Jolyon Jenkins meets the people who want whistling to be taken seriously as a musical art. Read more
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Series 6
Jolyon Jenkins meets the people who want whistling to be taken seriously as a musical art.
Digital death - what happens to your online stuff after you've gone?
Who do you want to read your old emails when you die? Are the dead entitled to privacy?
Series 7
A Sense of Direction
Might humans have an inbuilt compass like homing pigeons? If so, how can we rediscover it?
Lightning before death
Can people who haven't spoken for years have lucid conversations just before they die?
Have we already found aliens?
What should scientists do if they come across possible evidence of extraterrestrial life?
Aliens are the size of polar bears (probably)
If we find other intelligent life in the universe, what should we expect it to look like?
Series 8
Holy relics
You can buy a piece of the cross Jesus died on for £400. But all is not what it seems
How to memorise anything
How the world of 'memory sports' was rocked by a group of North Korean teenage girls.
The buy button
How advertisers are trying to use neuroscientific techniques to hack our brains.