Research & Development

Posted by Ian Forrester on , last updated

Every year Mozilla openly ask for proposals from the public. R&D are space wrangling again this year and our theme is the Tale of Two Cities: Dilemmas in connected spaces

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We are seeking diverse, interactive workshops and exhibits. This year the theme in the physical area is the Tale of Two Cities

Dilemmas in connected spaces

This space will allow makers and learners to explore these dilemmas through a series of interactive experiences and mischievous interventions. Participants might nap on a squishy chair that generates sleep data; cook a snack in a connected kitchen where appliances only sometimes do as you say; and hack on IoT hardware.

The theme builds on and considering many of the choices we all make during lives, as the digital mixes with the physical world. Workshops and exhibits, such as for the ethical dilemma cafe.

Consumer or maker? Prefer the scramble of the open web or rather the comfort of a walled garden? Like device automation or crave manual control? Each one have different factors, considerations and are highly contextual.

We invite you to submit proposals which explored these types of decisions we make with our physical & digital interactions. We look forward to you all submit.
