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Betty and James

A sister and brother duo, one is well travelled, whilst the other prefers partying in Magaluf. Barely in touch as adults - Betty, 25, a social media and events manager and James, 21, a sales consultant - hope to share the experience of a lifetime.

Why did you want to take part in Race Across the World?

I did two 24-hour fasts to prepare for the trip.

Betty: We watch it as a family, and I think during series one and two we were sat there like “we could definitely do this.” It got to the last week we could apply, and we thought “let's just go for it.” I think it was kind of my idea, I got the application thing going and James got dragged along for the journey.

James: You said a few times, there are other people you should’ve taken... but they’re not here or couldn’t do it!

Have you got a strategy going into the race?

James: No. I think it’s probably for the best as I thought it would be better to keep a clear head. It's so unknown there’s no point really trying to make a fixed plan because it could change in an instant. So, we’ll try to keep it logical: when it gets to it, don’t do anything rash. Do everything with measure, but we also have no set plan.

Betty: Absolutely not. I think part of our strategy is just being nice to people, speaking to locals and using the fact that we are approachable and can speak to people as a sort of tool, I suppose. But in terms of a set plan, no. Also, coming from Yorkshire, naturally our motto is "It’ll be reet". Our nanna's motto is "Onwards and upwards", no matter the challenge, so we’ll be keeping that in mind in the race.

How have you prepared for the trip?

Betty: Well, when we found out that the budget included food I definitely started to try and eat a bit less because we’re both massive foodies, we eat so much. You started doing some fasting, didn’t you?

James: I did two 24-hour fasts, yes.

Betty: I just started trying to reduce my food and then we’re both really bad in the morning at waking up so I started trying to wake up at half five in the morning for the last two, three weeks because neither of us function well in the morning so I just thought well, I just have to do something! I’m still not amazing in the morning but I’m definitely better.