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Teen Heroes

The Radio 1 Teen Heroes are the centrepiece of Radio 1's Teen Awards as three very special teenagers are recognised for their bravery, strength and selflessness.

Jeremiah, 14

Jeremiah is an active member in his community. Jeremiah says it was his mum, a youth worker who got him and his family into campaigning. At 4 he and the family started getting involved with the Nelson Mandela School Foundation, a quest for more secondary schools to be built in his area as he felt people in his area had to travel far to get a decent education.

When Jeremiah was in Year 7 he decided to run for Young Mayor representing all the young people in Lambeth. He won with 700 votes. He has distributed Β£75,000 around his community as part of his role as Lambeth's Deputy Youth Mayor. More recently he made a comedy news report about the riots which involved interviewing people on the streets.

In February this year one of his friends was stabbed to death. β€˜He was in the wrong place at the wrong time.’ After being affected by 8 deaths from youth violence, Jeremiah was determined to speak out and campaign against youth violence. He has founded the One Big Community Campaign (1BC).

Khloe, 17

17 year old Khloe has battled with mental health since she was 14. Khloe has experienced Bulimia, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression and has borderline personality disorder.

Khloe was bullied throughout her childhood. The bullying got worse and she started self-harming after a filmed girl gang attack took place.

She was first admitted to a psychiatric hospital at 14, then at 15 she suffered liver failure and made numerous suicide attempts.

Her path of destruction changed when she and her mum stopped at a bridge after seeing a suicidal man on the ledge. Khloe spoke with him for 2 hours, opened up about her experiences & showed her scars. Eventually she talked him down. They drove to the hospital and he was sectioned.

Khloe now volunteers in an infant school kitchen. She still has bad days where she hears voices telling her to harm herself but she’s able to manage them. Her dream is to open a cake shop, a safe place for people with mental health issues to get creative with baking workshops.

Alexander, 13


13 year old Alexander suffers from Hypermobility Syndrome, a condition in which the joints move beyond the normal range (double jointed). He is in pain every day, his knee often dislocates, and he has IBS. Alexander's knee caps used to dislocate around 5 times a day but now it’s 2/3 times.

He has been a young carer for his mum since he was 5 years old. He has found it difficult to make friends, he was bullied physically and mentally at primary and secondary school. It started with name calling then he was set upon by 6 people who attacked him.

Alexander is a fundraiser and Poppy appeal coordinator. They’ve raised Β£22,000 as part of the district of Poppy appeal (Β£600 raised by himself). His job entails written work, admin and selling poppies to the public.

He loves animals and has rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, budgie, dogs, cats and tortoise as pets. He says β€˜if you love and give them respect and love they’ll give it back’.

Alexander enjoys playing clarinet in the Rhyl Youth Marching Band.