama about a secondary school in Salford, starring Julie Hesmondhalgh. Read more
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Ep 2 A New Normal
Comedy drama about a secondary school in Salford, starring Julie Hesmondhalgh.
Ep 1 Lost time
It is September 2021 and the country is emerging from lockdown.
Ep 2 Relocation, Relocation
The Salford Academy Trust is facing the possiblity of a restructure.
Ep 3 - Going Green
East Salford Academy has just had a biomass boiler fitted.
Ep 1 - Only Fit for Elmfield Street
Comedy drama about a Salford Secondary School
Ep 2 - Situation Scarlet
Comedy drama about an inner city Academy School starring Julie Hesmondhalgh
Ep 3 - A Non-Negotiable Blade
Comedy drama about an inner-city secondary school starring Julie Hesmondhalgh.
Series 5. Episode 1: Apocalypse When?
New series of the award-winning comedy drama series about a secondary school.
Series 5. Episode 2: The War Room
Comedy drama about a Salford secondary school, starring Julie Hesmondhalgh.
Series 5. Episode 3: RI