Research & Development


With the development of so-called next generation audio systems the question of evaluation of such immersive or object-based systems is of large interest for the industry. This paper presents the multiple stimulus ideal profile method for the practical assessment of next generation sound systems. The approach takes best practices from a number of different well-recognised methods as well as some novel ones from other industries. The paper presents the method as well as the initial results of the test using specially designed test items to investigate the characteristics of the method. Practical experiences in two labs with different listener groups and statistical analysis will be discussed in detail.

The full list of authors for this paper is: Nick Zacharov (DELTA SenseLab), Chris Pike (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D), Frank Melchior (Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D), Thierry Worch (Qi Statistics).

It was presented at the 2016 Eighth International Conference on Quality of Multimedia Experience (QoMEX). It won the award for best paper at the conference.

This paper is available from the IEEE Xplore library at .

This publication is part of the Immersive and Interactive Content section
