Research & Development

Posted by Brendan Crowther on , last updated

This year at Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Research & Development are hosting a stand and presenting a number of research papers.

On stand 8.G44 in the there will be demonstrations of a number of our current projects. You can also find us on the EBU stand 10.F20 and on the project stand 8.G39. For a taster of what we’ll be showing on our stand take a look at the videos below:

ABC IP: Opening up the World Service Radio Archive

ABC IP Promo

RE@CT: Using video capture to generate 3D models

RE@CT promo video

IP Studio: Treating data as a first class citizen in TV production

Data as a first class citizen in the IP Studio project

IP Studio: handling multiple visual streams

Handling multiple video streams in the IP Studio

Measuring the impact of errors & delay on the quality of live subtitles

Quality Vs Timing in subtitles

Higher Frame Rates for Future Television Systems

Super High Frame Rate Video Demonstration

As well as manning our stands at the exhibition, a number of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D staff members will be presenting papers at the conference and taking part in discussion sessions.

Starting on the first day of the conference, between 07:45 and 09:15 Mark Waddell will be participating in the breakfast session . With new terrestrial broadcast TV networks being rolled out across the world, network operators and regulators are looking closely at their efficiency and performance. This session will look in detail at some of the most innovative proposals that are being developed and trialled.

Later on the same morning, Dr. Marc Price will be presenting his paper, Production of High Dynamic Range Video between 11.30 and 13.00. The session is called and will examine the potential of high dynamic range video. This is an exciting dimension in immersive media as HDR images can have a striking sense of reality while also being more flexible in post-production.

Between 15.00 and 16.30 on Thursday Richard Salmon will be presenting a paper in the session. Richard’s presentation will present Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D's latest work on higher frame rates for future TV standards, looking at how frame rates of 100Hz or higher are needed as we move to 4k resolution.

On Friday 13 September, between 11.00 and 12.30. will be presenting the paper The Development of a Methodology to Evaluate the Perceived Quality of Live TV Subtitles during the session The paper describes the way that AV quality estimation techniques can be adapted to measure the quality of subtitles. It goes on to present the results from a test of live subtitles which investigated the relative impact of delay and accuracy on subtitle quality.

On the morning of Monday 16 September between 11.00 and 12.30 Peter Brightwell will be participating in the session which will explore one of the most significant issues in advancing television studio technology, that of using IP networking to help deliver studios with more capabilities and capacity. 

Between 13.30 and 15.00 on the same day the session John Boyer will be at the session will explore the development of tools and techniques to improve the efficiency and quality of media production. In a series of presentations the session will explore a few of the most exciting concepts in the capture and distribution of media including the potential of , the next evolution in wireless cameras and ‘easy Japanese’, a language created by Japan’s biggest broadcaster to help widen the appeal of it’s content.

Finally, will be participating in the session between 15.30 and 17.00 on Monday 16th. This session will present case studies of international broadcasters using contended and uncontended routings to originate and deliver content globally. We hope to determine how much of the future belongs to IP. Will it remain a worthy alternative to traditional broadcast? Or will it become the undisputed content pipeline for us all?

If you’re at IBC this year please do come and visit us and keep your eye on and this blog for the best tweets from the conference. Following the conference we’ll have a personal reflection from Phil Tudor on what he feels the big trends were at IBC this year and what that signifies for the broadcast technology industries.
